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1918年3月15日,《新青年》杂志六大主编中的钱玄同和刘半农,共同导演了一出双簧戏:钱玄同假“王敬轩”之名,在《新青年》第四卷第3号上“通信”专栏发表了给《新青年》编者的一封信,对主张新文化的人进行攻击;而刘半农则以《新青年》记者名义,在《新青年》同期的编辑回信部分刊发了长达万余言的《复王敬轩书》,对王敬轩所提出的观点逐一加以驳斥。钱刘二人导演的这出双簧戏,引发了新旧两派的激烈论战,震动了五四运动前中国的思想界和文学界。  相似文献   

邵建 《文史天地》2013,(9):12-17
题记:以1915年《新青年》(开始叫《青杂志》)为发端的新文化运动已靠近百年。近年来,新文化或主导新文化的《新青年》几乎了百年中国的文化圣经。治中国现代史、现文化史、现代思想史和现代文学史的学人,五四新文化持整体肯定之态度,且语辞颂赞加。故五四新文化长期以来一直获得超过自身成就的盛誉,与此同时,它的致命缺陷今隐而不彰,或觉而未察。多年来,海峡两岸是没有它的反思者,但这一面的工作显然还要进一步推进,毕竟由《新青年》或新文化所  相似文献   

<正>作为激活新文化运动的精神元典,《新青年》杂志已经走过一百个年头。尽管如此,"新青年派"知识群体围绕《新青年》为中国现代性的演进所做的诸多原创性工作并没有随着时间的流逝淡出人们的视线,其价值反而随着时代的发展愈加引人瞩目。一百年前,《新青年》同人们紧紧围绕这样一个"金牌杂志"演绎出许多惊心动魄的精神事件,回眸这一知识群体所走过的精神历程,他们尽管有着不同  相似文献   

《新青年》 出版 1915年9月15日,留日归国的陈独秀在上海创办《青年杂志》(第2卷改称《新青年》),高举起民主和科学的旗帜,反对旧道德、旧文学,提倡新道德、新文学,抨击封建主义文化。1916年9月1日,《青年杂志》易名《新青年》出版。陈独秀在改刊后的《新青年》第一期上发表《新青年》一文,号召青年做“新青年”。  相似文献   

新文化运动的兴起与《青年杂志》第一卷张涛《新青年》是现代中国新文化运动史上最重要的杂志。它创刊于1915年9月15日,每月发行一号,六号辑成一卷。第一卷名《青年杂志》,第二卷始改称《新青年》,后来再版时第一卷亦题名《新青年》。《新青年》第一卷为陈独秀...  相似文献   

相识于《新青年》的大旗下 陈独秀在上海编辑《新青年》,倡导思想解放运动时,鲁迅便已成为《新青年》的热心读者。他几乎每期必读,还将读过的《新青年》寄给远在绍兴的弟弟周作人,并在信中嘱咐其要认真阅读。1917年1月,陈独秀应北大校长蔡元培的聘请,就任北  相似文献   

<正>2015年是《新青年》创刊100周年。百年前《新青年》的创刊,是近代中国进步知识青年群体改造中国、复兴中华民族历程中的重大转折性和标志性事件,对20世纪中国影响巨大。为总结历史,展望未来,河南大学历史文化学院在古城开封主办"《新青年》与20世纪中国——纪念《新青年》创刊100周年"高层论坛,由知名《新青年》研究专家、河南大学副校长张宝明教授主持,邀约在这一领域有研究专长的知名学者分期报告与探讨。总括来说,大家主要讨论了以下若干问题。  相似文献   

张同乐 《安徽史学》2003,6(2):80-85
《新青年》杂志在中国现代社会转型中起着重要的桥梁作用。配方通过对《新青年》与现代化载体转,现代政治化转型,现代化理化转型,现代化的价值观转型的探讨,进而对《新青年》与现代中国化形态转型作整体性分析,研究《新青年》对现代中国化转型的久远影响。  相似文献   

张家康 《文史春秋》2010,(10):37-42
<正>陈独秀应北京大学校长蔡元培之聘任北大文科学长时,钱玄同已执教于北大。他们因《新青年》而相识相交,后又都是《新青年》同人。钱玄同自称是《新青年》  相似文献   

鲁迅从1918年在《新青年》杂志上发表《狂人日记》和《随感录》以后,成为新文学运动的闯将。但《新青年》杂志却一度是没有报酬(不计稿酬)的,投稿都是义务的。  相似文献   

吴元康 《安徽史学》2011,(5):103-110
《胡适全集》第23卷收录了胡适1929年以前的中文书信,其中部分书信书写时间不明。因赖以判断的线索太少,编者未能尽可能地确定或接近它们的书写时间,以致这些书信成为时间不明之疑信,妨碍学术界对它们的准确利用,亟待逐一厘清。  相似文献   

Right from the start of the Spanish Civil War, thousands of prisoners were executed by shooting. Today, many of them remain anonymous, but others, thanks to their writing, have passed into history. In the final hours before their execution, these men and women had the chance to write a few farewell letters to their nearest and dearest. These letters, known by historians as “chapel letters,” passed either through official channels exercising prior censorship or else were sent clandestinely. In their farewell letters, the condemned to death informed their families of their tragic fate and dedicated their last words to them. Genuine family relics, material and spiritual testaments, instruments of denunciation and propaganda, these chapel letters are regarded as the most sincere documents of any historical period. Since prisoners expressed in them their most intimate feelings and thoughts, they constitute the most exceptional testimony of all epistolary forms practised behind bars. By using an interdisciplinary approach this essay seeks to define the material and functional characteristics of this genre and to contextualise it in the framework of ordinary writings and scribal culture.  相似文献   

