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"文化生态史观"是一种系统观点,它强调研究文化进程的发展,必须综合分析文化、环境诸因素在历史过程中的作用.中原与太湖地区文明化进程的结果不同,源于中原地区文化生态系统中某些因素的优越性,战争机制促成的社会组织、开放性的文化特质、务实的社会意识、多样的生态环境与公元前三千纪末期的应时发展,这些都促使中原地区逐渐确立了文化上的强势地位.相比之下,太湖地区宗教特色的社会组织,面对危机缺乏变通;保守的文化特质,使文化缺乏革新和灵活性;务虚的社会心理,浪费了大量的社会资源;单一的生态环境,使社会面对自然灾害缺乏灵活的应对.最终,新石器时代末期,文化的一蹶不振,环太湖地区彻底丧失了发展时机.  相似文献   

陈杰 《南方文物》2006,(4):53-63
1999年开始的上海广富林遗址的发掘,发现了新石器时代晚期一类新的文化遗存。这类遗存,在环太湖地区考古工作中是首次确认。当时为便于研究,我们将之暂时命名为“广富林遗存”,并发表了关于广富林遗存的初步认识譹。广富林遗存的发现为研究环太湖地区文明化进程提供了新的线索,填补了环太湖地区新石器时代末期考古学文化谱系的空白,材料一经公布即引起学术界广泛关注。之后,相邻的浙江、江苏等地的考古工作中也陆续发现了一批与广富林遗存相关的遗址。通过对广富林遗址连续几年有计划的发掘和其他地区考古工作的深入开展,我们对于广富林遗存…  相似文献   

正太湖连通长江和钱塘江两大水系,又沟通大海。古代太湖周边考古学文化发达,文明化程度相对较高,既有农耕文明形态,又有海洋文明形态,太湖及其水系在其中一定起到了相当重要的作用。从史前时期的利用水,但不善于水的农耕文明为主,到马桥时期开启了善于水的海洋文明进程,环太湖地区不但成就了发达的崧泽文化、良渚文化,成就了越国霸业,更重要的是为中华民族海洋文化的开拓和传播贡献了力量。  相似文献   

就环太湖地区史前社会演进过程与该地区史前地理环境之间的关系这一课题而言,长期以来学界始终将探索与讨论的时代焦点置于新石器时代晚期,因为,这一时期(即崧泽文化晚期-良渚文化时期)环太湖地区史前社会经历了革命性的变化,而且在文化繁荣程度、社会复杂化水平等方面均达到了中国大陆史前文化的巅峰.从研究内容上来看,多数研究者关注的重点是自然环境变迁在环太湖地区社会变迁过程中的作用机制与影响方式.  相似文献   

张敏 《东南文化》2023,(1):70-91+190+192
太湖流域是一个相对独立的地理单元。马家浜时期文明曙光初现于太湖北部,奠定了太湖流域文明化进程的基础;崧泽时期的太湖北部率先进入王权统治的古国时代,形成了太湖流域的民族共同体,东山村遗址群成为原生型“崧泽古国”的政治中心;良渚时期的太湖流域进入神权统治的古国时代,太湖南部的“良渚遗址群”与太湖北部的“寺墩遗址群”成为“良渚古国”并立的政治中心。王权统治的“崧泽古国”转型为神权统治的“良渚古国”,成为中华文明化进程中独树一帜的“太湖模式”。  相似文献   

本文主要利用考古资料就海岱地区的文明化进程进行探讨.着重就农业、家畜饲养业、手工业生产技术以及文字的使用、铜器的产生和城市的萌芽等文明诸要素作了详细分析,并与周围地区诸多古代文化的文明化进程进行了比较研究,得出了龙山时代已经迈入早期文明社会的结论.  相似文献   

良渚文化的聚落级差及城市萌芽   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚落级差是指聚落之间规模尺度与发展水平的差异。根据目前的考古资料,环太湖地区的聚落级差始自崧泽文化晚期,其扩大化过程在良渚文化中期达到顶点,聚落级差作为一种现象一直持续至良渚文化晚期。良渚遗址群反映出良渚文化中期聚落级差的极端化,已经超越了一般聚落遗存的范畴,是处于萌芽状态的城市。城市萌芽是环太湖地区聚落级差扩大程度的标志性结果,聚落级差扩大化过程本身也蕴含了城市萌芽的催生力量。  相似文献   

正2019年3月16日,山东大学历史文化学院栾丰实教授在"南博讲坛"为公众呈现了一堂精彩的课程——环太湖和海岱地区史前文化的交流与互动。栾教授将新石器时代至早期青铜时代的中国考古学文化分为"黄河中游的中原地区、黄淮下游的海岱地区、长江中游的江汉地区、长江下游的环太湖地区、西辽河流域的燕辽地区、黄河上游的甘青地区、长江上游的川渝地区"的"5+2"格局,而作为同属史前时期"中国东部地区"的海岱地区和环太湖地区,两个文化较为发达、独立并自成体系的  相似文献   

