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The article examines the origins of the arts council movement in the ideas of the Bloomsbury Group and John Maynard Keynes. The Bloomsbury Groups' sense of experimentation and flexibility, their willingness to take action to create new institutions, and their distrust of bureaucracy, influenced Keynes's development of a new model for state patronage of the arts in 1946. He took an organization established during the Second World War to employ artists and organize morale‐boosting tours of the performing and visual arts, and oversaw its development into the Arts Council of Great Britain, the first such arts council. His model – making grants of public funds through semi‐autonomous government bodies to private individuals and privately operated arts institutions – became a standard form of public funding for the arts by the end of the twentieth century in many countries around the world.  相似文献   

Initiated in 2004, the RICardo project focuses on bilateral trade data of all the world's countries from the early nineteenth century to the eve of the Second World War. The project includes the construction of a database and the creation of a website. It is a pioneering work in the field of historical trade statistics that aims at providing easy-to-access research material to the scientific community and at attracting a wider public to the history of trade relationships. The article emphasizes the originality of the project and sums up its various aspects by reviewing previous trade databases, clarifying the main features of historical trade statistics, and describing the construction and use of the RICardo website.  相似文献   

The origins of the European Union are especially connected to its so-called founding fathers. One of them was Polish politician Joseph Retinger, who represented a functionalist point of view. This article aims to throw light on Retinger's contribution to uniting the Old Continent. The method applied in this article is a comparative analysis of Retinger's ideas with the early phases of integration. Many significant initiatives taken with a view to the future integration of Europe, such as the founding of the European League for Economic Co-operation (1946), the Congress of Europe held in The Hague (1948), the founding of the European Movement (1948), or the establishment of the Council of Europe (1949) to give just a few examples can all be associated with Retinger's activity. The author concludes that the importance of Retinger's European activities (concerning the early period after the Second World War) were so huge that he should be ranked among the pioneers of the modern European Union.  相似文献   

This article argues that George Savile's thought casts light on international relations in the seventeenth century. Halifax's life and works concern not only England's domestic politics, but also its foreign affairs. Indeed, he develops a clear vision of international politics. This article analyses Halifax's international thought, in particular three concepts that are closely related to one another: ‘interest’, ‘reason of state’, and ‘balance of power’. Through the study of these ideas, this article will try to point out both the novelty of Halifax's thought compared with that of his contemporaries, and to reverse the stereotypical understanding of his intellectual legacy and political behaviour. The ‘trimmer’ contrasts with Louis XIV's attempt to establish a universal monarchy across Europe, outlining a doctrine of moderation that seeks to ensure liberty, security, and restraint in international relations.  相似文献   

This epilogue reflects on the findings of the articles collected in this section and discusses their contributions to the history of international organizations and rural development.  相似文献   

The history of the law of nations is generally seen as a synonym for the history of the laws of war. Yet, a strictly bilateral perspective can distort our interpretation of early modern diplomacy. The Peace of Utrecht (11 April 1713) inaugurated an era of relative stability in the European state system, based on balance-of-power politics and anti-hegemonic legal argumentation. Incidental conflicts ought to be interpreted against this background. Declarations of war issued in 1718, 1719 and 1733 during the War of the Quadruple Alliance and the Polish Succession should not be read as doctrinal surrogates for trials between two parties, but as manifestos in a European arena.  相似文献   

The new field of the history of knowledge is often presented as a mere expansion of the history of science. We argue that it has a greater ambition. The re‐definition of the historiographical domain of the history of knowledge urges us to ask new questions about the boundaries, hierarchies, and mutual constitution of different types of knowledge as well as the role and assessment of failure and ignorance in making knowledge. These issues have pertinence in the current climate where expertise is increasingly questioned and authority seems to lose its ground. Illustrated with examples from recent historiography of the sixteenth to twentieth centuries, we indicate some fruitful new avenues for research in the history of knowledge. Taken together, we hope that they will show that the history of knowledge could build the expertise required by the challenges of twenty‐first century knowledge societies, just like the history of science, throughout its development as a discipline in the twentieth century, responded to the demands posed by science and society.  相似文献   

