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C. P. Snow's identification of ‘two cultures’, as the literary critic F. R. Leavis pointed out in 1962, represents not an insight but a cliché, one that invites the repetition of further clichés about the origins of a divided culture, the need to bridge cultures, the emergence of a third culture, or the reality of one culture. Yet this recurrent feature of ‘two cultures’ talk does not nullify the concept's value as an object of study, if these discussions are treated as revealing points of entry into foreign historical contexts. This article adopts this approach, unearthing the liberal position that Snow developed as a novelist and critic from the 1930s, that he advanced in the form of a disciplinary lament in The Two Cultures (Snow, C.P. 1959 Snow, C.P. 1959. The two cultures and the scientific revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Google Scholar]. The two cultures and the scientific revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.), and that — to his distress — increasingly came under radical critique from the mid-1960s. Ultimately, the technocratic liberalism that Snow associated with science at mid-century came to be closer to American neo-conservatism by 1980. By tracking the fortunes of the ideological position that structured The Two Cultures, rather than lifting that text out of its moment in an attempt to engage its arguments today, this article testifies to the abiding value of contextual analysis at a moment when intellectual historians are increasingly inclined to question and even displace it.  相似文献   


During a survey conducted by the authors in the eastern part of al-?arrah in Jordan in 2017,11. The term al-?arrah is used to refer to the basalt steppe-desert located in northern Jordan and southern Syria. a number of new Safaitic and Nabataean texts were found. Some of them mention events dated during the reigns of ?r?t and rb?l, others refer to the revolt of dm?y. Other Safaitic texts contain references to the Nabataeans. Three Nabataean graffiti were also found and are presented here. These sixteen new texts constitute a remarkable addition to the corpus of Safaitic and Nabatean texts found in this region.  相似文献   


William Waldegrave Palmer, second earl of Selborne, took up his appointment as first lord of the admiralty in the marquess of Salisbury's third administration on 1 November 1900. This was Salisbury's recently acquired son-in-law's first experience of high office. Initially, as will be seen, Selborne regarded France and Russia as constituting the sole threat to British naval supremacy. Indeed, for reasons entirely to do with ‘economy’s, he was prepared to envisage the making of an alliance with Germany. He maintained this stance throughout 1901. At some point in the course of 1902, however, he displayed a dramatic change in outlook, which it is the purpose of this article to describe and, by pinning down the date with more precision than did Selborne himself in correspondence with Arthur J. Marder in 1938, to explain.1 A.J. Marder, TheAnatomy of British Sea Power: A Histo~ of B~tish Naval Policy in the Pre-Dreadnought Era, 1880–1905 (London, 1940), p. 464.   相似文献   

I promised to show you a map but you say this is a mural

Then yes let it be these are small distinctions

Where do we see it from is the question1 ?1. Adrienne Rich, cited in Kaplan Kaplan, Karen. 2000. Questions of Travel: Postmodern Discourses of Displacement, London: Duke University Press.  [Google Scholar], Questions of Travel, 8. View all notes  相似文献   

This paper draws on Callon's [2005 Callon, Michael. 2005. “Why Virtualism Paves the Way to Political Impotence: A Reply to Daniel Miller's Critique of The Laws of the Markets.” Economic Sociology: European Electronic Newsletter 6 (2): 320. [Google Scholar]. “Why Virtualism Paves the Way to Political Impotence: A Reply to Daniel Miller's Critique of The Laws of the Markets.” Economic Sociology: European Electronic Newsletter 6 (2): 3–20] concept of agencement, together with Latour's [1987. Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press] concept of immutable combinable mobiles to illustrate how Henry Devenish Skinner, ethnologist and anthropology lecturer at the Otago Museum and University sought to form and shape Māori identity, history, culture and populations as subjects of liberal government. It does this through an exploration of Skinner's fieldwork and collecting practices. The paper suggests that forms of analysis mediated through the American History School, and the culture area concept were deployed during the emergence of anthropology as a discipline in New Zealand (between 1919 and 1940) to produce ethnographic authority that then acted as a point of connection between scientific networks and the colonial administrative field.  相似文献   

