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Ingar Kaldahl, Arbeid og miljø ved Follafoss tresliperi og Ranheim papirfabrikk 1920–1970 [Work and work environment at Follafoss pulp‐mill and Ranheim paper mill 1920–1970]. (Trondheim, Norway: Department of History, University of Trondheim, 1994). 525 pp. ISBN 82–7765–002–7.

Britta Lövgren, Hemarbete som politik [Housework as politics. Discussions on housework in Sweden in the 1930s and the 1940s and the establishing of The Home Research Institute (Hemmenes Forskningsinstitut)]. (Stockholm: Almqvist &; Wiksell International, 1993). 232 pp. ISBN 91–22–01556–6.

Sidsel Eriksen, Sester Silfverbergs sorger [Sister Silfverberg's sorrows. A story about how a Sunday‐school teacher became a temperance agitator and a feminist]. (Copenhagen: Spektrum, 1993). ISBN 87–7763–088–2.

Alexandra Ramsay, Huvudstadens hjärta. Filantropi och social förändring i Helsingfors: två fruentimmers föreninger 1848–1865 [The heart of the capital. Philanthropy and social change in Helsingfors ‐ two ladies’ societies 1848–1865]. (Helsingfors: Finska Vetenskaps‐Societeten‐Suomen Tiedeseura, 1993.) 183 pp. ISBN 951–653–248–9.

Elina Katainen (ed.), Kotomaan koko kuva. Kirjoituksia elokuvasta ja 1930‐luvun sosiaalikistoriasta [Full Portrait of the Homeland. Studies in Cinema and the Social History of the 1930s]. (Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura. Historiallinen Arkisto 100. Helsingin yliopiston talous‐ ja sosiaalihistorian laitos. Talous‐ ja sosiaalihistoriallisia tutkimuksia 2, 1993. 232 pp. ISBN 951–8915–68–7, ISSN 0073–2540.

Erik Tudeer, Det åländska folkets historia V:1 1920–1990 [The History of the Åland Islanders]. (Ekenäs:Ekenäs Tryckeri Aktiebolag, 1993). 287 pp. ISBN 952–9848–02–1.  相似文献   

Ilkka Mäntylä, Suomalaisen juoppouden kasvu, Kustavilaisen kanden alkokolipolitiïkka [The Growth of Finnish Drunkenness, the Alcohol Policy of the Gustavian Era]. (Jyväskylä, 1995.)

Eeva‐Iüsa Lehtonen, Säätyläishuveista kansanhuveiksi, Kansanhuveista kansalaishuveiksi. Maaseudun yleishyödyllinen huvitoiminta 1800‐luvun alusta 1870‐luvun loppuun [From Upper‐Class to Popular Entertainments. From Popular to Public Entertainments. Fund‐raising Entertainments in Rural Finland During the 19th Century]. (Helsinki: Societas Historica Finlandiae, 1994).

Ilkka Liikanen, Fennomania ja kansa, Jonkkojärjestäytymisen läpimurto ja Suomalaisen puolueen synty [Fennomania and the People: The Breakthrough of Mass Organization and the Birth of the Finnish Party]. (Helsinki: SHS, 1995) Diss.

Mervi Kaarninen, Nykyajan tytöt, Koulutus, luokka ja sukupuoli 1920‐ja 1930‐ luvun Suomessa [Modern Girls. Education, Class and Gender in Finland in die 1920s and 1930s]. Bibliotheca historica 5 (Helsinki: Finnish Historical Society, 1995). 297 pp. ISBN 951–710–019–1.

Kerstin Smeds, Helsingfors‐Paris. Finländarna på vårldsutstallningama 1851–1900 [Helsinki‐Paris. Finland at die Universal Expositions 1851–1900]. Vammala. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, nr. 598. 397 pp. ISBN 951–583–024–9.

Pekka Mervola, Kttja, kirjavampi, saanomalehti. Ulkoasukierre ja suamalaisten sanomalehtien ulkoasu 1771–1994 [The Appearance Spiral and die Outward Appearance of Newspapers in Finland 1771–1994]. Suomen historiallinen seura, Biblioteca Historica 1 (Vammala, 1995). 429 pp. ISBN 951–710–013–2.

Antti Kujala, Venäjän hallitus ja Suomen tvöväenliike 1899–1905 [The Russian Government and the Finnish Workers’ Movement 1899–1905]. Hist, tutk, 94 (Helsinki: Societas Historica Finlandiae, 1996). 459 pp. ISBN 951–710–024–8.

Jussi M. Hanhimäki, Rinnakkaiseloa patomassa. Yhdysvallat ja Paasikiven linja 1948–1956 [Containing Coexistence]. Bibliotheca historica 10 (Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura, 1996). 191 pp. [English summary].