在其愈益广阔、愈益复杂的演进中,15和16世纪之交开始的现代国际体系史愈益形成其能动的常在机理和“运动模式”。对它们的首次揭示出自利奥波德·冯·兰克1833年的经典论文———基于欧洲大陆国际政治之动态机理的《论列强》。兰克之后,这方面最卓越的成果当推百余年后问世的《不牢靠的平衡》,其作者路德维希·德约揉合三项地缘政治关系理念,即海权对陆权、欧洲均势对海外优势、传统中等列强对侧翼超级大国(后两项有赖于他的创造或决定性发展),异常雄辩和发人深思地论说了4个世纪的现代欧洲国际权势斗争。德约揭示的现代国际体系史一大范式和主题可用两对概念概括:欧陆均势与海外优势,欧陆均势与侧翼大国。它们与兰克的揭示大有差别,首先因为德约的全球眼界不同于兰克的欧陆眼界。德约的至关重要的深层理解之一,在于“洲级大国”之新兴绝对优势,那是现代国际体系演进史的一大必然性,而中国以及当代美国以外的其他一两个“洲级大国”成为未来世界强国的终极依据就在于此。  相似文献   

泽惠史林之作--评《中国科学技术史·度量衡卷》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关增建 《史学月刊》2002,(11):75-77
《中国科学技术史·度量衡卷》是迄今为止最权威的中国度量衡史著作。该书以历代单位量值的演变作为主线 ,旁及中国度量衡的产生、发展、管理制度、相关的科学技术成就等 ,对中国度量衡史做了系统、全面的研究。该书修正了传统研究的不足 ,补充了以往的空缺 ,对相关历史现象的研究也提出了新的见解。该书的出版 ,为史学研究提供了可资借鉴的权威度量衡史著作。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to our understandings of the geographies of science through an analysis of nineteenth–century natural history and, in particular, of the provincial natural history society. Focusing on nineteenth–century Cornwall and one of the main natural history societies operating in the county at that time – the Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society – it is argued that a set of key spaces were integral to the operations and outputs of such societies. The paper details the significance of the Penzance Society's museum, field sites and lecture hall as sites for communal work of local natural historians. They were also important, it is argued, in their construction of West Cornwall as a site of national natural scientific importance. Lastly, these spaces defined an agenda for regional scientific study. In particular, they promoted a taxonomic method that would transform local people into rigorous scientists and the local region into a 'book of nature'.  相似文献   

朱发建 《史学月刊》2007,2(4):116-121
近代中国史学科学化进程中,因国人对“科学”含义理解上的不同,对史学是否属于“科学”有不同的认识;也因对“科学”含义广、狭不同的理解,形成了不同的“科学史学”观;由此造成史学“科学化”进程中观念分歧与实践路向上的差异。  相似文献   

中国的战后中日关系研究基本上在历史学领域中展开,但实证研究仍需进一步的努力.而日本学者注意到国际政治学方法论的采用,强调了国际政治结构对中日关系的制约,但在史学研究方面还有不断把新史料纳入视野、在史学研究的基础上建构自己的国际政治学理论等方面的发展空间.相信整体性的过程研究和实证经验理论总结将使我们能够有基础和有信心尝试建立一些规范的分析概念,并通过这些概念对历史和思想演变的深层规律进行某种程度的哲学分析,即所谓理论的建构.  相似文献   

英国新社会史思潮的兴起及其整体社会史研究的国际反响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“新社会史研究”作为一种史学新思潮,与西方史学的整体化趋势,几乎同时出现于现代国际史学舞台。英国新社会史思潮具有广泛和深刻的国内外史学渊源。英国新社会史学派宣扬的核心问题是坚持“自下而上”史学观念,它彰显了由此观念指导下的整体社会史取向和研究实践。从较广泛的分析角度看,在国际史学发展格局重新调整的现时背景下,英国马克思主义新社会史学派引起国内外史学界的广泛注意和效仿。它对国际史学发展的推动性作用是不可忽视的,这集中体现了该学派及其整体史学研究的国际反响。  相似文献   

英国学派与世界历史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在英国学派研究方法中,历史占有重要地位,英国学派依托世界历史在研究方面取得了很大的成就,英国学派也成为历史学和国际关系学的桥梁。根据英国学派的核心概念"国际社会",提出了"首要制度"的概念,这个概念是英国学派对界定国际社会和阐释世界历史变迁标准的一个特殊贡献。首要制度是国际社会的深刻的、不断演化而来的社会结构,包括主权、外交、民族主义、殖民主义以及国际法等。次要制度与之不同,它是被国际关系学的自由主义(制度主义)者所研究的一种建构的、工具性的制度和国际组织。在定义首要制度及其如何产生、发展和消亡后,人们就可以进而关注由它们衍生出来的几种不同类型的国际社会。在此基础上,英国学派以首要制度的变迁为基准,对现代国际社会进行一个简明的世界历史意义上的叙述。最后,反思了全球国际社会的理念和更趋于核心—边缘的现实结构之间的张力,在这种核心—边缘结构中,西方核心和其他各种区域性的国际社会共享各种制度和存有各种分歧。  相似文献   

