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ABSTRACT Although a rich and extensive body of theoretical research on new economic geography has emerged, empirical research remains comparatively less well developed. This paper reviews the existing empirical literature on the predictions of new economic geography models for the distribution of income and production across space. The discussion highlights connections with other research in regional and urban economics, identification issues, potential alternative explanations, and possible areas for further research.  相似文献   

张萃  赵伟 《人文地理》2011,26(4):23
产业区域集聚是近年学术研究的一个重要问题。本文在总揽国内外现有研究文献的基础上,从理论和实证两个层面对这一论题进行了系统梳理。从理论层面来看,新近兴起的新经济地理学是迄今为止研究产业集聚的主流经济学理论。它在规模报酬递增与不完全竞争市场为特征的理论框架下,引入了外部经济、要素流动、以及路径依赖等因素,来研究产业在地理空间上的集聚与扩散问题。实证层面,本文将近年涌现出的产业区域集聚经验检验归纳概括为五个实证命题,并分别展开回顾。  相似文献   

我国的区域经济地理研究与区域经济地理学   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
丁四保 《人文地理》2002,17(2):86-89
区域经济地理学在我国是一个受到特别重视的地理学的一个研究方向,文章讨论了西方和苏联地理学中区域经济地理学的发展情况,和在我国得到特别发展的条件,认为与中国的社会经济体制、改革开放以后地方经济的发展有特别的关系。文章对区域经济地理学学科的发展做了回顾,列举了这个学科在基础理论上的有代表性的成果,认为它已经形成了自己的理论体系,即包括劳动地域分工、经济地域运动和中国社会主义市场经济条件下经济区域化等。文章认为,我国丰富的区域经济生活实践将推动学科进一步发展,并提出了学科在跨学科方向上的发展趋势。  相似文献   

新经济地理学一向被认为是实证主义的,荷兰经济哲学家证明新经济地理学与实在论哲学兼容,地理学家塞耶依据地理学批判实在论对新经济地理学进行了再批判。以上述争议为基础,本文对塞耶地理学批判实在论范畴提出质疑,认为地理学批判实在论偏离了其哲学先驱巴斯卡的批判实在论。以巴斯卡批判实在论为依据,新经济地理学从聚集生成机制角度揭示了真实的聚集规律,体现出批判实在论特征。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper studies a general equilibrium model of economic geography in which firms engage in oligopolistic competition. This framework is conducive to analytic results. With increasing returns, oligopolistic competition leads to interindustry trade between regions rather than intraindustry trade. The choice of appropriate technology is a channel of concentration of industries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We investigate the effect of preference heterogeneity between skilled and unskilled workers on agglomeration, and we identify a new source of dependence of equilibrium prices on the demand properties shaped by the inter‐regional distribution of workers. We find a new preference effect, and we show that when the intensity of skilled workers' preference for the modern good and its variety is strong enough, prices charged by firms may even increase when the mass of local firms increases, therefore acting as a new dispersion force when trade costs are low or as a new agglomeration force when trade costs are high.  相似文献   

杨青山 《人文地理》2002,17(2):90-93
近20年来,西方区域地理学发生了巨大变化。从80年代开始,出现了一种新的区域地理学。与传统区域地理学相比,新区域地理学倾向于结构主义、现实主义和后现代主义的哲学思维。强调区域的个性,强调人的能力及角色与社会结构在区域特性的形成与发展的作用。新区域地理学的核心概念是“地方”、“行为主体”、“体系”。在具体的区域研究中,它不仅注重当地的人及其它因素的重要性,也很重视“人”的各种行为背景,并且也重视来自“体系”的外部大环境的影响。本认为,新区域地理学的研究观点和方法对我国区域经济地理的研究具有启示意义,并主张在我国的区域研究中,应从对“地”的关注转向对“人”及“人地关系”的关注,发展中国的新区域地理学。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Since spatial issues have become more important in economic theory, it is of interest to examine how space is represented. In empirical terms, this concerns at least the representation of distance and proximity. Both of these may be represented and operationalized in a number of ways, with possible consequences for inferences when modeling. This question is related to the representation of spatial entities, and itself plays into the treatment of spatial dependence as substantive and/or just a nuisance. Because other disciplines face similar questions—for example ecology or epidemiology, their conceptualizations and operationalizations of space will also be used for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper investigates the relationship between firm location and skilled‐labor location. While existing new economic geography (NEG) models could not explicitly analyze the relationship due to their assumptions, I construct a new NEG‐type model allowing for different location dynamics of firms and skilled labor for this objective. The main results are as follows. First, a relatively large pool of skilled labor attracts firms when trade costs are small, while it might repel firms when trade costs are sufficiently large. Second, assuming that skilled workers are mobile between regions, the model shows that skilled workers agglomerate faster than firms with decreasing trade costs. Third, the model supports the hypothesis that firms follow skilled labor rather than the reverse. These results are consistent to Indian and Chinese experiences, and some “creative‐class” or “skilled‐city” stories.  相似文献   