Some popular texts have associated airports with a lack of identity. It is supposed that people are alienated from these ahistorical and interstitial spaces (Augé 1995 Augé, M. 1995. Non-places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity, London: Verso.  [Google Scholar]; Castells 1996 Castells, M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society, Volume 1: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Oxford: Blackwell.  [Google Scholar]). Other approaches have tended to ignore their sociality, exploring their role within transport networks rather than what goes on within. Through a discussion of the early beginnings of British airport development and the construction of Liverpool Airport at Speke, I attempt to show how there are other contextual geographies to airports. By using the concept of air-mindedness—a moral geographical concept that promoted the belief in the possibilities of aircraft mobility, this paper discusses how social identities became bound to flight, forming the context to the development of the airport and both local and national belonging. This examination will reveal the embeddedness of airports within the times, spaces and uses from which they are produced and consumed. Archival research provides the material for this discussion.

Les aéroports et le sens des choses de l'air: l'espace, le temps et l'utilisation de l'aéroport de Liverpool, 1929–1939

Un nombre d'écrits populaires ont dressé un parallèle entre les aéroports et un déficit d'identité. Les gens, suppose t'on, se sentent aliénés par ces espaces ahistoriques et interstitiels (Augé 1995 Augé, M. 1995. Non-places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity, London: Verso.  [Google Scholar]; Castells 1996 Castells, M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society, Volume 1: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Oxford: Blackwell.  [Google Scholar]). Dans d'autres cas, on a fait fi de leur socialité, explorant alors leur rôle au sein de réseaux des transports plutôt que de s'intéresser à ce qui se passe dedans. Une discussion sur les tout débuts de l'expansion des aéroports britanniques et de la construction de l'aéroport de Liverpool à Steke tente de montrer comment les aéroports sont situés dans des contextes géographiques différents. Grâce au concept du sens des choses de l'air—un concept moral en géographie qui renforçait la croyance dans les possibilités de mobilité qu'offre l'avion, cet article traite de la façon dont les identités sociales se rattachent au vol créant ainsi le contexte dans lequel se situe le développement de l'aéroport et de l'appartenance locale et nationale. Dans cette étude, il est question de l'enchâssement des aéroports dans les époques, espaces et usages à partir desquels ils sont produits et consommés. La discussion fait état des résultats d'une recherche en archivistique.

Mots-clefs: aéroports, géographie, contexte, mobilité, identité, sens des choses de l'air.

Aeropuertos y air-mindedness: espacio, tiempo y el uso del aeropuerto de Liverpool 1929–1939

Algunos textos populares asocian los aeropuertos con una falta de identidad. Se supone que la gente se siente distanciada de estos espacios ahistóricos e intersticiales (Augé 1995 Augé, M. 1995. Non-places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity, London: Verso.  [Google Scholar]; Castells 1996 Castells, M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society, Volume 1: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Oxford: Blackwell.  [Google Scholar]). Los enfoques de otros no tienen en cuenta el aspecto social y exploran el papel del aeropuerto en las redes de transporte en vez de explorar lo que pasa dentro del mismo aeropuerto. Por un estudio de los inicios del desarrollo del Aeropuerto Británico y la construcción del aeropuerto de Liverpool en Speke, pretendo mostrar que, con respecto a los aeropuertos, hay otras geografías contextuales para explorar. Haciendo uso de la idea de ‘air-mindedness’—un concepto geográfico moral que fomentaba confianza en las posibilidades de movilidad aeronáutica—este papel habla de cómo las identidades sociales llegaron a ser vinculadas a la aviación, así formando el contexto para el desarrollo del aeropuerto y un sentido de pertenencia, tanto local como nacional. Este estudio revela hasta qué punto los aeropuertos se han arraigado en los tiempos, espacios y usos de los cuales son producidos y consumidos. Hago uso de investigaciones de archivos para este debate.

