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论早期拜占庭的宗教争论问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐家玲 《史学集刊》2000,4(3):56-63
早期拜占庭基督教会的教义争论涉及三个基本派别(阿里乌派、聂斯脱利派和一性派)、两次大的起伏。这一争论,反映了在拜占庭统治下的不同地区人民维护其固有化传统、反对帝国政府暴政的意向;反映了基督教会上层统治集团(各大教区教宗)在基督教取得罗马-拜占庭国教地位之后,欲建立统一教会并争夺教会控制权的政治斗争。早期基督教会的教义争论和皇权的参与,确立了拜占庭政教关系的基本模式。促进了东方教会中神学思辩传统的发展,加速了东西方教会的分离,同时也使近东地区成为基督教异端产生的温床。  相似文献   

Although British idealism has recently undergone a minor scholarly revival, its impact on Australian intellectual life remains an underexplored area of inquiry. Such work as there is on the Australian idealists has largely focused on social and political themes despite the fact that idealism was driven by deeply religious interests. This paper explores the religious writings of five Australian intellectuals whose work was shaped by the tradition of philosophical idealism. The writers chosen include two Scottish émigrés — Charles Strong (1844–1942) and Francis Anderson (1858–1941) — and three Australian born students of Anderson — M. Scott Fletcher (1868–1947), E.H. Burgmann (1885–1965), and A.P. Elkin (1891–1979). By identifying the threads that connect these writers, along with some of their British contemporaries, the case is made that they can be understood as giving voice to a coherent, if rather loosely bound, intellectual tradition. Among much else, this tradition sought a reconciliation of religious and secular knowledge, proposed an evolutionary or developmental understanding of religious truth, and defended the idea of human personality in an increasingly scientific and mechanistic civilisation.  相似文献   

Postcolonial history has taken a great deal of interest in the missionary endeavours of the church throughout the Empire, especially the work of Protestant/evangelical mission societies. Apart from attention to organisations like the Universities Mission to Central Africa (UMCA) and to some extent the work of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG), the work of Anglican High Churchmen has sometimes been overlooked. 1 In fact, High Churchmen were very concerned about the role of the Church of England in the expanding empire during the mid‐nineteenth century. They were keen to bring the extension of the church under institutional control and to co‐operate with the imperial parliament as closely as possible. The activity of the SPG and the foundation of the Colonial Bishoprics Fund (CBF), which provided clergy, schoolmasters, catechists, and bishops as agents of Anglicanism and Englishness, can be seen as part of this strategy.  相似文献   

蒙元经营西南边疆的统治思想及治策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本认为蒙元统治“华夷有别”与“内华夏、外夷狄”的偏见比较淡薄,对边疆少数民族较少歧视。为获取边疆的赋税与矿产品,蒙元在西南边疆积极开拓与系统经营,并取得明显成效,为明清在西南边疆施行全面统治奠定了基础。但蒙元对全面开发西南边疆以充分利用其资源还缺乏认识,这是蒙元的经营与明清的开发昕不同的。  相似文献   

The French statesman Charles de Gaulle was, and remains, something of an enigma. A genuinely great man, at first glance, he seems to tower above mere humanity. In studying de Gaulle's biographies and writings, the statesman and military man eclipses the human being without leaving his human bearing wholly behind. De Gaulle himself emphasized the solitude and sadness that accompanied the burden of human greatness. Yet de Gaulle, the self-described “man of character,” “the born protector,” was also a loving husband, a not terribly demanding or severe father, a faithful Christian, and a French patriot. There were profound limits to his solitude and self-sufficiency. His austere magnanimity coincided with moderation, even benevolence. He loved his country, strove for greatness, and sacrificed something of his private happiness for the public good. He was a complex man and soul, and perhaps a conflicted one.  相似文献   

大清帝国创立时期,可供选择的文明有三个,即:伊斯兰文明、基督教文明和中华文明。清朝的统治者最终选择了汉文化,选择了中华文明,这有其必然性。在世界转向近代的大潮中,这一选择带来了大清帝国的盛世,也预伏了它的衰落。  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(2):118-124

The paper deals with six recent studies which relate to the on-going debate over the chronology of the eleventh to the ninth century B.C.E. strata in the Levant and thus to the history of the region in the Iron Age. The paper takes issue with methodological problems relating to the questions of ethnographic comparison in archaeology, interpretation of biblical sources by archaeologists, pottery typology and dating. It offers a different interpretation of the finds at Hazor, Beth-shemesh, Tel Batash, Horbat Rosh Zait, and Bethsaida.  相似文献   

In recent years the term empire has been used to describe an oppressive global situation. Empires are marked by their efforts to control all of life, not only politics and economics, but also society, culture, and religion. Since their inception, liberation theologies have addressed this oppressive global situation by focusing on its various manifestations in terms of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexuality, and class. As the oppressive global situation tightens and contemporary liberation movements increasingly bring together its various manifestations, liberation theologies need to devise common strategies and models for resistance without abandoning their diverse legacies.  相似文献   

20世纪是"帝国崩溃的世纪",国内外学者们对帝国学和帝国的关注度逐渐提高。本文将立足于帝国学的角度,分析帝国的类型,并考察苏联的前身——俄罗斯帝国的形成过程及其特点,指出俄国斯帝国是一个中央集权的强大的非殖民帝国,在自身社会发展过程中结合了东方专制制度和欧洲专制主义的特性,是各民族团结的典范。  相似文献   

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