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咸淳《毗陵志》是宋元时期著名方志,在地名学史上也占有重要地位。据不完全统计,它共载地名986条,释源地名166条(不含别名),释名率高达16.8%,地名文化色彩浓。它对地名的音、形、义均作考释,且地名渊源解释详尽。此外,一些地名还能考补正史、辑录佚文,具有较高的史料价值。  相似文献   

A review of recent place-name research, methods, and publications in the Soviet Union by a deputy chairman of the Toponymy Commission of the Moscow Branch of the Geographical Society USSR. For a previous article on Soviet toponymy, see E. M. Murzayev, “Origin of geographic names,” Soviet Geography, Accomplishments and Tasks, American Geographical Society, 1962, pp. 254–58.  相似文献   

浅谈区域地名研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域地名研究是从不同角度对一个地区地名的研究。它是地名学研究的组成部分 ,并对中国地名学的发展具有重要意义。区域地名研究的主要任务是 :研究一个地域地名的总体特征 ,地名的命名、含义、分类、分布、价值、演变、管理以及不同区域地名的比较等。区域地名研究的主要方法是文献考证、数据统计、比较分析、实地调查、运用地图等  相似文献   


Native place names are landmarks which may provide quantitative and qualitative evidence usefully referred to for the land claims question. This paper describes the context and the method of a research project which draws from the lower Mackenzie Valley toponymic data of the last century some useful conclusions related to the actual native land claims in that region.  相似文献   

历史上地名解释存在因时而异的现象与特点。隋唐时期,茂名县得名解释是以境内河流为主,到宋代以后演变为与晋代道士潘茂相关联,而且后者神化的解释愈益成为主流。文章通过梳理唐宋以来"潘仙"传说的演变,指出潘仙名为"潘茂"而非"潘茂名",进而揭示茂名县是因河流命名,并非因神仙命名。地方社会在地名解释中附会神仙的倾向,是借此表达地方开化已久,谋求与国家整合的正统性诉求。  相似文献   

An American political scientist analyzes the results of a recent survey of the population in Ukraine to explore whether social cleavages (based on ethnicity, language, religion, and region of residence) translate into basic divisions with respect to support for an independent Ukrainian state. Data are examined at both the aggregate (group) and individual levels, in an effort both to identify components of a unified set of attitudes toward independence among population groups and to provide an explanation for individual differences in loyalty to the concept of an independent Ukraine. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: H10, J10, 05. 2 tables, 33 references.  相似文献   

地名语词的起源及其演变过程即地名的词源,大致可以区分为三种情形:符合历史事实的真词源,可能于史无征但大众约定俗成的颇具民间文学或民俗学价值的俗词源,以及以学术论著面目出现却既不符合史实也有别于俗词源的伪词源。在北京古今地名中,牛栏庄到六郎庄的渐变,广宁门与彰义门及广安门的关系,四川营与棉花胡同的命名缘由,正是对以上三种词源基本特征予以体现的典型例证。  相似文献   

Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States extended security assurances to Ukraine in December 1994 in an agreement that became known as the Budapest Memorandum. This agreement was part of a package of arrangements whereby Ukraine transferred the Soviet‐made nuclear weapons on its territory to Russia and acceded to the Treaty on the Non‐Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as a non‐nuclear weapon state (NNWS). Russia's violations of the Budapest Memorandum, notably its annexation of Crimea, could have far‐reaching implications for nuclear non‐proliferation and disarmament because of the questions that Russia's behaviour has raised about the reliability of major‐power security assurances for NNWS parties to the NPT. Doubts about the reliability of such assurances could create incentives to initiate, retain or accelerate national nuclear weapons programs. Moreover, because the Budapest Memorandum included restatements of UN Charter provisions and principles articulated in the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co‐operation in Europe, Russia's disregard for the Budapest Memorandum has raised fundamental questions about the future of international order. The Russians have demonstrated that, despite economic sanctions and international condemnation, they are prepared to disregard longstanding legal and political norms, including those expressed in the Budapest Memorandum, in pursuit of strategic and economic advantages and the fulfilment of national identity goals. Unless Russia reverses its dangerous course, the fate of the Budapest Memorandum may in retrospect stand out as a landmark in the breakdown of international order.  相似文献   

