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人类的居住文明,是一定时代生产力水平的集中表现.我们在考察和研究原始文化时,无论这种文化的特征如何,最能说明当时人类生活条件的,莫过于他们的居住状况了.以定居为基础的新石器时代,是我国古代建筑艺术的萌生阶段.由于各地自然条件的差异,我国南北形成了不同的建筑格局:黄河流域以及北方地区流行穴居、半穴居及地面建筑;而长江流域及南方地区流行干栏式建筑及木骨泥墙的地面建筑.  相似文献   

韩雅熙 《风景名胜》2021,(4):0166-0166
随着我国城镇化水平的不断提高,建筑行业迎来了前所未有的发展机遇。房地产开发对大自然的生态环境和人们的生活都有着很大的影响,怎样合理、高效的利用有限的自然资源来为人们提供健康、舒服的居住条件与工作空间,最大限度地减少建筑开发对自然环境的影响成了房地产开发商首要考虑的重点。近些年,绿色建筑这一理念出现在大众的眼前,而这一建筑理念越来越受到人们的关注。  相似文献   

志选 《福建史志》2004,(4):11-18
一、文明的开端与早期开发。(一)古代闽越族。远古时代,居住福建的原始人类属于海洋蒙古利亚人种。根据三明万寿岩灵峰洞发现的距今18万年的旧石器时期文化遗址和漳州、清流、三明发现的旧石器时代人类牙齿化石、人工石铺地面等,证明福建早在18万年前已有人类活动,创造出远古文明。当时的原始人类,  相似文献   

郝秀 《风景名胜》2021,(7):0121-0121,0123
近年来,我国的建筑暖通工程发展迅速,建筑行业不断地要求倡导绿色建筑的发展理念,从设计感到建筑的居住感,不断地提高建筑的实用性,而在建筑给排水和暖通安装的问题上,还存在着一些问题,需要进行合理的解决。暖通和给排水技术不断地运用在现代工程建设之中,如果不考虑节能就会导致资源的浪费,所以要提高能源的高利用率,创造出绿色建筑。  相似文献   

日本学者浅川滋男曾把包括良诸文化在内在中国南方的史前住居划分为五种结构类形,即:竖穴类、高床类、地面立柱类、地面立壁类、地面柱壁结合类”。但细而观之,这种分类结果是根据两个而非一个标准得出的。也就是说,前三者的分类标准侧重于居住面与地表面的位置关系,后三者则强调作为屋顶撑托物的墙壁的筑造技法。所以,如果采用一个特征而非双重标准的话,似乎可以从居住面位置的角度把上述五种类型归并为三个大类,亦即竖穴类、高床类和地面类。而上述后三者则可以看作是地面类的细化,这种细化在一般的分类传统中,通常被认为是比大…  相似文献   

窑洞式建筑的产生及其环境考古学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类在适应、利用和改造自然环境的过程中,所创造的任何一种文化现象,既可反映出当时的生态环境状况,又能体现人与自然的密切关系。在我国黄土高原地带,人工开凿的窑洞式建筑,就是新石器时代以来形成的重要文化现象之一。这一建筑形式不仅展示出该地区居民适应环境的能动性和创造性,而且隐含着诸多环境考古学方面的信息。本文将以考古发现为线索,通过史前窑洞式建筑的形态结构,探讨其产生过程,进而分析这种建筑形式所具有的环境考古学意义。一史前窑洞式建筑的结构类型与特点无论人类进步程度如何,“住”始终是人类的一个基本生存问题,并直…  相似文献   

中国早期木结构建筑的时代特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的古代建筑,是以木结构建筑为主发展起来的。由于中国土地广阔,各地区的气候、物产、地理环境等条件不同,各地区木结构建筑发展的情况也不一致。大体情况是:在北方地区,主要指黄河中下游地区,地多黄土高原,气候寒冷,"掘地为穴"建筑居室的方法曾被广泛采用,建筑的发展是由天然岩洞到穴居、半穴居,上升为地面的、简单的原始木构建筑物,又逐渐发展为抬梁式又称梁柱式或叠梁式木构建筑。在南方,主要是指长江中下游地区,可能由于地下水位高,气候潮湿,建筑的发展是由"构木为巢"逐渐下降到地面。随着社会的前进、交通的发达、技术的交流与改进,逐步形成了丰富多采、独树一帜的中华民族的建筑形式与建筑风格。  相似文献   

中国有大约4000年的砖瓦生产历史。在中国古代砖瓦中,青灰色砖瓦始终是主流,而青灰色砖瓦的生产,离不开从窑顶向窑内渗水的技术,即"浇水转釉"技术。从考古发现来看,至迟在战国时代,我国就已掌握了这种技术,而其起源必定更早。然而,浇水转釉技术有其难以克服的缺陷,单独使用该技术,砖瓦的质量难以保障。我国古代先民在生产实践中早已意识到这一问题,并辅助以从烟囱或窑壁向窑内注水等措施来加以解决。而这种从窑顶渗水与从烟囱或窑壁注水相结合的工艺,从其出现之日起,在我国砖瓦生产中一直应用。  相似文献   

