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新文化运动对中国图书馆事业的影响蒋星萍五四运动以前,中国图书馆事业处于新旧交替时期。封建藏书楼受维新思想的冲击,正缓慢地向近代图书馆转化。封建藏书楼主要有官府藏书楼、私人藏书楼、书院藏书楼和寺观藏书楼四大藏书体系。中国古代藏书楼保存了珍贵的历史典籍,...  相似文献   

嘉业堂藏书楼是中国近代规模最大、藏书最精的私家藏书楼。1924年岁末,由著名藏书家刘承建成于浙江省湖州市南浔区鹧鸪溪畔。嘉业堂藏书楼的设计及管理具有科学性、艺术性及人文性等特点;其藏书通过借阅和刻书得到了有效利用。作为一座传统藏书楼,嘉业堂对现代图书馆的启示体现在巧用自然力,合理使用新技术,以人为本、藏用结合等方面。  相似文献   

<正>苏州为历史文化名城,文脉源远流长,藏书之风享誉海内外,历朝繁衍不衰,至明清已蔚然成风,藏书楼前后计数百家。众多的藏书楼,汇聚了大量的典籍,使得学子士人得益非浅。同时,众多学者文人的聚书活动又反过来影响着地方的风尚,推动着苏州私家藏书风气的愈演愈烈。但随着时间的推移,藏书楼渐渐淡出了  相似文献   

冯瑞华 《沧桑》2009,(2):1-2
毕氏藏书楼兴盛时藏书达5万余卷,藏书品种全、质量高,是明末至清中叶淄博境内规模最大、品位最高、内容最丰富的私家藏书楼之一。本文介绍了毕氏藏书楼以及其核心人物——毕自严。  相似文献   

刘艾婧 《黑龙江史志》2013,(21):217-217
藏书楼在我国已有两千多年的历史,其作为奴隶制末期及整个封建社会的重要文化单位为我国文化的传承和发展做出了突出的贡献。然而藏书楼又以其封闭性、高雅性而极具神秘色彩,本文在查阅相关历史文献的基础上对我国古代藏书楼的管理与应用体制进行较全面的介绍,力图复原古代藏书楼的应用史貌并对现代图书馆管理提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

本文从藏书楼的价值和藏书家的功绩谈起,进而阐述了古代藏书楼,近代图书馆以及当代图书馆功能差异,并对当代图书馆的核心价值问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

刘承斡与嘉业堂藏书楼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嘉业堂藏书楼兴起于1910年,是旧中国私家藏书楼最后的辉煌。其主人刘承斡是一个比较开通的藏书家,为收藏古籍做出了贡献。  相似文献   

中国延绵数千年的藏书文化是中华民族极为珍视的传统。苏州常熟和吴县的藏书楼在中国藏书楼历史上占有重要的地位,尤其是晚清四大藏书楼之一的铁琴铜剑楼,历史悠久,藏书享誉海内外,巍然独存。作为传承历史文化载体的图书,以及图书的承载体藏书楼和藏书文化对于百姓具有很强的感召力和教化功用,只要引导得当、支持有力,具有悠久历史和丰厚文化底蕴的藏书楼必将再次焕发新生。  相似文献   

王平 《收藏家》2022,(3):67-74
<正>别下斋是海宁清代著名藏书楼,与宁波天一阁、南浔嘉业堂、瑞安玉海楼并称为浙江四大私人藏书楼。别下斋主人蒋光煦嗜书如命,同时还雅好丹青、酷爱金石,常有画家和金石学者到别下斋小住。由于他兴趣十分广泛,因此别下斋的收藏除古籍善本以外,名人字画、碑帖石刻也是蔚为大观,堪称一座私人博物馆。无论从藏品种类、数量还是质量来看,别下斋的收藏在海宁历代藏书楼中都是名列前茅。令人痛惜的是,偌大一个藏书楼在太平天国的战火中被焚毁,蒋光煦也为此呕血而亡。正因为如此,现代学者对别下斋的研究甚少,研究成果多是词条式的介绍和泛泛而谈,缺乏深入广泛的挖掘。  相似文献   

浙江两大藏书楼   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙江两大藏书楼吴梁浙江自明清以来,为东南文物名邦,因而藏书事业比较发达,本文谨将浙江现存的两大藏书楼予以简介。天一阁藏书楼天一阁在宁波市月湖之西,原系明代鄞县范钦之私家藏书楼,今为全国最古老的一座被誉为"江南书城"的藏书楼。范钦(1505-1585)...  相似文献   

《天禄琳琅书目》是我国首部规范的官方善本书目,在版本学、目录学、藏书史诸方面均具发韧之功。本文以其所收藏书史料为例,揭示了其编纂的五个特点,全面阐述了其在文献学上的价值。  相似文献   

The 19th‐century house of commons is traditionally viewed as a masculine space overlooking the presence of female tourists, waitresses, housekeepers, servants, spectators, and residents. This essay demonstrates that, even when formally excluded from the Commons, women were determined to colonize spaces to witness debates. In the pre‐1834 Commons they created their own observation gallery in an attic high above the chamber, peeping through a light fitting to listen to parliamentary sessions. After 1834, they were accommodated in their own galleries in the temporary and new house of commons, growing increasingly assertive and protective of their rights to attend debates and participate in parliamentary political culture. Far from being exclusively male, parliament was increasingly viewed through women's eyes.  相似文献   

