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This paper continues our work focused on developing a new socio-economic geography for Australia such that the chosen spatial aggregation of data is based on an analysis of economic behaviour. The underlying hypothesis is that the development of a geographical classification based on underlying economic behaviour will provide new insights into critical issues of regional performance, including unemployment differentials, the impact of industry, infrastructure and changes in local public expenditure on local labour markets. As a precursor to detailed work on the 2006 Census of Population and Housing data, we establish the proof of concept in this paper of the Intramax methodology using 2001 Journey-to-Work data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the state of New South Wales. The functional regionalisation generated by the Intramax method is then tested using ABS labour force data. We compare 2001 ABS Census of Population and Housing data aggregated by the ABS labour force regions to the same data aggregated using our functional regions. The results demonstrate the potential value of this technique for the development of a new geography.  相似文献   

南宋临安节日活动的时空结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在城市地理学研究中,由于缺乏有关历史城市物理空间的基础性研究工作及受研究资料所限等原因,关于历史时期的城市居民生活空间方面的研究较少开展。本文选择南宋时期的临安作为城市空间研究对象,在全面梳理相关历史文献记载的基础上,尝试结合目前应用最广泛的功能分区法和时间地理学两种方法,对南宋临安节日活动空间进行剖析,揭示其城市节日活动的时空间结构特征。同时,文章还探讨了城市社会空间的形成机制,提出物理空间奠定了临安节日活动空间的基本格局、都城地位是临安节日活动空间形成的控制因素、城市经济主导了临安节日活动的空间分异过程等结论。  相似文献   

GIS进入历史地理学研究10年回顾   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地理信息系统进入中国历史地理学研究已经有10年历史,本文回顾了这10年间以CHGIS为主要代表的历史地理信息化建设的主要成果,显示出这一手段已经成为历史地理某些方向的常规方法,特别在历史河流地貌研究中发挥了很大作用,使历史时期河流的相对精细形态得以呈现。以黄河"京东故道"重建为代表的空间矢量数据获得方法为学界相关研究树立了典范,在矢量数据重建的基础上,"度-簇"结构和"分形"在分析所获得的历史空间矢量数据方面具有很大前景。  相似文献   

The ideas of Sauer, Darby, Clark, and Meinig have had a formative influence on the making of modern Anglo–American historical geography. These scholars emphasized the spatial– and place–;focused orientation of geography, contrasting it with history’s concern with time, the past, and change. Historical geography was conceived as combining the spatial interests of geography with the temporal interest of history, creating a field concerned with changing spatial patterns and landscapes. This idea of historical geography avoided issues in the philosophy of history by making the historical geographer a kind of spectator to external changes in the ways things were ordered and arranged on the face of the earth. This “natural history” view of historical geography failed to deal with history conceived as an autonomous mode of understanding in which the scholar’s task is to understand human activity as an embodiment of thought. Historical geography is more adequately conceived as a Collingwoodian–type historical discipline, in which the task of the historical geographer is aimed at rethinking and displaying the thought of historical agents as their actions relate to the physical environment. The traditional subject matter of historical geography is not thereby redefined, but a change in the way geography is seen in its relation to history is necessitated.  相似文献   

人文地理过程内涵辨析与模拟探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人文地理过程是陆地表层系统地理过程最重要的组成部分之一。本文从陆地表层系统科学的角度出发,探讨了人文地理过程的基本内涵及主要组成部分,指出人口迁移过程和经济集聚-扩散过程是人文地理过程最重要的要素过程,城市化和土地利用变化是人文地理过程最直接的空间表达形式;在此基础上进一步探讨了人文地理过程模拟的核心内容,包括要素模拟和综合过程模拟;提出了人文过程模拟的主要数据源获得途径与模拟方法,指出了人文地理过程模拟需要解决的几个关键问题。  相似文献   

《中国历史地图集》作为政区地理研究的集大成者,由于历代地理与政区的变化复杂、文献记载的缺漏与歧异等原因而使该书存在着一定的疏误。不断出土的战国文字资料,不仅可以提供各诸侯国疆域变迁的内容,还包含大量的县一级的地名资料,可以据此对《地图集》第一册“战国时期”所收录的地名资料进行补正。本文在纠正《地图集》的几处失误之外,还补充了120余个战国时期的县名,为研究战国至秦汉时期的地理沿革提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

赵冉 《南方文物》2012,(1):87-94
宋元时期墓壁上的题刻文字,称之为榜题和题记。它们是研究当时丧葬观念和社会生活的重要文字资料,是现今所见到的最原始的宋元民间书写形式。榜题与图像相配,用于解释图像、指示图像内容;题记涉及纪年、地理、家族、历史史实等,富含大量的社会历史信息,堪补史籍之不足。  相似文献   

