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The leading purpose of this study is to critically introduce a textual layer in the Bible which is both ideologically intriguing and aestethically appealing. The textual, Biblical layer in focus may be entitled “Scolding Aesthetics”, Accordingly, the Biblical narrator dexterously utilizes an intricate literary mechanism while harnessing it to a morel rebuke which he aims at a certain Biblical character (usually of high fame and reputation). Hence, scolding aesthetics may also be considered an intersection where Biblical literary artistry and moral values cross, interact and mutually produce a complex textual system.

The current study demonstrate the practice of that Biblical‐literary‐moral strategy through a close reading of three Biblical texts: Genesis, 12 (Abraham descends to Egypt) 2 Samuel, 11 (King David who does not participate in the war against the Ammonites) and Genesis, 3 (Eve's Fall). All three illustrations effectively surrender and display the aesthetic‐moral mechanism under consideration while plausibly proving as well how the “epidemic” textual layer of the Bible may deliberately lead astray. Accordingly, under the seemingly simple and “innocent” narrative one may excavate underlying currents of remarkably aesthetic intricacy which operates impressively as rhetorical tool of moral lesson.  相似文献   

This issue of Transactions sees the first of what hopefully will be periodic Theme Sections, the aim of which is to bring together papers which have a common underlying theme or focus. The intention is not to commission such papers but, whenever the opportunity arises, to group papers that have been submitted independently but which fall within the same field or subfield of research. The papers below deal with different aspects of the 'geography of money'. That by Sidaway and Pryke is concerned with the phenomenon and discourse of 'emerging markets', and the ways in which this supposed novel development displays deeper continuities with colonial geographical imaginations. The paper by Leyshon and Pollard is concerned with the convergence of the US and UK retail banking sectors, and traces how new practices and organization arrangments are being transmitted over space. In their paper, Martin and Turner examine the wave of demutualization that has disrupted and is transforming the building society (mortgage finance) sector in the UK, focusing especially on the implications of this remapping for the geographies of shareownership and the future of small local societies.  相似文献   

在实际的历史写作中,部分历史学家运用反事实的方法,探究历史上的可能之事。无独有偶,海德格尔的主张也与此相似,他认为历史学的主要课题不是特殊的个体事件,也不是超乎个体事件的普遍规律,而是曾在的生存可能性。这两种观点不是为了探究历史上不曾发生过的事态,而是借此重新规定历史学的题材、性质和写作方式。但是,反事实研究所谓的可能性主要是指现成事物的偶或可能性,而海德格尔所谓的生存论上的可能性则是指此在的某种生存方式,两种可能性有着根本区别。  相似文献   


This paper discusses how John Wallis (1616–1703), Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford, used biblical evidence to support his ideas about natural philosophy and mathematics. Examples from Wallis’s long career include his calculation of the age of the Earth, his critique of Robert Hooke’s theory concerning the origin of fossils, and his debate with Edward Tyson about whether humans are naturally herbivorous or carnivorous. My analysis shows that Wallis’s use of biblical history did not necessarily commit him to an intellectually conservative position, but neither did it always encourage him to embrace new ideas. In fact, the truth is somewhere in the middle: I argue that biblical history provided a useful way for Wallis to negotiate between tradition and innovation, to determine which new ideas represented important advances and which were unsubstantiated follies.  相似文献   

Ermentrude's consecration in 866 has long been interpreted as the quintessential example of queen‐making as fertility rite. More recent scholarship has illuminated how Carolingian queen‐making articulated richer definitions of queenship and reflected wider political roles of queens. This article re‐examines the significance of fertility at Ermentrude's consecration. Close analysis of the introductory address that survives alongside the liturgy for anointing and coronation shows that fertility was an unusually important theme at Ermentrude's consecration – but not simply the queen's fertility. By modelling royal fertility on biblical templates, the consecration communicated not only hopes of future children but also political messages about divine sanction of dynastic continuity and good kingship.  相似文献   

本全面探讨了殷墟甲骨兼语句的句型问题。根据语句中兼语之后句子成分的不同,同时也根据兼语在语句中位置的不同(前置或后置),把甲骨兼语句分成8种句式。每种句式内又根据句子成分隐现的差异,分成不同的句型(共有112种句型)。章指出了现代常见的兼语句句型对使令动词为“呼”的兼语句和使令动词为“令”的兼语句的区别也做了探讨。  相似文献   

Does cultural diversity lead to a want of respect, intolerance, and violence? Is religious culture in Islamic or other states tending towards a territorial imperative, denying any democracy a chance? Is globalization threatening value, identity and meaning? In the wake of 9/11, war on the Taliban's Afghanistan and Saddam's Iraq, the lingering Israeli–Palestinian tension, and what appear to be re-discovered genres of brutality—such as suicide bombings, beheadings, the wanton destruction of churches and other temples—this article teases out some historical and philosophical contexts in an attempt to assuage contemporary uncertainties. Distinguishing between the Mediterranean and the Middle East as two different realities, the article discusses how seemingly bewildering new theses and premises in a post-war, post-colonial, post-communist world may be read and possibly reconciled during the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

崇尚和谐,倡导和谐,和谐发展,是中华民族文化的核心价值观之一。  相似文献   


In this article, I review three recent articles. In the first, Asscher and Boaretto (2018 Asscher, Y. , and Boaretto, E. , 2018. ‘Absolute time ranges in the plateau of the Late Bronze to Iron Age transition and the appearance of Bichrome pottery in Canaan, Southern Levant’, Radiocarbon 60, 125. doi: 10.1017/RDC.2017.96 [Crossref] [Google Scholar]. ‘Absolute time ranges in the plateau of the Late Bronze to Iron Age transition and the appearance of Bichrome pottery in Canaan, Southern Levant’, Radiocarbon 60, 1–25) suggest that the Late Bronze/Iron I transition occurred in neighboring sites a century and more apart. In the second, Faust and Sapir (2018. ‘The “Governor's Residency” at Tel ?Eton, the United Monarchy and the impact of the old-house effect on large-scale archaeological reconstructions’, Radiocarbon 60, 801–820.) date the construction of a solid building at Tel ?Eton to the tenth century bce and interpret this as validation for the historicity of the United Monarchy of ancient Israel. In the third, Garfinkel et al. (2019a Garfinkel, Y. , et al. , 2019a. ‘Lachish fortifications and state formation in the Biblical kingdom of Judah in light of radiometric datings’, Radiocarbon 61, 118. doi: 10.1017/RDC.2019.5 [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. ‘Lachish fortifications and state formation in the Biblical kingdom of Judah in light of radiometric datings’, Radiocarbon 61, 1–18) announce the discovery of a city-wall belonging to Level V at Lachish, and affiliate it with the building operations of King Rehoboam of Judah, described in 2 Chronicles. Scrutiny of the methods and facts dismisses all three theories.  相似文献   

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