Palabras claves: aeropuertos, geografía, contexto, movilidad, identidad, air-mindedness.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the cultural and educational relations between the United States and Portugal during the Cold War. It is built upon the premise that cultural policies and cultural relations between states are a fundamental part of international relations. History of International Relations, therefore, should overcome an analysis based only upon political and diplomatic dimensions to address what can also be referred to as ‘cultural diplomacy’. The Cold War period, because of its historical features, is particularly relevant to the study of processes of cultural diplomacy and some authors even consider it as the ‘golden age’ of cultural diplomacy.11. William Glade, ‘Issues in the Genesis and Organization of Cultural Diplomacy: A Brief Critical History’ in The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society (Winter 2010), vol. 39, issue 4, 242. For cultural diplomacy during the Cold War see Jessica Gienow-Hecht, ‘Culture and the Cold War in Europe’ in Leffler, Melvyn & Westad, Odd Arne, The Cambridge History of the Cold War Vol. i, (Cambridge University Press, 2010), 398–419; Akira Iriye, ‘Culture and International History’ in Michael J. Hogan and Thomas G. Paterson (ed), Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004); Richard T. Arndt, The First Resort Of Kings: American Cultural Diplomacy In The Twentieth Century (Virgínia: Potomac Books, 2005).View all notes  相似文献   

Frederick G. Scott's World War I war memoir, The Great War As I Saw It, contains the sole unofficial eyewitness recording of a court martial execution that we possess. The case of William Alexander 20726 Alexander, William. 20726. Service records. Library Archives Canada, RG24, vol. 2538 HQS 1822, RG 150/acc 1992-93/166/Box 83-992 and RG24-C-1, 1946 Central Army Registry R112-553-X-E, Reel C-5053 90,  [Google Scholar], executed in October 1917, for desertion in the face of the enemy compelled Scott to devote more printed space to it than to the death of his own son, Henry. A discussion based upon a close reading of Scott's memoir and an exposition from archival sources of Alexander's case demonstrates the ways in which Scott evades the case's disturbing implications echoes wider aspects of Canada's early memorialization of the Great War.  相似文献   

Most studies of women's work orientations are based on the attitudes and experiences of women with dependent children and conceptualise women's decision-making in terms of moral positions on the combination of paid work and motherhood. Thus, work orientations are understood within a ‘gender model’ (Dex 1988 Dex, S. 1998. Women's attitudes towards work, New York: St. Martin's Press.  [Google Scholar]), which assumes that women's family situation drives their attitudes towards paid work. This article draws on qualitative interview data collected from interviews with women in two age groups living in Oxford, UK, to explore generational differences in women's work orientations and labour market behaviour. Drawing on a Bourdieusian framework, it considers specifically how changing social, economic and moral geographies, incorporating expectations about women's economic and caring roles, have influenced the habitus of older and younger women. The results of the study suggest that whilst caring responsibilities clearly influence women's attitudes and employment patterns, paid work is more important to younger women's sense of themselves and ‘gender models’ of work orientations do not adequately describe their attitudes.  相似文献   


Scotland, By IAN FINLAY. 7 1/4 X 4 1/2 in. Pp. vii+136. 10 illustrations. 4 maps. London : Oxford University Press, 1945. Price 3s. 6d.

Highland Holiday : Arran to Ben Cruachan. By W. A. POUCHER, F.R.P.S. Crown 4 to. Pp. 104. 76 photographs. 3 end‐paper maps. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1945. Price 18s.

Bath. By R. A. L. SMITH. Demy 8VO. Pp. 118. 84 illustrations. Map. London : B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1944. Price 12s. 6d.

Radnor Old and Neul. By W. H. HOWSE. With a Foreword by The Lord Rennell of Rodd. Demy 8vo. Pp. 54. Hereford : Jakemans Ltd., 1944. Price 41.

History of the Isle of Man. By R. H. KINVIG, M.A. Crown 8 vo. Pp. xv+240. 48 figs., including sketch‐maps. . End‐paper maps. London : (For the Manx Society) Oxford University Press, 1944. Price 5s.

Roman Panorama: A Background for To‐day. By HUMFREY GROSE‐HODGE, M.A. Crown 8vo. Pp. xviii+260. Frontispiece. 14 plates, ao text‐figures. 3 sketch maps. Cambridge : University Press, 1944. Price 8s. 6d.

Eastern Europe. By JOSEF HANG. Foreword by Jan Masaryk. Demy 8vo. Pp. 272. Sketch map. London : Museum Press Ltd., 1943. Price 12s. 6d.

The U.S.S.R.: A Geographical Survey. ByJ. S. GREGORY, B.A., F.R.G.S., and D. W. SHAVE, M.SC. Crown 8vo. Pp. 636. 72 figs. London : George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1944. Price 21s.

