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马丁 《史学月刊》2007,(3):69-72
瑞士银行运用传统的诚信体制,使用高级的保密制度,利用优秀的服务质量,采用完备的管理技术,应用先进的金融设备,通过几代人的不断努力创新后,创造了无与伦比的银行文化。目前在银行这个重要的服务领域内,很少有一个国家能够像瑞士那样称霸长达上百年的。  相似文献   

Over 70 ancient vessels have been discovered by the Institut Européen d'Archéologie Sous‐Marine in the port‐city of Thonis‐Heracleion, Egypt. These were deposited both individually and in groups from the 8th to the 2nd century BC. This paper investigates the contexts of these vessels to suggest that a variety of explanations—shipwrecking, ritual deposition, abandonment, and structural reuse—account for their deposition. It also seeks to place these events within the changing landscape of Thonis‐Heracleion to understand the agency behind many of the decisions about what to do with old ships and boats at the end of their use‐life.  相似文献   

In this paper, the characterization of Roman amphorae from the Porto dos Cacos (PC) and Quinta do Rouxinol (QR) workshops, in the Tagus estuary, dating to a period between the 1st and 5th century AD was carried out on the basis of instrumental neutron activation analysis data on 260 amphorae fragments, together with mineralogical compositional studies obtained by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

董经胜 《安徽史学》2003,8(6):70-74
在巴西军政权中,存在着军人和技术专家的联盟。军人在政治决策中起着关键的作用,技术专家在制定经济发展政策时扮演着关键的角色。技术专家的兴起主要是由于巴西政府基本政策优先顺序的转变、平行官僚机构的迅速增长、以及实现行政改革的长期努力使得精英集团内部发生的变化。在经济观点上,技术专家主张注重积累,抑制分配的“生产主义”。  相似文献   

14C测定判别武王克商年代范围始末   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
武王克商年代是我国古代编年中的一个关键点,近年来^14C测定技术有了重要发展,我国^14C测年界在此基础上探讨了^14C方法应用于商周历史纪年的希望。1996年夏商周断代工程正式立项,利用^14C测定判别武王克商年代范围的任务得以实施。1998年初两个常规^14C实验室以3‰测定精度,前后开始对陕西丰镐遗址出土样品^14C测定,并于1998年10月6-7日先后公布了^14C数据,提出武王克商代范围应判别在公元前1050-1020年间。1998年下半年AMS室开始测定。三室测定数据对比结果基本相合,利用殷墟,琉璃河等遗址出土的样品系列作^14C测定得出的结果,与上述年代范围一致。1998年11月30日公布了天计算结果,与测定结果不谋而合,经多方面反复验证,历时近二年,都无法动摇已有的判别结果,具有较高的可信度。  相似文献   

In recent years, scholars of international history and intelligence have argued that, since the 1990s, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been engaged in public-relations campaigns to promote its image. As evidence of this, they point to the CIA's willingness to provide more briefings to the media, its greater engagement with Hollywood, and the appearance of CIA staff historians at academic conferences. Drawing on recently declassified documents and unpublished correspondence from the private papers of CIA officers, this article will argue that efforts by the CIA in the realm of opinion-forming began much earlier than the existing historiography dictates. In the 1970s, embarrassing revelations about CIA domestic operations prompted a host of loyal veterans, most notably David Atlee Phillips, to speak out in favour of the intelligence community as an indispensible, effective, and honourable arm of government. They did this by speaking at universities and by writing memoirs. It will be suggested that the Agency itself was initially reluctant to support the veterans, mindful of the need for secrecy, meaning that the frustrated veterans were required to operate in a strictly private capacity. By the end of the decade, however, attitudes at Langley had changed and perception management was finally put on a formal institutional footing. In charting the birth of CIA public relations, this article provides a fresh vista on the Agency's broader attitudes and policies towards secrecy and openness during the cold war and into the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

