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汪维真 《史学月刊》2003,(10):108-111
广泛获取相关研究信息,是科学研究的前提,是学术规范的本质要求。诚实撰写研究性论文之学术史,是实现学术规范的一项实质性措施。在撰写学术史时,应以全面性、客观性为原则。对研究信息的获取,力求广泛;对前贤成果的评析,务求客观;对学术研究中的创新,也须指明。  相似文献   

张峰 《史学理论研究》2012,(1):92-97,160
围绕明成祖生母问题,20世纪三四十年代的学者们展开了激烈争论。这一争论牵涉傅斯年、朱希祖、吴晗、李晋华、王崇武等众多明史研究大家,涵盖治史理念、官私史料价值、史实真伪、学人关系等相关问题,为当时的明史研究带来了一股清新的空气。这一讨论折射出以傅斯年、朱希祖为代表的双方在史料观念与研究视角上的截然异趣。同时,这场学术争论还曾受到傅、朱二人个人矛盾激化的影响。对此问题进行深入考察,有利于加深对20世纪上半期中国史学演进的认识。  相似文献   

本文梳理了明清以来的山东方志分野,总结了山东方志中各县分野分布,并进一步考察了其叙述方式与理论背景。本文认为,传统分野理论自身本存在矛盾,且关注对象为较大的行政区划。多数地方志编纂者并非盲目因袭经典或官方文献,而是有自发的思考与书写。在这种背景中,方志分野叙述既有对分野理论本身的怀疑,也有刻意地调整与弥合。如将之置于思想史的背景中理解,能帮助我们更好地认识分野理论的传承脉络及其在思想史与地理学史中的内涵。  相似文献   

1839年,正是鸦片战争的前夜。而对于张穆来说,这一年是他人生中转折的一年。他踌躇满志地参加了顺天乡试,结果却"被斥退场",永远不准考试,被排斥在主流话语权力之外。从此之后,他走上了以学术扬名的道路。换句话说,1839年前的张穆和1839年后的张穆分道扬镳。他后来倡议修建顾炎武祠,撰修《顾亭林年谱》、《阎潜邱年谱》以及撰写《蒙古游牧记》等一系列活动都是他追求学术话语权的生动表现。  相似文献   

本文是一项关于 1 91 0 - 1 930年代自由主义知识分子问题的研究。试图通过对《新青年》、《新月》、《独立评论》编辑作者群的年龄结构、职业状况、教育背景、党派关系渊源等几个要素的定量统计分析 ,系统、连续地考察这一时期自由主义知识分子群体的分化组合与自由主义政治思潮的发展演变 ,探讨其一般规律及其成因。这种研究是对目前通行的思想史研究范式下相关问题解释体系的一种补充。本文的分析和结论带有尝试的性质。笔者真诚地希望能够得到各界同仁的批评和帮助。(一 )三个比较分析样本的确定一、关于三个分析样本的几点说明。本文三…  相似文献   


In this note I wish to draw attention to some hitherto unexploited evidence concerning fifteenth-eentury Cryptochristianity in a letter addressed to George Amoiroutzes by his friend and relative Michael Apostolis, the platonist and unionist intellectual and copyist.  相似文献   

The American Planning Association recently endorsed a new forecasting method called reference class forecasting, which is based on theories of planning and decision-making that won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics. This paper details the method and describes the first instance of reference class forecasting in planning practice. First, the paper documents that inaccurate projections of costs, demand, and other impacts of plans are a major problem in planning. Second, the paper explains inaccuracy in terms of optimism bias and strategic misrepresentation. Third, the theoretical basis is presented for reference class forecasting, which achieves accuracy in projections by basing them on actual performance in a reference class of comparable actions and thereby bypassing both optimism bias and strategic misrepresentation. Fourth, the paper presents the first case of practical reference class forecasting, which concerns cost projections for planning of large transportation infrastructure investments in the UK, including the Edinburgh Tram and London's £15 billion Crossrail project. Finally, potentials for and barriers to reference class forecasting are assessed.  相似文献   

