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Academic researchers are under growing pressure to disseminate their scholarship and demonstrate its impact beyond the academy. In Australia, Europe and the UK, higher education and research councils are taking increasing account of knowledge exchange and public engagement in their allocation of funding. In this issue of Victorians Beyond the Academy, Julie-Marie Strange reviews The Gangs of Manchester by Andrew Davies and the play it inspired, Angels with Manky Faces by MaD Theatre Company. Strange and Davies then discuss the opportunities and challenges involved in working with artists and performers, and reaching readers and audiences, outside the university sector.  相似文献   

Persian authors couched claims to the religio-political authority and legitimacy of their cities through dream narratives in local histories written between the tenth and thirteenth centuries. Persians did not always fit neatly into genealogical claims to legitimacy like the Arab descendants of Mu?ammad and his clan, and dreams form alternate avenues that sanctify and legitimate specific Persian cities and individuals. Dream narratives embedded in Tārīkh-i Bukhārā and Tārīkh-i ?abaristān are literary devices that bring the prestige of religious authority to their city and province and to specific persons. These dream narratives are not only windows into understanding the broader social, political, and religious contexts of local histories but also the particular anxieties and priorities of the authors.  相似文献   

The Oral History Project describes a middle school project thatbegan with a statewide effort to improve students’ languagearts achievement scores. Pennsylvania educators proposed anintegrative instructional model that would involve adolescentsin intergenerational interviews. Teachers implemented the modelin a variety of settings. This book represents Pennsylvaniaeducators’ attempt to share the integrative intergenerationalinterview model with others. Donald Graves, a nationally known expert in language arts educationand author of the Foreword, asserts the instructional modelrepresented in The  相似文献   

新史学和新汉学:中国现代史学的两种形态及其起伏   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国现代史学是同时循着两条几乎完全不同的路线一步步产生出来的.从乾嘉汉学逐步演化而来的化经为史的过程,是其中的路线之一;生发于"西洋史学"、对中国学术传统而言意味着炉灶重起的过程,则是其中的另一条路线.前者是所谓的"新汉学",后者是所谓的"新史学"."新史学"是指向历史本体的,"新汉学"则从一开始就是着眼于历史记录的.这两条路径起初各有轨辙,齐头并进,但由于"新汉学"凭借深厚,一段时间内压倒了"新史学";而"新史学"因为符合社会历史潮流、国际学术潮流,又后来居上,再立潮头."新史学"中经"唯物史观派史学",如今已经开花结果为"中国社会经济史研究";"新汉学"最富有象征性的学术遗产,事实上已经归并到当今的"古籍整理"和"史料学"学科中来了."新汉学"所主要致力的"文本考据"工作,已变为现代学术构成中的一个部分,治学过程中的一个初始环节;在"文本考据"之外和之后,实际上还存在一个更大的学问世界.  相似文献   

Melissa Walker, an associate professor of history at ConverseCollege, author of All We Knew Was To Farm: Rural Women in theUpcountry South, 1919–1941 (Baltimore, MD: Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, 2000), winner of the Willie Lee Rose Prizefrom the Southern Association for Women Historians, presentsan intellectual tour de force in Southern Farmers and TheirStories: Memory and Meaning in Oral History, part of the NewDirections in Southern History Series from the University ofKentucky  相似文献   

地方史研究与国史研究同为历史研究的组成部分 ,是局部与整体、个性与共性的关系 ,地方史的研究是开展国史研究的基础和前提。现在在国史、地方史的研究质量、深度、范围上仍存在许多不尽人意的地方 ,如何把国史、地方史研究向纵深方向推进 ,是国史、地方史研究人员同样面临的问题  相似文献   

At the heart of myth is negotiation, as the inner world comes to terms with external conditions. Many contemporary Irish poets have turned to mythical material in order to explore how, as Derek Mahon suggested, a good poem could be a paradigm of good politics. This essay explores the ways in which Seamus Heaney and Michael Longley have used ancient Greek myths to bring a hopeful light against seemingly intractable political problems, in line with the principle of third-party intervention, or the deus ex machina that prevents further misunderstanding. Translation opens up entrenched perspectives, forcing the self, in unfamiliar situations, to face the reality of the other, and to consider the other's perceptions and needs. This intervention aims for reconciliation, whether between individuals, social groups, individual and state, or between the living and the dead, and it reveals that reconciliation is always an approximation that must be continually fought for.  相似文献   

Different visions of community and mobility may influence the ability of community computer network organizations to promote social change. Community networks successfully generate instrumental mobility, the literal movement of information across space, but have difficulty creating successful online spaces that promote communicative mobility, the metaphorical movement of people towards common understandings of a shared situation. Interviews with community networking activists explore the ways that community networks generate instrumental mobility online as well as barriers that community networks face in creating online spaces for communicative mobility. Ironically, given their technological focus, community networks have little difficulty generating communicative mobility in face-to-face situations. Differentiating between instrumental and communicative mobility allows this research to move beyond a simple discussion of the geography of the conduits of communication to consider the geography of communication itself. It therefore contributes a more detailed understanding of the role of electronic communication in social and political change.