大革命失败后,中国共产党在共产国际的指导下确立了实行土地革命和武装起义的方针,也从此走上了建立苏维埃政权的革命道路。然而在这一时期,受共产国际"左"的教条主义和"城市中心论"思想的影响,中国苏维埃革命运动一开始就照搬苏俄革命的经验,致使各地城市暴动接连遭到失败。也正是在这一时期,经过多次城市武装起义失败教训的洗礼,越来越多的革命者开始认识到,到农村中去,到那些受过大革命风暴影响的农村中去,会有革命发展的广阔天地。这是以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人勇敢突破共产国际的理论模式,开始探索适合中国实际的"农村包围城市、武装夺取全国政权"革命道路的实践基础和理论来源。"任何国家的革命道路问题,都要由本国的共产党人自己去思考和解决。"这段历史无疑是最鲜活的案例,折射了共产国际与中国共产党对中国苏维埃政权道路的认识歧异;同时也彰显了我们党为了救国救民,不怕任何艰难险阻,在革命斗争中坚持独立自主、一切从实际出发的伟大革命精神。  相似文献   

J. S. BELL  S. E. GRASBY 《Geofluids》2012,12(2):150-165
All available information relevant to in situ stress orientations and magnitudes in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) were examined to provide a better understanding of how regional stress fields may affect geothermal development. The smallest principal stress is horizontal over most of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, and it varies in magnitude across the region. Horizontal stress trajectories show that SHmax axes are generally aligned SW–NE. A total of 1643 measurements of microfracture and minifracture closure pressures, leak‐off pressures and fracture breakdown pressures have been harnessed to map SHmin gradients across the basin at depths of 156–500, 500–1000, 1000–4185 and 2000–4185 m. Vertical stress magnitudes, calculated in 91 wells, showed that at constant depth, SV increases towards the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Resultant regional stress maps show consistent trends in orientation of stress axes. As a result, predictions can be made that propagation axes of subsurface hydraulic fractures will be dominantly SW–NE, except over the Peace River Arch area, where they will trend more towards SSW–NNE. Engineered geothermal systems in the WCSB can be optimised by drilling horizontal wells parallel to SHmin.  相似文献   


In recent decades economic globalization and neoliberal restructuring have constricted longstanding pathways to middle-class citizenship in Japan and other postindustrial economies. Much attention has been given to how the shift from ‘lifetime’ salaried employment to ‘flexible’ labor markets has disenfranchized many young people, leaving them struggling to reconcile dominant middle-class expectations of adulthood with neoliberal economic realities. Taking an anthropological approach, this article reconsiders this prevailing assessment of labor casualization by examining ways in which young casual workers in Tokyo’s retail, service, and creative industries navigate the transforming economy. Their circumstances, choices, and self-representations shed light on the active role they play in the formation of alternative transition regimes that challenge normative transitions to work and adulthood in Japan. These findings have broader implications for the limits of conventional social scientific approaches to the impact of economic crises and neoliberal restructuring on youth in the early twenty-first century.  相似文献   

The coexistence of conservative and liberation perspectives within the Roman Catholic Church still causes disagreements. However, since Vatican II, the Catholic Church in Guatemala has established a commitment to act as a church of the poor. There is tension between Guatemala's elite and the Church, which has led to the murders of Church members and the issuance of death threats to others. Although the growth of evangelical movements has caused the Church to lose influence, the Church remains committed to the poor, which places it in sharp contradistinction to neoliberalism.  相似文献   

口含用贝习俗首先流行在商文化区域,西周早期扩展到周文化区域。西周中期以后一直到春秋时期,这种习俗继续向其他的地区扩展。  相似文献   

Academic geographers are working in a system in flux. A series of interconnecting and overlapping social, political, and economic processes have resulted in a shifting academic climate for geographers and geography departments. This viewpoint brings forward evidence from multiple areas of study to provide a synthesis of this changing context. Challenges to geography include the role of “facts” and “truth” in society, neoliberal university contexts as workplaces, and generational change, among many others. This paper asks more questions than it answers, with an aim to promote an engaged and informed debate among geographers about our “place” in Canada's shifting academic context.  相似文献   


Significant numbers of practising Roman Catholics dissent from the Church’s orthodox teachings, especially those relating to sex, gender and contraception. Many such dissenters even occupy positions of ecclesiastical authority themselves. This raises interesting questions about how dissent manifests differently in various Christian traditions; how disagreement about fundamental principles only become legible if expressed in particular ways. This paper draws on research on Roman Catholic Woman priests whose claim to sacerdotal legitimacy rests on their having been ordained in apostolic succession by bishops within the Roman Catholic Church. It asks how do women priests negotiate both difference and repetition at the very same time. The ethnography prompts deeper reflection on Christianity’s long history of dissent which I argue has been written from a predominantly male and Protestant perspective. One in which dissent that leads to institutional differentiation is prioritized over dissent borne quietly that seeks to contain itself.  相似文献   

