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论日本城市城下町化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城下町是存在于日本封建社会后期的一种独特的城市形态。它是以领主城馆为中心,融武士集居区域、工商业区域、寺院神社为一体的封建城市。它在日本城市发展史上占有重要地位。从十六世纪到十七世纪初,作为各个地区政治、军事、经济中心的城下町普遍兴起,压倒以至取代了其它类型的城市,而成为全国城市演变的主流,在数量、规模、作用上均占绝对优势。城下町化成为当时日本城市发展的显著趋势,出现了日本城市发展史上的城下町时代。据统计,在十七世纪,仅三万石以上的城下町就有二百三十五个,遍布全国。整个江户时代一万石以上的城下町(不管其兴废情况),共达四百五十二个,可见其发展之兴盛。城下町这种重要的城市类型,城下町化这种不容忽视的社会现象,对日本城市及社会历史的发展带来了何种影响,本文试图就此作一点考察和分析。  相似文献   

壮族是岭南古老的民族之一,人口很多。但是,长期以来,对壮族社会经济史的研究成果很少。广西解放以前,壮族是否存在封建领主经济?具体情况如何?这是南方少数民族历史的重要课题之一,目前尚无专文论列。九五八年,中国科学院民族研究所对广西大新、凌乐县的封建领主庄园进行了具体调查,并且发表一些调查报告。本文拟根据这些调查及有关文献,对解放前广西壮族地区的领主庄园及农奴制度进行初步探讨,希望得到指正。  相似文献   

秦统一六国,对战国时代的社会变革做了全面总结,郡县制代替了分封制,地主封建制和国家封建制取代了领主封建制,整个社会步入了地主封建制的初级阶段。然而,在地主封建制确立的初级阶段,地主封建制生产关系并没有充分发展起来,封建农民与封建地主者个人之间的关系并没有得以展开。大部分劳动生产者在脱离封建领主控制之后,变为国家编户民,成为国家封建制下的农奴。整个社会充满了地主封建制与国家封建制的矛盾和斗争,地主封建制的发展,在突破国家封建制的羁绊中曲折向前。本文意在对秦汉魏晋南朝时期地主封建制的发展过程做一粗略考察。  相似文献   

西藏封建农奴制下的庄园经济和寺院经济在西藏漫长的封建农奴制社会形态下,有两种特殊经济形式伴随其左右。罗莉发表在忡央民族大学学报)1997年第五期上的文章指出,封建领主庄园经济和寺院经济,是当时西藏特定历史条件下的必然产物,它们发展到后来,成为西藏社会发展的桂桔。研究其产生、发展及其影响,对认识西藏封建农奴制的社会具有很大意义。这两种经济产生于公元10世纪前后,当时的社会情况是,吐着王朝的崩溃使一些农奴和属民成为自耕农和个体农;一些村落的大小头人占有较多的土地;一些幸存下来的农奴主与地方宗教势力和教派势…  相似文献   

论中世纪西欧封建主义的政治结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
计秋枫 《史学月刊》2001,9(4):69-74
西欧封建主义的政治结构随着中世纪中期封建主领地的世袭化进程而确立起来。其主要特征是封建权利对公共权利的最大限度的排斥,领主和附庸间的私人契约取代了国家的公共法律,公共权利沦为私下义务。由于领主一附庸间纵向阶梯型网络的破毁,西欧封建国家的领土界限极为模糊,各国君主不仅对内无法实行统一的管理,对外也不能以主权的身份进行平等的交往。因此,在封建主义政治结构之下,中世纪西欧便不存在任何完整意义上的“国际关系”。  相似文献   

中国“封建”概念的演变和“封建地主制”理论的形成   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
引言:问题的提出本文所要讨论的“封建地主制”(或称“地主经济封建制”)是指封建社会形态中的一种类型,这种类型既区别于中国战国以前的封建领主制(或把战国以前定性为奴隶制) ,也区别于西欧中世纪的封建领主制。“封建地主制”理论是与对战国秦汉以后至鸦片战争以前这一历史阶段社会经济性质的认识联系在一起的。战国秦汉至鸦片战争是中国历史上十分重要的一个时代,把它放到世界历史发展的大潮中看,它显得很有特色,似乎与众不同。对这段历史如何认识,如何定性,颇费历史学家踌躇。早在2 0世纪2 0—3 0年代,就有人称之为“中国社会形态发展…  相似文献   