Des visions de la communauté et de la mobilité: le mouvement du réseautage communautaire aux États-Unis

Diverses visions de la communauté et de la mobilité peuvent influer sur la disposition des organisations communautaires en réseau informatisé d'agir en faveur du changement social. Les réseaux communautaires parviennent avec succès à engendrer de la mobilité instrumentale qui, au sens propre, réfère au mouvement de l'information à travers l'espace. Ils ont pourtant de la peine à concevoir des espaces en ligne propices à la mobilité communicative qui, au sens figuré, est le mouvement d'individus vers des conceptions communes d'un cadre de vie collectif. Des entrevues auprès de militants en faveur du réseautage communautaire permettent d'étudier, d'une part, les moyens dont disposent les réseaux communautaires pour engendrer de la mobilité instrumentale en ligne et, d'autre part, les obstacles que rencontrent les réseaux communautaires quand à la conception d'espaces en ligne pour la mobilité communicative. Compte tenu de leur accent technologique, il est ironique de constater que les réseaux communautaires ont peu de misère à engendrer de la mobilité communicative à l'intérieur de rapports personnels. En distinguant entre la mobilité instrumentale et communicative, cette recherche permet de dépasser le stade élémentaire de la discussion sur la géographie des canaux de communication et d'examiner la géographie de la communication en elle-même. La recherche présente une conception plus nette du rôle des communications électroniques dans le changement social et politique.

Visiones de comunidad y movilidad: el movimiento de redes comunitarias en los Estados Unidos

Las diferentes visiones de comunidad y movilidad pueden afectar la capacidad de organizaciones de redes comunitarias de ordenadores a promover cambios sociales. Las redes comunitarias generan satisfactoriamente movilidad instrumental, el movimiento literal de información por el espacio, pero tienen dificultad en crear espacios exitosos online que promocionan movilidad comunicativa, el movimiento metafórico de personas hacia un entendimiento común de una situación compartida. Entrevistas con activistas de redes comunitarias exploran las maneras en que las redes comunitarias generan movilidad instrumental online, tanto como las barreras enfrentadas por redes comunitarias al crear espacios online para movilidad comunicativa. Dado su enfoque tecnológico, resulta irónico que las redes comunitarias tengan pocas dificultades en generar movilidad comunicativa en situaciones cara a cara. El diferenciar entre la movilidad instrumental y comunicativa nos permite ir más allá de una simple discusión de la geografía de los conductos de comunicación para considerar la geografía de la misma comunicación. Por lo tanto contribuye a un entendimiento más detallado del papel de las comunicaciones electrónicas en los cambios sociales y políticos.  相似文献   

Recent anti-discrimination campaigns by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) activists in Italy have increased the visibility of these communities and individuals, but have not resulted in the desired improvements to legislation. In light of this situation, this article analyses modalities of ‘visibility’ as defined and desired by the active LGBT community in Turin, host city for National Pride 2006. The Pride committee scheduled an unprecedentedly ‘visible’ year-long programme of consciousness-raising and cultural events that went far beyond the more usual one-day march. Drawing on a series of interviews with members of the committee and of the lesbian community conducted in Turin in March and June 2006, the discussion explores social, cultural and political visibility in this LGBT community as it hosted National Pride.
I think people live in a state of non-visibility, lacking self-acceptance; there are gay men and lesbians in Italy who are in hiding. (Andrea Benedino)1 1.?Interview conducted by the author, 31 March 2006.   相似文献   

David Clarke 《Folklore》2013,124(2):151-173
The present paper examines the origin and socio-historical context of the Angels of Mons, a belief-legend that was a source of inspiration for British civilians and troops serving on the Western Front during the war of 1914-8. I trace the source of the legend to a fictional story that was in itself inspired by traditions of supernatural intervention in battle that were of great antiquity. During 1915 two versions, one based upon fiction and the other created from the cauldron of rumour and popular belief, became combined and transformed during oral transmission into a belief-legend that continues to survive in English folklore. My conclusion is that the Angel of Mons can only be interpreted within the context of what Fussell describes as a world of reinvigorated myth that appeared in the midst of a war characterised by industrialism and materialism (Fussell 1975, 115).  相似文献   

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