Russia : A Concise History—from the Foundation of the State to Hitler's Invasion. By Louis SEGAL. . Crown 8vo. Pp. 26a. Illustrated. London: W. H. Allen and Co. Ltd., 1944. Price 8s. 6d.


Verdict on India. By BEVERLEY NICHOLS. 8 x 5 1/4 inches. Pp.256. London : Jonathan Cape, 1944. Price 12s. 6d.

China Looks Forward. By SUN Fo. Demy 8vo. Pp.260. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1944. Price 12s. 6d.

China Among the Powers. By DAVID NELSON ROWE. Demy 8VO. Pp. x+205. 3 maps. New York : Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1945. Price $2.00.


Climate of Indiana. By STEPHEN SARGENT VISHER. Crown 4 to. Pp.511. 492 figs. 81 tables. Indiana University Publications, Science Series No. 13. Bloomington : Indiana University, 1944. Price $4.00.

Needle to the North: The Story of an Expedition to Ungava and the Belcher Islands. By ARTHUR C. TWOMEY in collaboration with NIGEL HERRICK. Demy 8vo. Pp. 335. Illustrated. London : Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1944. Price 25s.

Canadian North. By MALCOLM MACDONALD, P.C., M.P. Crown 8vo. xi+268. 20 illustrations. i map.’ London : Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1945. Price 10s. 6d.

The Aleutian Islands: Their People and Natural History (with Keys for the Identification of the Birds and Plants). By HENRY B. COLLINS, Jr., AUSTIN H. CLARK, and EGBERT H. WALKER. Med. 8vo. Pp. iv+131. ai plates. 8 figs. Smithsonian Institution War Background Studies No. 21. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution, 1945.


Fiji: Little India of the Pacific. By JOHN WESLEY COULTER. Med. 8vo. Pp. xiii+156. 5 maps. 1 graph. Chicago : University of Chicago Press ; London : Cambridge University Press. 2nd Impression, 1943. Price $2.00.

Geology of Lau, Fiji. By HARRY S. LADD and J. EDWARD HOFFMEISTER. Imp. 8vo. Pp. vi+_ 399. 62 plates. 41 figs. 118 bibliographical references. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Bulletin 181), 1945.


Plowing the Arctic. By C. J. TRANTER. Crown 8vo. Pp.256. Illustrated. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1944. Price 12s. 6d.


Civilization and Disease. By HENRY E. SIOERET. Med. 8vo. Pp. xi+255. 52 illustrations. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press; London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1944. Price $3.75 or 2.2.S. 6d.

Climate Makes the Man. By CLARENCE A. MILLS, M.D., Ph.D. Crown 8vo. Pp. 186. London : Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1945. Price ys. 6d.


Global Geography. By GEORGE T. RENNER and Associates. Demy 8vo. Pp. viii+728. Illustrated. New York : Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1944. Price $3.75.

Astronomical Air Navigation: A Comprehensive Handbook embodying the Latest Principles for Practical Navigators, Instructors and Students. By Squadron‐Leader RONALD HADINGHAM, R.A.F.O. With a Foreword by Air‐Commodore P. E. Maitland, M.V.O., A.F.C. Fcap 4to. Pp.

xii+151. 63 figs. 2 end‐paper (star recognition test) maps. London: The Technical Press Ltd., and ed., 1945. Price 12 S.

Le Canada par l'image. By BENOIT BROUILLETTE. Med. 8VO. Pp.114. 96 photographs. I map. Montreal : Libraire Beauchemin Limitee, 3rd ed., 1944. Price $1.00 (including postage).


The Naval Heritage. By DAVID MATHEW. Demy 8VO. Pp. xxiii+264. 8 illustrations. London‐: William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd., 1944. Price 12s. 6d.

Macpherson's Voyages. Edited by JOHN SCOTT HUGHES. Demy 8VO. Pp. xvi+197. 23 plates. 3 figs. 11 maps. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1944. Price 15s.

A Life of Travels. By C. S. RAFINESQUE. Being a verbatim and literatim reprint of the original and only edition (Philadelphia, 1836). Foreword by E. D. Merrill. Critical Index by F. W. Pennell. 10 1/4 x 6 3/4 inches. Chronica Botanica, 1944, 8 (2): 291–360. 5 illustrations. Waltham, Mass. : The Chronica Botanica Co.; London : Wm. Dawson and Sons Ltd., 1944. Price $2.50.

