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郑玄《仪礼注》训诂术语释义例刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑玄作为两汉古献学的集大成,对汉代训诂学的发展起了很大的推动作用。其所《仪礼注》是汉代以来随释义的典范之作,训诂内容丰富,训诂方法也较完备。本通过全面收集整理《仅礼注》之训诂术语释义的用例,对其加以归类分析。力求较准确地反映出郑玄注《仪礼》一书所体现出来的各种训诂条例和训诂方法,使能有裨于阅读古注;并力图通过这种钩稽分析。能从总体上把握郑玄运用训诂术语简明扼要释义的方法,从而从一个侧面反映出郑玄注书的训释特色。  相似文献   

In the year 1900, Sweden probably had the oldest population in the contemporary world. It was also the first nation to implement a universal pension system in 1913. The universal character in early social legislation has certainly been decisive for the development of the Swedish welfare state. This alternative has not been self-evident. Why did the reforms turn universal, when the continental model, the Bismarck social security system, was exclusively directed at industrial workers? Research has concentrated on demographic factors and growing demands for social security, or on the fact that Sweden was still a predominantly rural society with about 2,400 local authorities. This article examines the development of social legislation in the light of local government expenditures and incomes, and suggests an overlooked possibility: the formulation of the first universal national social security reform was a redistributional response to uneven distribution of incomes and general expenditures among the rural districts in Sweden.  相似文献   

由于经济发展的周期性和国际石油价格的上涨,20世纪70年代中期,巴西"经济奇迹"结束.但是,出于政治因素的考虑,70年代后期盖泽尔政府推行了"负债增长"的战略,进入80年代后,费格雷多政府依然拒绝实行经济紧缩政策,结果最终导致了巴西的债务危机和经济的全面衰退.  相似文献   

《汉书补注》训诂杂识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《汉书补注》是《汉书》注释的集大成之作,在训诂史上的地位不容置疑。其不足之处,亦往往而有:有当注不注,有训释欠妥甚至错谬,有继承前人之说轻易改动原而训释。  相似文献   

This article criticises primitivist caricatures of the Baining in Melanesia as a society that lacks exegesis, symbolic logics, religion, structures of power and control, and even an interest in play. The mytho-poetics of gender and procreation in Mali Baining society are documented by focusing on how art and sexuality are traced onto each other. The formative power of painting, barkcloth, dancing masks, netbags and music are merged with the formative power of women. Art and sexuality are made to inform each other's generative potential, and even each other's aesthetic charm. These fertile mytho-poetic practices also underpin Mali political practices. Mali indigenous identity is celebrated as local control over the original powers of creation, which continue to reside in the earth, in the local landscape and, above all, in that which underpins all creation, women's procreative bodies with their creative potential to bring forth something new. The Mali localise creative processes so as to empower and revalue themselves within a culture of resistance to the hegemony of colonialism, modernity, settlers and regional ethnic elites.  相似文献   


After I published a book on the Covenant Code (A Law Book for the Diaspora, 2003), in which I challenged the early dating of CC in comparison with the Deuteronomic Code and the Holiness Code, three leading scholars of biblical law (Bernard Jackson, Bernard Levinson and Eckart Otto) wrote lengthy reviews in which they attacked my views in defense of the status quo, namely, the priority in dating of CC before D and HC. Each from his own perspective and methodology has brought forward his strongest arguments against my “revolutionary” views, so that this response to my critics should represent a fair test as to my views on the Covenant Code and provide biblical scholarship with a means by which to judge the merits of the case.  相似文献   

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) allows radiocarbon dating to be carried out by direct counting of14C atoms, rather than the conventional counting of radioactive disintegrations. The result is that samples up to 1000 times smaller can be handled. The approach was tested in principle by 1977 and for archaeological operation by 1983. More than 2000 samples per year are now being dated worldwide. The machines can now operate to about ± 80 years or better. Dates older than 40,000 years have not yet been achieved, but the ability to use small samples has already had considerable impact on dating the period 10,000–30,000 years ago. Bone is an ideal material for the new technique, since amino acids can normally be isolated and purified from gram-size samples. Studies of the origins of domestication are aided by the dating of individual grains and seeds. Because small samples can be mobile in the soil, careful sample selection strategies and procedures are required. The full impact of the technique can be assessed only through the rapid and comprehensive publication of archaeological results.  相似文献   

