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It is a typical Tibetan house with a large Stone slab paved court-yard. As I entered afierce Tibetan dog came rushing from behind a pile of straw stacks. I hurriedly stepped back, but the dog came to a halt as he was tied to a willow tree. At the sound of the barking, Nongbu Chilin, his master, ordered him to retreat, and we entered the sitting room.Nongbu Chilin, 30, is a noted dancer in Yunnan. He is of the Tibetan ethnic group and lives in Zhongdian. At his invitation, visited him last…  相似文献   

A Tibetan Mastiff-Tanggya When I was a teenager,my family had a baby mastiff.Because a lock natural of white hair decorated the mastiff's chest,he was given the name"Tanggya".I remember Tanggya was a big dog when I was still a little girl. Whenever he stood on his hind legs,he seemed as tall as my father.When guests came to visit,he always jumped on them and barked constantly. Only my father could briefly calm him down,and nobody amongst our siblings dared to get close to him.Tanggya was never released u...  相似文献   

正I first met Marv in an English corner held in Lhasa every weekend.He is the only native English speaker between all the participants,who is crucial in assisting the activity.He is an English teacher in Lhasa which is a very rare occupation here,therefore I decide to interview him and record his story."I grew up in a small town near the Mississippi River,located in the state of Illinois.Actually,when I was a kid,I never thought of staying in China,  相似文献   

I have known old Toinzhub foryears. After only one meeting, heseemed to sense what was on mymind and could always talk aboutmy favorite subject. A day passesby slowly along with his sips of liquorand his vivid and detailed narration.That noon, I met the old man in thecourtyard and invited him to have a drinkand chat in my home. As the liquor tookhold, he began to talk freely of the eventsof the past forty years.In 1965, when the Tibet AutonomousRegion was founded, he was 21 and wasstudying …  相似文献   

On the afternoon of July 2, 2012, accompanied by my interpreter, I visited the home of SonamDawa and his wife Tsering Drolkar. It was less than 200 meters from the Namseling village committee. This was an unplanned interview. What led us here was that I had asked my interpreter to take me to a family with elders. For over two hours, we sat in the little courtyard of Sonam's home and listened to him talk about his family.  相似文献   

Asang in His Clay Sculpture Studio One year after I had interviewed Asang I was to meet him again. The workshop was still called"Clay Statues Shop"located in the Barkor Street.Stepping inside,I was greeting by his two little apprentices.It seemed that they easily recognized me and smiled happily at me.  相似文献   

Asang in His Clay Sculpture Studio One year after I had interviewed Asang I was to meet him again. The workshop was still called"Clay Statues Shop"located in the Barkor Street.Stepping inside,I was greeting by his two little apprentices.It seemed that they easily recognized me and smiled happily at me.  相似文献   

As a member of a big aristocratic family in old Tibet,Horkhang Champa Tendar lived the sweet life,but bitter experiences also happened to him.In his old age,though both honor and dishonor sometimes came to him,he was never bothered,and he always carried on without any concern for his life.After retiring,though Gyama Village had no close relatives,he prefers to commute between Gyama and the city to contribute to the course of local development.His passionate sentiments toward his hometown and this land so impressed me I am profoundly touched.  相似文献   

<正>Chapter Three I came back that afternoon to check on him.Dressed in his kasaya,he was seated in the lotus position with his back straight.His cheeks were rosy,his voice clear,and his expressions unreadable.Offerings symbolizing cleanliness such as dried fruits,flowers,clear water,and white conch were placed on the square table in front of him.He gestured to the seat cushion  相似文献   

At nine o'clock sharp onespring morning this year,this writer paid a visit to Su Bai in the capacity of a special reporter of China's Tibet .I showed him the magazine published in Chinese, Tibetan and English, and he loved them very much. Howev-er, when told of my intention to ask him to write about his experience gained in his 1959 and 1988 archaeological surveys in Tibet as an expert archaeologist, he demanded time to organize his thoughts."In 1959, I went with the Cul-tural Relics Surv…  相似文献   

Irecently paid a visit to Tari Village in Renbo County of Xigaze. I went there for two purposes: to attend the Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival and to persuade Puncog's father to allow him to get married in Lhasa.  相似文献   

<正>Chapter Two During the National Day holiday,I was required to attend a meeting in Beijing,but Konchog Chogyal Sangpo's condition gave me sleepless nights.Once the meeting was over,I bought an air ticket to Lhasa,and got up at 5 a.m.to make a run for the airport.After the 4-hour flight,I landed in Lhasa Gonggar Airport at 11.Then I got on a Toyota off-road vehicle to continue my journey.  相似文献   