扬州"青溪旧屋"刘氏家族是自清嘉庆至民国时期数代相传的书香世家,其学术影响贯通中外。最近,古城扬州发现的数十通民国时期书信,内容涉及刘氏家族著作的出版发行情况,为研究其著作的传播与影响提供了鲜为人知的资料,也为后人了解和研究当时的图书出版事业提供了第一手鲜活的资料。  相似文献   

故宫所藏俞樾“门下士”.“群经”二札.被定为是俞樾写给曾国藩的.通过考证.笔者认为是写给祁隽藻的。其内容涉及了《群经评议》的刊刻。《群经评议》为俞樾经学的代表作。“门下士”,“群经”二札反映刊刻过程的艰辛。  相似文献   

Stott G 《家族历史杂志》2006,31(2):190-207
Beginning in the 1850s, the struggling farming family of Elijah Dunham (1810-1893) and Anna Maria Briggs (1813-1899) ceased to function as a single economic and social unit. The children left the family home to establish lives and families of their own in various parts of Canada and the United States. As the family dispersed, however; they continued to maintain contact through letters. In the letters, the family shared news, sought advice, received comfort, and, at times, vented their frustrations and exposed internal family tensions. The letters provided a means of requesting and extending financial assistance, especially as it came to maintaining the elderly parents back in Ontario. Although the family would never again inhabit the same geographic location, they continued to function as a kinship network even though separated by time and space.  相似文献   

Between 1856 and 1861 Minnie Blane and her husband, Captain Archibald Wood, wrote dozens of letters from India to the Minnie's mother in England. These letters and those associated with a military investigation into the couple's relationship in the 1860s detail the connections between the breakdown of the East India Company's rule in India and Minnie Blane's marriage. In particular, this correspondence shows some of the ways in which bourgeois identities were constructed in relationship to money and objects, place and race. It also exposes the fissures between family members, allowing us to see the gender, generational and cultural conflicts within such imperial families. The article raises concerns about the ways in which personal letters have been used as documents in the study of European women's imperial history.  相似文献   

This article examines the use of scribes in letters of one group of men during a specific period: British Royal Navy servicemen below the rank of commissioned officer during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1793–1815. The letters of one such seaman in particular, Richard Greenhalgh, are unusual in that he himself could write, but preferred to have someone to write for him, as is shown by many references to ‘his freind who writes for me’. Contrasts between the scribe’s style of writing and that of Greenhalgh are noticeable, especially after Greenhalgh and his scribe were parted by being sent to serve on different ships. The letters also reveal the relationship between writer and scribe, and the writer’s family and his scribe. The letters contain messages to be passed between a network of family and friends on board ship and on shore, strengthening ties between them, vital in wartime to the morale of the seamen and for the reassurance of those at home. References found in other surviving letters demonstrate the use of scribes by different seamen, also seamen acting as scribes for shipmates, adding to knowledge of scribal culture among this social group.  相似文献   

This paper refers to the study of an ancient papyrus, dated ca. 420/430 BC, found in 1981 during an excavation at Daphne, Athens, Greece, using multispectral imaging combined with image processing analysis. It was assumed that the papyrus contained ancient Greek musical notation but the condition of the object hindered the drawing of any conclusion based only on visual examination. This fact, combined with the significance of the object itself, as it is the oldest papyrus which carries Greek text, pointed to the application of non-invasive techniques to enhance its readability. The multispectral imaging carried out in the range of 420–1000 nm enabled the detection of more letters on surface layers, at various places and orientations. False colour imaging proved to yield better results in distinguishing the letters compared to single wavelength recording. In some cases, letters from several layers underneath are revealed in the infrared. The letters present different greylevels according to the layer they belong. An interesting result coming from a simple subtraction of the infrared image at 1000 nm from the visible one at 660 nm is that different layers of the papyrus can be distinguished. The Application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that the best results, as far as the extraction of the letters from the background is concerned, are obtained when the second and the third images are merged. The automatic extraction of the letters is feasible to some extent but there is a certain amount of noise with similar characteristics that cannot be removed.  相似文献   

张蔚星 《收藏家》2010,(2):51-57
之七:安志敏来函曾院长:承问及拙稿所引用洛阳烧沟墓1058A面的藻井图案问题,因为记得不甚清楚,曾立即去信问洛阳的河南文物工作队第二队,因为原始记录存在那里,但到现在一直没有回信。据我的记忆,大约是网形,如果以后有回信的话,必立即奉上不误。  相似文献   

张蔚星 《收藏家》2010,(1):21-28
曾昭燏是一位勤于书翰的人,无论是在建国之前,还是在建国后。她每天都要处理各方面来函,也写了大量的书信给各方面人士。可惜的是因为十年动乱等原因,她写给各方面的书信要收集起来,也不是件易事。幸好南京博物院图书馆,珍藏了一批曾昭烯师友们写给她的书信,这些信对研究她的生平思想是颇有帮助的。这里刊发一部分,略做考订。  相似文献   

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