Russian President Vladimir Putin claims that his country's annexation of Crimea in March 2014 was partly in response to NATO enlargement. NATO leaders counter that eastern enlargement is not a cause of the Ukraine crisis, and they argue that enlargement does not threaten Russia, but rather it creates stability for all of Europe. This article examines the history of NATO–Russian tensions over enlargement, considers how NATO's enlargement policy factored into the Ukraine crisis, and reviews options for the future of enlargement. Drawing on diplomatic history and geopolitical theory, the article explains Russia's persistent hostility towards NATO's policy of eastward expansion and highlights NATO's failure to convert Russia to its liberal world‐view. The alliance's norm‐driven enlargement policy has hindered the creation of an enduring NATO–Russia cooperative relationship and helped fuel the outbreak of conflict in Georgia and Ukraine. In light of this, NATO should alter its current enlargement policy by infusing it with geopolitical rationales. This means downgrading the transformative and democratization elements of enlargement and, instead, focusing on how candidate countries add to NATO capabilities and impact overall alliance security. A geopolitically‐driven enlargement policy would prioritize countries in the Balkan and Scandinavian regions for membership and openly exclude Georgia and Ukraine from membership. Ultimately, this policy would have the effect of strengthening NATO while giving it more flexibility in dealing with Russia.  相似文献   

中国东南地区"干"通名地名分布比较密集,这些地名分为实体名+干、姓氏/人名+干、方位+干、性状+干、地名+干共五类。古代文献地名中的"干"含有"边、厓"义,可泛指边际、边缘,也可以确指水边、山麓。历史上,苏南等地的北部吴语"干"曾经也是成词语素活跃在口语中。虽然宜兴等苏南地区表示"边缘、旁边"义的"干"已经退出方言口语交际场合,只固定在地名之中,但却为研究地名通名演变,研究词语更替提供了窗口和实例。  相似文献   

孟宪起 《旅游纵览》2007,(12):52-52
<正>今年1月初,我到乌克兰的奥德萨出差。在经由基辅和莫斯科回国的途中,亲身体验到乌克兰人在旅途中的文明举止。叠被我搭乘的111次列车是由奥德萨开往基辅的普通旅客列车,下榻的1号车厢共计1人,除我之外就是几位年轻的乌克兰乘客:一个商人、一个工人、一个教师。  相似文献   

宋德剑 《中国地方志》2012,(2):55-58,4,5
地名是人们在社会生活中给地理实体、行政区域或地点起的名称,地名往往带有强烈的延续性和稳定性,因而能够比较完整地保留命名时所反映的文化内涵。本文将粤东北山区梅州乡村地名为解读对象,探讨地名与生态环境,山区开发,地名与族群关系,地名与历史人物、历史事件,地名与军事设施及经济活动等的关系,以期再现客家聚落名称所蕴涵的丰富人文因素。  相似文献   

David Atkinson 《Folklore》2013,124(3):253-273
Foundation myths by definition are politically focused tales, describing the origin of nations, states, ruling dynasties, clans, and other consanguineal groups. The myths of Tan’gun and Chumong are the oldest extant foundation myths of Korea, but only the Myth of Tan’gun has had a continuous influence on the affirmation of Korean polities and nationalism for over a thousand years. This article explores why that has been the case.  相似文献   

A survey of geographic research in the Ukraine over the last 50 years reviews work in the various disciplines. In physical geography, research has focused on the problems of the steppe, including irrigation, droughts and erosion control. In economic geography, work has concentrated on resource development, agricultural regionalization and industrial geography. Research in geography is done mainly by universities, institutes of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, and a number of government agencies.  相似文献   

聚落的命名反映了人类在聚居时对不同自然和人文地理环境的选择和适应。明清时期 ,走廊内由腹地的平原和低山丘陵区到两侧的中高山区都有人口的分布 ,受不同自然地理条件的影响 ,聚落的类型也比以前丰富。特定历史条件下的经济及社会活动使走廊内也出现了一些特殊的乡村聚落。明清时期走廊内有大量人口以家族或宗族为单位迁入 ,宗族势力的巨大约束及内聚作用使走廊内出现了大批以家族命名的乡村聚落。  相似文献   

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