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Regionalism is an important element in the representation of French identity. Often considered as a right-wing ideology, it appeared as a left-wing movement in the 1960s, and references to regionalism are to be found in much French political discourse today. This article highlights the place of the regionalist element in French identity by advancing the hypothesis that for more than a century there has been a dual French identity. The Third Republic asserted that France was 'one and indivisible', but also that the country was richly diverse. The exaltation of diversity permitted the reaffirmation of French superiority over other nations. In order to develop a mass education grounded on patriotic feeling, those responsible for education declared that this had to be based on children's spontaneous affection for their 'petite patrie'. The regional identities celebrated in republican France are not at odds with national identity. The process of constructing national identities in Europe led to the creation of a 'check-list' forming the basis of all national identities. Regional identities were constructed on the basis of a dual relationship between the local and the national: the model of the national as a perfect mosaic of diversity, or the model of the 'mise en abyme', that is, the local representing the national in miniature.  相似文献   

A mediados del siglo diecinueve en una copia manuscrita de la Cro´nica mexicana (CM) de Hernando Alvarado Tezozomoc hecha en 1792, Joaqu?´n Garc?´a Icazbalceta (1825–1894) escribe en la “Advertencia” al lector: Tanto en el Cata´logo impreso del Museo de Boturini, como en el Inventario que hizo de sus papeles el fiscal de la causa y anda unido a esta se dice que esta Cro´nica contiene 112 cap?´tulos. Esta copia solo comprende 110 sin que se advierta ninguna falta en el principio ni en el fin. La cita que hace Dn. Carlos Sigu¨enza del cap?´tulo 82 de esta obra para apoyar un hecho histo´rico (alaman, disertaciones, loc. cit.) corresponde en mi copia al cap 80, por lo que se advierte que la discrepancia de la numeracio´n esta´ en los primeros ochenta cap?´tulos. Esta duda solo pudiera aclararse teniendo a la vista el original que fue de Boturini; pero este lo creo perdido.  相似文献   

Résumé  Les progrès les plus récents de la physique contemporaine, en particulier la convergence de la physique des particules et de la cosmologie en une authentique cosmogonie scientifique, avivent les enjeux philosophiques de l'entreprise scientifique, mais les rapports conflictuels entre physique et philosophie ne s'en trouvent pas apaisés; un fossé semble même en train de se creuser entre science et philosophie. L'œuvre du philosophe suisse Ferdinand Gonseth qui s'est attaché à élaborer une philosophie qui so it et qui puisse rester au ni veau de la connaissance scientifique peut fournir une aide particulièrement adéquate à ceux qui voudraient contribuer à combler ce fossé. GillesCohen-Tannoudji, né en 1938, est conseiller scientifique auprès du directeur des Sciences de la matière du Commissariat à l'énergie atomique. Il est retraité de cet organisme, dans lequel il a fait toute sa carrière comme physicien théoricien dans le domaine de la physique des particules. Actuellement, il prépare une thèse de philosophie, sous la direction de Dominique Lecourt, sur la philosophie de Ferdinand Gonseth.  相似文献   

Sans résumé novembre 2000 CharlesKleiber, architecte, directeur des h?pitaux universitaires du canton de Vaud, enseignant en économie de la santé à l'université de Lausanne, est secrétaire d'état à l'éducation et à la recherche  相似文献   

Starting in the 1630s, in French towns, the rise of sermons gave an increasing group of clerics the possibility to become preachers. This article analyses this process of professionalization. First, it takes a look at a number of long - and sometimes quite profitable - careers of men as preachers. Second, it analyzes the know-how that was then developed for to make and recite the sermon. Finally, the article focuses on the transformations brought about by the increasing importance of written communication during the 18(th) century.  相似文献   

The child and childhood were vital aspects of the ideology of the French Revolution, and the education of the young in the new ways of thinking was perceived as an urgent ideological enterprise in the 1790s. Little attention has been paid, however, to the strategies employed by writers of books for the young to mould a young and impressionable readership. The decade saw an attempt to revise from the grass roots level children's experience of books and their ways of reading, both for leisure and for educational purposes. This paper considers how this aim evolved in a crucial period in the history of French children's literature with particular reference to the narrative of exemplary lives.  相似文献   