Gypsy in the Sun. By ROSITA FORBES. Demy 8VO. Pp.382. 55 illustrations. 7 maps. London; Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1944. Price 17s. 6d.

Camera at War. By F.‐Lt. HENRY HENSSER. Demy 8vo. Pp. 92. 49 illustrations. London : Jarrolds Publishers (London) Ltd., 1944. Price 12s. 6d.

Out of Old Fields. By ANNE BLAKEMORE. Crown 8vo. Pp. 288. 30 photographs. London and Redhill: The Lutterworth Press, 1944. Price 10s.  相似文献   

Franklin, Mackie and Valen's 1992 Franklin, M., Mackie, T. and Valen, H. 1992. Electoral Change: Responses to Evolving Social and Attitudinal Structures in Western Countries, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  [Google Scholar] book on Electoral Change drew on evidence taken from a small number of surveys in each included country (including Australia) during the mid-1960s to 1990 to derive some general conclusions about the historical decline of cleavage politics. In this article, I make some methodological improvements and also considerably chronologically extend the analyses for Australia, to cover the whole of the post-war period. The results show that some of the previous conclusions are incorrect and that although there has been a decline in the strength of association between social structural variables and voting for the ALP over the post-war period, the decline has not been a smooth one and predominantly occurred in the earlier part of the period. I also discuss the results in the context of broader international debates about the impact of social changes on voting.  相似文献   

The concept of exchange has been on the anthropological agenda since Marcel Mauss published his book Essai sur le Don in 1925. The nature of gift-giving and exchange practices has since in different ways been developed and criticised (e.g. Bloch and Perry 1989 Bloch M Parry J 1989 Introduction: money and the morality of exchange In M. Bloch and J. Parry (eds), Money and the morality of exchange Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp. 1–33  [Google Scholar]; Bourdieu 1977 Bourdieu P 1977 Outline of a theory of practice Cambridge Cambridge University Press [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Derrida 1992 Derrida J 1992 Given time: 1. Counterfeit money Chicago and London University of Chicago Press  [Google Scholar]; Dumont 1986 Dumont L 1986 Marcel Mauss: A science in process of becoming In L. Dumont, Essays on individualism. Modern ideology in anthropological perspective Chicago and London University of Chicago Press pp. 183–201  [Google Scholar]; Levi-Strauss 1950 Levi-Strauss C 1987 Introduction to the work of Marcel Mauss Translated by Felicity Baker London Routledge and Kegan Paul  [Google Scholar]; Sahlins 1974 Sahlins M 1974 Stone age economy London Tavistock Publications  [Google Scholar]). However, exchanges are social practices that continue to puzzle and arouse curiosity within anthropology and related fields. The present article focuses on the vivid exchange practices that form part of social life in Sarijati village in Central Java.2 Sarijati is a pseudonym. this article is based on a research project sponsored by the danish research council for the humanities. fieldwork was carried out in central java in 1996–97 and in 1998. View all notes I will argue that exchanges here make up a social domain that articulates gender ideology and the reasoning of local morality.  相似文献   

This paper develops a critique of Western representations of discovery, centrality and self-identity via a focus on Portugal's Expo '98. Two of the towers of the title were incorporated into the site of Expo '98 (the last universal exposition of the twentieth century), which offered the chance to reiterate the importance of Portugal's imperial discoveries on a global stage and to reaffirm Portuguese national identity in the process. The paper examines how historical and geographical narratives of imperialism and the ‘Portuguese voyages of discovery’ were reworked in Expo '98 to resurrect a national sense of pride in belonging to and pioneering Europe. Critical postcolonial perspectives which break with Eurocentrism are required if the role of other cultures and histories in the Portuguese contribution to the making of modernity is to be appreciated. Such perspectives enable wider reflections about the constitution of the West and the non-West in the making of a multifaceted modernity of which expositions (and monumental towers) are concentrated expressions.

