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At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the Jesuit province of Brazil is affected by tensions which reveal the complexity of its relation both with the colonial society and with the Roman center of the order. The paper is focused on an exceptional and original document about which nothing is clearly identified (author, date), theAdvertências para a província do Brasil. It allows a precise analysis of the missionary enterprise, as an economico-political experience (the Jesuits become one of the most important sugar producers of the country), and as a spiritual experience (through the salvation of the missionaries and the conversion of the Indians). This document is centered on thealdeia which is described as the main structure for the action of the Jesuits in Brazil. In that way, it reveals a global vision of the mission, geopolitical, economical and religious, which has systematically been overshadowed by the traditional historiography, whose approach of the missionary phenomenon was exclusively spiritual.  相似文献   

Among the examples of the «principle of circulation» in European space, the Huguenot phenomenon is one of the most significant cases, by its duration, four centuries, its scale and the diversity of its expressions. It begins as early as the XVIth century with the persecution of the first French Protestants who start emigrating to Holland, confirms its dimension after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685: 200,000 French Protestants take refuge mainly in Switzerland, in the United Provinces, in the British Isles and in Protestant Germany, continuing to have connections with their co-religionists who remained inside the French Kingdom. Throughout the XVIIIth century, three networks, religious, cultural and economic, in constant interaction without superimposing themselves, define a Huguenot circularity which marks European space. During the XIXth-century nationalisms, this circularity strongly weakens without completely disappearing, in particular among the French Huguenots. From World War II on, a reactivation based on memory occurs, which leads in France the Huguenot areas to receive many of Nazism's victims, then facilitates religious and cultural exchanges between Huguenots from France and from the «Refuge».  相似文献   

A travers l'étude de Platon, Aristote et Plutarque, cet article s'interroge sur les origines du préjugé défavorable à la comédie et au rire, qu ‘on retrouve dans la philosophie ancienne comme dans les travaux de ses commentateurs. Il semble en particulier que la conception du rire comme une manifestation de la mania—la folie dionysiaque—ait isolé les auteurs comiques et les comédiens au sein de la cité classique. Mais en insistant sur le caractère ridicule et laid de la comédie, les philosophes cherchent surtout à en minimiser la portée : en fait, la comédie offre une vision sans complaisance de la cité, et c'est cet aspect subversif qui suscite les attaques et justifie qu'on la considère, enfin, comme un sujet d'étude à part entière.  相似文献   

The pedagogy of the liberal arts in France at the close of the tenth century is studied here on the basis of the testimony of the monk Richer about the teaching of his master Gerbert. The equipment and methods employed by Gerbert in his teaching of the trivium and quadrivium are analysed. The pedagogic innovations of this master are closely examined, especially in astronomy with the construction of various spheres, and in arithmetic with the use of the abacus and the introduction of characters made of horn.This approach to education, as conceived by Gerbert when he was scholaster of the archbishopric of Rheims, permits us to conclude that he did not fail to associate teaching with research.  相似文献   

The pedagogy of the liberal arts in France at the close of the tenth century is studied here on the basis of the testimony of the monk Richer about the teaching of his master Gerbert. The equipment and methods employed by Gerbert in his teaching of the trivium and quadrivium are analysed. The pedagogic innovations of this master are closely examined, especially in astronomy with the construction of various spheres, and in arithmetic with the use of the abacus and the introduction of characters made of horn. This approach to education, as conceived by Gerbert when he was scholaster of the archbishopric of Rheims, permits us to conclude that he did not fail to associate teaching with research.  相似文献   

On the basis of the trajectory of something made of paster which had impassioned the statisticians of the years 1880 and which furnished André Breton the very exemple for the notion of a surrealist object, one wonders whether the surrealist theory of chance was born by chance. By translating the issue which Ernest Coumet addressed in 1970 concerning the Pascalian geometry of chance, we investigate here the relationship between the history of science, art history and the history of scientific culture during the last century. In return, we hope to suggest why Coumet's article opened such a wide horizon in the history of the theory of probabilities thirty years ago.  相似文献   

This article examines the manner in which the Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexikon published by Johann Heinrich Zedler from 1732 to 1750 and considered as the most important german language encyclopedia of its time, welcomes and restructures the classical doctrine of the reason of State. Contrary to the interpretation in which the concept of the State developed by the Lexikon would fit into a pure jusnaturalistic logic, it shows the permanence, parallel to wolffian natural law, of a prudential tradition of political thought. The Lexikon, a contemporary of the Anti-Machiavel of Frederic II, thus appears to be the faithful mirror of the heterogeneous tendencies which then illustrate the field of the problems in the reason of State.  相似文献   

Cet article présente les caractéristiques et l'évolution de la propriété foncière, du marché foncier et des systèmes de production agricoles en Lombardie orientale au 19e siècle. L'auteur analyse les impacts sur l'exploitation de la terre de la substitution des propriétaires fonciers nobles par des bourgeois; des maladies du ver à soie et des vignobles, de l'arrivée des grains américains moins chers; de l'utilisation d'engrais chimiques et d'équipements modernes. Il montre que si la petite propriété représente toujours près d'un tiers du total et que la magnanerie et la viticulture diminuent, il est relevé une croissance des cultures céréalières et fourragères et des dépenses consacrées aux innovations technologiques. Il signale la rationalisation des cultures, l'amélioration des rendements et de la qualité des récoltes ainsi que des revenus non déclarés pour éviter les impôts et explique pourquoi les investisseurs préfèrent les petits aratori comportant des mûriers et des vignobles. Enfin, il donne à voir que l'organisation des exploitations reste liée au degré de risque pris par le propriétaire (la rente fixe garantie par le bail à ferme payé en argent ou une gestion directe de la propriété) et aux cultures (la présence des vignobles et de la magnanerie favorisant les sharecropping contracts).  相似文献   

This article proposes a different approach to the long generation controversy that divided naturalists in eighteenth-century Europe between those in favour of preformationism, on the one hand, and supporters of the theory of epigenesis on the other. This controversy has mostly been studied through the publications of the intellectual elite, that was constituted of medical doctors, natural historians, philosophers, and theologians. Rather than reviewing the ideas and antagonisms of the direct agents of the controversy, I will attempt to approach it from the margins. What is the legacy of a long-term controversy when it seems to be over? How was such an extended controversy perceived by contemporaries that would only have a fragmented access to quarrel? What is the role of scientific disputes in the education of doctors? I will address these questions by analyzing four essays written by medical students of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh.  相似文献   

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