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Books reviewed in this article:
Fred Weinstein, Freud, Psychoanalysis, Social Theory: The Unfulfilled Promise  相似文献   

Abstract. This article reviews some psychological and psychoanalytic social theories to see what they have to offer in terms of an understanding of nations and nationalism. Three approaches are reviewed in turn: discursive psychology, the psychoanalytic work of Theodor Adomo and the Lacanianism of Slavoj Zizek. In critically analysing and drawing on these varied perspectives it is argued that we need to develop a theory of nationalism that focuses on the production of the national ‘subject’. It 0069s further argued that this theorisation enables us to relate nationalism to wider questions of ideology and political identity in modern societies. Drawing out the contours of such a theory the article intimates the sorts of research directions in which this might lead.  相似文献   

<正>想去欧洲旅游,去看看地中海的风光,体验一下西方的异国风情,这一直是我的一个愿望。怀着对欧罗巴的美好遐想,在2013年的清明节期间,我和夫人踏上了前往欧洲的浪漫旅途,了却了多年的夙愿。这次欧洲游,前后13天,我们走了8个风情各异的国家,看到了比利时的中古风貌,法国的名胜古迹,瑞士的秀丽风景,奥地利的浪漫怀古;感受到了意大利的古罗马风尚,梵蒂冈的政教合一文化,捷克起伏的丘陵和德国的独特景致。整个行程安排得十分紧凑,一路上精彩纷呈。难忘的13天,我们不仅欣赏了欧洲的绮丽风光,也了解了西方的宗教、历史、艺术和文化,  相似文献   

<正>想去欧洲旅游,去看看地中海的风光,体验一下西方的异国风情,这一直是我的一个愿望。怀着对欧罗巴的美好遐想,在2013年的清明节期间,我和夫人踏上了前往欧洲的浪漫旅途,了却了多年的夙愿。这次欧洲游,前后13天,我们走了8个风情各异的国家,看到了比利时的中古风貌,法国的名胜古迹,瑞士的秀丽风景,奥地利的浪漫怀古;感受到了意大利的古罗马风尚,梵蒂冈的政教合一文化,捷克起伏的丘陵和德国的独特景致。整个行程安排得十分紧凑,一路上精彩纷呈。难忘的13天,我们不仅欣赏了欧洲的绮丽风光,也了解了西方的宗教、历史、艺术和文化,  相似文献   

章节体、条目体是地方志书的两种主要体例。第二轮修志要注意融合章节体、条目体的长处,安排体例,设置篇目。目前,有些志书采用所谓的章节条目结合体,实际上并没有解决好他们的结合问题。正确的做法是,选择其中一种体例,以其为主导,吸收他体之长。在两者的取长补短过程中,应保持各自的特点和优势,不要失去本色。  相似文献   

文章认为概述体裁的形成经历了六个阶段;首轮志书概述体武名称五花八门,应当庄重统一;概述的文风不同于记、志、传,可以使用述而有作的“快笔”和述而有论的“论笔”,注重文采,注重叙事,适当运用赋比兴等修辞手法;同时概述写法上要继承叙故事的史家法度。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
My Own Private Germany: Daniel Paul Schreber's Secret History of Modernity , by Eric L. Santner  相似文献   

B. C. Spooner 《Folklore》2013,124(2):135-139
I propose to define nicknames as a unique folklore genre and to compare it with other mini-genres of folklore. The nickname genre combines known folklore techniques, and conveys its messages by varied poetic means, using play and creation. Nicknames constitute a perfected and ciphered system of signs of the society in which they are created. This practice acts as a two-fold mechanism, which encourages the integration of individuals into the life of the group to which they belong, while encouraging the group as a whole to maintain its norms under changing conditions. I suggest that a group which creates such a system of nicknames for itself, highlights the unity of its members and the will to maintain its traditions, uniqueness and identity. My case study is the former Jewish community of Tetuan, the capital of northern Morocco, from the beginning of the twentieth century until the present time.  相似文献   

解释学的发展与精神分析学说的演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解释学是精神分析学的哲学理论基础 ,解释学的发展对精神分析学的演变有很大影响。这主要表现在精神分析学的发展历程与解释学的发展历史基本一致 ,都表现出对社会历史文化因素的日渐重视和主客二分与对立的逐渐消亡。受施莱尔马赫的解释学影响 ,弗洛伊德强调对无意识意义的客观分析 ;受狄尔泰的影响 ,精神分析社会文化学派重视社会文化因素的作用 ;受海德格尔和伽达默尔的影响 ,拉康等人重视分析双方的互动 ,开始注意到符号与无意识意义联系的多重性和分析的持续性、主观性。因此 ,把二者联系起来加以分析 ,有助于我们更好地理解各种精神分析理论 ,并预见其今后的发展趋向。  相似文献   

地方志编修采用章节体或条目体各具优长。第一轮修志章节体被广泛使用,其过度模式化已形成对地方志编修的限制。条目体志书在第二轮志书的编纂工作中逐渐为各地重视,但其编纂理论与实践仍需进一步探索。要注意志书条目体与年鉴条目体的异同,防止完全照搬年鉴条目模式。强调综合性、系统性等志书编写原则,对条目体志书的编纂十分重要。  相似文献   

John Ball 《Folklore》2013,124(3-4):170-172

One of the most remarkable developments in international film of recent memory is the emergence of a vibrant and creative film industry in Iran following the Islamic Revolution of 1979. In light of worldwide acclaim for the work of Iranian filmmakers, scholars have pointed to a strong similarity between the style of these films and those of post-war Italian Neorealist filmmakers. By analyzing the works of three of Iran's leading directors, Abbas Kiarostami, Mohsen Makhmalbaf and Majid Majidi and comparing them with the greatest Italian Neorealist film, The Bicycle Thief, this study will attempt to show how Iranians are working within the Neorealist tradition while at the same time making it distinctively their own.  相似文献   

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