Portugal's was the pioneer empire in more ways than one, and it exhibited all the defects as well as all the glories of the age it inaugurated. No Nation of the fifteenth or sixteenth century ever saw more, reported a greater variety of things, or left more of its imprint on the modern world, whose chief characteristic, after all, is mobility. (Diffie and Winius 1996 Diffie, B.W. and Winius, G.D. 1996. Foundations of the Portuguese Empire 1415–1580, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.  [Google Scholar]: 434)  相似文献   


The census documents from Roman Egypt form the best documentary source of demographic information for the Roman Empire. Earlier collections (Bagnall and Frier 2006 Bagnall, R. S., and B. W. Frier. 2006. The demography of Roman Egypt. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Google Scholar]; Bagnall, Frier, and Rutherford 1997 Bagnall, R. S., B. W. Frier, and I. C. Rutherford. 1997. The census register P. Oxy. 984: The reverse of Pindar's Paeans. Papyrologica Bruxellensia, Vol. 29. Brussels: Fondation égyptologique Reine Elisabeth. [Google Scholar]) have shown that some individuals and households appear more than once within this body of evidence. This article demonstrates how semi-automated record linkage provides an efficient and systematic way of producing linkages between early historical documentary sources that are fragmentary. The process yielded more linkages with generally high probability values than previously employed linkage-by-hand methods. As the added examples show, semi-automated record linkage also proved to be a useful method to fill gaps in papyri by transferring information from one record to the other. As such, it provides new opportunities for papyrologists and epigraphers working with fragmented materials pertaining to the ancient Greco-Roman world.  相似文献   


There is a major downward bias in the trend of most existing estimates of the periphery's nineteenth-century terms of trade. By using prices from the North Atlantic core as proxies for prices in the peripheral countries themselves, historians ignore the dramatic price convergence that took place during the nineteenth century. Measured correctly, the periphery's nineteenth-century terms-of-trade boom would appear considerably longer, greater, and more widespread than Jeffrey Williamson (2008 Williamson, J. G. 2008. Globalization and the great divergence: Terms of trade booms, volatility and the poor periphery, 1782–1913. European Review of Economic History 12:35591. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S136149160800230X.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2011 ———. 2011. Trade and poverty: When the Third World fell behind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [Google Scholar]) supposes, greatly reinforcing his grand narrative about the relation between globalization and the “great divergence.” Many of the details of his narrative, however, must be revised. This is illustrated by the case of India.  相似文献   

The question of globalisation has become a focus of intense debate on the French Left with growing attempts to redefine the nature and forms of leftist opposition. More than any other grouping Attac, created in 1998, has been at the centre of a movement of opposition that contests the terms of neo-liberal globalisation and posits an alternative vision of social and political change. This article focuses on Attac's role in constructing a new discourse of opposition in relation to a global economic order. Whilst Attac seems to offer the possibility for ideological renewal on the Left, it has so far been unable to mobilise widespread support behind its political project. For some observers, Attac has failed to make explicit the connections between particular social problems and grievances in France and a universal context of change at international level. It tends to treat globalisation as an abstract ‘scientific’ problem, a distant and reified phenomenon rather than a social reality affecting millions of French citizens in their everyday lives.

Comment cela s'appelle-t-il, ce moment o[ugrave] un autre monde devient possible? Cela a un très beau nom, camarades. Cela s'appelle l'aurore.1 ?[1] Ramonet, I. (2002 Ramonet, I. 2002. “Cela s'appelle l'aurore”. In Attac au Zénith, 1325. Paris: Mille et Une Nuits.  [Google Scholar]) ‘Cela s'appelle l'aurore’, in Attac au Zénith, Attac, Mille et Une Nuits, Paris, p. 21. The slogan un autre monde est possible was first devised by Attac and has since become the main symbolic reference for the French anti-globalisation movement.   相似文献   

The paper considers the significance of dress to identity and power among women living on the island of Zanzibar. Drawing on her own preliminary fieldwork in Zanzibar (June 2004) and on the work of Laura Fair (2001 Fair, L. 2001. Pastimes & Politics: Culture, Community, and Identity in Post‐abolition Urban Zanzibar, 1890–1945, Oxford: James Currey.  [Google Scholar]), the author discusses the ways in which dress (in general), and the wearing of kanga fabrics in particular, offers women a means of communication in an image conscious and historically stratified society. It is argued that kangas are still an integral part of ritual and social activities in Zanzibar and that they shed light on the complex history of the Swahili coast. Placing the ethnography in a broader and contemporary context, the author states that kangas contribute to the intangible heritage of Zanzibar in their encapsulation of the island's oral history, art, social commentary and concepts of beauty. The author concludes by outlining some of the challenges that heritage regimes face in the Indian Ocean region and potential strategies for preserving or managing its mixed cultural resources.  相似文献   