Else Roesdahl and Preben Meulengracht S?renson, eds. The Waking of Angantyr. The Scandinavian past in European culture. Den nordiske fortid i europæisk kultur, Acta Jutlandica LXXI:l, Humanities Series 70 (Aarhus, 1996). 229 pp. ISBN 87–7288–435–5.

Nils Arne S?renson, ed. European Identities. Cultural Diversity and Integration in Europe Since 1700, (Odense University Press, 1995). 269 pp. ISBN 87–7492–976–3.

Atle Thowsen, Handelsflåten i krig 1939–1945. Nortraship: Profitt og patriotisme, vol. 1 (Gröndahl og Dreyers Forlag, Oslo, 1992). 494 pp., ISBN 82–404–1895–6.  相似文献   

Damsholt, Nanna, Kvindebilledet i dansk höjmiddelalder (København, 1985). ISBN 87–418–7425–0. 339 pp.

Kouri, E. I., Saksalaisen käyttökirjallisuuden vaikutus Suomessa 1600‐luvulla. Ericus Ericin postillan lähteet. (The influences of German Gebrauchsliteratur in 17th century Finland. The sources of the Book of Homilies by Ericus Erici). Suomen kirkkohistorial‐lisen seuran toimituksia 129. (Helsinki, 1984). ISBN 951–9021–52–4. 325 pp. German summary and appendix.

Hovi, Kalervo, Alliance de revers. Stabilization of Frances's Alliance Policies in East Central Europe 1919–1921 (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. B, tom. 163, Turku, 1984) ISBN 951–642–437–6. 135 pp.

Hovi, Kalervo, Interssensphären im Baltikum. Finland im Rahmen der Ostpolitik Polens 1919–1922 (Spheres of interest in the Baltic. Finland's role in the Polish eastern policy 1919–1922). Studio historica 13. (Helsinki, 1984). ISBN 951–9254–51‐X. 180 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Robert Rinehart (ed.), Finland and the United States. Diplomatic Relations Through Seventy Years (Washington DC: 1993). Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University, 141 pp. ISBN 0–934742–63–4. USD 12.00.

Karl Molin, Omstridd neutralitet. Experternas kritik av svensk utrikespolitik 1948–1950 (Disputed neutrality. The experts’ criticism of Swedish foreign policy, 1948— 1950). (Stockholm: Tiden, 1991). 109 pp. ISBN 91–550–3808–5. SKR 150.00

Anders Berge, Flyktingpolitik i stormakts skugga. Sverige og de sovjetryska flyktingarna under andra världskriget (Refugee policies in the shadow of a great power. Sweden and the Soviet Russian refugees during World War II). Uppsala Multiethnic Papers 26. (Centre for Multiethnic Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 1992). III pp. ISBN 91–86624–07–5.

Már Jónsson, Blóoskömm á Íslandi 1270–1870 (Incest in Iceland, 1270–1870). (Reykjavík: Háskóli Íslands, Háskólaútgáfan, 1993). 311 pp. ISBN 9979–54–048–6.

Michael Bregnsbo, Gejstlighedens syn på sam fund og ?vrigked 1775–1800, belyst ved trykte pradikener og taler (The attitudes of the clergy to society and authorities 1775–1800, revealed by printed sermons and speeches). (Copenhagen: Den danske historiske Forening, 1992). 160+124 pp. ISBN 87–87462–31–1.

Pentti Laasonen &; Johannes Wallmann (eds), Der Pietismus in seiner europäischen und aussereuropäischen Ausstrahlung (Pietism in its European and extra‐european radiation) Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran, toimituksia 157/ Veröffentlichungen der finnischen Gesellschaft für Kirchengeschichte, 157 (Helsinki, 1992). 240 pp. ISBN 951–9021–87–6.

Ole Feldbaek (ed.), Dansk Identitetshistorie (History of the Danish national identity), vols 1–4. (Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel, 1991–92) 424 pp., 468 pp., 673 pp., 589 pp. ISBN 87–7421–696–1, DKR 1400 (all volumes). Summaries in English in vol. 4.