This article aims to contribute to the emerging field of psychoanalytic geopolitics by introducing a conceptualization of a geopolitics of ideological transference of political knowledge and belief. This is done through an extensive theoretical application of the Lacanian- Žižekian concepts of the “subject supposed to know,” “subject supposed to believe,” and “subject supposed to enjoy” on an empirical case study. The case concerns the discourse, ideology, and politics of the Swedish state hegemony regarding its handling of the territorial presence of impoverished and excluded EU citizens with Romanian/Bulgarian passport and Roma heritage – popularly called “the beggars” – with a focus on the crisis-laden year of 2015. The government, state, and the media elevated key actors into the ideological status of subjects supposed to know how to end the “beggars’” presence in Sweden in a rational and yet caring way, thus enabling the continuous belief in the Swedish ideology of moral exceptionalism although the practical outcomes effectively hindered the EU citizens from obtaining better life conditions. It is argued that a geopolitics of transference through the application of said concepts enable us to further understand how political actors can simultaneously act cynical and idealist, which both illuminates and complicates notions of what knowledges and beliefs inform politics and political geographies in general.  相似文献   

中研院史语所与北大史学系的学术关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尚小明 《史学月刊》2006,6(7):80-87
国立中央研究院历史语言研究所和国立北京大学史学系,是现代中国史学发展史上两个极重要的学术阵地。从20世纪30年代开始,两者建立起紧密的学术关系。以傅斯年为首的史语所研究人员不仅纷纷到北大史学系兼课,而且通过对北大史学系课程进行改造,使两者在学术精神上达到一致。其结果是,一批深受史语所学术精神影响的“尖子生”被培养出来,并被选入史语所工作。北大史学系某种程度上成了史语所的人才库。另一方面,史语所的学术精神,也通过北大史学系对现代中国史学发展发生着持久性的影响。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the U.S. diplomat and nuclear arms control negotiator Gerald (Gerry) Coat Smith in order to cast new light on the importance of diplomats in the context of the set of international activities currently labelled as “science diplomacy.” Smith, a lawyer by training, was a key negotiator in many international agreements on post-WW2 atomic energy projects, from those on uranium prospecting and mining, to reactors technologies to later ones on non-proliferation and disarmament. His career in science (nuclear) diplomacy also epitomized the shortcomings of efforts to align other countries’ posture on nuclear affairs to U.S. wishes. In particular, the unswerving diplomat increasingly understood that strong-arm tactics to dissuade other countries from acquiring nuclear weapons would not limit proliferation. Not only did this inform later U.S. diplomacy approaches, but it lent itself to the ascendancy of the new notion of “soft power” as critical to the re-definition of international affairs.  相似文献   

详细评介了国际移民的学术定义;归纳其六大基本类别,指出不同类型的迁移可能相互转化;阐述了当代国际移民发展趋势,并将华侨华人研究置于国际移民的大背景下进行剖析;对由于缺乏对当代“国际移民”相关定义的基本了解而出现的明显错误给予了指正。  相似文献   

In the decades before the full-scale war with Japan in 1937, a robust series of institutions connected the bourgeois with intellectuals (which included professionals and journalists, as well as academics) in Shanghai. Collectively, these institutions can be understood as forming an urban “cultural nexus of power” that allowed non-state actors to effectively control aspects of Shanghai’s political life. This bourgeois-intellectual alliance was not inevitable; no similar bonds existed between these same two groups in Beijing. It was forged in Shanghai due to the city’s unique historical position as a Treaty Port and its dynamic economy, which included an extensive structure of private higher education and a market-based publishing industry. Unlike the rural “cultural nexus of power” originally described by Prasenjit Duara, this urban nexus grew stronger during the political and economic changes of the early twentieth century. War and revolution in the 1930s and 1940s, however, destroyed the connections between the bourgeoisie and the intellectuals, ending the vibrant urban environment they had created.  相似文献   

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