Memoirs of my Indian Career. By SIR G. CAMPBELL, M.P., K.C.S.I., D.C.L. Edited by Sir Charles E. Bernard. With Portrait. 2 vols. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1893. Pp. 305 and 428.

Where Three Empires Meet: A Narrative of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining Countries. With a Map and 54 Illustrations. By E. F. KNIGHT. London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1893. Pp. xvi + 495. Price 18s.

Australische Reise. Von R. v. LENDENFELD. Mit Illustrationen. Innsbruck: Verlag der Wagner'schen Universitäts‐Buchhandlung, 1892. 8vo. Pp. 325.

La Grèce Byzantine et Moderne. Essais Historiques par D. BIK#AAELAS. Paris: Librairie de Firmin‐Didot et Cie, 1893. Pp. viii + 435.

Une Excursion à Ithaque. Par ERNEST SEILLI#AGERE. Dessins de Pierre Vignal d'après les Photographies de 1'auteur et carte de l'île d'Ithaque. Paris: Librairie de l'Art (L. Allison et Cie.), 1892. Pp. 76.

Beise durch Montenegro, nebst Bemerkungen über Land und Leute. Von Dr. KURT HASSERT. Mit 30 Abbildungen nach den Aufnahmen des Verfassers, und einer Karte. Wien: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1893. Pp. vi + 236. Price 5 M.

La France en Algérie. Par Louis VIGNON, ancien Chef du Cabinet du Ministre des Finances. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1893. Pp. 552.

Die Vereinigten Staaten Nordamerikas in der Gegenwart. Sitten, Institutionen, und Ideen seit dem Secessionskriege. Von CLAUDIO JANNET, Professor der Social‐ökonomie am Institut Catholique de Paris, und Dr. WALTER KÄMPFE, Mitglied der Société Internationale d'Économie Sociale in Paris. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder'sche Verlagshandlung, 1893. Pp. xliv + 704. M. 8.

The History of South Australia from its Foundation to the Year of its Jubilee. With a Chronological Summary of all the Principal Events of Interest up to Bate. By EDWIN HODDER. With Two Maps. London: Sampson Low, Marston, and Company, Limited, 1893. 2 vols. Pp. xii + 391 and vii + 400. Price £1, 4s.

Wanderings in Spain. By AUGUSTUS J. C. HARE. Sixth Edition. London: George Allen, 1892. Pp. 274. Price 7s. 6d.

Abessinien. Aus dem Nachlasse von E. F. A. MÜNZENBERGER. Herausgegeben von Jos. SPILLMANN, S.J. Mit 38 Abbildungen und einer Karte. Herder'sche Verlagshandlung. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1892. Pp. 156 and Index.

Die Wahrheit ueber Emin Pasha; die ägyptische Aequatorialprovinz und den Ssudan. Von VITA HASSAN. Erster Teil. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1893. Pp. 223.

Arthur Young's Travels in France, during the Years 1787, 1788, 1789, with an Introduction, Biographical Sketch, and Notes. Edited by Miss BETHAM‐EDWARDS. Fourth Edition, corrected and revised. London: George Bell and Sons, 1892. Pp. lix + 366. Price 3s. 6d.

Some Further Becollections of a Happy Life, selected from the Journals of Marianne North, chiefly between the years 1859 and 1869. Edited by her sister, Mrs. JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893. Pp. viii + 316. Price 8s. 6d. net.

Un Royaume Polynesien. Iles Hawaï. Par G. SAUVIN. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1893. Pp. 321.

More about the Mongols. By JAMES GILMOUR. London: The Eeligious Tract Society, 1893. Pp. 320.

Die Handelspolitik Englands und seiner Kolonien in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Von Dr. CARL JOHANNES FUCHS. Leipzig: Verlag von Duncker und Humblot, 1893. Pp. 358.