Conny Blom, Tiggare, tidstjuvar, lättingar och landstiykare. Studier αν attityder och vär‐deringar i skrån, stadgar,, ordningar och lagförslag gällande den of fentlia vården 1533–1664. (Lund: Lund University Press, 1992.) 271 pp.  相似文献   

Dansk socialhistorie 1‐7 (A social history of Denmark 1—7). København, (1979–82). ISBN 87–01–82331–0. Vol. 1: Jørgen Jensen, Oldtidens samfund. Tiden indtil år 800 (Prehistoric society, before 800 AD) 271 pp. Vol. 2: Niels Lund and Kai Hørby, Samfundet i vikingetid og middelalder 800–1500 (Society in the viking and middle ages 800–1500) 322 pp. Vol. 3: Ladewig Petersen, Fra standssamfund til rangssamfund 1500–1700 (From classes to ranks, 1500–1700). 447 pp. Vol. 4: Hans Chr. Johansen, En samfundsorganisation i opbrud 1700–1870 (A society on the move 1700–1780) 333 pp. Vol. 5: Vagn Dybdahl, Det nye samfund på vej 1871–1913 (The new society in the making 1871–1913) 310 pp. Vol. 6: Svend Aage Hansen and Ingrid Henriksen, Sociale brydninger 1914–39 (Social conflicts 1914–39) 424 pp. Vol. 7: Svend Aage Hansen and Ingrid Henriksen, Velfærdsstaten 1940–78 (The welfare state 1940–78) 399 pp. Register, ved Annegrete Dybdahl (Indices) 106 pp.

Fenger, Ole, Gammeldansk ret. Dansk rets historie i oldtid og middelalder (Old Danish law. The history of prehistoric and medieval Danish law). Århus, (1983). ISBN 87–583–0172–0. 156 pp.

Petersson, Birgit, Den farliga underklassen. Studier i fattigdom och brottslighet i 1800‐tale ts Sverige (The dangerous classes. Studies in poverty and crime in 19th century Sweden). Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 53. Umeå, (1983). ISBN 91–7174–133‐X. 306 pp. English summary.

Brändström, Anders, "De kärlekslösa mödrarna.” Spädbamsdödligheten i Sverige under 1800‐talet med särskild hänsyn till Nedertornea ("The loveless mothers.” Infant mortality in Sweden during the 19th century with special attention to the parish of Nedertorneå). Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 62. Umeå, (1984). ISBN 91–7174–162–3. ix+271 pp. English summary.

Hinkkanen‐Lievoncn, Merja‐Liisa, Britisk Trade and Enterprise in the Baltic States 1919–1925. Studia Historka, 14. Helsinki, (1984). ISBN 951–9254–54–4. 312 pp.

Kero, Reino, Neuvosto‐Karjalaa rakentamassa. Pohjois‐Amerikan suomalaiset tekniikan tuojina 1930‐luvun Neuuosto‐Karjalassa (Building Soviet Karelia. North American Finns as the introducers of new techniques to Soviet Karelia during the 1930's). Historiallisia tutkimuksia 122. (Helsinki, 1983). ISBN 951–92544–44–7. 231 pp. English summary.

Ekholm, Curt, Balt‐ och tyskutlämningen 1945–46. Omståndigheter kring interneringen i läger i Sverige och utlämningen till Sovjetunionen av f.d. tyska krigsdeltagare (The deportation of Baltic and German military internees in 1945–46. Circumstances concerning the internment in camps in Sweden and the deportation of former German soldiers to the Soviet Union).

Part 1. Ankomsten och interneringen (The arrival and the internment). Studia historica upsaliensia 136. (Uppsala, 1984). ISBN 91–554–1533–4. 220 pp. English summary.

Part 2. Utlämningen och efterspelet (The deportation and the sequel). Studia historica Upsaliensia 137. (Uppsala, 1984). ISBN 91–554–1534–2. 440 pp. English summary.  相似文献   

James Beck with Michael Daley, Art Restoration. The Culture, the Business and the Scandal. London: John Murray, 1993. xiv + 210 pp., 27 b. &; w. illus. ISBN 0–7195–4635–4. £17.99.

Jon Bird, Barry Curtis, Tim Putnam, George Robertson, and Lisa Tickner (eds.), Mapping the Futures Local Cultures, Global Change, London &; New York: Routledge, 1993. xv + 288 pp., 25 b. &; w. illus. ISBN 0–415–07018‐X. £11.95.

Rodney Castleden, The Making of Stonehenge, London and New York: Routledge, 1993, 260 pp., 98 figs., 44 b. &; w. illus. ISBN 0–415–08513–6. £25.

Eilean Hooper‐Greenhill (ed.), Museums and Their Visitors, London and New York: Routledge, 1994. xv + 206 pp., 16 b. &; w. illus. ISBN 0–415–06857–6. £22.50.

Gerry Kearns &; Chris Philo (eds.), Selling Places: The City as Cultural Capital, Past and Present,. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1993. 316 pp., 4 b.&; w. illus. ISBN 0–08–041384–6. £22.95.