Paul Hazard has clearly shown the concomitance ofThe Crisis of the European consciousness in various domains, under diverse aspects and diverse interrogations. This crisis, these new issues which arise concern as well the concept of temporality which was then in vogue. This article seeks to study its emergence through a specific question which concerns the status and the significance to be given fables and myths which we have inherited from Antiquity. Thanks to the studies by abbé Anselme, Fontenelle, Nicolas Fréret, the chevalier de La Barre and Lévesque de Burigny of the notion of the marvelous, as found in fables, we can better grasp the development of an historical concept.  相似文献   

Canibalia El canibalismo ha sido un concepto fundamental en la definicio´n de la identidad cultural latinoamericana desde las primeras visiones europeas del “Nuevo Mundo” como monstruoso y salvaje, hasta las narrativas y produccio´n cultural del siglo XX en las que el can?´bal se ha re-definido de diversas maneras en relacio´n con la construccio´n de identidades (pos)coloniales y “posmodernas” y ha ocupado numerosos debates acade´micos. La presencia constante y a la vez mutante del canibalismo, as?´ como su centralidad en discursos de alteridad/identidad lo hace un tropo axial de la representacio´n e imaginacio´n de la identidad cultural latinoamericana. El can?´bal es—pudiera decirse—un signo o cifra de la anomal?´a y alteridad de Ame´rica al mismo tiempo que de su adscripcio´n perife´rica a Occidente. El presente ensayo se refiere a diferentes escenarios histo´ricos y articulaciones discursivas en las que dicha adscripcio´n ano´mala ocurre durante los siglos XVI y XVII, y en los que el canibalismo no so´lo fue un dispositivo generador de alteridad, sino tambie´n un tropo cultural de reconocimiento.  相似文献   

Pascal’s Expériences nouvelles touchant le vide (1647) outlines a physical demonstration that aims to put to an end controversies between plenists and vacuists. The traditional form of the dispute with which Pascal wanted to break, however, finds itself reactivated by Étienne Noël, who takes up again the plenist objections which the Expériences nouvelles only consider as possible the better to refute them. Pascal’s letters Au très révérend père Noël and À Monsieur Le Pailleur on the contrary permit one to define a field of disputation different from the one which Noël perpetuates. Pascal subordinates the dispute to the recognition of common epistemological principles: the antithetical discussion about the vacuum should be governed by methodological criteria accepted by all. In contrast with the model of the learned dispute, Pascal thus defines a radically new model: the scientific dispute.  相似文献   

This article reflects on the feminist potential of a contemporary form of French female cinema stardom that John Orr (2004) names ‘free-fall’. According to Orr, free-fall is a genre of female stardom that has come to prominence in French cinema at the end of the twentieth century and the start of the twenty-first. The free-fall star embarks on a journey of ‘ontological descent’, self-destruction and Kristevan abjection, but we cannot know her reasons for such actions. This article considers the gendered implications of the free-fall star with reference to her portrayal and modification of past French literary heroines in the genre of heritage cinema. It considers her presence in two film adaptations of Gustave Flaubert's literary ?uvre: Madame Bovary (Chabrol, 1991) with Isabelle Huppert, and Un C?ur simple (Laine, 2008) with Sandrine Bonnaire. The mystique of the free-fall star-text potentially challenges a modernist construction of femininity as the lowbrow Other of highbrow pioneering, but its feminist credentials cannot simply be taken for granted.  相似文献   

El presente artículo propone una lectura de la cronología de los incas presente en la Miscelánea antártica (1586) de Miguel Cabello Valboa a la luz de nueva evidencia histórica y textual. La crónica de Cabello ofrece años concretos asociados a la duración y expansión del Tawantinsuyu, razón por la cual fue utilizada por John Rowe (1945) para construir una cronología absoluta para el incario. No obstante el trabajo de Rowe ha sido cuestionado en las últimas décadas por la arqueología, la cronología de Cabello nunca ha sido abandonada del todo. El presente artículo postula que la comparación de fechas entre el registro arqueológico y etnohistórico no es correcta, puesto que parten de premisas distintas. Proponemos que los cálculos de Cabello se basaron en supuestos no empíricos los cuales, más que retratar el pasado verdadero de los incas, buscaban posicionar su historia dentro del providencial esquema que Dios había trazado para la Monarquía hispánica.  相似文献   

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