Scenerie der Alpen. Von Dr. EBEEHARD FEAAS. With Illustrations in the text, Page Plates, and a Sketch‐Map of the Alps. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel Nach‐folger, 1892. 8vo. Pp. 325.

Die Oro‐ und Hydrographie Sumatra's, nach dem Standpunkte unserer heutigen Kenntnisse. Mit einer Kartenskizze. Inaugural‐Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doktorwürde an der Georg‐Augusts‐Universität zu Göttingen. Von JAN FREERK HOEKSTRA, aus Apeldoorn, Niederlande. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1893. Pp. 128.

Text‐Book of Comparative Geology. By E. KATSER, Ph.D., Professor of Geology in the University of Marburg. Translated and Edited by PHILIP LAKE, M.A., F.G.S. London: Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 1893. 8vo. Pp. 426.

An Elementary Handbook of Geology. By A. J. JUKES‐BROWNE, B.A., F.G.S., H.M. Geol. Survey. “Library of Popular Science.” London : Whittaker and Co., 1893. Pp. ix+248.

Advanced Physiography. By RICHARD A. GREGORY and J. C. CHRISTIE, F.G.S. With numerous Original Illustrations. London: Joseph Hughes and Co., 1893. Pp. 280.

La France et ses Colonies. Par E. LEVASSEUR. Vol. iii. New Edition, entirely Revised. 1893. Paris: Librairie Charles Delagrave. Pp. 371. Appendices and Indexes.

The Soil in Relation to Health. By H. A. MIERS and R. CROSSKEY. Pp. 130. Index and Illustrations. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893.

Pinetum Danicum. Conifers collected and observed by Professor CARL HANSEN. Notes sent to the Conifer Conference held at Chiswick, October 1891. [Reprinted from the Journal of the Horticultural Society, vol. xiv.—Conifer Conference Report.] London: Spottiswoode and Co., 1892. Pp. 224.

History of British Guiana. Vol. ii. By JAMES EODWAY, F.L.S. Georgetown, Demerara: J. Thomson, 1893. Pp. 308. Price $3.

Handbook of British Ouiana. By JAMES KODWAY, F.L.S. Georgetown, 1893. Pp. 93.

Tenting on the Plains, or General Ouster in Kansas and Texas. By ELIZABETH B. CUSTER. London: Cassell and Co., 1893. Pp. x + 403.

American Irrigation Engineering. A Paper read before the American Society of Civil Engineers by HEREERT M. WILSON, M.Am.Soc.C.E. With Discussion. Pp. 161 to 222. Illustrated.

Gazetteer of the Gurdaspur District, 1891–92. Bs. 3/14.—Gazetteer of the Hissar District, 1892. Rs. 3/12.—Gazetteer of the Ferozepore District, 1888–89. Rs. 2. —Gazetteer of the Karnal District, 1890. Rs. 2/8.—Gazetteer of the Ambala District, 1892–93. Rs. 2/8. Compiled and Published under the authority of the Punjab Government.

A. Hartleben's Statistische Tabelle über alle Staaten der Erde. Wien, Pest, Leipzig: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1893. Price 50 Pf.

Guide to Ben Nevis. With an Account of the Foundation and Work of the Meteorological Observatory. Edinburgh and Glasgow: John Menzies &; Co. N.D. Pp. vi. + 69. Price 1s.  相似文献   


Literary critics and historians often interpret authors and authors' works as more or less significant, but are reluctant to quantify those works. The interdisciplinary field of creativity studies, however, poses methods of quantifying the eminence of an author's works. This study uses four measures from that field (anthology entries, scholarly citations, entries in books of quotations, and auction sale records) and one measure from the fields of computational linguistics and data mining (ngrams using millions of books digitized by Google) to assess the eminence of John Milton's thirty-one prose works1. For the purpose of this study, Milton's short “A Letter to a Friend Concerning the Ruptures of the Commonwealth” (1659) was not included in the quantitative analysis out of concern with possible conflations and confusions with letters in Milton's Familiar Letters. and their relation to his greater achievement in epic poetry. These measures indicate the singular eminence of Areopagitica, Milton's 1644 tract on the liberty of unlicensed printing.  相似文献   

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