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陈小荣 《神州》2012,(2):41-41
随着信息化技术的不断发展和完善,以互联网络为代表信息科技进入了社会的每一个层面,教育也必然面临着巨大的变革。信息技术课程以培养和提高学生的信息技术能力(Information Technology Capability),用现代教育技术来进行教育和教学活动等变革已成为新时期职业教育改革的主要内容。  相似文献   

史克明 《神州》2014,(6):164-164
在如今,我国正处于社会主义快速发展时期,也是现代化的快速发展时期,在这一时期中,难免会出现一些在社会转型中通常会发生的问题,;例如社会分化严重、社会矛盾增多,因此大力推进社会主义文化建设是建立和谐社会的必然选择。和谐文化的推进不仅有利于社会的发展,更加的有利于人们的思想政治教育,提高每一个社会人的文化素质和道德素质。  相似文献   

德国著名史学理论家约恩&;#183;吕森的论文集《历史思考的新途径》为我们提出了一个重要问题:在当前的新条件下,也就是在全球化进程快速发展、跨文化接触不断加强、文化认同更加复杂的条件下,历史思考怎么办?它面临挑战如何做出变革,寻觅新的途径?对此,作者着重在理论上做出了回答。  相似文献   

黄韬 《贵阳文史》2014,(3):72-74
正"书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。"当大众适应快速浏览信息的同时,仍然有一些人坚持着阅读,坚持给读书留一些时光。每一个图书馆都有它内在的灵魂,每一个书店都有它开设的意义。我们在这里嗅到的不光是书本的墨香,还有来自灵魂深处的气息。一张书桌,一盏灯光,进入全民阅读时代。  相似文献   

梅仕士 《民俗研究》2007,(4):79-102
一、引言我们处在一个崭新的时代——网络时代。今天,网络充斥着世界的每一个角落,极大的改变着我们的生活方式,我们通过网络生活、工作、娱乐和学习。每一次新的传媒产生,都会导致人类生活方式的转换与改变,知识传播的模式也会随之改变。随着网络时代的快速发展与经济全球化步伐的加快,民族民间文化  相似文献   

正2018年是改革开放40周年。今天的中国,经济活了、道路宽了、房子高了、生活好了……神州大地,变化翻天覆地。我们每个人,都是这场历史变革的经历者和见证人。这40年,在每一张泛黄的老照片里,都浓缩了我们曾经的记忆。为纪念这一特殊的时代,我们面向全社会征集老照片,共同分享并讲述一个人、一个家庭、一个时代的故事。  相似文献   

正2018年是改革开放40周年。今天的中国,经济活了、道路宽了、房子高了、生活好了……神州大地,变化翻天覆地。我们每个人,都是这场历史变革的经历者和见证人。这40年,在每一张泛黄的老照片里,都浓缩了我们曾经的记忆。为纪念这一特殊的时代,我们面向全社会征集老照片,共同分享一个人、一个家庭、一个时代的故事。  相似文献   

罗克吨 《神州》2012,(12):5-5
科学发展为和谐社会奠定重要基础,和谐社会为科学发展创造必要条件。我们所要构建的社会主义和谐社会,是经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设以及生态文明建设协调发展的社会,是人与人、人与社会、人与自然和谐相处的社会。实现社会和谐、创建美好未来,始终是人类孜孜以求的一个社会理想,也是包括中国共产党在内的马克思主义政党不懈追求的一个美好社会理想。维护社会稳定,实现社会快速发展,是符合国家和人民的根本利益,是每一个公民的责任。  相似文献   

正要写人民史必须端正历史观,必须全面准确把握人民史观、群众史观。人民史观、群众史观的基本观点是:人民群众是推动历史发展的动力或者说主体性力量。在以往、现今、未来的整个历史发展过程中,人民群众是主体性力量;每一个历史阶段、每一个社会领域、每一个社会活动中,人民群众也是主体性力量,同时也不能否认英雄人物在历史发展中的作用。  相似文献   

