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赵望秦 《史学月刊》2003,(2):121-123
唐代长安新设刑场独柳树考论@赵望秦$陕西师范大学文学院  相似文献   

唐代有将罪犯“斩于独柳”的记载。关于独柳的具体位置 ,赵望秦先生已指出它地处皇城西南隅 (《“独柳树”地点考实》 ,《中国历史地理论丛》 1999年第 1期 ) ,并注意到相关记载始于肃宗以后 ,受刑的多是高级官员 (《唐长安城新设刑场———独柳树探析》 ,《淮阴师范学院学报》 (哲社版 ) 2 0 0 1年第 5期 )。但关于其背后所包含的历史意义却未得确解。独柳树似乎与“社”相近。李之乱平定 ,他被俘入京师 ,《旧唐书·宪宗纪上》元和二年十一月甲申“斩李于独柳树下” ;柳宗元在《同吴武陵赠李睦州诗序》中谈及此事时说 :“润之盗………  相似文献   

李乔 《炎黄春秋》2007,(5):43-45
中央电视台与各大报纸每天都有一个栏目——“永远的丰碑”,介绍革命先烈的事迹。每当我看到那些革命烈士英勇牺牲的结局时,心里总感到很悲怆,同时又生出无限敬意。这些烈士,大量的是牺牲在战场上的,也有很多牺牲在刑场上,但也有的是死于我党内部“左”倾错误的“肃反”中。  相似文献   

王昱斐  李龙 《神州》2014,(15):272-272
我国于2013年11月15日正式放开“单独二胎”计划,这是对我国计划生育政策的重大调整,也是国家人口发展的重要战略决策,这意味着独生子女家庭的数量会逐渐减少,失独家庭数量的增加会逐渐缓慢。但失独群体依然存在,失独群体的数量依然会缓慢增加,针对失独群体的社会保障政策依然不够完善,社会各界对失独群体的认识仍然不够全面。如何让“失独”群体老有所依,是我们正在面临的重大问题。  相似文献   

“江海之志”、“独往之愿”,是杜甫对个体生命意识的体认和追求,伴其一生,至老弥笃。但迄今为止,学术界对此重视不够,人们多强调杜甫“致君尧舜”的一面。这种研究格局,无论是就杜甫文化心态的认识,还是对杜诗深层意蕴的理解,都显得软片面,不够深刻。本文认为、杜甫的“独往之愿”,反映了他的独立人格和自由个性,与“致君尧舜”共同组成了一个完整的人生价值体系,且在其文化心态中与后者占有同等重要的位置。杜甫的“独往之愿”.来源于道家、道教和怫教三大文化思潮。据现有资料,杜甫萌生“独往之愿”是在他第一次漫游时期。…  相似文献   

引子 1937年10月2日.古城太原之夜,万籁俱寂。突然,“唰”地一道亮光,划破夜空。从太原绥靖公署大门冲出一辆武装森严的汽车,风驰电掣般直奔大教场刑场。  相似文献   

菜市口在古都北京的历史上,是一个特别值得留下一笔的所在,不仅因为六君子曾在这里舍生取义,还因为它的周边,积淀了太多的文化与历史的印迹……菜市口在清代是北京的刑场。刑场位置在  相似文献   

1941年3月22日,松嫩平原腹地的祖国北疆小县——肇州城,四门紧闭,戒备森严,大街小巷布满了全副武装的日伪军岗哨,整个县城笼罩在一片阴森恐怖的气氛之中,上午8时许,5辆日寇刑车押解着32名中华抗日救国志士,从肇州监狱驶向县城南门外刑场.望着那远去的刑车,人们默默在哭泣,在愤慨,在诅咒日本帝国主义的滔天罪行.刑场上,抗日志士大义凛然,视死如归,极声高呼:“打倒日本帝国主义!”、“抗日战争必胜!”、“中国共产党万岁!”、“中华民族万岁!”……这声音划破长空,震撼着大地,在口号声中,恶魔的子弹,使32名爱国志土倒在了血泊中.这就是日本帝国主义在肇州县制造的骇人听闻的“32烈士惨案”.赵祥就是其中之一,牺牲时年仅35岁.  相似文献   

黑格尔在《生活的哲学》里讲述了这样一则故事:一个被执行死刑的青年在赴刑场时,围观的人群中有个老太太突然冒出一句:“看,他那金色的头发多么漂亮迷人!”那个即将告别人世的青年闻听  相似文献   

在西藏拉萨千年古剎——大昭寺正门前,有三处具有史料意义的历史见证物,它们呈一字形排开,从左至右分别是“唐柳”、“唐蕃会盟碑”和“拉萨痘碑”,根据文学家的考证,文成公主进藏后主持修建大昭寺,在大昭寺门前亲手种下一棵当时由唐长安带入拉萨的柳树,即“唐柳”人们也称之为“公主柳”,此柳虽然已枯死,变成朽木,近几年在其树根  相似文献   

On July 2, 1881, Charles Julius Guiteau shot President James Abram Garfield in the right flank. The President died because of infection produced by the unsterile fingers and probes repeatedly inserted into the wound. The major complaint of the wounded President was intractable pain in his legs and feet. This symptom failed to alert the doctors to the possibility of vertebral and spinal cord injury. Garfield died with sepsis after 80 days of intense national concern, and for the patient there was psychological, physical, and nutritional deprivation. His autopsy revealed the bullet was not in the pelvis as his doctors had expected, but adjacent to the first lumbar vertebra it had shattered. The trial and execution of Guiteau split the medical community into those that considered him insane and those who felt execution was justified. Guiteau was delusional and his brain revealed chronic inflammation and histological features suggestive of syphilis. At the time, and since, the propriety of the execution has been questioned.  相似文献   

