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奕訢是晚清朝政中一位资深人物。在他当政期间所采取的一系列的举措,如第二次鸦片战争后,建议设立一个系统的独立的机构来管理对外事务——总理各国事务衙门,可以说是开了晚清外交近代化风气之先。以奕訢为代表的统治阶层开明之士在一定程度上加速了晚清外交从传统走向近代的进程,并通过长期客观务实的外交实践和反思,推动了晚清外交和外交体制的近代化演变。本文旨在通过从第二次鸦片战争期间奕讠斤被受命为钦差全权大臣同西方列强谈判的过程中其外交思想的渐变,探究其在《北京条约》签订前后外交思想渐变的深层原因和种种表现及对晚清外交的影响。  相似文献   

张公政 《满族研究》2007,72(4):122-126
奕是晚清朝政中一位资深人物。在他当政期间所采取的一系列的举措,如第二次鸦片战争后,建议设立一个系统的独立的机构来管理对外事务——总理各国事务衙门,可以说是开了晚清外交近代化风气之先。以奕为代表的统治阶层开明之士在一定程度上加速了晚清外交从传统走向近代的进程,并通过长期客观务实的外交实践和反思,推动了晚清外交和外交体制的近代化演变。本文旨在通过从第二次鸦片战争期间奕被受命为钦差全权大臣同西方列强谈判的过程中其外交思想的渐变,探究其在《北京条约》签订前后外交思想渐变的深层原因和种种表现及对晚清外交的影响。  相似文献   

In this report we present and discuss an unpublished letter written by Santiago Ramon y Cajal in October 1904 in relation to his possible nomination for the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine. This letter shows that Cajal was aware of his previous nominations for the Prize. He was convinced that these nominations had not been successful because neither anatomy nor histology were among the sciences included in the Nobel Statutes' definition of Physiology or Medicine. He gives a list of the merits he thought might be used for a new nomination, which included only works concluded during the previous five years.  相似文献   

香港与内地的贸易关系(1869-1904)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
两次鸦片战争后,中国对外贸易的空间格局发生了很大变化,全国对外贸易枢纽由广州逐渐北移至上海.在中国沿海唯一能与上海争雄的口岸只有香港,这得益于香港优越的地理位置及宽泛的贸易辐射面.本文力图阐明19世纪后期到20世纪初,国内主要通商口岸与香港之间贸易关系的演进,分析其发展变化的具体表现形式.  相似文献   

G.I. Rossolimo was attracted to neurology as a medical student in the late nineteenth century and remained affiliated with Moscow University most of his life. His training included psychiatry, neuropathology, and laboratory research in his postgraduate years. The domain of his neurological clinical interests was vast. His most enduring efforts were directed toward neurological illnesses and developmental delay. He established a children's institute for neurology and psychology that was the first of its kind in Russia. In addition he developed a neuropsychologic examination for assessing cognitive function. His sustained interests were pursued during and after revolutionary changes in his government.  相似文献   

A new estimate of U.S. marital disruptions shows an increase in desertions relative to divorces after 1900. Desertions were the more volatile component of marital disruptions because of their greater responsiveness to general economic conditions. Large marriage cohorts, formed in the years of economic expansion, disrupted in greater numbers: an increase in the marriage rate by 10 per 1,000 unmarried women raised the proportion of disrupted marriage by 7.3 percentage points. Conversely, during years of recession, many poorer couples were discouraged from marriage; smaller marriage cohorts with more resilient marriages were formed and their lifetime marriage disruption rate was lower.  相似文献   

作为晚清民国时期的一座区域性大都会,潍县城市地域结构表现为"西绅东商"的特征:士绅主要聚居于主城,东关西半部和白浪河西侧则是工商业最为繁盛之地。这种地域结构特征实际上在晚清以前即已形成,1904年胶济铁路的通车并未在潍县火车站一带形成可观的城市地域,"西绅东商"特征表现出强烈的稳定性。士绅近官署而居的居住习惯、潍县城輨毂胶东的交通区位特征、晚清民国时期颇具规模的城市建设运动和东关因有城墙环绕而表现出的安全优势,是造成这种稳定性的四个内在原因。  相似文献   

The appointment of Alois Alzheimer to Emil Kraepelin's clinic and laboratory at the Royal Psychiatric Hospital, University of Munich in 1903 offered new opportunities for clinical and pathological studies of the brain. At the opening of the facility in 1904, Alzheimer selected five foreign visiting students as his graduate research assistants, among whom was an American, Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller. A glimpse of Fuller's background as an African-American (born in Liberia) at the turn of the century, his continuing research after leaving Germany in 1906, and his critical view of the Alzheimer dementia entity are recounted. He was held in high esteem as a practicing neuropsychiatrist and teacher in the Boston area.  相似文献   