<正>人们把建筑比喻成凝固的音乐,那么,作为建筑制高点的屋顶,便可以说是韵律中的五线谱,在苍穹下勾勒出美丽的曲线。当你站在巴黎圣母院的钟楼顶,抑或是蒙巴那斯塔俯瞰巴黎城,构成其屋顶景观主体的"蒙萨式屋顶",与众多地标性建筑交织出丰富的线条与优美景观。2015年年初,巴黎政府向联合国教科文组织递交了申遗报告,希望巴黎屋顶能够入选世界文化遗产而受到更多关注与保护。  相似文献   

“亭”的起源应追溯到殷商时代苑囿中的“台”和军事上的城防“台”,当时的“台”有很大一部分都在方台上建“观榭”。这种建筑,在宫苑中的一支在战国秦汉时期达到了高潮,而军事上的一支则与司法邮驿系统相结合,保留了“亭燧”烽火台和城防台的建筑特征,成为“亭”这个机构的建筑标志。东汉时期传入中国的佛教,又借用了“亭”或台楼这种建筑形式作为最初的中国式佛塔,以后才发展出楼阁式、密檐式等多种佛塔。唐代化对“亭”的描写,使我们从多方面了解唐“亭”的功能和内部设施,知道了“亭”是怎样从驿馆演变为园林的,并进而了解到作为真正的有顶无墙的小型建筑物亭子,不是出现在盛唐,而是迟至北宋时期才成型。  相似文献   

Logging camps in the Great Lakes States experienced enormous changes between the 1840s and the 1940s. Research discloses an almost infinite variety in logging camp arrangements through time. The various buildings oj a camp sometimes stood side by side, other times they formed an “L” or “I” shape and still others were irregularly arranged. The camp buildings displayed increasing functional specialization through time. In the earliest camps a single building might serve for cooking, eating and sleeping. The later camps typically contained separate buildings to serve each of these functions besides a granary, blacksmith shop, van (store), saw filing shed, etc. Not surprisingly, the bunkhouse and the cookhouse or kitchen were always next to each other, as were the barn or stable and the blacksmith shop. Although the camps gradually increased in size during the pine-river drive era, the largest camps were associated with the hardwood-rail era. There was, however, great variation within any period. Whether a camp was that of a large company, small independent company or jobber largely determined the number of buildings it contained. The bunkhouse, kitchen-mess hall, stables or barns were always the largest structures of a camp. There is little chance that they would be confused with the office, blacksmith shop or any of the other structures commonly associated with logging camps. Structures at jobber camps were smaller than at corporate camps. The influence of different cultural groups, the increasing size of operations, the changing technology of logging and log transportation were among the factors that influenced settlement patterns at logging camps in the Great Lakes Stales.  相似文献   


Tell Qasile, in the area of the Eretz Israel Museum in north Tel Aviv, is the location of a small town founded in the twelfth century BCE. The site has significant importance for the study of various aspects of the Iron Age period in Israel. The buildings at the site were constructed of mudbricks on stone foundations. Conservation of buildings at the site was carried out using three methods: 1) building roofs (in roofed areas no other conservation was needed); 2) conserving mudbrick walls by plastering them in modern plaster made up in imitation of ancient building material; 3) full restoration of buildings up to roof level (carried out in one case). These methods were successful, and, due to the location of the site within a large museum compound, it is utilized for archaeological education, mainly of schoolchildren.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present and discuss empirical evidence on the dynamics of occupation and site formation processes from contemporary mobile campsites in Northwest Siberia. The questions posed are derived generally from archaeological studies of Upper Paleolithic record in Europe. We document the active Nenets summer camps at lakes and the abandoned winter and spring camps in the open tundra and the forest tundra. Analysis of the floral and zoological resources shows that plant resources and fish are available predominantly in the summer while reindeer are abundant in these regions in fall and winter when they return from summer pastures further north. When natural resources are not available, groups supplement with food purchased at shops. Within these living camps, “structures évidentes” and “structures latentes” of classical French paleoethnology cannot be distinguished as clearly as at Upper Paleolithic sites: and architectural remains, ash from hearths, and other objects may be removed from the central areas towards the site peripheries. However the investigated camps preserve a discrete structure with interior living areas (including children’s playgrounds), exterior areas with evidence of reindeer carcass processing, woodworking, and other activities, peripheral toss zones, and dispersed activity remains in the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