On July 2, 1881, Charles Julius Guiteau shot President James Abram Garfield in the right flank. The President died because of infection produced by the unsterile fingers and probes repeatedly inserted into the wound. The major complaint of the wounded President was intractable pain in his legs and feet. This symptom failed to alert the doctors to the possibility of vertebral and spinal cord injury. Garfield died with sepsis after 80 days of intense national concern, and for the patient there was psychological, physical, and nutritional deprivation. His autopsy revealed the bullet was not in the pelvis as his doctors had expected, but adjacent to the first lumbar vertebra it had shattered. The trial and execution of Guiteau split the medical community into those that considered him insane and those who felt execution was justified. Guiteau was delusional and his brain revealed chronic inflammation and histological features suggestive of syphilis. At the time, and since, the propriety of the execution has been questioned.  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper presents a re-evaluation of a cemetery excavated over 30 years ago at Walkington Wold in east Yorkshire. The cemetery is characterized by careless burial on diverse alignments, and by the fact that most of the skeletons did not have associated crania. The cemetery has been variously described as being the result of an early post-Roman massacre, as providing evidence for a 'Celtic' head cult or as an Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery. In order to resolve the matter, radiocarbon dates were acquired and a re-examination of the skeletal remains was undertaken. It was confirmed that the cemetery was an Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery, the only known example from northern England, and the site is set into its wider context in the paper.  相似文献   

汉简《奏谳书》案例一记载了蛮夷成年男子毋忧因逃避"都尉屯"而被起诉,由夷道官吏审理,但未能判决.该案被上报廷尉,廷尉判处毋忧腰斩刑.本案诉讼程序完整,适用军法也符合汉初的司法要求,所以毋忧案是一则典型的军法案例.  相似文献   

赵科学 《江汉考古》2007,(3):87-90,72
汉简《奏谳书》案例一记载了蛮夷成年男子毋忧因逃避”都尉屯”而被起诉,由夷道官吏审理,但未能判决。该案被上报廷尉,廷尉判处毋忧腰斩刑。本案诉讼程序完整,适用军法也符合汉初的司法要求,所以毋忧案是一则典型的军法案例。  相似文献   


Maniace Castle, built on Ortygia island in Siracusa (Italy) in the first half of the 13th century and hosting a magnificent hypostyle hall (the Salone), a square area covered by 25 cross vaults supported by columns, was severely damaged by the 1693 earthquake and the explosion of the ammunition dump in 1704. The buttresses, built immediately afterward to counteract the thrust of the 10 surviving vaults, did not guarantee adequate seismic safety so that a metal scaffolding was installed in 2001 to prevent an overturning mechanism. This article discusses the design and execution of an external pre-stressing steel system to increase existing buttress strength and the seismic capacity of the Salone, starting with historical and constructional analyses and dealing with both analytical and technical aspects. The monitoring system installed to detect structural response during and after the working execution is shown, along with some of the data acquired so far.  相似文献   

彭友锋 《攀登》2008,27(3):94-97
文章概述了三江源地区自然经济社会及林业执法的现状,分析了林业执法中存在的主要问题,提出了健全林业执法体系的对策。  相似文献   

An excavation on the southern side of London Road, Staines, in 1999 revealed a dense concentration of ancient features surviving amidst the concrete foundations of a recently demolished office building. These features included a number of Bronze Age pits, many of which were intercut; pits, ditches and a well of late Roman origin; and the remains of approximately thirty inhumation burials, most or all of which were of late Saxon or early Norman origin. The majority, if not all, of the burials were of execution victims. Some of the bodies were face down within the grave, others had been decapitated, and some were in graves containing two or three bodies.

The cemetery shares various characteristics with other excavated execution sites and the evidence from Staines is placed within a regional and national context. The site is one of few execution cemeteries dated by radiocarbon with a chronology spanning at least the eighth to the twelfth century. This longevity adds weight to the case for a centrally organized judicial system during the growth period of the major Early Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.  相似文献   

The Cato Street Conspiracy ended in failure, with its five leading radicals executed. This conspiratorial insurrection caught the media's attention, creating a vibrant visual culture of the stable and execution. Arguably, the conspiracy's treason was not directed at the king but rather parliament and government through its aim to assassinate the cabinet. Although usually considered as an end point to Regency radicalism, Cato Street provides the opportunity to explore how radicalism was covered and consumed as part of the growing passion for crime reporting. Using the framework of wound culture, which highlights the centrality of consuming violence in contemporary society, this article demonstrates how the Cato Street stable and execution were fervently consumed through the visual culture generated to disseminate the conspiracy. Here, radicalism, treason and violence collided, demonstrating the passion of the conspirators but also the passion of the public who voraciously devoured the coverage.  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(2):119-124

The examination of quarries at the Mutheilya range above ancient Sabra led to finds of pottery from the beginning of the town to the end of the Nabataean phase of the township in 106 CE. The quarries are described and different methods of quarrying demonstrated. How the finds of pottery reflected the otherwise ascertained history of the town could not be explained. But to effect the formidable task of bringing the right ashlars down to Sabra at the required moment, planning , execution and supervision were necessary. The same planning, execution and supervision might be assumed for the construction of Sabra itself.  相似文献   

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