International Committee on Museum Security, Museum Security and Protection, ed. David Liston, London &; New York: Routledge, 1993. xiv + 319 pp. ISBN 0–415–07509–2. £22.50.

Richard Prentice Tourism and Heritage Attractions, London and New York: Routledge, 1993. xv + 253 pp., 5 b. &; w. figs., ISBN 0–415 08525‐X. £35.00.

Anabel Thomas, Illustrated Dictionary of Narrative Painting. London: John Murray in association with National Gallery Publications, 1994. xx + 268 pp., 152 b. &; w. illus. ISBN 0–7195–5290–7. £13.99.  相似文献   


Til kamp for friheden. Sociale opr?r i nordisk middlelalder (For freedom. Social unrest in medieval Scandinavia), edited by Anders, J?rgen Würtz S?rensen and Lars Tvede‐Jensen (Borgsmedjen, Ålborg, 1988), ISBN 87–89123–02–6.

Göran Dahlbäck, I medeltidens Stockholm (In Medieval Stockholm), Monografier utgivna av Stockholms stad 81 (Stockholms medeltidsmuseum Stockholm, 1988), 218 pp., ISBN 91–38–09712–5.

Ole Degn, Christian 4.s kansler. Christen Friis til Kragerup (1581–1639) som menneske og politiker (The chancellor of Christian IV. The life and political activity of Christen Friis‐Kragerup) (Viborg: Udgiverselskabet ved Landsarkivet for N?rrejylland, 1988), 260 pp., ISBN 87–89039–02–05, Dkr. 240.

Ditlev Tamm, Christian den Fjerdes kanslerd (The chancellors of Christian IV) (Copenhagen: Gad, 1988), 176 pp., ISBN 87–12–01692–6, Dkr. 188.

Steffen Heiberg, Christian 4. Monarken, mennesket og myten (Christian IV. The monarch, the man and the myth). (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1988), 476 pp., ISBN 87–01–30864–5, Dkr. 398. All richly illustrated.

Magnus Nyman, Press mot friheten. Opinionsbildning i de svenska tidningama och åsiktsbtytningar om minoriteter 1772–1786 (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studier i idé‐och lärdoms‐historia 3, 1988), Skr. 180.

Thomas Magnusson, Proletar i uniform. Studier kring den värvade armén, arbetsmarknadens kommersialisering och urbaniseringen i frihetstidens västsvenska samhålle (Proletarians in uniform. The professional army, the commercialization of the labour market and the urbanization of eighteenth‐century western Sweden) (Meddelanden från Historiska Institutionen i Göteborg 32, Göteborg, 1987), 208 pp., ISBN 91–7900–359–1.

Anders N?rgaard, Mission und Obrigkeit. Die Dånisch‐hallische Mission in Tranquebar 1706–1845 (Mission and authority. The Danish Halle Mission in Tranquebar 1706–1845). Missionswissenschaftliche Forschungen, vol. 22. Herausgegeben von der Deutscher Gesellschaft für Missionswissenschaft (Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. Gütersloh, 1988), 312 pp., ISBN 3–579–00242–2.

Jonathan Wylie, The Faroe Islands. Interpretations of History (Kentucky University Press, 1987), 257 pp., ill., ISBN 0–8131–1578–7

Tor Egil F?rland, Vi sier intet. Norgei COCOM 1948–53 (No comments. Norway in COCOM. 1948–53) (Oslo, 1988), 390 pp., ISBN 82–530–1432–5.  相似文献   

The Monstrous Races in Medieval Art and Thought. By John Block Friedman. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2000. Original edition, 1981. ISBN 0 8156 2826 9. Pp. xiii, 308, illus. US $29.95 (paper).

A Guide to English Illustrated Books, 1536–1603. By Ruth Samson Luborsky and Elizabeth Morley Ingram. Medieval &; Renaissance Texts &; Studies, vol. 166. Tempe: Arizona State University, 1998. ISBN 0 86698 207 8. Two volumes. Pp. (xxxii), (754), [iv]; (vi), (218), [150], [ii], illus. US $75.00.

The Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, Library of Congress: Gerardus Mercator, Atlas sive Cosmographies Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Figura (Duisburg, 1595). Translated from the Latin by David Sullivan, with commentary by Robert W. Karrow, Jr. Oakland, California: Octavo, 2000. ISBN 1 891788 26 4. CD‐ROM (2 discs). US $65.00. [Octavo: ; e‐mail ; Octavo Customer Service, 580 Second Street, Suite 220, Oakland, CA 94607–3543.]