Historical interpretation of political dynamics in pre-conquest central Mexico from indigenous records is fraught with difficulties. Beyond the basic challenges involved in interpreting fragmentary evidence is the fact that the majority of evidence comes from the dominant imperial polity (Tenochtitlan) and paints a biased and overly generalized view of political and social dynamics in provincial areas. We present a reconstruction of the political geography of the Toluca Valley of central Mexico in Aztec times that avoids these biases by focusing not on the events described in native histories, but on the individual towns and their spatial locations. We find that a theoretical perspective that defines political entities by networks and relations among people more adequately captures the historical situation than traditional models that define polities based on territory and boundaries.  相似文献   

The epicentre of the global HIV epidemic is southern Africa. Previous explanations point to migration patterns and highly skewed income distribution, both thought to promote risky sexual behaviour. This study emphasizes the importance of common infectious and parasitic diseases that increase the likelihood of HIV transmission by increasing contagiousness and vulnerability to infection. Using multiple regression analysis on country‐level data, the authors find that socio‐economic variables explain statistically only one‐tenth of the difference in HIV prevalence between southern Africa and other low‐ and middle‐income countries. Measures of five cofactor infections together with the socio‐economic variables, however, explain statistically about two‐thirds of the southern Africa difference in HIV prevalence. They conclude that the relative affluence of countries in southern Africa and historical migration patterns have tended to mask the vulnerability of the majority of their populations who are poor and who have very high prevalence of infectious and parasitic diseases. Those diseases replicate a cycle of poverty that produces biological vulnerability through coinfections. An important implication of this research is that integrating treatment of endemic diseases with other HIV‐prevention policies may be necessary to slow the spread of HIV.  相似文献   

通商口岸制度,是中国近代史上最重要的经济现象。近代中国经济地理学的格局和区域经济差异等内容,可以利用当代经济地理学、GIS技术、经济学等研究方法结合历史数据进行考察。近代中国一百多个通商口岸的发展,逐步形成了沿海、沿江、边疆对外开放的地理格局,为现代化提供了条件,促进了近代资本主义生产方式的空间扩张,也重构了中国的经济区域。为探究近代中国通商口岸影响下的经济区域变化,首先对通商口岸体系子口税贸易在地理空间分布进行探讨,初步界定一些较大通商口岸的影响区域,进而通过数量化和GIS方法,特别是使用空间交互模型得出结论。通商口岸体系是区域经济现代化的代表和系统性的研究对象,直接影响到当代中国的经济地理格局,可对当前中国经济地理区划提供有历史与现实意义的参考。  相似文献   

Computers are becoming increasingly popular for analysing data in historical geography and are being applied to an extending range and variety of historical sources. The methods described in most computer texts for geographers and historians, using the langueage allied to punched cards, are only suitable for numeric data which are in a standardized and consistent form. Rather than attempting to apply these methods to sources not organized in this way, it is more sensible to tailor a technique to a particular class of data.This paper considers some advantages of computer analysis, using English probate inventories as an example. Limitations of conventional methods are discussed and a technique is described for dealing with sources whose information is inconsistent between records. The method relates the logical structure of inventories to the storage and use of data by the computer, and considers the forms data can take for input to the machine. An example from the analysis of inventory data prepared by this method is briefly presented, describing two aspects of agricultural change in East Anglia between 1580 and 1740.  相似文献   

甄峰  席广亮 《人文地理》2012,27(3):131-135
本文回顾了南京大学城市地理研究发展变迁的历史过程,将其划分为探索研究时期、复苏发展时期、旺盛发展时期和多元化发展时期几个阶段,系统总结了在城市化、城镇体系、城市与区域规划及管治等领域的研究成果。南京大学是国内最早开展城市化理论、城镇体系理论及城市与区域研究的机构,提出了"三结构一网络"的城镇体系结构、"城市-区域"观等经典理论。改革开放后的30多年来,南京大学城市地理高度融合理论研究与规划实践,取得了长足的发展并夯实了自己的学科发展优势。在未来发展中,应进一步加强对健康城市化、城市网络体系、城市空间重构及宜居城市与智慧城市等内容的研究。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship played a crucial role in the development and diffusion of steam technology. To account for this, we need to map the entrepreneurial activities that helped spread steam technology across Europe and beyond. Because tracing this history’s contours requires attending to local contexts, strategies and uses along with large-scale trajectories, it makes sense to speak of historical ‘geographies’ rather than of steam technology’s historical ‘geography’. Speaking of geographies in the plural also refers to the recognition that places can simultaneously be located in multiple spatial situations, their geographical identities the product of historical work, negotiation and perspective. To illustrate these points, this essay begins by reflecting on what might be called the ‘spatial turn’ in the history of technology and the role of entrepreneurship in the spread of steam technology in France during the second half of the eighteenth century, which is the historical focus of this essay. It then discusses a small number of representative cases of entrepreneurial engagement with steam technology in France and concludes by considering what this tells us about the relationship between the French state and its regions and the impact of the French Revolution in this geographically complex history.  相似文献   

