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Tibet is a large,isolated land with a harsh climate.Previously,herdsmen lived in scattered remote areas.Although cultural activities  相似文献   

From the opening traffic of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway,a major restriction on transportation to and from Tibet was finally removed. Such a change has had a massive impact on the economy of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) as a whole and,in particular,on the rural Tibetans.In other words,the railway became a leading force in the re- structure and advancement of the Tibetan economy.  相似文献   

From the opening traffic of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway,a major restriction on transportation to and from Tibet was finally removed. Such a change has had a massive impact on the economy of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) as a whole and,in particular,on the rural Tibetans.In other words,the railway became a leading force in the re- structure and advancement of the Tibetan economy.  相似文献   

Changing Concepts of Farmers and HerdsmenChangingConceptsofFarmersandHerdsmen¥NAMGYI&ZHOUXIAOZHENPassers-bycaststrangeglances...  相似文献   

Art critics and scholars have puzzled over the behavior of Pablo Picasso, Gerhard Richter, and Sigmar Polke, three important modern painters who have made frequent and abrupt changes of style. In each case, assuming this behavior to be idiosyncratic, the experts consequently failed to recognize its common basis. But stylistic versatility is in fact often a characteristic of conceptual innovators whose ability to solve specific problems can free them to pursue new goals. This contrasts sharply with the practice of experimental artists, whose inability to achieve their goals often ties them to a single style for an entire career. The phenomenon of the conceptual innovator who produces diverse innovations is an important and new feature of twentieth-century art; Picasso was the prototype, and he has been followed by a series of others, from Marcel Duchamp and Francis Picabia to Bruce Nauman and Damien Hirst. Versatility has furthermore been a characteristic not only of modern painters but also of conceptual innovators in other arts, and of conceptual scholars. Recognizing the common basis of this behavior deepens our understanding not only of twentieth-century art but also of human creativity more generally, for it adds a dimension to the contrast between conceptual and experimental innovators.  相似文献   

才让 《敦煌学辑刊》2010,1(1):11-28
《金光明祈愿文》在吐蕃时代单独流通,受到信徒重视,是当时流传较广的佛教祈愿文之一。敦煌本《金光明祈愿文》与现存藏译本《金光明经》的《梦见金鼓忏悔品》之间差异较大,不属于法成和益西德所译《金光明经》的组成部分,而是自成体系。从渊源上看,其名称中有《金光明》,应源自于《金光明经》,但应属于《金光明经梦见金鼓忏悔品》的异本。《金光明祈愿文》在吐蕃时代单独流通,受到信徒重视,是当时流传较广的佛教祈愿文之一。敦煌本《金光明祈愿文》与现存藏译本《金光明经》的《梦见金鼓忏悔品》之间差异较大,不属于法成和益西德所译《金光明经》的组成部分,而是自成体系。从渊源上看,其名称中有《金光明》,应源自于《金光明经》,但应属于《金光明经梦见金鼓忏悔品》的异本。  相似文献   

历史上的某一天,朝廷的一个史官,也可能是西部边地的一个地方长官,也可能是长官手下负责文牍的一名小吏,在起草一份给朝廷的报告时,为了省事,自作主张地把"吐浑"(读"土胡",  相似文献   

This paper contains a textual comparison between the eight accounts of the events in London, June 1381. It reveals a close interrelationship between these accounts, and the author therefore provides a new evaluation of their reliability as a source for the events of the revolt. A stemma is proposed which, among other things, shows that the Anonimalle chronicle should be regarded as a secondary compilation.  相似文献   

This paper contains a textual comparison between the eight accounts of the events in London, June 1381. It reveals a close interrelationship between these accounts, and the author therefore provides a new evaluation of their reliability as a source for the events of the revolt. A stemma is proposed which, among other things, shows that the Anonimalle chronicle should be regarded as a secondary compilation.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Palestinian Peasants and Ottoman Officials: Rural Administration Around Sixteenth-Cent ury Jerusalem, Amy Singer Politics in Palestine: Arab Factionalism and Social Disintegration, 1939–1948, Issa Khalaf U.S.-PLO Dialogue: Secret Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution, Mohamed Rabie  相似文献   

地处乐都县下南山深处的中坝藏族乡有一位年轻的藏族女乡长桑吉卓玛。两年多来,这位曾在乐都下北山地区中岭乡任副乡长6年之久的藏家女儿,用她艰苦朴素的工作作风,务真求实的工作态度,团结向上的民族精神和开拓进取,知难而进的敬业精神,同乡党委、乡政府一班人带领全乡8000多口人,紧紧围绕经济建设这个中心,狠抓脱贫致富大业,使全乡呈现出经济发展,社会稳定,民族团结的可喜局面。全乡人均纯收入由2001年的1006元增加到2003年1320元,被全乡藏汉各族群众称之为“藏乡人的好女儿”。中坝藏族乡是一个山大沟深,交通不便,群众生产生活十分落后的…  相似文献   

20世纪80年代初期,西藏,作为一种特殊地理和文化的存在,开始成为内地知识分子的一种情结。当时四十岁出头的余友心,相比之下在这个群落中算长辈。与西方思潮的追随者相比,他和一帮年轻人的奋斗目标却逆向而行。不管西方艺术界在干什么,他们选择去了解藏民族在干什么,藏族民间艺术在干什么,宗教艺术在干什么。  相似文献   

APearlofTibetanTourismWANCDUTothenorthofthepicturesqueNorbuLingka,theresidenceoftheDalaipurpleandwhitebuilding.ItistheLhasaTi...  相似文献   

ThestatueofYutogYundainGongbu,forefatherofTibetanmedicine,standsinthemiddleoftheofficebuildingoftheTibetanMedicineCollege.CoruCenam,afamousTibetologist,BuddhistandTibetanmedicineexpert,isthepresident,andQambaChilie,whopresidedoveritsestablishment,servesas…  相似文献   

Despite the rolling of high plateau and stunning Himalayas, Tibet has a nickname of “Holy Land” with its ancient history and colorful culture. Refered as Shangri-La, the roof of the world and many more, the mysterious kingdom remained closed to others, exerting a strong hold on the imagination of the world. For centuries, it has fascinated mankind in various ways. Its religion is one of astonishing one. Here we have questions! What is Tibetan Buddhism about? How many sects it has? What about each one‘s doctrine? Have you ever known its architectures, its religious arts, as well as its incarnation of Living Buddha? People feel curious about its powerful inspiration and cohesive strength,  相似文献   

有关吐蕃太子的文书研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本对P.2255、P.2326号《祈福发愿》、P.2341号《燃灯》、P.3256号《愿》、S.2146《行城》、P.2807号《斋》、P.2807号《行城》等6件有关吐蕃皇太子的佛教祈愿的写作年代进行了考证,并对与之相关的一些问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

革命根据地新富农问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在抗日根据地和解放区,中共领导下的人民民主政权,实施新民主主义经济政策,农村中的封建土地制度被消灭或削弱,农民个体经济得到发展,一部分原来的中农甚至贫雇农在抗日民主政权的扶助下,辛勤劳动。努力经营,上升为新富农。这是新民主主义社会中的一种新的经济形式。它的出现和发展,对于打消动摇封建土地所有制后农民发展生产的顾虑,鼓励他们劳动发家,对于克服根据地由于战乱和敌伪封锁造成的经济困难,起了积极的作用。在抗日战争时期,中共对新富农经济采取鼓励其发展的政策。在解放战争时期进行土地改革的过程中,对新富农的政策一度发生动摇,但很快得到纠正。  相似文献   

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