1927-1937年中国的学术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄道炫  钟建安 《史学月刊》2001,2(2):131-136
1927-1937年是中国近代学术研究发展较快的十年,出现了中央研究院、北平研究院及中国西部科学院等一批近代意义上的科研机构,各高校学术研究水平也有较大进展.这一时期的学术发展,对此后学术格局有着重要的影响.  相似文献   

本文试图从学术史角度探讨华侨华人研究的学科建设。从国内外研究华侨华人的历史看 ,涉及的学科包括历史学、政治学、经济学、法学、社会学、人类学等诸多方面 ,尤其是西方对于华侨华人的学术研究 ,从一开始就不是历史学或经济学、政治学之类的单一学科的研究 ,而是综合性、全方位的研究 ,其覆盖面甚广。其特点在于研究对象的单一性 ,而不是学科或研究方法的单一性。因此 ,欲建立华侨华人学 ,必须包括诸学科的研究 ,即历史、经济、文化、政治、社会等各方面。尤其重要的是 ,这些多学科研究并非单指研究对象的改变 ,而是指研究的方法和手段 ,特别是研究的理论架构方面必须有所变化 ,以建立综合性的华侨华人学。  相似文献   

This contribution assesses the ‘converging divergence’ thesis that global inequality is falling and national inequality is rising. The article argues that falling global inequality is primarily due to China's development and that national inequality has risen in some developing countries and fallen in others. In light of the dominance of China's development in the global picture, questions arise as to what has changed and what has not changed outside of China. A set of changes and continuities is presented. It is then argued that these changes and continuities provide for the contemporary relevance an older conceptual lens — that of ‘late development’.  相似文献   

Between 1856 and 1861 Minnie Blane and her husband, Captain Archibald Wood, wrote dozens of letters from India to the Minnie's mother in England. These letters and those associated with a military investigation into the couple's relationship in the 1860s detail the connections between the breakdown of the East India Company's rule in India and Minnie Blane's marriage. In particular, this correspondence shows some of the ways in which bourgeois identities were constructed in relationship to money and objects, place and race. It also exposes the fissures between family members, allowing us to see the gender, generational and cultural conflicts within such imperial families. The article raises concerns about the ways in which personal letters have been used as documents in the study of European women's imperial history.  相似文献   

胡适是中国现代学术界最重视学术方法论的史家,一生致力于科学方法论的建设和传播,提出了以"大胆的假设、小心的求证"为核心的学术方法论。他的学术方法论既是以实用主义为指导形成的,同时对中国传统的宋学和清学中的方法作了继承发展。他认为科学方法无古今中外之分,中国学术史就是科学方法的演进史,程朱理学的科学方法开启中国近代学术之先河,清代朴学的治学更具科学精神。中国现代学术的发展应当继承宋代和清代学者治学的科学精神和方法。胡适对宋学和清学方法的批判性继承极大推动了中国现代学术的科学化进程;然而,又是唯科学主义的,只讲工具理性,不讲价值理性,未能揭示中国传统学术人文道德理性的精神,其学术得失对当代中国学术方法论建设具有重要启示。  相似文献   

乔伊斯的创作被称为很有“东方意味”,在他早期创作中采用了一种主张的方法,与禅的主张很接近。《尤利西斯》有“天书”之称,人物复杂的意识活动、无尽的典故和作家人为设置的阅读障碍,对此一切理性的解读和逻辑的考证往往失去了依据。而禅的非思量性、喝破执迷的力量却可以让我们柳暗花明。  相似文献   

(Mal)Development in Central America: Globalization and Social Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article develops a globalization framework and a model of transnational processes for analysing social change and development, and then applies the model to Central America. The analysis emphasizes determinacy, in the last instance, of social forces in historic developmental outcomes, and documents how social forces in struggles in an emergent transnational environment have shaped Central America's changing profile within the global economy and society. Revolutionary movements, a new class structure, US geo-political considerations, and the internationalization of East Asian economies, have all contributed to a new model of development; from the 1960s into the 1990s the national model of development is being replaced by a transnational model. Maquiladora garment production, tourism, non-traditional agricultural exports, and remittances from emigrant workers are coming to eclipse traditional agro-exports as the most dynamic economic sectors linking the region to globalized circuits of production and distribution. The article also examines Central American migration to the US and gender dimensions of the new transnational model of development.  相似文献   

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