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Paleogeographic reconstructions and forecasts of climatic change have been based largely on the impact of cosmic and astronomic factors and have tended to ignore the impact of the geochemical activity of living organisms. Yet the CO2 cycle in the biosphere (volcanic emissions on the income side and photosynthesis and burial of dead organic matter on the outgo side) can have a significant impact on climatic change because of the greenhouse effect. The CO2 theory is used to explain the sequence of glacial and interglacial stages of the Pleistocene. Active volcanism during the Alpine mountain-building period resulted in a high CO2 content in the atmosphere fostering the building up of a large phytomass. The continued absorption of CO2 produced a cooling trend that led to the Ice Age. The spread of the ice sheet reduced the terrestrial biomass and thus the rate of CO2 absorption, resulting in an increase of CO2 in the atmosphere and a warming trend. In the interglacial stage that followed, the build-up of biomass again reduced atmospheric CO2, producing a new cooling trend. This natural glacial-interglacial rhythm has been modified in the last 5,000 years by human activity. Maninduced reduction of phytomass (through deforestation) and, more recently, the intensive combustion of fossil fuels tend to increase the CO2 content of the atmosphere (in contrast to the natural interglacial process) and make the advent of a new glacial stage unlikely. (The article was contributed by Victor L. Mote, University of Houston.)  相似文献   

人地关系研究范型:哲学与伦理思辩   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
人地关系研究应当具有科学范型,观念形态层次的范型就是哲学与伦理思辩,人地关系的哲学与伦理思辩经历了天命论、地理环境决定论、或然论、征服自然论、反人类中心论后,人地关系协调论正在成为全球的共识。本文对各种人地关系思想作了概括的阐述和评价。  相似文献   

治理术作为福柯后期研究的一个重要概念具有丰富的内涵,已被广泛用于西方地理学的研究。本文在福柯的著作和西方相关文献的基础上,梳理了治理术的概念,归纳了西方地理学对治理术的主要应用。福柯的治理术主要包含治理技术和治理理性两个向度;治理术的分析框架以生命政治、计算和治理目的为支柱;与这一分析框架相对应,西方地理学对治理术的应用集中在以下三个话题:族群与生命政治,领土与计算,认知/空间合理性和城市管治。治理术的相关概念和方法在解释中国的单位制度和户口制度、阶级斗争和空间非均衡发展、分税制和城市规划及加强中国地理学的理论化和学术贡献上具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Summary: It is suggested that the Wild Goat style began and was formed at Miletus and later was adopted with variations by other East Greek cities, and that when around 600 BC the North Ionian school developed a successful incising style, the old style persisted elsewhere, probably till the advent of Fikellura about 560 BC. Fikellura, it is argued, was a sudden creation, without a long transitional stage.  相似文献   

近年来,层出不穷的旅游乱象给整个旅游行业带来了极其负面的影响,使我国旅游行业遭受到了社会公众强加的污名。因此,如何避免旅游污名化现象的加剧以及如何对已被污名的旅游业进行去污名化,已成为我国旅游界亟待解决的课题。当前学术界关于旅游污名的重视远远不够,研究十分匮乏。本文对旅游污名研究进展进行了系统述评,将旅游污名划分为基于人地关系的旅游地方污名、基于群体关系的旅游者污名以及基于人际关系的旅游职业污名。在此基础上,指出应加强旅游污名的形成机制与综合治理研究、使用流动性方式开展旅游污名研究等方向。本文为理解及解决旅游污名问题提供可行的理论指导,对旅游研究及旅游发展均大有裨益。  相似文献   

失所(displacement)现象历来受到国际学界的广泛关注。本文主要探讨因绅士化而造成的失所现象,并对西方理论体系和实证研究进行较全面的综述。因绅士化造成的失所可分为直接性失所和间接性失所。依据不同的形成原因,直接性失所分为物质性失所和经济性失所,而间接性失所包括排斥性失所和潜在性失所。在笛卡尔式空间观的主导下,西方主流失所研究历来偏重直接性失所,而忽视间接性失所。本文认为,间接性失所背后的列斐伏尔空间观应纳入到失所理论体系中,以更好地指导失所实证研究。本文指出,结合中国现实,对失所现象进行理论化与概念化,对于转型期中国可持续城市发展具有现实与深远的意义。  相似文献   

