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A specialist on financial issues in the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina assesses economic performance in that country during the five years following conclusion of the Dayton Peace Accords. The basic provisions of the Accords relating to economic activity and post-war reconstruction are presented, after which the analysis focuses on developments in the economy, privatization, and banking-sector reform, to the extent that available data allow. Coverage then turns to a review of the role of the Office of the High Representative in administration of the State's two constituent Entities: the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Serb Republic. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O11, O18, O52. 5 tables, 33 references.  相似文献   

During the past twenty five years the Women in Development (WID) approach has become an increasingly important issue in the literature on Third World development. WID policies and related activities have now been incorporated into the aid practice of most development agencies. This paper critically analyses the diverse and conflicting ideologies that have emerged in the WID literature since the early seventies.  相似文献   


Since 1999, The First Nations Land Management Act (FNLMA) has offered First Nations the opportunity to opt out of the clauses of the Indian Act that deal with land management. To date, 78 First Nations have gone through the process of writing and ratifying their own land codes to manage their own land transactions on reserve. This article assesses the FNLMA as a potential mechanism of reconciliation, noting both the ways in which the Act marks a significant symbolic and tangible shift in First Nations governance and the ways in which it entrenches existing, and fundamentally neo-colonial, structures of power.  相似文献   


The growing call for problem-oriented and practice-relevant research in the public and political debate has its origins in complex problems, for which society expects solutions. This call is echoed in parts of the science community and uses the key argument that complex real-world problems demand cooperation between science and society in terms of inter- and transdisciplinary research. Using the example of urban research at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, I sketch my experiences in developing scientific cooperation between researchers coming from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds and by stakeholder involvement. The target is to deepen mutual understanding of the scientific challenges and to provide system solutions adequate to the societal context. After over twenty years of facing the need for collaboration among a variety of social and natural scientists as well as with relevant stakeholders, and recognizing its advantages and limits, the topic of inter- and transdisciplinarity has, finally, become mainstream in environmental research.  相似文献   

While Karen Calvert's book, Children in the House, deals with middle-class play, there is very little work devoted to children's toys and games in a working-class context. This paper uses the toy assemblages from two working-class sites to begin a discussion of working-class play and the struggle nineteenth-century working-class parents waged to impart their own values to their children. Because marbles were the predominant toy recovered from both sites, the nature of the game is discussed, and its relationship to working-class values is considered.  相似文献   


The discovery of the Rose Theatre in 1989 led to the implementation of new planning guidance focused on the presumption that the preferred response to development impacting on archaeological sites would be mitigation and preservation in situ. There was little understanding of what the impact of mitigation would be on the quality of the buried evidence and the Rose Theatre site was the first to be scientifically monitored. As a direct result research was implemented and the PARIS series of conferences were initiated.  相似文献   

近二十多年来郑玄《三礼注》研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近二十多年来,郑玄《三礼注》的研究主要表现在以下几个方面:一是从版本、文字、训诂和修辞等方面所进行的研究;二是从学术思想的角度所进行的研究,包括郑玄《三礼注》本身所具有的思想内涵,以及《三礼注》在学术史上的地位等;三是对郑玄《三礼注》进行综合论述,涉及郑玄的生活时代、学术经历,由此而论及郑玄《三礼注》的特点和学术影响等。  相似文献   

八十年代以来,对颜师古《汉书注》的研究突破了前人仅注重刊谬补缺的局限,从语言字角度对颜注的音韵、训诂等方面都作了探讨,取得了一定的成绩。  相似文献   

Looking back on our own times, we have seen a rise and fall of interest in Pacific Island studies. Our careers, which have led us currently to the Centre for Samoa Studies at the National University of Samoa, retrospectively illustrate transformations in Pacific Studies over the past half century.  相似文献   

Chinese civilization has unique characteristics in the world civilization history. Its most prominent characteristic is the continuity of the “5,000-year” civilization. Over 5,000 years ago, different civilizations appeared in different regions of China and the civilizations mainly included their different early-stage theocracy and reign modes. Among these civilizations, the civilization that was handed on from generation to generation was the states with a reign mode that originated in the Longshan culture of Central China and its successors such as the Xia Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty. This can be illustrated by the 5,000-year continuous inheritance of the country, people, and territory of China, proved by the 5,000-year inheritance and development of capitals, royal tombs, ritual and ceremonial buildings and vessels, and characters as the national culture (or major tradition) and resurrected by the capital’s centralization,“OneGate Three-Passage” pattern,“centralization of the main hall of the court” and the“Left Ancestral Temple and Right Altar” pattern, and the central axis of the capital, the four doors on four sides of the capital and court, etc. as the materialized forms of the core ideas of center and moderation. These materialized forms of the unbroken civilization became more and more in the past 5,000 years, which indicates that the ideas of center and moderation became stronger and stronger and were constantly deepened. The ideological roots of the 5,000-year unbroken Chinese civilization are the ideas of center and moderation, which are the ideological basis for the state identity and the core value of the Chinese national history.  相似文献   

