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黄釉青花瓷器是景德镇窑明清两代烧制的彩瓷品种之一。它既有青花典雅的风格,又具皇家器物风范。本文重点介绍黄釉青花瓷器的制作工艺、发展及其在造型、纹饰、款识方面的特点。  相似文献   

陈润民 《收藏家》2002,(9):21-28
明代景德镇御窑厂烧造的宜德青花瓷器,在中国陶瓷发展史上具有很重要的地位。它以古朴,典雅的造型,晶莹艳丽的釉色,多姿多彩的纹饰而闻名于世,与明代其他各朝的青花瓷器相比,其烧制技术达到了最高峰,成为我国瓷器名品之一。其成就被称颂为“开一代未有之奇”,《景德镇陶录》评价宣德瓷器:“诸料悉精,青花最贵。”  相似文献   

明代景德镇御窑厂烧造的宣德青花瓷器,在中国陶瓷发展史上具有很重要的地位。它以古朴,典雅的造型,晶莹艳丽的釉色,多姿多彩的纹饰而闻名于世,与明代其他各朝的青花瓷器相比,其烧制技术达到了最高峰,成为我国瓷器名品之一。其成就被称颂为“开一代未有之奇”,《景德镇陶录》评价宣德瓷器:“诸料悉精,青花最贵。”宣德青花烧造数量上也是空前的,据《大明会典》记载,宜德八年(1433),朝廷一次就下达了要景德镇烧造龙凤瓷器44.35件的任务。其中青花占大多数,由此  相似文献   

从元末明初开始,云南出现了青花瓷器。云南元明时期烧制的青花瓷器,以其造型粗犷、纹饰简朴生动、青花呈色深沉、遗存数量较大而在中国陶瓷界独树一帜。到明代中后期,价廉物美、品种繁多的江西景德镇瓷器大量进入云南,冲击了云南地方陶瓷,云南瓷器的产量逐步减少,至清末已趋衰落。  相似文献   

明末清初(十七世纪),由于社会、经济、文化等各方面的原因,使景德镇青花瓷器进入了一个高速发展空前繁荣的历史时期。这一时期的青花瓷器,无论器物造型、纹饰内容及其绘画风格、青花料的运用等方面,都显现出独特的时代特征。因此,古陶瓷学界把这一阶段称为“转变期”。本文通过对此期青花瓷器造型、工艺、纹饰等方面特点的分析、总结,进一步对转变期青花瓷器的审美思想和繁荣的社会根源等进行探讨。  相似文献   

青花瓷始创于唐朝。经宋、元、明、清。延宕至今已有1000多年的历史。 乾隆青花双耳尊,纹饰繁密、染画工整、釉色亮丽。器型规整。再看双耳尊底款。为清乾隆中期官窑惯用的“大清乾隆年制”篆文题款,刻划工整。 乾隆官窑青花瓷既与清幽的康熙青花有别,又与淡雅的雍正青花不同,它是以纹饰繁密、染画工整、造型新奇取胜。  相似文献   

清代康熙时期的青花瓷器,在色彩、绘图、造型的新颖和装饰题材的丰富等方面,都是以往历朝所无法比拟的,可谓位居“青花之冠”。但其中有一种带暗花边饰的青花瓷器则在文献记载中很少提到,也不被人们所注意。现就故宫博物院所藏数十件传世品(有些还带有康熙干支款的),来谈谈青花瓷器带暗花边饰的问题。所谓瓷器的暗花边饰,即器物未上釉之前,在口部、肩部或足部用较细的工具划刻一周纹饰,上釉烧制后形成清晰的暗花边  相似文献   

青花瓷器是我国彩瓷中的一颗璀璨的明珠,自河南巩县窑烧制出第一批青花瓷器以来,青 花瓷器就已经初露头角。经过宋、元、明、清发展到现在,青花瓷器依然经久不衰,深受国 内外人士的赞赏。青花瓷器的出现,在我国文化史、艺术史、陶瓷史上都占有极其重要的位 置。欣赏青花瓷器,除了欣赏它的瓷质、造型以外,主要就是欣赏它的装饰。装饰在欣赏瓷器 中占有重要的位置,如何构制青花瓷器中的纹饰,这是青花瓷器制造者煞费苦心的重要课题 。总的来说,青花瓷器中的装饰从内容到形式都是以老百姓喜闻乐见的图案为主的,民族化 和大众化是…  相似文献   

陈润民 《收藏家》2004,(2):10-16
四、青花瓷器的装饰康熙青花不仅造型优美,而且纹饰有着独特的表现力和创造精神,装饰与造型完美的结合在一起,具有引人入胜的艺术魅力。装饰题材广泛,包罗万象,图案布局巧妙合理,与造型有机地结合在一起。尤其是民窑青花在纹饰方面,具有特殊的美感和鲜明的时代性,能够与现实生活紧密相联,反映当时思想与生活习俗的图案大量出现,绘瓷匠人水平决不低于官窑画师,突破历代官窑图案规格化的束缚,自  相似文献   

秀明  拾云 《南方文物》2000,(4):100-103
凡是稍懂中国陶瓷发展史的人均清楚,独树一帜的青花瓷器,曾被誉为“瓷之瑰宝、瓷之荣光”;而其历史之悠久、窑口遍布之广阔、纹饰与造型之丰富且受到民众普遍喜爱程度,实是其它陶瓷品种难以相比的。故此,把青花瓷器的起源及其在景德镇的发展概况相联作些研讨,也有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