This mischievously artful essay plays out on several levels; think of them as storeys of an imaginary castle much like the real, solid, central Italian one it explores and expounds. On its own ground floor, the essay recounts a gruesome murder, a noble husband's midnight revenge upon his wife and upon her bastard lover, his own half–brother, in her castle chamber, in bed. In sex. Of course. The murder itself is pure Renaissance, quintessential Boccaccio or Bandello, but the aftermath, in fort and village, is more singular, more ethnographically delightful, as castle and village trace a ceremonious passage from frozen limbo to fluid grief and storytelling, finally set in motion by the arrival of the dead wife's brother. Meanwhile, one flight up, the essay retells my own investigation of the real castle's geometry, as I clambered through rooms, peered out windows, prowled the roof, and scanned blueprints seeking the places of the plotters' plots. In an expository attic, I lodge reflections on my teaching stratagems, as I led a first–year seminar into detection's crafts and exposition's ploys. All the while, on its rooftop, this essay dances among fantastical chimneys and turrets of high theory and literary practice, musing on the patent irony of artful artifice, which evokes both the irony and the pathos of scholars' cool histories about hot deeds and feelings. Art suggests we authors had best hide ourselves, unlike normal essayists, so as not to spoil the show. But, I posit, our self–effacement is so conspicuous that it proclaims our presence, as in fact it should, and, by so doing, trumpets the necessary tensions of our artifice and craft. Thus artfulness itself nicely both proclaims and celebrates the bittersweet frustrations of historians' and readers' quest for knowledge and, especially, for experience of a lost past.  相似文献   

刘燕明 《神州》2014,(3):2-3
Wide Sargasso Sea,from the perspective of the woman in the attic,tells the story that is covered in the Jane Eyre.This article mainly focuses on the depriving of speaking right,three relationships of Bertha with others and her dream,which all reflect her identity crisis in her life.  相似文献   

STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS of the Chantry, Bridport before and during its restoration has revealed that it was constructed in the late 13th or early 14th century as a municipal building, probably associated with a harbour. In the later 14th century it was converted into a house for a chantry priest. The building was enlarged at this date by the addition of an attic storey which contains a columbarium.  相似文献   

In this essay, I will reflect upon what has been sociology's contribution to understanding the emergence and development of nationalism and how sociology can contribute to understanding nationalism's present and future through a property rights perspective. The essay will discuss, in particular, how historical sociological analysis of property rights and property rights regimes may be central to understanding nationalism past and future. After a general and brief discussion on the current, so‐called return of nationalism, the essay starts with discussion of some late enlightenment proto‐sociologists, suggesting that these writers actually analysed some crucial early dynamics of property and sovereignty which is central to understanding nationalism. The essay then moves on to suggests why a property rights focus might be a useful perspective to understanding nationalism in the 21st century.  相似文献   

This essay provides a general introduction to the special number on Jacob L. Talmon (1916–1980). The essay sketches the outlines of Talmon's intellectual biography, beginning with his study of the origins of totalitarian democracy, moving through his analysis of nationalism and political messianism, and ending with his study of the ideological clash of the 20th century. The essay raises the question of whether Talmon should be seen as a thinker wishing to defend existing traditions (i.e. a “priest”), or as a radical anti-authoritarian skeptic (i.e. a “jester”). Moreover, being both an anti-nationalist liberal, and a zionist at the same time, Talmon, the essay shows, was aware of the fact his own stance was problematic and at times even paradoxical. The last section of the essay presents the seven essays, which are included in the special issue.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):414-424

This essay is the initial sketch of a theological framework for political dialogue based on traditions of hospitality. This essay is intended to further a normative commitment to pluralism by creating a space for Christians and Muslims to engage in political dialogue on issues of governance. Using the story of Abraham and the three strangers, the essay analyzes hospitality as a possible model for interreligious political dialogue. The essay follows the narrative of the story recounted in Genesis 18 and Surah 51 of the Qur'an focusing on Abraham's greeting of the strangers as expressing a "duty of hospitality"; the "sharing of a meal" as an act of mutual vulnerability; and the gift of Isaac as exemplary of hospitality's possibility for grace and transformation. The goal is to show that a shared theological tradition could be the basis for political dialogue.  相似文献   

This review essay seeks to direct attention to intellectual history as a new and flourishing subfield in the historiography of post‐1945 Germany. The essay probes and critically interrogates some of the basic arguments of Dirk Moses' prize‐winning monograph German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past. It does so by engaging with a series of German‐language monographs on key intellectuals of the postwar period (Alexander Mitscherlich, Jürgen Habermas, Herbert Marcuse) or groups of intellectuals that have appeared during the last few years. The essay also includes two books that focus on intellectual transfers from and to the United States and hence transcend the purely national framework. The essay highlights some broader themes such as West German intellectuals' confrontation with the Nazi past and with the memory of Germany's failed experiment with democracy during the interwar Weimar Republic. It also discusses the significance of the West German student movement in the 1960s for West German intellectual history. The essay concludes with some broader reflections on writing intellectual history of the postwar period, and it points to some avenues for further research. It underlines the significance of intellectual debates—and hence of intellectual history—for charting and explaining the process of postwar democratization and liberalization in the Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

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