Based on published and untapped sources, the article sets out to explore the cultural and material conditions of the book trade in Italy during the eighteenth century. Special concern is given to the import of French printed works and pamphlets as a means to diffuse the Enlightenment south of the Alps. The text does not address problems of authorial status, but provides a general assessment of the literary market and its impact on the reading habits of the elites. Critical and bibliographical information is also provided about the renewal of interest for the history of the book and reading in Italy since the 1980s.  相似文献   

从张家山竹简看汉初的赋税征课制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西汉初期的赋税制度,过去有不少疑点。现从张家山汉简得知:当时的田税主要是田租和刍禀。征收办法是既“按顷计征”,又与“人户”有关。田租与刍禀税的比例是12.7:1;而末业税的税目繁多,有各种工矿税和市税、关税等。税率较高,有的达20%以上,反映了官府对工商末业的重税政策;汉初的赋目基本上沿袭了秦制。敛赋方式有按“口”、按“户”两种,按户征收的“户赋”,非口算之外的独立赋目。“户赋”与“赀赋”,二者不当混同。  相似文献   

天一阁藏书保护经验谈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天一阁经历了430余年的风雨考验,至今藏书丰富,但破损严重。调查结果证实,书虫确是直接危害害古籍的最大杀手,在现有条件下,手工除虫和日常养护结合是一种切实可行的保护措施。  相似文献   

三件古玉器的无损分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的古玉器由于历史悠久、工艺精美和存世稀少而有着很高的价值,因此其分析鉴定的必然要求在无损状态下进行。本介绍采用天平法和X射线衍射法(XRD)无损分析测定福泉山出土三件新石器时代古玉器。用天平法测定了三件古玉的密度,用XRD法测定了三件玉器的晶体结构,综合所测结果分析可知:三件古玉器的矿物材料分别是软玉、岫玉和萤石。  相似文献   

对陕西耀州窑4个古瓷器碎片的热释光高温峰测量的结果表明,瓷器样品具有天然热释光信号,而且,其信号增长呈良好的线性,高温峰可以用于瓷器的年龄测定和真假鉴定之中,瓷器热释光高温峰技术有望成为热释光测定瓷器年龄的一个方法。  相似文献   

This article explores the evolving use of Maccabaean ideas in sources concerning the conduct of Christian holy warfare between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries. It demonstrates that the memory of the Maccabees and other Old Testament exemplars played an important role in shaping the idea of crusading and its subsequent evolution to encompass new frontiers in the Baltic and Iberia, as well as structural developments in crusading, such as the establishment of the military orders.  相似文献   

本文对《唐风》的探讨,主要涉及《唐风》的地域、时代、诗歌的题旨、特色及其影响等, 对传统的各种说法加以辨析、清理、批判或补充,以期对《唐风》的诸多问题进行较为系统而深入的 探讨。  相似文献   

Luminescence dating is underutilized in American archaeology given the theoretical advantages of direct dating that it confers. Recent advances in understanding the physical processes underlying the method have also made it more reliable as a dating tool. This research as well as potential applications is reviewed.  相似文献   

The personal names of the Pentateuch (the first 11 chapters excluded) have not very often been under systematic scientific investigations. The topic is interesting from the points of view of linguistics, onomastics, theology and ethnohistory. The anthroponyms of the Pentateuch are compared with personal names found from the 2nd millennium BCE (from Amorite, Ugaritic and Amarna Canaanite sources) and with anthroponyms from extrabiblical and biblical Hebrew sources, as well as with Phoenician sources of the first half of the 1st millennium. The conclusion is that the anthroponyms of the Pentateuch reflect the onomasticon of the second millennium, having slightly modified typological and lexical roots in the same Northwest Semitic entity as Amorite, Amarna Canaanite and Ugaritic personal names.  相似文献   

文章从明代两浙盐政变革的制度背景出发,考察永嘉盐场成弘时期的盐课改折、嘉靖前期的盐课转嫁、嘉靖后期的私盐倭乱、隆庆年间的赋役改革等历史事件,探讨该过程中州县官府与盐场地方势力之间的复杂利益博弈。对永嘉盐场的个案研究,或许有助于增进我们对明代盐场赋役制度运作和东南沿海社会变迁的理解。  相似文献   

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