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Joseph Nevins 《对极》2017,49(5):1349-1367
The global number of refugees, asylum seekers, and those displaced within their countries are at record levels in the post‐World War II era. Meanwhile, efforts by relatively wealthy and powerful nation‐states to exclude unwanted migrants through enhanced territorial control have reached unprecedented heights, producing great harm–most notably premature death–for many. The factors driving out‐migration from homelands made unviable, coupled with multiple forms of violence experienced by migrants, demonstrate the need for an expansion of rights–conceived of as both entitlements and sites of struggle. So, herein, I assert the need for “the right to the world”–specifically a right to mobility and a just share of the Earth's resources–to help realize the promise of a dignified life for all. In making the case for such, the article offers a critical analysis of the contemporary human rights regime and of the “right to the city”.  相似文献   

Realizing Critical Geographies of the University   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Susan M. Roberts 《对极》2000,32(3):230-244
This paper argues that current changes underway in the daily lives of faculty at US research universities need to be understood contextually. A critical contextualization is a first step in realizing critical geographies of and in the university. This argument is elaborated in a consideration of three situations the author has faced: teaching undergraduate economic geography in an era of globalization; the professionalization of graduate students, and universities' indifference to the fuller lives of (in this case) faculty.  相似文献   

正确看待马克思主义史学的历史发展——访林甘泉研究员   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应该以历史的眼光看待马克思主义史学在建国以来50年的发展。应该以实事求是的态度对待过去史学的发展。要科学地看待社会经济形态理论的价值,它是唯物史观的基石。不同学术思想的学者应该在互相尊重的前提下开展百家争鸣;研究方法应该多样化。马克思主义史学要以实证研究为基础。大师级的史学家一定会在21世纪出现。  相似文献   

西部大开发中的民族经济自治权问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关桂霞 《攀登》2002,21(3):55-59
本以新修改的民族区域自治法为指导,从理论和实践两个方面阐述了研究西部大开发中民族经济自治权的意义,分析了影响经济自治权行使和保障的相关因素,提出了解决的对策。  相似文献   


Accountability is a core democratic value. It envisages that citizens hold the powerful to account for omissions and commissions. Influenced by the global agenda for good governance, the Right to Information (RTI) Act in India was designed to build accountability through transparency. RTI is primarily a result of democratic politics. It emerged from intense grassroots activism – articulating poor and ordinary citizens’ discontent over corruption and other abuses of power. This study is based on six empirical cases of RTI usage in India’s West Bengal province. I argue that even though it is primarily designed to elicit accountability, RTI has emerged as a “seed right” because of its enabling, foundational and evolving dimensions push forward the process of democratisation. When operating individually, our respondents experienced negligible empowerment, but when the relatively powerless citizens organised collectively and were able to work through political institutions such as political parties and CSOs/NGOs, they could convincingly bargain with the powerholders, and elicit some cooperation, if not accountability.  相似文献   

This article highlights the complexities of conservative, anti-feminist discourses. It underscores the cross-cutting of religious, class and political cleavages and goes some way toward illustrating the resulting multivocality of anti-feminism. Three case studies of the Right in the 1870s, the 1930s and the 1980-1990s demonstrate both the resilience of the French Right's anti-feminism and its imperative of a moral order as well as its relative ineffectiveness in subordinating conservative women. The final picture is one in which conservative women have both accepted and rebelled against the Right's conventional idea of femininity.  相似文献   

何力 《攀登》2004,23(3):96-98
生命权是指人的生命不被任意剥夺的权利,是一切人权的基础,具有制约国家权力的宪政功能.所以,世界各国宪法大都规定了生命权,保障生命权已经成为一种全球化的立宪潮流.我国也应当尽快将生命权写入宪法,并应注意正确处理与生命权密切相关的死刑、堕胎、脑死亡和安乐死以及克隆人等问题.  相似文献   