随着自19世纪50年代以来沙俄的移民和侵略,清政府逐步解除了东北地区的封禁政策,开始招民垦荒,以图巩固边防.中日甲午战争后,日本也把侵略的触角伸向这一地区.尤其是在日俄战争结束后,沙俄和日本分别将“北满”、“南满”划为各自的势力范围,以铁路为依托,逐步实行殖民统治.沙俄和日本的入侵使得清政府感到自己在东北的统治受到严重的威胁,为维持在东北的统治,进一步把东北的荒地全体开放.总体来看,这一时期清政府在东北地区招民垦荒政策的实施与日俄长期争夺东北是密不可分的.  相似文献   

Recent political and historical debates in Italy have led to a re-examination of the Risorgimento. This article asks what this revisionist reconsideration of the national past means for Italian Jews and whether Italian-Jewish history needs to be rewritten. Taking Tuscany as a case study, this article examines Jewish experiences in ­Florence and Leghorn during the Risorgimento, from the return to power of Grand Duke Leopold II after the revolution of 1848-9 to 1859, when Tuscany joined the new Italian national state. Tuscan Jews participated enthusiastically in the national movement, playing a decisive role in the development of the new political culture and in creating the emotional appeal of the nation. Jews were deeply integrated into the new national state and shared the same values and political attitudes as their Christian counterparts. Any reconsideration of the Risorgimento must take into account that - from a Jewish point of view - this period had remarkable innovative aspects and promising perspectives.  相似文献   

允许与严禁:闽粤地方对妇女出洋的反应(1860-1949年)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近代中国出洋妇女 90 %来自闽粤地区 ,其中又以广府妇女、闽南妇女为最多 ,其次为客家妇女和潮汕妇女 ,而以海南妇女为最少。闽粤妇女移民模式可分为三种 :依附型迁移、被动型迁移和主动型迁移。所谓依附型移民是指随着丈夫和家人迁移的妇女 ,被动型移民是指违背本人意愿、被拐卖出国的妇女 ,主动型移民则是自愿出洋谋生或留学的妇女。闽粤地方政府、地方士绅、宗族和家庭对不同身份妇女出洋反应不一 ,并采取了不同的防范措施 ,从中我们可以看到 ,在不同伦理观念和经济利益的趋动下 ,闽粤地方对妇女出洋的推动或限制。  相似文献   

This paper was written to honour the 150th anniversary of the birth of Magnus Gustaf Blix. Blix belongs to the small group of 19th century physiologic neuroscientists who still regularly are cited, on account of having presented fundamental results. He contributed to three fields: somatic sensation, and visual and muscular function. He was the first to publish evidence regarding modality specific receptors in the skin. He extended the work of Hermann von Helmholtz on the optical properties of the anterior ocular chamber of living humans, after having constructed the necessary apparatus. He also measured the heat production of contracting muscles. For this purpose he constructed the apparatus that provided a start for A. V. Hill's Nobel Prize-winning work in the field. He showed for the first time that the power of muscle contractions depended on the length/extension of the muscle fibres. He worked on the possibility of muscle powered human aviation. For this purpose he constructed a bicycle dynamometer for measuring the maximal human power output. He was the vice-chancellor of Lund university when he died from an acute disease in 1904 at the age of only 55 years.  相似文献   

This paper was written to honour the 150th anniversary of the birth of Magnus Gustaf Blix. Blix belongs to the small group of 19th century physiologic neuroscientists who still regularly are cited, on account of having presented fundamental results. He contributed to three fields: somatic sensation, and visual and muscular function. He was the first to publish evidence regarding modality specific receptors in the skin. He extended the work of Hermann von Helmholtz on the optical properties of the anterior ocular chamber of living humans, after having constructed the necessary apparatus. He also measured the heat production of contracting muscles. For this purpose he constructed the apparatus that provided a start for A. V. Hill’s Nobel Prize-winning work in the field. He showed for the first time that the power of muscle contractions depended on the length/extension of the muscle fibres. He worked on the possibility of muscle powered human aviation. For this purpose he constructed a bicycle dynamometer for measuring the maximal human power output. He was the vice-chancellor of Lund university when he died from an acute disease in 1904 at the age of only 55 years.  相似文献   

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