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林军 《神州》2013,(11):12-14
陈白沙纪念馆的建筑与陈列抓住了江门的历史文化特点和馆藏文物特色两大要素,但也存在功能上、软件上、展陈设计与手法上的欠缺,只有在观念上、内容上和手法上进一步的创新,才能在总体上把握住其自身的地域文化特色和侨乡个性特质。  相似文献   

李翠彪 《神州》2012,(1):112-112
少年儿童在校习得的不只是读、写、算等可以测量的认识、技能上的发展,还从学校、社会和家庭等过程中,学到没有显现出来的价值上、规范上的成长。在家庭中家长的教育观念和方法,对少年儿童在价值上和规范上的成长习染影响绝对不可忽视。  相似文献   

盛琼 《世界》2006,(7):67-68
在一个政治上多样化、文化上多元化、格局上多极化的和而不同的世界坐标上,构建一个全球性的“宪政”新世界的帷幕必将能在真正意义上拉开。我们需要国际事务上的制度创新,法治建设,前瞻智慧和理性行为,当然我们更需要的也许是足够的信心和耐心。  相似文献   

曹晋杰 《纵横》2009,(11):12-16
周恩来十分重视知识分子在革命和建设中的重要作用,对知识分子人格上尊重、工作上支持、生活上关照、思想上包容是一贯的。这从他与胡乔木、乔冠华30多年的交往中可见一斑。  相似文献   

金达迈 《沧桑》2012,(6):5-5,32
国务院《地方志工作条例》明确指出:地方综合年鉴编纂是地方志工作的一个组成部分。年鉴为地方志的一个分支。地方综合年鉴是反映一定地域情况的资料文献。年鉴和地方志在性质上、功能上、内容上、体裁上、文风上,大致相同,都是全面记述本行政区域自然、政  相似文献   

在中国共产党和人民解放军的历史上,黄克诚以刚正不阿、敢于直言、求实求真而闻名于世。他在多个重要历史关头和重大问题上,以对党的无比忠诚和远见卓识,及时向党中央和上级领导提出意见和建议。虽然多次遭受批判,被扣上右倾机会主义、反党分子等大帽子,以致被撤职、  相似文献   

从户籍制度而言,“吏民”是国家的编户齐民。通常所谓的“编户齐民”,其内涵实际上主要就是指“吏民”。作为国家编户齐民,在理论上其身份地位是平等的,表现在经济、政治、文化等各个方面享有同样的权利和义务:经济上均有“名田”的权利和从“本”去“末”的义务,均有承担或被减免赋税、徭役等义务和权利;政治上均有上书言事和被察举征辟等权利;文化上均有入学受教育等权利,这既是文化上的权利,也是政治上平等权利的一种体现。虽然“吏民”作为国家编户齐民在法理上其经济、政治、文化地位是平等的,但是实际上他们之间经济上的贫富悬殊、政治上的地位高低以及由此决定的文化上的差异都是普遍现象,编户齐民并非以贫富和阶级为区分的。  相似文献   

2011年1月30日。胡锦涛总书记在中共中央召开的党外人士迎春座谈会上指出,中国共产党成立以来90年波澜壮阔的历史和实践充分证明,思想上同心同德、目标上同心同向、行动上同心同行。是中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度最鲜明的特质,是我们不断夺取革命、建设、改革事业胜利的有力保证。希望同志们认真总结历史经验。进一步激发爱国奉献、建功立业的责任感和创造力,不断提高参政议政本领和水平。  相似文献   

乡村旅游地的文化认同是重塑和振兴乡村文化的重要前提。基于文化记忆和地方感构建居民和游客对乡村文化记忆空间的感知模型,以苏州金庭镇为例进行验证。结果表明:在时间、空间、文化和情感维度上主、客存在差异,时间维度上游客高于居民,其余维度居民表现更为强烈。感知效应主、客在时间上表现出令自己回想起过去的人和事,了解文化延续性;空间上为游客旅行带来深刻印象,与居民生活关系不紧密;文化上承载着地方历史文化,提升乡村旅游文化氛围;情感上在归属感、自豪感、文化自信及价值追求具有一致性。  相似文献   

2011年1月30日,胡锦涛总书记在中共中央召开的党外人士迎春座谈会上指出,中国共产党成立以来90年波澜壮阔的历史和实践充分证明,思想上同心同德、目标上同心同向、行动上同心同行,是中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度最鲜明的特质,是我们不断夺取革命、建设、改革事业胜利的有力保证.希望同志们认真总结历史经验,进一步激发爱国奉献、建功立业的责任感和创造力,不断提高参政议政本领和水平.  相似文献   