在世界屋脊举办的中国赛事骑闯天路,被誉为全球海拔最高、难度最大、路线最壮美的自行车极限赛。这是挑战自我的炼狱之赛,也是考验人性的炼心之赛。每一米都濒临绝境,每一秒都萌生放弃。如何在川藏天路上,找到另一个自己?钟承湛快速转动着轮椅,从斜坡上到主席台中央,动作一气呵成,笑容绽放,声音激昂高亢,“川藏南线318是一条由两千多英灵铸就的神圣之路,修这条路时,平均每一公里牺牲一个人,非常值得有一场赛事,来纪念这条神圣之路。”  相似文献   

Places of household residence and places of commuter destination are considered in a contiguous system of subareas constituting a region. An intrahousehold distribution of household members, by subarea of their commuting destination, is considered for each subarea of residence. A household composition matrix is constructed in reference to the average number of commuters to subareas of destination, per household at a subarea of residence, across all subareas. The matrix is a linear transformation from the spatial distribution of households onto the spatial distribution of daytime population, over all subareas of the region. Diurnal population change throughout the region is rendered by this transformation. A linear optimization model extending this transformation formalizes general conditions that relate the diurnal population system to household choice of residence and work. Further, the division of the region into subareas is assumed to be such that the average household in each subarea contains at least one person who remains in the subarea during day and night. Under these conditions, the diurnal system is shown to be analogous to the Leontief input‐output model. An example of eleven counties of North Wales, along with an exogenous area of northwestern England, drawn from the 1991 census of the United Kingdom, illustrates the formal relationships.  相似文献   

In November 2012, a researcher, two social workers and five mothers embarked on a participatory action research (PAR) journey with the aim to develop new ideas for interventions for children and young people in street situations of the city of El Alto in Bolivia. In this article, we attend to the topic of personal and social transformation in PAR. We explore how the mothers of young people in street situations perform and negotiate their subjectivities as mothers in their everyday life; how they create (new) subjectivities in exchange and in interaction with each other during the mother project; and how the performance of their (new) subjectivities can bring social change. The mothers in our group shared stories of being silenced by social services in their everyday lives, as their motherhood is declared not good enough or as they are perceived too guilty to claim for help. It was the first time the mothers shared their stories with other mothers of their lives with their children in street situations. By noticing that they all experienced or heard of similar events that their children were subjected to in the streets, the mothers grew confident enough to talk back. Mothers talked back by denouncing injustice and by transforming doubts into questions, providing them with more knowledge. Finally, as the mothers reached out to social services, mothers’ presence, questions and stories confronted aid workers with their own flaws, and their comfortable discourse of blaming families, creating new paths towards social transformation.  相似文献   

近代以来,城市发展引领着中国社会转型,社会转型以城市发展为先驱,为中心,为标识,为推力。而社会转型的过程,同样对于城市发展有着反馈与推动的作用。在城市化问题和社会转型话题愈来愈受人们普遍关注的当下,出席东华大学与上海市档案馆联合主办的“近代城市发展与社会转型”学术研讨会的学者们,以城市史与社会史复合研究为视野,分别就城市发展与社会变迁、城市管理与城市文化、工商金融与城市比较、社会群体暨重要人物、重大事件等方面进行了深入研讨,试图探寻历史的经验和教训,为现实提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

A. Tarriño 《Archaeometry》2015,57(5):928-948
A new classification system is proposed to describe the volumetric formats of clastic lithic products of geological and archaeological origin. In order to build this operative classification, the rectangular block or cuboid is established as the standard geometric format to represent their three‐dimensional format (the X‐axis being length or long diameter, the Y‐axis being the width or intermediate diameter, and the Z‐axis being the thickness or short diameter) on a two‐dimensional diagram. To obtain this graph, each absolute coordinate (X, Y, Z) defining the prisms is projected on to an auxiliary plane with a new set of relative coordinates (x, y, z), expressed as the percentage of their sum. The projection generates a triangular diagram on which the indices of elongation and flatness are represented. A geometric transformation converting the triangular diagram into a quadrangular diagram has been produced in order to better represent the scatter points. Then, a double scale is necessary: (i) an absolute scale to quantify the indices, and (ii) a relative scale to calculate where the graphic locus is projected. This new graph also allows us to work with statistical parameters. Finally, two classic examples of applications selected from the literature are shown.  相似文献   