庄仆是中世纪英国庄园自营地上的全职工资劳动者,其前身可以追溯到11世纪末的奴隶,并在此后的两个世纪里经历了由服役庄仆向领薪庄仆的转变。庄仆长期从事一些专门工作,与惯例佃农和临时雇工一道满足了领主不同方面的需求。庄仆的报酬是其维持生计的主要来源,形式多样,主要由谷物和货币组成,在经历黑死病之前的下降之后,其待遇在中世纪晚期不断改善。但由于此时高工资和低物价的影响,领主对于直接进行农业生产失去兴趣,自营地逐渐被出租,传统的庄仆也就从历史上消失了。  相似文献   

明治维新和明治政权的性质问题是日本近代史研究中聚讼纷纭的一个焦点。而明治维新,作为一个历史时期,究应如何断限?日本学者的意见也异常分歧。本文以1853年日本被迫“开国”为其起点,以1894年“日英新约“的签定和甲午战争的爆发为终点,着重谈谈明治维新和明治政权的性质问题。笔者认为,要回答这个问题,应先考察维新时期日本经济结构的变化。 维新时期存在三种经济成分 德川时代幕藩体制的基础是封建领主制。推翻德川幕府,继之以“废藩置县”和“地税改革”,日本的封建领主制被摧毁,此后乃存在着三种经  相似文献   

要求统一,这是春秋战国时代大多数人的愿望。除了封建领主以外,不仅劳动人民是如此,即地主阶级亦是如此。代表劳动人民利益的墨子有「一同天下」的统一思想,代表地主阶级利益的孟子也有「天下恶乎定?定于一」的统一思想。因为天下不统一,各国分裂割据,一定会发生无止境的残酷战争,使劳动力缺乏,生产凋敝,经济破坏,大家同归于尽。所以劳动人民和地主阶级要求统一是毫无疑问的。地主和领主不同,领主的土地所有形式,是以裂土分封形式对土地进行占有的。而地主的土地  相似文献   

有元一代,今贵州之地土司密集,除了思州、播州、亦溪不薛、八番顺元、新添葛变等宣慰司、安抚司外,蛮夷长官司多达三百多处。又有乌撒、普定、曾安等土府。大体上讲,土司地区基本上是封建领主所有制,土司“世袭其职,世有其土,世长其民”土地严禁买卖,人民不得自由迁徙。到了明初,这种情况仍未变,除大量保留封建领主制外,还有若干地区停留在奴隶制或原始公社所有制阶段。自明以降,随着整个政治、经济形势的发展,领主制不断向地主所有制转化,奴隶制与原始公有制也日益解体。造成这一重大社会变革的原因是多方面的,归纳起来,主…  相似文献   

谁是鲁国的始封之君 ,周公旦抑或其子伯禽 ?自古至今聚讼未决。今天的学者多主“伯禽封鲁”说 ,其主要依据为《鲁颂·宫》与《左传》定公四年所载的两条材料 ,但这两条材料明显有可疑之处。“伯禽封鲁”说之所以影响大 ,盖由崔述的鼓荡所致 ,然而崔氏的考证远非一贯正确。《左传》僖公二十四年说“鲁”是“文之昭”,这是一条铁证 ,证明了周公旦是鲁国的始封之君。历史上 ,周公旦曾两次封于鲁。但由于他是武王、成王两代人的助手 ,所以两次受封均不曾就国 ,而是由其长子伯禽代就封 ,故有“伯禽封鲁”说  相似文献   


Following examination of a number of post-medieval perceptions of Peak, or Peveril, Castle in Derbyshire, the topographical setting of the castle is discussed. It is suggested that late-12th-century literature can give clues as to the way in those who built and used the castle in the 12th and 13th centuries might have appreciated the site.  相似文献   

Bolsover Castle is a 17th‐century mock‐medieval castle built for the Cavendish family. First impressions suggest that its Pillar Parlour has survived with little alteration for nearly four centuries. In reality, there have been minor but telling changes to its fabric. The 18‐century Cavendishes venerated the castle as a shrine to their ancestors. Bolsover’s 19th‐century tenants recreated a romantic Olden Time appearance. The public bodies responsible for the castle in the 20th century used archaeology to reconstruct its 17th‐century form. In each case, these custodians aimed to present the site ‘authentically’, but their work reveals their own contemporary readings of the castle’s history. This evidence, gathered for a Conservation Plan, allowed English Heritage’s re‐display of the castle (1996–2001) to take a more reflective and positive approach to creating new meanings. This use of history to create local important meanings should give good cheer to those managing similar small but significant sites across the world.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(4):325-350