The Travel Diary of Robert Bargrave, Levant Merchant 1647–1656. Edited by Michael G. Brennan. Hakluyt Society Third Series, No. 3. London: The Hakluyt Society, 1999. ISBN 0 904 180 63 8. Pp. xix, 288, illus. STG £45 (doth). [The Hakluyt Society, c/o The Map Library, British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB, UK.]

California 49: Forty‐nine Maps of California from the Sixteenth Century to the Present. Edited by Warren Heckrotte and Julie Sweetkind. California Map Society Occasional Paper no. 6. San Francisco: California Map Society with the Book Club of California, 1999. ISBN 0 1 888126 01 9. Pp. 128, illus., 7 col. plates, 1 folded map. US $49.00 (doth). [Hinckle and Sons Printing Office, 2567 Fourteenth Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127.]

Mapping Cities. Catalogue and essay by Naomi Miller. Exhibition coordinated by Karen E. Haas. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press for Boston University Art Gallery, 2000. ISBN 1 881450 13 9. Pp. 92, 23 illus., 7 col. plates. US $20.00 (paper).

8. Kartographiehistorisches Colloquium Bern, 3.‐5. Oktober 1996. Vorträge und Berichte. Edited by Wolfgang Scharfe in association with the Arbeitskreis ‘Geschichte der Kartographie’ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kartographie und der Arbeitsgruppe D‐A‐CH deutscher, österreichischer und schweizerischer Kartographiehistoriker DGfK‐ÖKK/ ÖGG‐SGK. Murten: Verlag Cartographica Helvetica, 2000. (= Cartographica Helvetica, Sonderheft Nr. 16.) ISSN 1422 3392. Pp. x, 225, illus., col. plates. DM 70.00 / SFR 55.00. [Verlag Cartographica Helvetica, Untere Längmatt 9, CH‐3280 Murten.]

The Universe Unveiled: Instruments and Images through History. By Bruce Stephenson, Marvin Bolt and Anna Felicity Friedman. Chicago and Cambridge: Alder Planetarium and Astronomy Museum and Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN 0 521 79143 X. Pp. 152, fflus., col. plates. US $29.95 (cloth). [Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum, 1300 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605.]

Mikra'ot Gedolot ‘Haketer’: A revised and augmented scientific edition of the Mikra'ot Gedolot Based on the Aleppo Codex and Early Medieval MSS: Ezekiel. Edited by Menachem Cohen. Ramat‐Gan, Israel: Bar‐Han University Press, 2000. ISBN 965 226 230 7. Pp. xvii, 339, illus. NIS 94.80 (cloth). [Bar‐Dan University Press, Ramat‐Gan 52900 Israel].

Dierckeein Atlas für Generationen: Hintergründe, Geschichte, und bibliographische Daten bis 1955. By Jürgen Espenhorst and Erhard Kumpel. Schwerte, Germany: Pangaea Verlag, 1999. ISBN 3 930401 50 9. Pp. 119, illus., 9 col. plates. DM 39 / Euro 20 (cloth). [Pangaea Verlag, Villigster Str. 32, 58239 Schwerte, Germany.]  相似文献   

Books received for review: Franks, Moravians and Magyars. The Struggle for the Middle Danube 788–907. By Charles R. Bowlus. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1995. xviii + 420 pp. £42.75. ISBN 0 8122 3276 3. Das ‘GrossmIhrische Reich’. RealitäIt oder Fiktion? Eine Neuinterpretation der Quellen zur Geschichte des mittleren Donauraumes im 9. Jahrhundert. Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters 40. By Martin Eggers. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann. 1995. ix + 525 pp. DM 336.00. ISBN 3 7772 9502 7. An Elbe und Oder um das Jahr 1000. Skizzen zur Politik des Ottonenreiches und der slavischen Mächte in Mitteleuropa. By Herbert Ludat. Reprint of 1971 original, with an afterword by L. Dralle. Weimar, Cologne and Vienna: Böhlau Verlag. 1995. ix + 214 pp. DM 78.00. ISBN 3 412 11994 6. Salzburg, Bayern, österreich: die Conversio Bagoariorum et Carantanorum und die Quellen ihrer Zeit. Mitteilungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforshung Ergänzungsband 31. By Herwig Wolfram. Vienna and Munich: Oldenbourg. 1995. 464 pp. DM 128.00. ISBN 3 486 64833 0 (Munich); 3 7029 0404 2 (Vienna).  相似文献   

Book Review     
Hallvard Hagelia, Numbering the Stars: A Phraseological Analysis of Genesis 15. Stockholm: Almqvist &; Wiksell International 1994, 252 pp. [Coniectanea Bublica: Old Testament Series 39] ISBN 91–22–01591–4.  相似文献   


Troels Fink, Estruptidens politiske historic 1875–1894, I‐II (The Political History of the Estrup Era 1875–1894, vol. 1: The Struggle Between the Two Chambers 1875–85; vol. 2: The Period of Decree Legislation 1885–94) (Odense, 1986), 621 pp., ISBN 87 7492 581 4.