罗小龙  陈烨婷 《人文地理》2012,27(3):141-146
南京大学是我国地理学研究的重要阵地,在经济地理学领域更是有着深远的影响。本文基于对地理学刊物上发表论文的统计,对南京大学经济地理学发展的历程进行了系统的研究。南京大学经济地理学发展主要分为快速发展期、波动停滞期、复苏繁荣期、蓬勃发展期等四个阶段。在研究内容上,主要涉及区域经济与区域发展、交通地理学、空间结构与空间布局、产业集群与新产业区、企业与区域增长、低碳经济与可持续发展、全球化的经济活动、技术进步与信息化、制度经济地理学等9个主要领域。这9大领域在国内学界有着重要的影响。最后,展望南京大学经济地理学学科发展,提出新经济地理学、制度转向/文化转向、服务国家需求是未来研究的三大主要方向。  相似文献   

我国区域经济地理学科的创新与发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王荣成  张英 《人文地理》2002,17(2):94-96
本文认为随着世界政治经济格局的深刻变化和世界经济一体化、区域集团化的飞速发展,区域经济地理学作为我国地理科学中的一门年轻学科,正处于深刻的变革之中。在新的21世纪中,学科发展面临着重大挑战,同时也面临着发展的重要机遇,要实现学科的创新与发展,关键在于如何深刻认识与处理学科发展面临的相关学科的挑战、继承与创新、理论与实践相结合等几个重大问题。最后,本文提出了区域经济地理学科的四个发展趋势。  相似文献   

新世纪地理学的新思路新观念新战略   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
孙峰华 《人文地理》2001,16(5):16-19
文章阐述了新世纪是一个以知识经济为主体的世纪,用知识经济地理学的观点审视新世纪,新世纪的内涵将赋于地理学新的研究内容。面对这种形势,地理学用哲学观点,周密思考,精心研究,潜心探索其发展的新思路。新思路打开了地理学正视现实,面向新世纪的新视野、新领域,从而产生了一系列的新思路和新观念。地理学有了新思路和新观念,必然探索其发展的新战略。地理学有了新思想、新观念、新战略,就可以在新世纪滚滚而来的知识经济浪潮里抢抓机遇,开拓进取,勇于创新,并确立其应有的学科地位,这样,才能迎来一个灿烂美好的明天。否则,新世纪的到来,将预示着地理学进入危机时代。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. National and regional employment patterns are subject to growth-instability tradeoffs. This paper applies the portfolio selection model to detailed employment data for the U.S. economy and selected states. Empirical results indicate that growth-instability trade-offs exist in a form not previously understood. The paper also identifies growth and stabilization potential by identifying stabilizing sectors.  相似文献   

The value of output, employment, and capital stock for each industrial sector for each oblast-level spatial unit in the former USSR, as well as differences in regional industrial structures are presented on the basis of a unique set of unpublished Goskomstat data. Particular emphasis is placed on asessing the regions' relative raw materials endowments, especially with respect to energy resources, and on the degree of diversification, or lack of same, within their industrial structures. The extremely uneven distribution of industrial capacity is examined in light of its role in determining the near- and longer-term economic prospects for the various republics and regions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Incorporating regional asymmetry and negative feedbacks (congestion) in a model of economic geography and international trade shows that complete specialization of production at one location is unlikely. We identify an agglomerating force: the home market effect, and two spreading forces, competition for demand from immobile sectors of production and congestion. We demonstrate that negative feedbacks can explain the economic viability of small industrial regions observed in the real world. Simulations clarify the basic structure of the model.  相似文献   

20世纪经济地理学发展及研究特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从研究区域尺度、企业组织和思维方法三方面梳理了本世纪经济地理学的发展特点。在此基础上,指出经济地理学研究的四个特点:区域-企业综合分析、经济活动全球化研究、新产业区研究和多种思维方式的综合考虑;跨世纪经济地理学要关注人地关系、全球与地方关系、区域发展与需求关系和与区域的关系。  相似文献   

张彦南  李全  陈工  冯艺 《人文地理》2017,32(3):138-145
以《Economic Geography》载文数据与引文数据为数据源,借助Citespace 工具从作者与关键词两方面进行文献计量与知识图谱绘制,挖掘经济地理学研究的知识基础、学术群体与近期研究热点。研究表明:①纳入第一作者发文量、h 指数、g 指数等发文与引文双角度指标的作者学术影响力评价体系的结果更客观全面;②美英等国在经济地理研究中处于整体主导地位;③经济地理领域存在分别以Stopper M、Dicken P、Berry B J L、Casetti E为代表且秉承同一研究脉络的学术群体,且各时段研究议题侧重点不同;④经济地理研究关键词所涉面较宽,如全球化、创新、网络、集群、性别、劳动力、政治、政策等,尺度、组织、灵活性、政治、美国等关键词近年受关注度较多。  相似文献   

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