马家浜文化晚期陶鼎的兴起及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环太湖地区马家浜文化晚期,形态各异的陶鼎开始兴起。各个类型陶鼎在时空分布、创制机理和发展过程等方面都存在着明显的不同,与本地区固有的以釜为主的炊器传统有着亲疏程度上的显著差异。不同制鼎传统之间彼此影响,关系错综复杂,一度形成了多个本土和外来传统并立的局面。厘清这些陶鼎类型的源流谱系,对于明确其后续影响,乃至阐释整个环太湖地区史前陶鼎传统的形成问题,都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

史前小型玉璧主要发现于东北与环太湖地区,两地渊源有自,独立发展,其中东北地区到红山文化中晚期发展成大小有序的组璧,而环太湖地区则被大型玉璧所取代,均成为当时原始礼制的重要组成部分。黄河中下游地区则既吸收了红山文化的因素,也吸收了良渚文化的因素,此种兼容并收的开放胸怀最终导致了本地区率先迈入文明的门槛。  相似文献   

This article shows that over the course of the Warring States period (479–221 BCE) authors began to organize and categorize music in a manner that helped define and reinforce their conceptions of themselves as a distinct cultural or ethnic group: variously referred to as the Huaxia, Zhuxia, and Zhou. By examining how Ruist (Confucian) authors articulated distinctions among various types of music, and by showing how such identifications denigrated nefarious forms not associated with the Zhou court and its culture, I show how authors endeavored in a process of musical canonization while also consolidating a sense of an ethno-cultural self. The fact that these writings distinguished among and evaluated musical types not primarily through a discussion of musical form or theory but via a morally-laden language rooted in the civilizing rhetoric of the day suggests that music was a primary site for formulating, expressing, and promoting cultural identity.  相似文献   

Norbert Elias's The Civilizing Process, which was published in German in 1939 and first translated into English in two volumes in 1978 and 1982, is now widely regarded as one of the great works of twentieth‐century sociology. This work attempted to explain how Europeans came to think of themselves as more “civilized” than their forebears and neighboring societies. By analyzing books about manners that had been published between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries, Elias observed changing conceptions of shame and embarrassment with respect to, among other things, bodily propriety and violence. To explain those developments, Elias examined the interplay among the rise of state monopolies of power, increasing levels of economic interconnectedness among people, and pressures to become attuned to others over greater distances that led to advances in identifying with others in the same society irrespective of social origins. Elias's analysis of the civilizing process was not confined, however, to explaining changing social bonds within separate societies. The investigation also focused on the division of Europe into sovereign states that were embroiled in struggles for power and security. This article provides an overview and analysis of Elias's principal claims in the light of growing interest in this seminal work in sociology. The analysis shows how Elias defended higher levels of synthesis in the social sciences to explain relations between “domestic” and “international” developments, and changes in social structure and in the emotional lives of modern people. Elias's investigation, which explained long‐term processes of development over several centuries, pointed to the limitations of inquiries that concentrate on short‐term intervals. Only by placing short‐term trends in long‐term perspective could sociologists understand contemporary developments. This article maintains that Elias's analysis of the civilizing process remains an exemplary study of long‐term developments in Western societies over the last five centuries.  相似文献   

本文认为中国西南地区政区教化色彩名称比例经过了在西汉时期很小、从东汉到明清变大、而民国以后又变小的发展过程。在空间上呈现从四川向云南、贵州民族地区随时代发展比例逐步增大的趋势 ;级别差异上一级政区 (州、道、路、省 )历史上多以山川风物名称为主体 ,而二级政区 (郡、府、州、地区、地级市 )教化色彩名称比例经过了由小变大再变小的发展过程 ,三级政区 (县、县级道、州、军、监等 )变化与二级政区有相似之处 ,只是民国以来比例变小幅度没有二级政区大 ,保持相对的稳定。三级以下政区名称历史上相对较稳定 ,主要以山川风物等名称为主。中国历史上行政区划教化名称的演变与中国传统文化的发展关系密切 ,也与中原汉族文化向周边民族地区发展的轨迹息息相关。元明清时期政区教化色彩名称比例的大增 ,显现了元明清时期中原对西南边疆控制最深入的时代特征。民国以后的比例下降则显现了现代文明意识对边疆民族地区社会文化的影响。  相似文献   