从地理学视角看城市历史文化景观集体记忆的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
李凡  朱竑  黄维 《人文地理》2010,25(4):60-66
通过对国内外文献的分析,总结了景观、记忆与地理学的研究进展,指出景观、记忆与地方认同联系密切,而且景观与记忆的研究大多与历史文化景观相关。由于集体记忆所体现出的社会性,通过物质的和象征性的城市历史文化景观,去探究其集体记忆的认知空间和情感空间更具有现实意义。文章探讨了GIS和认知地图方法在城市集体记忆研究中的应用,并对佛山城市历史文化景观的集体记忆进行了实证研究。认为在全球化、城市化趋势下,从地理学视角,透过对历史文化景观集体记忆的分析,将有助于城市历史文化遗产持续性地保护和塑造城市地方感。  相似文献   

This article aims to integrate discourse analysis of politically instrumental imagined identity geographies with the relational and territorial geography of the communities of praxis and interpretation that produce them. My case study is the international community of nationalist scientists who classified Europe's biological races in the 1820s-1940s. I draw on network analysis, relational geography, historical sociology and the historical turn to problematize empirically how spatial patterns of this community's shifting disciplinary and political coalitions, communication networks and power relations emerged, were structured, persisted, changed, interacted and disappeared. I focus especially on core-periphery relations. I argue that if local historical spatial patterns affect those of later phenomena, geographies like that of European integration should be understood in the context of Europe's complex historical cultural geography. Unlike discourse deconstruction alone, this complementary relational de-essentialization of geography can identify large-scale, enduring associations of cultural patterns as well as cultural flux and ambiguity.  相似文献   

地理学的安全感研究:基于地点的综合理解、应用及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安全是人们对日常生活空间的基本需求,安全感则反映了人们希望免于危险的主观感知。20世纪90年代以来,基于地点的安全感研究成为社会地理学及其相关学科的重要议题,学者们重视探索地点的物理、社会-文化环境特征与人的安全需求、生活质量之间的关系。运用地点理论开展安全感研究,一方面倡导建构具有情感、价值、意义的安全地点,另一方面为预防犯罪的跨学科安全空间综合研究提供了平台,促使人文地理学通过整合社会学、环境心理学等学科的研究成果完善社会-生活空间理论,提高人们的社会-生活空间质量。本文通过回顾地理学、社会学、犯罪学、环境心理学等相关学科对犯罪地理与安全感的主要研究成果,梳理了不同学科的研究兴趣及其最新进展;在此基础上讨论了人文地理学基于地点理论研究安全感的主要方向及趋势,旨在建构基于地点理论的安全地理学研究框架,为人文地理学社会-生活空间研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Drawing on evidence from South Central Africa, this paper explores two methods for linking the linguistic and archaeological records. Since the 1960s, scholars have correlated the hypothesized spatial and temporal overlaps of linguistic speech communities and pottery traditions, with varying success in the face of revisions to linguistic classifications and debates over pottery typologies. This paper assesses similar correlations between speech communities within the Bantu-Botatwe family and ceramic traditions of South Central Africa. Then, it proposes direct associations for specific activities and tools attested in both the linguistic and archaeological records in order to test correlations between pottery traditions and speech communities as well as the reliability of glottochronology. The development of a dense cluster of direct associations between the two records converging on the “when and where” of historical processes allows for the incorporation of theoretical and historical interpretations founded on one body of evidence into narratives developed from another type of data and, therefore, facilitates a “peer” engagement between the disciplines.  相似文献   

The position of town and trade directories as sources for the reconstruction of former urban geographies of Scandinavia is discussed. Scandinavian directories have a long history which, in the case of major urban centres, can be traced back to the eighteenth century. They contain valuable information with respect to the social, economic, political and demographic organization of modern Scandinavian urban environments through extensive listings of names and addresses. Despite the wealth of information contained therein, directories remain an underused and unresearched data source due mainly to their perceived incompatibility with the themes pursued by research in urban historical geography and the diversity of alternative high quality sources available. Admittedly, the use of directories is not without problems and an assessment of the accuracy, availability and reliability of directory information is presented in this paper. Nevertheless, to dismiss directories represents a serious oversight: the continued history, rapid rate of update and spatial ubiquity of publication across the region after the onset of industrialization make directories a powerful source for comparative urban historical geography research in Scandinavia. Moreover, directories are highly versatile data sources and represent powerful artefacts of modernity insofar as they function as mirrors of cultural change and consumption.  相似文献   

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