故宫古建筑结构可靠性问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保护故宫古建筑,采用归类汇总与理论分析相结合的方法,研究了故宫古建筑木结构的典型残损问题。基于大量现场勘查及理论分析结果,对故宫古建筑存在的典型可靠性问题进行了分类汇总,分析了产生这些问题的原因,提出了可行性加固建议。通过典型算例,对古建筑木结构加固方法进行了深入论证。结果表明:故宫古建筑木结构的柱子、斗栱、榫卯节点、梁架、屋顶、墙体等各部位都容易产生开裂、糟朽、变形、拔榫等可靠性问题并影响结构整体的稳定性能,而这些问题的产生原因主要与木结构的构造特征、木材材料性质及施工保养等因素有关;针对不同的可靠性问题,采取合理有效的加固方法,可提高古建筑结构整体的稳定性能。  相似文献   

本文首先根据对辽东半岛考古遗址中出土的生产工具的统计分析,结合遗址出土的动物骨骼和贝类遗骸的种类及数量,讨论了辽东半岛从小珠山下层时期到青铜时代生存经济的模式及其变化。然后从自然环境变迁、人类对自然环境的影响以及对外文化交流等方面,对上述变化的原因进行了探讨,认为辽东半岛北部区、南部区和海岛区的生存经济模式及其变化,与各区不同的自然环境以及人类对自然资源的影响有关。  相似文献   

Poland has a relatively higher proportion of households as compared to number of housing units available. The distortions in housing stock have increased in Poland since the 1960s and 1970s as deficits remained very high and the demand increased in Poland while other socialist nations of eastern Europe reduced their housing deficits. Housing is important irrespective of the economic system of the country, whether socialist or non‐socialist In a socialist economy, housing is heavily subsidized to meet the minimal requirements of all the people. Though the expressed policy of the socialist country is to minimize the differences between the rural and urban areas there are still basic socio‐economic differences in existence between the rural and urban housing stock. This study found that there were distinct differences between the different macro‐regions: the buildings varied in their age, condition, uses and composition. In Warsaw or Central Poland, roofs are constructed of tar boards and the buildings are used for subsidiary uses. In the eastern and southern regions of Poland, it was found that the majority of buildings are used as single‐family buildings. Many of the dwellings in the south are single family, with roofs constructed of tin plate and sheet metal. The walls of the buildings in this area were constructed of logs and boards. Endemic to the north‐western portion of Poland are roofs constructed of tile. Many of the characteristics found within the regions of Poland stem from the cultural influences.  相似文献   

San Jacinto 1 represents a special-purpose settlement that was used by late Archaic foraging groups who logistically moved from base camps to special-purpose camps in order to collect and process subsistence resources at the onset of the dry season in the Caribbean savannas of northern Colombia. Situated in an optimal location for permanent water and seasonal concentrations of dry season subsistence items, the site’s location was part of a logistic strategy in which specific task groups were moved to resources during a short season of availability. Preserved vertebrate and invertebrate faunas at San Jacinto conform to expectations about assemblage ubiquity, richness, and evenness or equitability within the early occupational strata at the site. Specific animals including turtles and fish were pursued, and may have been processed with C3 plants and grasses in ubiquitous earth ovens. Certain local aquatic invertebrates were also procured along with the collection of specific extra-local gastropods.  相似文献   

动植物群落与清代江南海塘的防护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
清代江南海塘防护植物的种类与分布 ,是自然选择、社会与人为因素综合作用的结果。经济利益驱使部分塘长和近海居民 ,违禁种植某些对海塘防护不利的植物 ,这对白蚁的穴居有利。狗獾在海塘上的穴居时间和海塘的岁修日期、风暴潮之间不同步 ,使其对海塘的破坏持久存在。白蚁的强力破坏和海塘取土之间的矛盾 ,说明了海塘防护中的两难选择。燃料问题 ,增加了对海塘及其防护植物管理的难度。植物、动物和人之间的联系 ,表明清代江南海塘的防护是个生态互动的复杂问题  相似文献   

兰州城市建筑构成与空间分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用高精度卫星影象和大规模实地调查方法获取数据,采用GIS手段和数理统计方法,利用建筑占地面积和建筑面积两项指标,分别研究了兰州市及其各区、功能区、各组团圈层的现状建筑构成与空间分布特点和规律。研究结果表明了兰州市各圈层的各种建筑类型所占的地位及其差异、不同区不同圈层不同建筑类型建筑的年代构成和现代化趋势及其差异。  相似文献   

李小龙 《华夏考古》2020,(1):55-64,97
在新石器时代和青铜时代中国北方地区发现大量防御性的石城聚落,其石砌技术作为北方地区独特的建筑方式,具有区域性、传承性和多元性等特征。归纳起来有石砌矮墙、护坡式石墙、直立式石墙、石砌包台、堑山砌石和分段砌筑等技术。其形成的原因与不同区域出现的年代差异、石材资源的构成和地形地貌等方面有关。  相似文献   

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