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北京时间10月10日下午2点整,Levis主办方在三里屯Levi’s旗舰店为第五届Levi’s Rock Party校园摇滚音乐大赛暨Levi’s Rock Party五周年回顾庆典启动举行发布会,与此同时也是新店三里屯Levi’s旗舰店的落成仪式。Levi’s 代表,前4届参与过Levi’S Rock Party的代表和今年参赛的队伍代表以及三十家媒体记者到会,  相似文献   

因为晚上要举行这个Party.所以黛安娜花园角落的那些桌子都铺着美丽的桌布.椅子上放着各色靠垫.书上则挂着一个个小小的烛灯。花园被肆意的绿意和鲜花点缀.迎接着即将到来的Party.  相似文献   

<正>On Dec.23rd of 2009,Ngabo Ngawang Jigme,the great hero of the Tibetan people,close friend of the Communist Party of China and well-known social activist,left this world forever.This was a severe loss for the Tibetan people, the Communist Party of China and the state.Our sadness is overwhelming as we recalled our memories of this century-old genius.  相似文献   

Lying at Zam Border Portin Nylam County, Xigaze,is a small village facingNepal across the emeraldmountain. A red flag has been fluttering over a small house there everyday ever since the 1970s."Why do you do this everyday?" this reporter asked CeringQoizin, 84, the house owner."I am a Communist Party member! I do this as a token of my thanksfor the motherland, for the Communist Party of China, and for the lateChairman Mao Zedong !"Moreover, the national flag represents China. I wish pe…  相似文献   

Tsering Lhamo,a Tibetan woman,was born in Luntse County of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).She joined the Communist Party of China in 1960,and was the on-going party secretary of a town in Nedong County.She led eleven households of Nangsan(serfs) in 1961 to form a mutual support team for agricultural production and achieved a rise in local production.Later,the labour committee of the Tibetan branch of the Communist Party cited her as the"model for thousands of liberated serfs".In 1977,under her leadership and with the efforts exerted by local members of the commune,  相似文献   

索尼(中国)有限公司在北京隆重推出了包括两款Cyber-Shot数码相机DSC—TX1和DSC—WX1、首款智能拍摄底座Party—shot IPT-DS1以及其他各类丰富配件在内的诸多产品。  相似文献   

今年50岁高龄的芭比娃娃依然精力十足。刚办完大型Party,又马不停蹄地现身德国柏林国际设计节.亲身体验桌上足球的乐趣.更吸引了一众女性粉丝.也加入到桌上足球的世界中。  相似文献   

沙滩和艳阳——苏梅岛的海水生活已经远不仅仅如此。海边坐落的瑜珈学校,国际海狮救助中心,月圆时刻的满月Party,海边椰树林里摘椰子的小猴子们——这一切都在告诉我们什么是苏梅岛的海水新生活。  相似文献   

当新年的脚步悄然临近,心中不由充满期待。一次新的旅行、一场新的恋爱,或者一场期盼已久的新年Party。新年总得有点新气象。一份小小的礼物,一个大大的微笑。就让Hello Kity来为你传达心中最美好的祝福吧!  相似文献   

It was summer of 2013. Druju,former Vice Chairman ofPeople's Political ConsultativeConference of Nagqu Prefecture inTibet and Secretary of Tsonyi SpecialDistrict Party Committee, watchedthe brand-new sign of"TsonyiCounty" being installed on thisfamiliar piece of land on which hehad worked and lived for 37 years. Hefelt an upsurge of emotion.  相似文献   

Norbu Gyaincain is the Party Secretary of the Southwest University for Nationalities. Recently we made an interview with him on the establishment and development of the university.Reporter: Could you please talk about the establishment and development of your university?  相似文献   

After entering Beijing in January 1949, the Communist Party immediately sent cadres to local factories in order to mobilize female industrial workers into a women's movement and to establish the idea of "revolutionary citizenship." The Party wished to nurture this idea in both the local political arena and in women's lives inside and outside the factories. This article demonstrates that a host of factors defined revolutionary citizenship, including party directives, choices in revolutionary strategy, cadres' interpretations of directives and their own initiatives, and workers' reactions to mobilization. It was in this complex mix of mobilization, women's strategies to protect and advance their own interests, and the politics of group representation in the revolution, that female workers came to understand the meaning and impact of revolutionary citizenship and the shape of labor-state relations in the emerging socialist China.  相似文献   

The mother of Vice Party Secretary Zholma lives with her daughter to the west of the Tashilhungpo Monastery. According to Zholma, many of the people living in that are a are formerroad builders and her mother was happy to be there with these old acquaintances of hers.  相似文献   

Losang is now 78 years old,one of the villagers who enjoy longevity.He is the former village head of Dangram Village,also a senior Party member.By right of his senior experience,he is really somebody of the village. It was Losang who sent us to Dangram in earlier times and provided horses and mules  相似文献   

For Tibet,2021 has certainly been an important year.The autonomous region in southwest China marked the 70th anniversary of its peaceful liberation,celebrated the 100th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China(CPC)along with the rest of the country,and held a regional CPC congress,a five-yearly event.  相似文献   

Ashley 《世界》2011,(1):134-143
酒店大堂早已甩掉单单用来check-in、check-out和运送行李的刻板印象,惊艳变身为酒店中最有趣的地方--我们叫它“Living Room”。有时引领绿色低碳潮流,有的主打艺术风尚,有的深谙玩乐之道,晒太阳,做瑜伽、喝咖啡、把玩艺术品,甚至是请朋友们一起开Party!  相似文献   

This special issue grows out of a shared research interest in the state-building process during the formative years of the People's Republic of China (roughly defined,1949-66) and its profound political,social,economic,and cultural consequences.Five articles in this issue demonstrate that the Communist Party ot China made a great effort to mobilize different political constituents,social classes,professional groups,and cultural communities to consolidate its rule and advance its revolutionary agendas.Governing a deeply diverse and discontented society,the Party created a system of control and mobilization based on the combined mechanisms of political indoctrination,bureaucratic intervention,neighborhood surveillance,and social voluntarism.Communist rule in the 1950s and early 1960s created new cultural forms,business practices,and a new framework under which the party-state's political agenda and bureaucratic apparatus interacted with individual lives.  相似文献   

<正>When the earthquake curred,this man led on his fellow villagers to rescue three children from the debris without going home to take care of his wife and his own fallen house.He is well known as a"full-time"Party Secretary,because in order to live up to the  相似文献   

阿保 《南京史志》2009,(12):29-30
我十六岁了。 我十六岁还是原来的样子,世界不会为我开个生日Party,地球不会为我停止转动三十秒,而我却在寒风中站了三十分钟,以慰自己为人十六年。不容易啊,我心想,狗啊,猫儿的,像我这年纪,早已转世投胎,我却仍是人间长不大的小孩。  相似文献   

National Conference on Religious Work Held in Beijing A national conference on work related to religious affairs was held from Dec.3 to 4 in Beijing.President Xi Jinping,also general secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission,emphasized developing religions in the Chinese context and providing active guidance for the adaptation of religions to socialist society.  相似文献   

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