As global capitalism is expanding to the most remote areas of the world, the notion of “frontier”, where competing social orders are contesting each other, is gaining traction in academic analyses. Contemporary frontiers are associated with resource exploitation in marginalized spaces and processes of socioecological transformation, which are characterized as particularly violent. This article offers a conceptual contribution to the frontier debate by putting violence in the center of a frontier concept. Building on a sociology of violence, this approach assumes that every social order comes with some form of organized violence. We argue that the frontier is characterized by a tidal passage: Existing orders and their institutions, which socially embed and constrain a particular use of violence, are challenged by an expansive order which comes along with new formations of violence, leading to a reorganization of violence. Thus the frontier describes a momentum in which the interplay of social order and organized violence becomes highly disputed. Representatives of the expansive order refuse to recognize existing orders and favour a state of exception, in which law is set aside to impose the new order.  相似文献   

1949~1956年,我国对私立学校进行了全面改造,使私立学校在20世纪50年代中期一度退出历史舞台。从北京地区对私立学校的改造来看,当时国家改造私立学校有着深刻的社会原因和复杂的国内、国际背景,但党和政府对私立学校的改造是随着客观形势的变化而按部就班地推进的,对于不同类型和不同级别的私立学校采取不同的方法和措施,这种改造是"因地制宜"进行的,从中可以看出中共处理问题的灵活性。  相似文献   

Summary.   The occupation of the steppe region north of the Black Sea by farming or herding groups in the fifth and fourth millennia BC has been a controversial question. At the core of the problem is the changing relationship between Cucuteni-Tripole farming groups in the forest-steppe zone and their neighbours in the true steppe zone. Three phases of this relationship are discussed, in the Early Copper Age, Late Copper Age and Early Bronze Age (c.5000–3000 BC), during which different forms of exchange and acculturation took place, each with its own social and economic characteristics. The role of environmental change, and the significance of burial monuments in the process of cultural convergence, are evaluated. The process is discussed both in terms of general models of social transformation, and by comparison with other areas of Europe where similar processes of interaction were taking place.  相似文献   

Abstract. Students of the State are to this day bewildered by the subject matter of their discipline, and disagree over the formation of the modem state. In their search for clarity they have dedicated a relatively large part of their attention to redefining the boundaries between the state and society, and questions regarding the independent role of each in the modem nation-state. This probe left the two settings separate from each other. The renewed interest in the origins of the modem manifestation of the polity, the nation-state, assumed that a better understanding of the beginning would shed some light on the question of its future. The study of nation-state-making may produce a common denominator between the two constructs -society and the state. It is the purpose of this article to look at the role of the territoriality factor in the Jewish case of nation-state-building and to develop it as a concept that combines societal and statist elements. The link between territoriality and legitimacy, institution-building and leadership formation, was a major factor in the transformation of a diaspora-based society into a modem polity that eventually became a nation-state.  相似文献   

除了延续自前代的风格传统与工艺技术外,东周玉器与源自于他类材质器物的启发关系尤其密切,其中金器扮演了关键性的角色。东周金器对玉器装饰风格的影响,主要表现在纹饰布局、纹饰母题以及追求浮雕的空间表现等几个方面。此时玉器和金器在风格上的相互转换与兴替消长,不仅导致金玉材质间的相互置换,更重要的是,它们的装饰形式也因应被模仿对象的材质特性而改头换面,并且发展出新的审美价值和象征意蕴。  相似文献   

Feminist political theory draws on particular spatial imaginations in elaborating a politics of transformation. This paper establishes this in relation to two familiar accounts of feminist transformation – those of Judith Butler and Luce Irigaray. Respectively I read their work as suggesting that transformation of gender relations takes the form of ubiquitous revolution, taking place everywhere, or a distant dream of an (im)possible future – elsewhere. The paper then turns to discuss the work of Julia Kristeva, often dismissed as not feminist and conservative. I read her work politically, within the frame of feminist theory. She offers a different, heterogeneous account of transformation, as both possible in the present and also limited by the existence and need for social and symbolic orders. In exploring the heterogeneous spatial imagination of her work, the paper suggests that the spatialities of abjection are diverse and productive. Abjection is not simply about devising territories and borders. Moreover, dominant spatialities cannot be described as simply masculine. Finally, drawing links with Lefebvre's account of representational spaces, I argue that Kristeva's work can be extended to inform our understanding of how spaces themselves can be transformed.  相似文献   

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