Poul Thestrup, Nærbutik og Næringslov‐omgåelse. En unders?gelse of brugsforeningerne og deres placering i innovationsprocessen i Danmark mellem 1850 og 1919 (The Consumer Co‐operatives in the Innovation Process in Denmark 1850–1919), Odense University Studies in History and Social Sciences, vol. 95 (Odense Universitetsforlag), 549 pp., ISBN 87 7492 595 4, DKK 240+moms.

Tuomo Polvinen, Valtakunta ja raijamaa. N. I. Bobrikov Suomen kenraalikuvemöörind 1898–1904 (The Empire and a Borderland. N. I. Bobrikov as Governor General of Finland 1898–1904) (Helsinki, 1984), 432 pp., ISBN 951 0 12660 8.

Danske Handelskompagnier 1616–1843. Oktrojer og interne Ledelsesregler (Charters and By‐Laws of Danish Trading Companies, 1616–1843), edited by Ole Feldbæk, Selskabet for Udgivelse af Kilder til Dansk Historie (Copenhagen, 1986), 779 pp., ISBN 87 7500 159 4, DanKr 300.

Kalle Bäck, Harald Gustafsson, Jon Herstad, Jens Holmgaard, Markku Kuisma, Maud Molander, Illka Mäntylä, Øjstein Rian and Gustav Grunde Sætra. Skog och Brännvin. Studier i näringspolitiskt beslutsfattande i Norden på 1700‐talet (Wood and Spirits. Studies in Economic Policy‐Making in the Nordic Countries in the Eighteenth Century), Nordic Research Project on Central Power and Local Communities ‐ Decision‐making in the 1700s (Det nordiska forskningsprojektet Centralmakt och lokal‐samhalle ‐ beslutsprocess på 1700‐talet), publication 3 (Oslo University Press, 1984), ISBN 82 00 07053 0 (English summary).

Karl‐Gustaf Anderson, Inger Diibeck, Birgitta Ericsson, Gfsli Agust Gunnlaugsson, Per‐Arne Karlsson, Markku Kuisma, Anne‐Hilde Nagel, Oscar Nilula and Gustav Grunde Sa;tra, Industri og Bjergvarksdrift. Privilegering i Norden i det 18. arhundrede (Industry and Mining. Studies in the Granting of “Privilegia” to Industrial Enterprises in the Nordic Countries in the Eighteenth Century). Nordic Research Project on Central Power and Local Communities ‐ Decision‐making in the 1700s, publication 5 (Oslo University Press, 1985), ISBN 82 00 07694 6 (English summary).

Christian Wichmann Matthiesen, Danske Byers Vaekst (Urban Growth in Denmark). Det Kgl. Geografiske Selskab, Atlas over Denmark, Serie II, vol. 3 (C. A. Reitzels Forlag, K?benhavn, 1985), 142 pp., 245 Dkr. (English summary).

I?rn Pi?, Nye veje til Folkevisen (New Approaches to the Ballad) (Copenhagen, 1985), 344 pp., ISBN 87 00 93582 4 (English summary).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Ellen Juhl Christiansen, The Covenant in Judaism &; Paul. A Study in Ritual Boundaries as Identity Markers (Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Antiken Judentums und des Christentums XXVII; Brill, Leiden 1995, pp 396.

Eberhard Bons, Psalm 31, Rettung als Paradigma. Eine synchron‐le‐serorientierte Analyse (Frankfurter Theologische Studien 48; Verlag J. Knecht, Frankfurt am Main 1994), pp 307.

Magne Sæb?, editor (in co‐operation with Chris Brekelmans and Me‐nahem Haran), Hebrew Bible I Old Testament: The History of Its Interpretation. Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Middle Ages (Until 1300). Part 1. Antiquity. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht 1996. 847 pp. Price: DM 210.

Martin Rösel, Bibelkunde des Alten Testaments. Neukirchen 1996. Pp.182.

Hans M. Barstad, The Myth of the Empty Land. Symbolae Osloenses fasasuppl. XXVIII, Scandinavian University Press, Oslo 1996. Pp 113.

Klaus Samuel Davidowicz, Gershom Scholem und Martin Buber. Die Geschichte eines Mißverständnisses. Neukirchener Theologische Dissertationen und Habilationen 5; Neukirchen 1995, Pp 166.  相似文献   

Political Geography of the Twentieth Century: A Global Analysis. Edited by Peter Taylor, 245 x 184 mm, xiii + 269 pp, Belhaven, London, 1993, pbk ISBN 1–85293–1973, £12.95.