AIDS-related work and advocacy is one field that has spurred considerable activity among Chinese NGOs in the past two decades. This article explains processes leading to institutional changes that are necessary for allowing more NGOs to emerge and operate, and shows how international, domestic and local actors and influences have steered developments leading to organisational growth. The article applies new institutionalism theory and highlights differences between formal and informal institutions in explaining change and continuity for NGOs and their relations to state and government in this particular field.  相似文献   

安学斌 《民俗研究》2020,(1):19-29,156,157
现代非物质文化遗产保护运动的兴起,是人类珍贵的文化自觉和重要的行为选择。中国21世纪前20年的非物质文化遗产保护,既秉持了《保护非物质文化遗产公约》的理念与精神,亦进行了独具特色的创造性实践,构建了文化多样、整体、科学、人本、文化再生产等理念,进行了涵盖面较广、涉及人数较多、影响意义较大、成效卓著的实践与探索,形成了系统完备、富有活力的措施体系,积累了独特、宝贵的经验,走在了世界非物质文化遗产保护的前列,并为之提供了智慧启迪。  相似文献   

王向明 《攀登》2011,30(5):18-25
精神文明建设是中国特色社会主义事业的重要保证。大力推进精神文明建设,对于全面实现小康社会和富裕文明和谐新青海建设的目标,对于满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化需求,对于提高全体公民文明素质和全社会文明程度,对于促进社会和谐稳定,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

张丽 《攀登》2011,30(1):13-15
本文在调研青海省"十二五"经济社会发展规划编制情况的基础上,结合上海市"十二五"期间确立的发展方向和近年来上海城市发展、产业结构调整与转移趋势,以及与国内其他兄弟省市之间的合作交流动态,对上海市与青海省两地未来合作的重点领域及合作方式有所思考。  相似文献   

Created by the Florida Legislature in 2004, the Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) has grown into a positive force for preservation, public engagement, and community collaboration in archaeology. This article discusses the genesis of FPAN and how the organization has changed in scope, evolved in mission, and addressed challenges, ideally providing ideas and direction for similar programmes in other locations.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末80年代初中国农村改革顺利铺开,并取得了举世嘱目的成就。但这并不仅仅在于当时农民的探索、地方官员的默许以及中央控制的放松和政策的支持。如果从社会发展的纵向来分析,这一时期的中国农村与50年代初期相比,已经具备了推进改革的较充分的历史条件,而正是有了这些历史条件,中国在这一时期进行的农村改革,才能够顺势启动并迅速发展,从而实现了中国农村"水到渠成"的伟大历史转折。  相似文献   

1966~1976年我国个体私营经济政策述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1966~1976年间,我国对个体私营经济采取了严格限制的政策,至1976年底,私营经济在我国已经绝迹,个体经济也微乎其微,全国城镇个体工商业者只剩下19万人,仅为1966年的12.2%.此外,由于这期间对自留地、家庭副业、集市贸易的限制政策,扼杀了农村经济的生机和活力.  相似文献   

鸦片战后广州绅民反进城斗争新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周力 《安徽史学》2003,(5):17-21
章将鸦片战争后广州绅民反进城斗争纳入近代资本主义产生,西方工业明有如疾风暴雨般摧毁世界各地的封建藩篱,整个世界由分散到整体的历史背景下重新审视。认为反进城斗争是中国官绅民对已被资本主义时代大潮冲开之沉重国门一次重新关闭的努力;是华夷有别之一元世界现在与近代开国思想冲撞转变进程中的惰性延续;是对国与国交往中的国际双(多)边条约制度的极度陌生与本能抵制;章得出结论:中国必须坚定不移地实行对外开放政策。  相似文献   

鸦片战争时期,前线将帅在与英军接仗以前,都对以众击寡,以逸待劳,以主待客等古老战略战术原则和战争形势充满胜利信心,只是在经过战场较量之后他们对于英军“船坚炮利”才有了真实体验,大多改变了看法,主张仿造西方船炮,“师夷长技以制夷”。而后方官绅缺乏战场体验,在战后多数仍然停留在战前的认识水平上,他们把清军的失败完全归咎于前线将帅指挥无能和军队缺乏训练,未能正确估价武器装备优劣对于战争结局的影响,不愿坦然承认落后挨打的事实。由于“师夷制夷”主张未能得到朝野确认,军事工业近代化因此迟迟不能启动。  相似文献   

九一八事变后的《国民外交杂志》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左双文 《史学月刊》2007,1(3):59-68
1931年九一八事变后,国难日亟,抗日救亡成为时代的中心议题。1932年3月,以南京国民政府一些立法委员、监察委员牵头发起成立了"国民外交协会",9月份创刊《国民外交杂志》,以宣传他们的抗日救国主张。这是一批有一定社会地位和政治地位,跻身于统治阶层而又不是决策者的人物。他们的言论,反映了在大敌当前的形势下这一社会群体的态度和立场。他们对抗日救亡的积极呼吁、对当局不抵抗政策的严厉批评,对统治者阶层、对当权者的影响和触动,可能更直接,更起作用,也反映出对日抵抗确已成为当时举国一致的要求,成为中华民族绝大多数人共同的呼声。  相似文献   

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