Summary. In this article, we draw upon a wide range of archaeological, technical and iconographical evidence in order to examine the organisation and social role of fine pottery production in two contrasting Archaic and Classical poleis, Athens and Corinth. We examine developments in the relationship between the organisation of production, changes in decorative style and the degree of complexity of the social and political organisation of the two producer societies during a period of state formation. We also consider variation in the behavioural patterns surrounding ceramic use, and the role of production within the overall economy (and especially its relationship to subsistence activity). Such a study of comparative ceramic ecology not only offers a distinctive source of information about the internal ordering of producer societies, but also addresses the issue of the generation of variability in the ceramic record, an issue which has hitherto received little attention from Classical archaeologists, but which is central to a full understanding of ceramic trade and exchange.  相似文献   

陈林  刘云刚 《人文地理》2021,36(4):29-36
本文梳理近代以来日本地理学的发展历程和知识生产特征,探讨其如何平衡理论与实践、学术与应用的关系,以期为中国地理学的发展提供借鉴。日本地理学注重区域知识的生产,良好的学术生产分工促进了区域地理学和系统地理学的相互融合。大学评价体系鼓励年轻学者生产基于区域调查的研究成果,对中坚地理学者注重原创性学术理论体系形成和地理学知识的代际传承。日本地理学的区域知识生产在政策制定、市民时空间观形成和地理学终生学习等社会应用方面发挥重要作用。近代日本地理学在欧美地理学影响下快速发展并形成了独具特色的区域地理学研究,然而近年与国际地理学界的交流放缓所引起的诸多问题也值得中国地理学借鉴。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,西方城市研究界认为大部分城市发展将发生在发展中国家,新的城市理论也将产生在这些新的地理空间,而城市非正规性是其主要特征。本文首先对城市非正规性的演变进行了梳理,认为城市非正规性的研究具有对"二元主义"的超越,"传统"非正规研究的超越和认识论上的转变3个特征,并明晰了城市非正规性的理论内涵是一种管治模式;其次,认为制度变迁和城市非正规性研究之间的焦距在于国家、地方政府、企业和个体等行动者之间的相互作用,在此基础上总结出了城市非正规性互补式、补充式和让步式3种主要类型;最后,从政治、社会和文化三个维度总结了非正规性在中国形成的根源,并提出非正规性可以理解成为中国城市发展的一种模式,非正规实践及非正规制度蕴含制度创新的启示。  相似文献   

自金融危机以来,区域经济韧性成为了研究热点。现有文献从均衡论及演化论的视角建构了区域经济韧性的理论框架,认为区域经济韧性不仅是区域发展的结果也是区域发展的动态过程。大量实证研究关注区域发展过程,探讨了不同尺度下经济系统对冲击的抵抗力、恢复力,并分析了经济韧性的影响机理。区域经济韧性是时间维度与空间尺度的统一。现有研究多关注区域本身特性,缺乏从动态性、多主体互动性、多尺度融合视角审视区域经济韧性的形成过程。因此未来研究一方面应当在现有理论基础上与关系经济地理、管理学等领域紧密结合,更重视危机与冲击的异质性,系统揭示行为主体在区域经济韧性形成、维持过程中的重要作用;另一方面应当进一步关注中国发展背景与制度优势,重视韧性研究对经济发展深远的意义,从而增强中国经济在不确定环境下的稳定性。  相似文献   

The proceedings of a wide-ranging discussion at the Institute of Geography, Moscow on current political and territorial issues in the USSR are summarized by one of its participants. The key thrust of the discussion centered on the need to find ways of increasing the involvement of Soviet political and other geographers in the analysis of critical questions of Soviet federalism: the incongruence of political-administrative boundaries with ethnic and economic regions; the search for a viable division of authority among Moscow, the republics, and local soviets; mitigation of growing regional inequality engendered by perestroyka and regional khozraschet (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

乡村性是乡村地理学研究的重要内容,是综合反映乡村发展水平、揭示乡村内部差异、识别乡村地域空间的重要指标。本文通过对国内外现有研究成果分析,深入剖析乡村性的研究进展,从概念内涵、研究方法、尺度关联和应用层面方面进行系统总结与评价。在此基础上提出未来乡村性研究的重点方面,主要集中在乡村性概念的模型构建、微观尺度的分析、社会化的转向和时空过程研究等。加强乡村性的研究有利于拓展乡村地理的研究视角,丰富乡村地理学在乡村性研究的深层次内涵,有助于更深入破解乡村发展的内在机理,也为城乡一体化发展提供理论指导和技术支撑。  相似文献   

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