Environmental Management in the Soviet Union. By Philip R. Pryde, 228 x 153 mm, xiii + 314 pp, Cambridge University Press, 1991, pbk ISBN 0–521–40905–5, £10.95.

Green Development: Environment und Sustainahility in the Third World. By W.M. Adams, 216 X 138 mm, 273 pp, Routledge, London, 1992, pbk, ISBN 0–415–08050–9, £12.99.

Debt and Development. By Stuart Corbridge, 230 x 153 mm, 231 pp, Blackwell, Oxford, 1993, hbk ISBN 0–631179046, £35.00, pbk ISBN 0–631181383, £10.99.

Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition: Vol. 1 Agriculture and Environment, Vol. 2 Economy and Society. Edited by I.R. Bowler, C.R. Bryant and M.D. Nellis, 240 x 160 mm, viii + 277 and xx + 314 pp, Wallingford, CAB International, 1992, hbk, ISBN 0–85198–813‐X (two‐volume set), £70.00.

Controlling Tropical Deforestation. By Alan Grainger, 232 x 152 mm, 310 pp, Earthscan, London, 1993, pbk, ISBN 1–85383–142–5, £14.95.

Deforestation in the Postwar Philippines. By David M. Kummer, 228 x 152 mm, xvii + 178 pp, University of Chicago Press (Geography Research Paper 234), Chicago and London, 1992, pbk, ISBN 0–226–46169–6, £13.50.

Nineteenth‐Century Cape Breton — A Historical Geography. By Stephen J. Hornsby, 230 x 153 mm, 304 pp, McGill‐Queen's University Press, Montreal and Kingston, 1992, hbk, ISBN 0–7735–0889–9, £33.95.

Challenge of the Natural Environment. By B.J. Knapp, S.R.J. Ross, and D. McCrae, 236 x 135 mm, 272 pp, Longman, Harlow, 1989, pbk, ISBN 0–582–35597–4, £9.99.  相似文献   


Magdalena Midgley: The First Farmers of the North European Plain. Edinburgh University Press, 1992. XVI + 550 pp. 132 figs. ISBN 0 7486 0348 4.

Julian Thomas: Rethinking the Neolithic. (New Studies in Archaeology). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991. xvi + 212 pp. 60 figures. ISBN 0–521–40377–4 (hardback).

Stuart J. Fiedel: Prehistory of the Americas. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992. 400pp. ISBN 0–521–41532–2—ISBN 0–521–42544–1 (pbk.).

Timothy Earle (ed.): Chiefdoms: Power, Economy and Ideology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991. 34 pp. ISBN 0–521–40190–9.

J?rgen Steen Jensen, Kirsten Bendixen, Niels‐Knud Liebgott and Fritze Lindahl, with the cooperation of Keld Grinder‐Hansen and Gert Posselt: Danmarks middelalderlige skattefund c.1050‐C.1550/Denmark's medieval treasure‐hoards C.1050‐C.1550, I‐II. Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskriftselskab, Copenhagen, 1992. ISBN 87–87483–23–2.  相似文献   

Brccngaard, Carsten, Muren om Israels hus. Regnum og sacerdotium i Danmark 1050—1170 (The wall round the house of Israel. Regnum and sacerdotium in Denmark 1050‐1170). (København, 1982). ISBN 87‐12‐09300‐9.341 pp. English summary.

Næss, Hans Eyvind, Trolldomsprosessene i Norge pa 1500‐, 1600‐tallet (Trials of witches in Norway in the 16th and 17th centuries). (Oslo, 1982). ISBN 82‐00‐06386‐0 IX, 582 pp.

Seppo, Juha, Uskovien yhteisö vai valtionkirkko. Uskonnolliset vähemmistöyhteisöt ja evank‐elis‐luterilaisesta kirkosta eroaminen Suomessa vuosina 1923—1930 (A community of the faithful or the State Church. Religious minority communities and withdrawals from the Lutheran Church in Finland in 1923—1930). (Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran toimituksia, vol. 127, Helsinki, 1983). ISBN 951‐9021‐50‐7. 492 pp. German summary.