Tim Cresswell 《对极》2006,38(4):735-754
This paper considers the way mobility has been given meaning by decisions in the United States Supreme Court. It argues that in four key decisions the Court constructed a de facto “right to mobility” by linking mobility to notions of citizenship. The paper suggests that these cases illustrate the importance of considering how mobilities are given meaning in particular contexts and how these meanings are framed within notions of mobility as an essential human freedom. The paper is framed by discussions of mobility, rights and citizenship and concludes with a discussion of the role of othering in the production of mobility‐as‐citizenship.  相似文献   

李维意  阎长锁 《攀登》2010,29(6):63-66
“两个和解”就是人与自然的和解和人与人的和解。在马克思看来,物质生活资料的生产和再生产是人与自然和人与人之间关系的基础。在物质生活资料的生产基础上的人与自然之间的物质变换,是实现“两个和解”的内在机制,扬弃资本主义私有制,由“自由人联合体”共同占有生产资料是实现“两个和解”的根本路径。  相似文献   


The archaeological deposits in medieval towns are among the most important and distinctive heritage monuments in Norway. At the same time they are among the more challenging phenomena confronting heritage management authorities, municipal planners, and property owners/developers alike, especially in relation to building and infrastructure projects. The modern settlement has developed on top of medieval and younger deposits which means that not only are they an irreplaceable depository of historical information, but they also form a significant part of the modern town’s physical foundation.

Since 2002 the Directorate for Cultural Heritage in Norway (Riksantikvaren) has been funding systematic monitoring of archaeological deposits of the World Heritage Site Bryggen in Bergen. The monitoring programme consists of several approaches: archaeological assessment of the deposits state of preservation, biochemical investigation of preservation conditions within the deposits, hydrogeological mapping of the water table, water flow, and other given parameters.

Continuous systematic monitoring by using testable, replicable methods and measures, data, and results acquire increased quality and validity. These in turn provide the cultural heritage management with a toolbox for making correct decisions and thereby allow the government’s preservation targets to be attained. But, most important, it guarantees the preservation of the ‘underground archives’ and at the same time allows the urban centres to develop.

This paper presents the knowledge developed through monitoring the Bryggen site as a basis for an official Norwegian standard covering archaeological, biochemical, and hydrogeological deposit investigations.  相似文献   

从中西比较的角度看儒家文化中的人权思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儒家文化博大精深 ,含有丰富的人权思想成分。然而 ,儒家文化中的人权思想长期被忽视 ,西方人权思想在中国却广为流传。究其原因 ,是因为两者有不同特点。西方人权思想是功利型人权思想 ,强调自然法 ,鼓吹天赋人权 ,号召人们通过斗争来争取人权 ,具有实践性和主动性 ,易于为人们接受。而儒家文化中的人权思想是一种伦理型人权思想 ,强调伦理 ,试图通过道德力量或统治阶级的恩赐来获得权利 ,带有空想性和被动性 ,较难为人们认同。西方人权主张法制 ,儒家人权强调德治 ;西方国家的人权思想 ,是在反对封建“神权”的革命和斗争中 ,作为一种思想武器而产生的 ;而儒家人权思想没有西方人权思想那种明确的人权口号 ,而且从来没有成为农民起义和中国革命的思想武器。更为重要的是 ,儒家文化虽然是中国优秀传统文化之一 ,但同时也是一种封建文化。儒家学说中有进步因素 ,但是也有许多封建糟粕 ,因此儒家思想在新民主主义革命中受到了批判。对儒家文化的批判 ,妨碍了对儒家人权思想的研究。  相似文献   

This article argues for a new centrality of the right to asylum within the Mediterranean zone and the necessity to defend and implement this right beyond the “humanitarian regime”. The first section describes the ways in which humanitarianism's logic has weakened the right to asylum through the implementation of specific EU migration policies since 2013. The second section focuses on the distinction between such a humanitarian regime and the human rights system, assessing the possibility of and necessity for a renewed defense of human rights, starting with the right to asylum. The third section focuses on the Charter of Lampedusa, a radical, alternative normative instrument developed through a grassroots process which involved activists and migrant rights groups and which represents a concrete illustration of how the horizon of human rights might be redefined.  相似文献   

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