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The authors explain the methodology used in compiling a small-scale map of agricultural regions of the USSR under a joint inter-university project. The boundaries of these farming-type regions are found to coincide in some cases with natural boundaries, but such coincidence cannot always be explained in terms of simple causal relationships. These authors make recommendations for improving the locational pattern of agriculture by shifting the agricultural center of gravity from the less humid to the more humid zone and for increasing the role of animal production in the more humid zones. For previous articles on agricultural regionalization, see Soviet Geography, November and December 1960.  相似文献   

Pigs worked as brokers of agrarian life in the early medieval west in two ways. First, they converted organisms and spaces that humans did not directly exploit into a ‘commodity’ that humans did value. And the material work that pigs did made possible a second kind of brokerage, this one conceptual: the animals facilitated (or provoked) ways of seeing local phenomena in the context of wider ecological and social systems. Pigs’ ability to make use of a range of habitats, and humans’ interest in exploiting that work despite the trouble that pigs routinely caused, demonstrated that seemingly small things could influence and illuminate early medieval economies, social status, justice, and even metaphysics.  相似文献   


From Galileo's measurement of time by musical beats at about half-second intervals to modern atomic clocks, progressively more accurate instruments have been developed and are here reviewed. Both the mechanical and the pendulum clock were major advances and led to theories of a clocklike universe in the 17th century. Barrow, Newton and Leibniz treated time as mathematical concepts and in the 19th century time as a linear advancement became accepted as evolutionary biology extended the vision of time to millions of years. In modern physics, Einstein's special relativity introduced 'time dilation', an idea somewhat contrary to our common sense intuition but now supported by abundant empirical evidence.  相似文献   

ince1994,theyeartheCPCCentralCommiteeandtheCentralGovernmentheldtheThirdWorkConferenceonAidtoTibet,theregionhasseenaconsider...  相似文献   

Fast-Track Agricultural DevelopmentFast-TrackAgriculturalDevelopment¥BENGYI&GARMACeringSamzhub,vice-chairmanofthepeople'sgove...  相似文献   

发展农业旅游略议   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
姚昆遗 《旅游科学》2005,19(4):28-32
农业旅游作为一种富有特色、深受旅游者欢迎的新兴旅游业态,正越来越受到人们的关注。本文追溯了中外农业旅游发展的进程,分析了农业旅游发展的模式和特点,着重指出近年来我国的农业旅游迅速发展的主客观因素,并对如何开展农业旅游提出对策。  相似文献   

<正>一谈到福建人,我们的头脑中会浮现出商人的形象,长期的海上贸易让福建人被冠以优秀商人的形象。然而从古到今,福建人其实还有一张"农业面孔",他们在农业上所花费的心力,所做出的贡献,丝毫不输于经商。福建人的农业面孔是在福州的八山一水一分田中形成的。田地的稀缺让福州人更加珍惜这一分田,任何可以增产增收的农业技术和农作物,他们都愿意去尝试,都愿意去冒险。这一尝试不要紧,占城稻被他们引进并推广到南方其他地区,古代中国人口一下子冲上了1亿;美洲的甘薯被他们  相似文献   

Sub-Saharan agriculture, with few exceptions, has stagnated despite official goals of achieving self-sufficiency and increasing export earnings. African agriculture has suffered deteriorating terms of trade, inadequate technology and infrastructure, and policies which severely discourage agricultural enterprise. In some countries structural adjustment and policy reform are occurring, and there remains great potential for agricultural development due in part to prospective advantages in natural resources and abundant labor. Discussed here are a specific set of institutional reforms needed to mobilize agricultural entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

廖鲁言作为农村工作主要领导人之一 ,长期在农村工作的第一线主持工作。他根据农村的实际情况 ,探索总结出许多切合实际的经验 ,提出了许多适合中国国情的农业社会主义改造的主张。但毛泽东总认为廖的思想落后于农村及国内政治形势的发展 ,多次批评指责。廖鲁言竭力在中央的指示和农村的现状之间寻找平衡 ,在不违背中央精神的情况下 ,谨慎地执行切合农村实际的政策 ,并为此不懈努力 ,作出了重要贡献。但毛泽东过高估计农民走社会主义道路的积极性、急于改变农村生产关系的合作化政策 ,终于迫使他中断、放弃了正确的探索 ,被卷入“左”倾运动的浪潮。  相似文献   

Crime Mapping and the Crimestat Program   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

该院直属江苏省政府领导,是全省唯一的、综合性的农业科研机构。主要任务是:针对国家和江苏省农村经济与科技发展目标和方向,开展农业应用、农业开发、农业宏观政策研究,同时开展科技示范和科技服务工作,为全省农业和农村经济发展提供成果保证和技术支撑。  相似文献   

The use of a series of correlated maps is proposed as an approach to agricultural regionalization. Because of the dynamic character of farm production, two stages in the regionalization process are distinguished: a delimitation of existing agricultural regions and a delimitation of future regions. The basic principle underlying the compilation of agricultural regionalization maps IS to combine the resource base of agriculture with the actual types of farming. Maps of existing regions would also show the volume and structure of farm production, population and farm employment. In the delimitation of long-term future agricultural regions, the emphasis is on determining the potential biological productivity (climate and soils) of regions and the expected volume of production, based on food needs, industrial processing of farm products and the prospects of interregional trade in farm products.  相似文献   

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