Seppinen, Ilkka, Suomen ulkomaankaupan ehdot 1939—1944 (The terms of Finnish foreign trade in 1939—1944). (Societas Historica Fennica. Historiallisia tutkimuksia, vol. 14, Helsinki, 1983). ISBN 951‐9254‐49‐8. 268 pp. German summary.  相似文献   

BLANCHOT, M. Awaiting Oblivion translated with an introduction by John Gregg University of Nebraska Press, 1997 85 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 0 8032 1257 7

CENDRON, J.‐P. Le Monde de la protection sociale Nathan, 1996 189 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 09 190135 0

CHAVANCE, B. Marx et le capitalisme Nathan, 1996 191 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 09 190100 0

MARCEL, B. and TAIEB, J. Le Chômage aujourd'hui Nathan, 1997 (2nd edition) 190 pp., ISBN 2 09 190140 0

La ville des sciences sociales Enquête, 4, 1996, pp. 1–280 Parenthçses, ISSN 1245 2084  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1997,6(1):95-123

Douglas Crimp, On the Museum's Ruins (with photographs by Louise Lawler), Cambridge, Mass. and London: The MIT Press, 1993. xx + 348 pp., 110 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–262–03209–0. £24.95.

Clarissa Campbell Orr (ed.), Women in the Victorian Art World, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1995. xiv + 208 pp., 1 fig., 29 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7190–4123–6. £14.99.

Diana Ketcham, Le Désert de Retz, Cambridge, Mass. & London: The MIT Press, 1994. vii + 135 pp., 99 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–262–11186–1. £35.95.

Anthony & Patricia Wylson, Theme Parks, Leisure Centres, Zoos and Aquaria, London: Longman, 1994. 183 pp., 107 figs., 109 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–582–099285. £60.00.

David Lambert, Peter Goodchild, & Judith Roberts, Researching a Garden's History: A Guide to Documentary and Published Sources, Reigate: Landscape Design Trust, in association with Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York, 1995. 28 pp. 12 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–9518377–0–2. £6.00.

Mike Sixsmith (ed.), Touring Exhibitions: The Touring Exhibitions Group's Manual of Good Practice, Oxford: Butterworth‐Heinemann, 1995. xviii + 237 pp., ISBN 0–7506–2518‐x. £35.00.

Richard Harrison (ed.), Manual of Heritage Management, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann and the Association of Independent Museums, 1994. xiii + 425 pp. ISBN 0–7506–0822–6. £65.00.

J. M. Fladmark (ed.), Sharing the Earth : Local Identity in Global Culture, London: Donhead, 1995. xviii + 381 pp., 70 b. & w. illus. ISBN 1–873394–19–5. £37.00.

Gary Edson and David Dean, The Handbook for Museums, London and New York: Routledge, 1994. xvi + 302 pp. ISBN 0–415–09952–8. £27.50.

Michael Wheeler (ed.), Ruskin and Environment: The Storm‐Cloud of the Nineteenth Century, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1995. x + 202 pp., 7 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7190–4377–8. £40.00.

M. D. Anderson, History and Imagery in British Churches, London: John Murray, [1971], 1995. xxiv + 291 pp., 1 map, 18 figs., 93 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7195–5414–4. £15.99.

Chris Brooks & Andrew Saint (eds.), The Victorian Church. Architecture and Society, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995. xii + 228 pp., 82 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7190–4020–5. £16.99.

M. Christine Boyer, The City of Collective Memory: Its Historical Imagery and Architectural Entertainments, Cambridge, Mass., and London: The MIT Press, 1994. xii + 560 pp., 65 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–262–02371–7. £34.95.

John Glasson, Kerry Godfrey, Brian Goodey, Helen Absalom, & Jan Van der Borg, Towards Visitor Impact Management, Aldershot: Avebury, 1995. xii + 189 pp. ISBN 1–85972–054–4. £35.00.

Ann Bermingham & John Brewer (eds.), The Consumption of Culture 1600–1800. Image, Object, Text, London & New York: Routledge, 1995. xvi + 548 pp., 111 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–415–12135–5. £120.00.

B. W. Clapp An Environmental History of Britain since the Industrial Revolution, London and New York: Longman, 1994. 268 pp., 2 maps, 12 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–582–22626–0. £12.99.

Eilean Hooper‐Greenhill, Museum, Media, Message, London and New York: Routledge, 1995. xvi + 299 pp., 23 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–415–11672–4. £40.00.

A. Davey, B. Heath, D. Hodges, M. Ketchin & R. Milne, The Care and Conservation of Georgian Houses: A Maintenance Manual for Edinburgh New Town, Oxford: Butterworth, 4th ed., 1995. xxviii + 291 pp., 100 b. & w. illus. and 100 figs. ISBN 0–7506–1860–4. £40.00.

Philip Rahtz, English Heritage Book of Glastonbury, London: Batsford & English Heritage, 1993. 144 pp., 97 figs., ISBN 0–7134–6865–3. £14.99.  相似文献   

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