正I November of 1994,Gengdul,a researcher serving the Cultural Administration Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region,was conducting a culture-related survey in Chokong Village,which is seated five kilometers away from the western suburbs of Lhasa.Gengdul is Tibetan and received a degree in archeology from Sichuan University.The man is known for his meticulous nature,especially when it comes to his research,which helped him discover various  相似文献   

On hearing several times that there is a thousand-year-old walnut tree in Nyamo Town in Shigatse, I was curious, as I had never heard of a thousand year old tree in my life, except for cypress and ginkgo in my hometown. I have not had a chance to have a look at it but heard lots of both legends and true stories about this tree. In awe and expectation, I paid a visit to see the thousand-year walnut tree. I remember in my hometown there is an old tree which people referred to as the "divine tree". Every time 1 visited this divine tree, my heart was always in awe. I even dared not to get too close and only watched it from a distance because I was afraid of giving any offense to the holy tree. People say every divine tree would change to another kind. But in my memory, since I was a child, I did not see any trees change species, which I actually found disappointing.  相似文献   

正I was 13 years old in 1985 when I was selected as one of the first students to go to school in mainland China.I passed my exams and was sent to a province in the northeast to finish my education,and a great number of vast mountain ranges and rivers separated me from my mother.  相似文献   

The Township Village of Gamdeling is situated in District Naiqung, County of Doilungdeqen, Lhasa. It is the place where I began to establish a relationship with Tibet. Halfa Century's Concern and Remembrance In the early spring of 1963, as a junior student majoring in Tibetan at the Department of Minority Languages and Literature in the Central College for Nationalities, I set foot in Tibet for the first time. The first place I saw was the Township Village of Gamdeling, where I went to work with the liberated serfs who were undergoing a democratic reform. I helped set up grass roots political power. Being together day and night, I studied Tibetan with them and taught singing to children in the primary school. There, I learned to recite Tsangyang Gyatso's poem, On the Peak of the Eastern Mountain, from which the well- known name "Makye-ame" comes. Since July 20, 1963, the day on which I departed, I have had no opportunity to return to Gamdeling. These years, by radio, newspaper and internet, I got to know that a famous vegetable and flower producers' cooperative was built in Gamdeling. I can collect hundreds of reports about Gamdeling on line. The news makes me excited, because I know Gamdeling is going forward with Tibet. How about my old Tibetan friends? How about their life now? Who are even still alive? On August 30, 2011, on the occasion of a short business trip to Lhasa while accompanied by a friend, I stepped on the land again. Tenzin Wodrup's Vegetable Greenhouse Across the bridge over Tohlung Chu of the Lhasa River, we entered the area of Gamdeling. For me, everything was so familiar but yet strange! We stopped our car in front of a building with the sign of "Vegetable and Flower Exhibition and Trade Center of the Gamdeling Farmers' Vegetable Cultivation Cooperative, the County of Doilungdeqen". By the gate there was a stall selling local watermelons. Having taken some pictures, we drove northwards into the district of the vegetable greenhouses, intending to find a local and ask the way. It took five or six minutes for our ear to circle around the area, from which, we can see how big the district was. In time, I saw a middle-aged farmer with a bright T-shirt standing on the road. I got out and asked him about Tsering Dondrup. To my surprise, he was from Gamdeling and lived in the same Village of Chabka as Tsering Dondrup, and they were relatives The man's name was Tenzin Wodrup. He promised to take us to call on Tsering Dondrup's. On both sides of the road that was straight, clean and paved with cement, there stood dozens of vegetable greenhouses in rows.  相似文献   

<正>APRIL 14TH At dawn I suddenly received a message asking me about the safety of my family members after the earthquake in my hometown,Yushu.On hearing this I was shocked and immediately called my parents' family in Yushu.There was nobody answering the phone in the house.I began to worry and made a call to my brother-  相似文献   

Irecently paid a visit to Tari Village in Renbo County of Xigaze. I went there for two purposes: to attend the Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival and to persuade Puncog‘s father to allow him to get married in Lhasa.  相似文献   

Ican't believe Huang Hao has passed away. Not long ago, when I went to the hospital to visit him,he talked with me about life and work and of his planned workingschedule one he recovered. His suddendeath undoubtedly is a great loss toTibetan studies. Personally speaking, Ihave lost a respected teacher and friend. Huang Hao was born in 1933 in Bei-jing. In 1955, on the advice of his maternalgrandfather, Mr. Luo Changpei, a well-known linguist, he entered the Central Insti-tute for Nat…  相似文献   

In autumn of 1946 Tsering Wangdo,then just 12 years old, went to India to study. That was 60 years ago when I interviewed him in 2006. Obviously,the young man has gone but the old  相似文献   

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