Recent monographs and articles emphasize the strong impact of nationalism and racist thinking on archaeology. In contrast to the treatments which focus on single nation states and on archaeology as a politically legitimate science, this paper explores the tension between internationalism and racist premises in German castle research, and how it manifests itself in the construction of knowledge about medieval castles across national borders. I will focus on Bodo Ebhardt, Germany's most famous and influential castle researcher of the first half of the 20th century. The analysis of his scientific work, and of his personal contact with other European researchers as well as with German politicians and patrons, will shed light on the changes and continuities in his network, and in particular on his construction of the past that was influenced by the formation of this network, which, in turn, affected his assessment of medieval castles.  相似文献   

This project analyses the wounds sustained by those defending the Crusader castle of Vadum Iacob, which is to the north of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. To our knowledge this is the first Crusader castle garrison to be excavated and studied, and consequently gives unique information concerning medieval battle wounds. The Muslim forces of Saladin stormed the castle in August 1179. The skeletal remains of five of the garrison who were killed during the siege and the execution which followed have been studied, providing a vivid portrait of what it must have been like in the last hours as the castle surrendered. Multiple sword and arrow wounds were noted, and arrowheads were still in situ at the time of their deaths. All the soldiers appear to have been stripped of their armour and then dumped together with corpses of horses that died in the battle. We explore the nature and anatomical location of the wounds in the context of medieval Islamic weapons, battlefield tactics and the defensive armour of the Crusaders. Despite the limited number of soldiers discovered, the unique nature of this site makes the findings of great significance. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

民国时期改土归流政策的推行,使土司辖地被纳入与内地一致的省县体系当中.这一过程在解决历史遗留问题的同时,也激化了新的土司辖地的归属纠纷,促使甘肃省政府展开界务调整,但实际勘划并不完全与相关勘界法规相符.狄道赵土司辖地乔家沟以耕种土地租户的籍贯为标准而划归渭源;河州何土司辖地何家堡则在甘青省界调整的过程中被划归永靖;卓尼...  相似文献   

传世文献及后世学者有关晋始封地的记载、论说,观点纷呈,至清际大体上定格于翼城说与晋阳说之争。近代考古学的兴起,为晋始封地的研究提供了有益的考古材料,天马-曲村遗址、翼城南梁故城遗址、浮山桥北先族墓葬等的发现和发掘,以及甲骨文、《唐子爵》、《文王玉环》、《晋公■》、《叔夨方鼎》、《■公簋》等相关铭文研究的深入,无疑是目前讨论晋始封地的有力素材。  相似文献   

县城在乡村城市化中的优势分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
依据县城在我国乡村城市化过程中快速发展的现实,分析了县城在乡村城市化过程中拥有的而一般小城镇所不具备的非经济方面的优势条件。这些优势条件主要体现在社会文化、地域条件、区域与设施条件等方面。最后提出在乡村城市化的过程中要重点建设县城,并配合各项改革,进行制度创新,因势利导,充分发挥县城优势等各项对策建议。  相似文献   

In the present series we have dated two samples from a previously unknown pilework E. of the Kastelholm castle, two other logs from old layers to the S. of the castle, two charcoal samples from a layer E. of the castle, four samples of various materials from a ditch SE of the castle, and one sample from outside the NE part of the castle. All the samples were carefully pre‐treated, δ13C normalization performed and the measurements extended to reach a statistical uncertainty of usually less than ±60 years. The results are given in radiocarbon years and calibrated.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that from the beginnings of the early Czech state, Prague Castle has constituted the state's main political, residential and ceremonial centre. After the mid‐tenth century, however, another castle in its vicinity was founded at Vy?ehrad. Surprisingly, the twelfth‐century reports portray the latter castle as a location of residential and political significance comparable to the former. Such a situation has no parallel in the continental Europe of that period. Based on an investigation of archaeological and written sources, this article argues that Vy?ehrad is likely to have acquired such a position shortly after its foundation and that since the very beginnings, it functioned as a kind of shadow ruling centre used in particular by those members of the ruling dynasty who challenged the actual power constellations or even the traditional political conventions.  相似文献   

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