水是地球上分布最广泛的物质,几乎占去了地球表面的四分之三,地面上的任何物体始终遭受空气和水分的物理及化学作用。本阐述了各种状态下的水以及水在相态转变时对不同物材料的损害作用,以引起物保护工作对这一问题的重视。对于馆藏物,应控制环境湿度;对于室外物应依据环境和材料特征,查明水的来源,寻求防治对策。并且结合实例讨论了物保护中根据具体情况防止不同形态的水对物材料老化作用的一些措施,以供借鉴使用。  相似文献   

In Bologna, after Rome the second biggest city of the Papal States, the Teatro Comunale played a major role in the city's cultural self-representation from the eighteenth century. After the Unification of Italy local politicians and the rising middle class used the theatre - together with the famous university, the Liceo musicale and the Pinacoteca - to present Bologna as one of the young nation-state's cultural capitals. A study of Bologna's opera house as a social institution highlights social, cultural and political processes and conflicts which marked the transition from the papal regime to the liberal nation-state. Bologna's nobility, which owned the theatre's prestigious private boxes, opposed the idea of democratically elected politicians and professional experts determining the fate of their theatre, the theatre which for centuries had provided the preferred backdrop for staging their social status.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the Book of Jonah often concentrated on God, Jonah, and the people of Nineveh. This article takes a different approach by focusing on the roles of all “non-human creatures” in the Book of Jonah—the great Storm, the great fish, the animals of Nineveh, the worm, the land and the kikayon plant. This approach reveals something new about the role of non-human creatures in the book and the implications thereof for the amelioration of today’s ecological crisis. It highlights the beauty of all elements of nature working together with humanity for the good of all: a clear indication of the ecological vision implicitly proposed by the Book of Jonah. In this regard, YHWH’s attitude to every creature in the book is exemplary, to him every creature is in itself valuable and fulfills a particular important role in nature and existence.  相似文献   

《孔子家语》长期以来一直被认为是伪书。1973年河北定县西汉中山王墓出土了《儒家者言》一篇,内容与《家语》相关,1977年安徽阜阳双古堆汉墓也出土了与《家语》有关的简牍。在某种程度上证明了《家语》不伪。本文校勘了《家语》与《礼记》中相同的篇章,检视了《家语》与《礼记》的三种可能性,《礼记》与《家语》在文本上存在极大差异,绝不是王肃伪作了《家语》,也绝不会是《礼记》抄袭了《家语》,二者都是流传有本的。儒家文献都来自于原始的弟子笔记,对这些原始材料的编撰,形成单篇的儒家文献,这些单篇的文献分合不定,不同的人据以编订不同的集子,从而形成《礼记》《大戴礼记》。《家语》编撰者所据以编订《家语》的材料同《礼记》相同,而不是抄袭《礼记》。二者出现相同的部分也正是缘于此。《家语》是众多伪书中久成铁案的一部,对它的正名应当警醒我们对伪书的理解,反思什么是“伪”,怎样定义“伪”。  相似文献   

《Historical methods》2013,46(4):168-177
Account books show that merchants frequently used book credit in exchanges with consumers. The ability of credit to act as a substitute for currency in payments depends on the terms attached to the credit, such as its duration. To investigate duration more systematically, the author employs life table analysis and the singulate mean age at marriage, methods commonly used in demography, to analyze debt records from eighteenth-century Connecticut and Massachusetts. He arrives at expected duration estimates in excess of those in the literature. Given the expected duration, book credit seems to be a good substitute for other forms of payment. If this is so, a major revision of literature on colonial monetary matters may be in order.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of research carried out for more than a decade at Vuelta de Obligado, San Pedro, north-east of Buenos Aires province. The objectives were to understand the dynamics of the strategy followed on the 1845 battlefield by the two groups who fought (Anglo-French and Argentine), and to assess the impact of formation processes on the results produced. This has been achieved through the use of several sources of information: the archaeological record, written documents, Argentine and European plans and sketches, as well as data provided by the current population.  相似文献   

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