东汉末年曹操能够在雄豪并起的北方脱颖而出,统一中原,传统观点普遍认为是因曹操擅长法术、善于用兵,与其谥号“武帝”相符。本文推研众多史料后发现,曹操取胜中原的关键是他在东汉末年特殊的社会背景下采取了正确的“用儒”政策,借儒家的大旗笼络了一大批以儒家名士为代表的世家大族,致使“天下忠正效实之士成愿为用”壮大了自己的势力,得以逐鹿中原。  相似文献   

The Two Cultures debate of the early 1960s was initiated by C. P. Snow and by F. R. Leavis. Snow's understanding of the nature of science was fashionable but defective, while Leavis's views were those of a literary coterie, quaint and lacking the universality he wished to claim. Between them, as a result, they created an ill-conceived dichotomy, leading to a nugatory debate. Snow's profound lack of understanding of the nature of science and technology was in line with views popular in his time, but was all too likely to be seriously damaging to those whom he wished to champion.  相似文献   

There are two sets of observations, presently inexplicable, which may be interpreted in terms of cometary material consisting of antimatter interacting with the Earth's atmosphere. The first (largest) of these is the Tunguskan Object (TO) and Event (TE) of 1908. The second is radar observations at 73MHz made in June 1953 at Jodrell Bank as part of the meteor/radio-aurora observational programme. Publication of these data was suppressed because, at that time, no interpretation was possible within the then existing framework of physics and, in addition, the radar echoes were not detected on nominally similar equipment operating at 72MHz. Additional evidence for the existence of antimatter interacting with the atmosphere is discussed.  相似文献   

北京的四合院,作为最典型的北方民居的建筑代表,与紫禁城比肩,一起成为老北京的印象;苏州的园林,在那亭榭楼阁、荷塘山石、楹联匾额之中,蕴藏了丰富的人文气息;上海的老洋房,不仅低调地诉说着过去,更是经历了上海百年的巨变;杭州的山庄,背倚青山,濒临西湖,俨然是一幅画中仙境,让人神往。  相似文献   

胡传淮 《收藏家》2008,(6):61-62
最近,我从《收藏家》2007年第8期上,拜读了肖亚男撰写的《张问陶批点杜诗论文赏析》一文,发现北京师范大学图书馆所藏《杜诗论文》(共56卷,清康熙十一年江苏常州岱渊堂刻本,在该书的行间及天头有近3万字的批点)一书中的批语,系伪托清代乾嘉诗豪、书画名家张问陶所为。理由如下:  相似文献   

The research presented in this article deals with the seismic retrofit of bridge piers with rectangular hollow cross-section using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) jackets. A two-level numerical approach that combines finite element method (FEM) analyses and fiber modeling is proposed. The FEM is used to study the effect of FRP jackets on the properties of concrete. The analyses show that the existing empirical laws for FRP-confined concrete are not suitable for piers with hollow cross-section, as the effect of confinement is not uniform within the cross-section and the stress–strain curves show softening after peak strength. Fiber modeling is used to study the global behavior of reinforced concrete piers with rectangular hollow cross-section wrapped with FRP jackets. To account for confinement, the properties of the concrete fibers are modified according to the results of the FEM analyses. The proposed method is validated against experimental results and used for an extensive parametric study. It is found that the effectiveness of jacketing is conditioned by the axial load, longitudinal reinforcement, and jacket dimensions. An empirical design equation is formulated on the basis of the numerical analyses.  相似文献   

王健丽 《收藏家》2011,(7):54-58
鸡首壶俗称鸡头壶,也称天鸡壶,是指壶身一侧贴有鸡首状流的盘口壶,创烧于三国末年南方窑口,流行于魏晋南北朝、隋时期,隋以后逐渐消失,起而代之的是执壶。鸡首壶的样式应该说是从盘口壶演变而来,在盘口壶的基础上,肩部两侧加有鸡头和把手。  相似文献   

Continuing net out-migration from Siberia produces a manpower supply problem that must be resolved if the regions's economic development is to be pursued. A high rate of labor turnover tends to raise the costs of industrial development and to lower the skill levels of workers as skilled labor leaving Siberian cities for other parts of the USSR is replaced by untrained manpower from the Siberian countryside. Wage differentials in effect in Siberia have been effective in attracting manpower from the Western regions for short periods of time, but have not stimulated permanent settlement. In the view of the authors, new arrivals can be induced to settle down in Siberia only if the adverse impact of the Siberian environment can be compensated by a level of housing and services that is superior to those available elsewhere in the Soviet Union. The significant element is housing, which should receive particular attention in future investment programs. Northern development within Siberia poses the additional problem of physical acclimatization.  相似文献   

浅论述而不作与述而有作的辩证统一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“述而不作”语出孔子《论语·述而》,但当代志人真正知道其初始含义的却不多。其初始含义,不是说孔子不“作”,而是说孔子没有称“作”的地位,不是说孔子的“述”不是“作”,而是因礼制,只能把“作”称为“述”。历代的史和志都是有“作”的,第二轮志书应该是有“述”有“作”,坚持两者的辩证统一。  相似文献   

This article proposes a continuous approximation model for determining the number of hierarchical facilities when lower level facilities are subject to failures. The average distance from customers to the nearest open facility is derived for two types of customer behavior. The optimal number of facilities that minimizes the average distance is then obtained. The analytical expression for the optimal number of facilities demonstrates how the location of facilities, the failure probability, and the customer behavior affect the optimal hierarchy and the average distance. The result shows that introducing the hierarchy can reduce the average distance if the failure probability is small and the penalty for failing to use facilities is large. The model provides a fundamental understanding of the optimal hierarchy and is useful for designing hierarchical facility systems.  相似文献   

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