Based on the scholarship of Frans M. Olbrechts and the changes implemented in the Museum of the Belgian Congo during his directorship (from 1947 until 1958), this article argues that the institutionalization of African artefacts as art served the late Belgian colonial regime in promoting its renewed postwar commitment to the Congolese colony. In their reinvention as art and subsequent re-installation in modernist displays, the objects acquired not only a cultural, but also an economic and political value as resources, which led to their co-option in the mise-en-valeur, or valorization, of the colony and fuelled a colonial rhetoric that replaced an earlier emphasis on the civilizing mission with a construction of cultural guardianship based on the universal value of the objects as art.  相似文献   

The civilization of the children of the "savages" in the colonial world was seen as a crucial issue from early on was an inherent part of the colonization project in Africa, America and Oceania in the 19th century. The idea of civilizing "the savages," today's South, through children has continued in the post-colonial era with the development of mass-schooling systems and various child-focused development projects. This has led to an export of internationally defined standards for a "good childhood" through various foreign funded development programs in South. While many NGOs, legitimizing their work on the basis of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), are genuinely working for an improvement of children's conditions, they have also taken on the role as a second guardian in order to cultivate "proper" children and parents who can live up to the supposedly universal ideals of a "good childhood." The article adopts a critical view on the child rights movement by shedding light on the crucial role, which NGOs play as civilizing institutions in the South. The article specifically draws attention to the double-sided patronization of children and parents, and "infantilization" of nations in South, which implicitly lies beneath CRC and the child rights movement.  相似文献   

In 2015, the quincentennial commemoration of the Portuguese arrival on the island of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf (1515–1622) revealed the underlying presupposition among Iranians that the Portuguese presence on the island was the harbinger of a long-term pattern of western imperialism. This analysis questions the accuracy of this narrative by advancing a new interpretative framework that does not reduce the holding of Hormuz to simply another dark episode of European colonial history. Circumscribed and limited in aim and reach, Lusitanian activities on Hormuz cannot be brought under the generic rubric of “orientalism,” which is embedded in European colonial tradition, and which, by extension, buttresses Iranian nationalist sentiment about the Persian–Portuguese entanglement. This research demonstrates that Portuguese objectives diverged from the eighteenth and nineteenth century rationalist scientific traditions of the British, French and Germans professing a civilizing mission as a rationale for colonial policies. Whereas the Portuguese operated from a worldview that combined profit, dynastic pride and religious rhetoric, the Portuguese mission to Hormuz was not guided by a grand discourse of civilizing the “other.” While there was a complex interplay of commercial interests and brutal methods on this strategic entrepôt, Portuguese ambitions in Hormuz were confined and elusive, and at best a matter of tribute-taking. The present paper charters some of these complex interactions.  相似文献   

This article is a response to Peter K. Andersson’s arguments about the ‘civilizing thesis’ in Victorian Studies. It examines his approach in relation to class, discourse, and structure, particularly in relation to the working classes and future directions in approaches to nineteenth-century sources. It suggests that Victorian scholars can learn from labour geographers, who offer new models that highlight structural inequalities while maintaining a sensitivity to post-structural cultural understandings of gender, race, and class.  相似文献   

This paper concentrates on several of the most significant moments of Greek cultural policy since World War II, together with its key concepts. It traces the cultural policy of the country, its main changes and its relationship with politics through a socio‐cultural analysis and a look at the political and cultural events which occurred. The concepts of national identity, hegemony, civilizing mission, democratization, and cultural democracy are applicable in this framework. Despite various attempts at reforms, the country's cultural policy could be characterized as ‘path dependent’; it connected unwaveringly to its two main objectives: heritage and the arts.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This paper explores overlapping of economy and politics with ideology in 17th-century northern Sweden. Focusing on silver mining conducted in Sápmi (Lapland), the paper investigates the rhetoric of mines as arenas of moral and cultural improvement, the ways this rhetoric was expressed and aided by material culture and the ways the civilizing projects were contested by the indigenous Sami, towards whom many of these policies were directed. The analysis is set in a wider context of the 17th-century concept of political economy, state policies aiming at a better incorporation of Sápmi into the mainstream economy and culture of Sweden and informed by Foucauldian perspectives on governmentality and its spatial dimensions.  相似文献   

This short article introduces a selection of papers originally presented at the conference, "Africans Meeting Missionaries: Rethinking Colonial Encounters," held at the University of Minnesota in May 1997. Until quite recently much of the scholarship on missions in Africa tended to reproduce early eighteenth- and nineteenth-century images of the colossal, all-powerful missionary. Whether celebrated as an heroic, civilizing agent in mission accounts or branded as a cultural imperialist in nationalist-era scholarship, the European missionary remained an actor scarcely soiled by the cultural commerce of the people on whom he worked. In short, African religious or political initiatives were seldom taken seriously. The papers which make up this collection give voice to and extend current debates surrounding the contested history (and future) of the missionary enterprise in Africa.  相似文献   

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