In the 1960s, a reduction in the time spent at work promised an increase in leisure time. Architects and planners thought that the effects of this could lead to a new form of city. Nowadays, new changes in production, technology and gender relationships de-synchronize the time regime and have fundamentally changed life in cities. Tourism and globalization exchange across the world different cultures of time. In France, the UK, and other European countries time policy is dealing with the problems arising from these changes. This article presents a short overview of time planning in Italy in two main domains: time for care, and city time. It focuses on issues such as the social demand for new shops's and services' opening hours, or how the life cycles of individuals and populations are accommodated in urban spaces. Other problems, usually not thought of in terms of time concerns, such as rehabilitation of blighted areas, historic preservation and traffic flow control, may also be treated through a time approach. Two models of planning process are presented at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

傅松雪 《民俗研究》2020,(3):100-109
"长命锁"潜蕴着日用而不知的原初时间经验,现象学为揭示这种原初时间经验提供了方法论意义。追溯"长命锁"时间经验的可能构成,揭示出"长命锁"在时间经验的历史重构中所须承袭的时间经验的原初状态:线性、循环和时机化的时间经验。在日常使用与话语诉说中,透析出"锁"作为器具与话语所能蕴含的时间构想,通过时间蕴含的比对,揭示出"长命锁"在习俗承袭中对原初时间经验的置换与褫夺:时间越来越被当成了现成存在对象。"长命锁"隐含的时间经验,不是现成时间观念的移置,而是时间经验的历史生成,它预示着一种活生生的原发生存时境的开启,对于解决时间"断裂"的谜团、对于中国传统时间美学的研究具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

A Measurement Theory for Time Geography   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Hägerstrand's time geography is a powerful conceptual framework for understanding constraints on human activity participation in space and time. However, rigorous, analytical definitions of basic time geography entities and relationships do not exist. This limits abilities to make statements about error and uncertainty in time geographic measurement and analysis. It also compromises comparison among different time geographic analyses and the development of standard time geographic computational tools. The time geographic measurement theory in this article consists of analytical formulations for basic time geography entities and relations, specifically, the space–time path, prism, composite path-prisms, stations, bundling, and intersections. The definitions have arbitrary spatial and temporal resolutions and are explicit with respect to informational assumptions: there are clear distinctions between measured and inferred components of each entity or relation. They are also general to n- dimensional space rather than the strict two-dimensional space of classical time geography. Algebraic solutions are available for one or two spatial dimensions, while numeric (but tractable) solutions are required for some entities and relations in higher dimensional space.  相似文献   

时间利用作为了解人类活动与生活安排的重要维度,与居民的生活质量息息相关.以往的时间利用研究从个体行为的角度透视了城市化过程带来的影响,然而少有利用交叉数据在不同年份对居民的时间利用模式进行直接的比较研究.本文基于2007年和2017年在北京进行的两次活动—出行日志调查数据,采用描述性统计、空间分析、回归分析等方法探讨了...  相似文献   


Due to the scarcity of reflection on time as an independent subject in the Hebrew Bible, there has been a scholarly tendency to consider biblical time conception more limited than our own_perhaps even nonexistent. This article confronts the scholarly skepticism regarding the ability of the biblical authors to think about time, defending the presence of time conceptualization in the Hebrew Bible. In the article I discuss central research contributions to the subject of biblical time, in particular Sacha Stern’s thesis that the concept of time is entirely absent from the Hebrew Bible and from ancient Judaism more widely. I explore linguistic and anthropological assumptions which underpin large parts of the discussion on time within biblical studies, arguing that one cannot assume on the basis of either that the biblical authors lacked a concept of time. Finally, I suggest that the ability of the biblical writers to coordinate unrelated processes according to a temporal axis is a strong argument in favour of their awareness of time.  相似文献   

This article looks into the valuation of time in Fiji with particular emphasis on ‘Fiji time’, an idiom typically employed in reference to unpunctuality or relaxing. The article discusses Fiji time through four exemplars in order to illustrate the degree to which Fiji time is compatible with labour-based valuations of time.  相似文献   

What is time? This essay offers an attempt to think again about this oldest of philosophical questions by engaging David Hoy's recent book, The Time of Our Lives: A Critical History of Temporality, which proposes a “history of time‐consciousness” in twentieth‐century European philosophy. Hoy's book traces the turn‐of‐the‐century debate between Husserl and Bergson about the different senses of time across the various configurations of hermeneutics, deconstruction, poststructuralism, and feminist theory. For him, what is at stake in such a project is to distinguish between the scientific‐objective “time of the universe” and the phenomenology of human temporality, “the time of our lives.” Hoy's approach is to organize his book around the three tenses of time—past/present/future—and to view objective‐scientific time as derived from the more primordial forms of temporalizing lived experience that occur in our interpretation of time. In my reading of Hoy's work, I attempt to explore how “time” (lived, experiential, phenomenological) can be read not in terms of “consciousness” (Hoy's thematic), but in terms of the self's relationship with an Other. That is, my aim is less to establish a continental tradition about time‐consciousness, understood through the methods of genealogy, phenomenology, or critical theory, than it is to situate the problem of time in terms of an ethics of the Other. In simple terms, I read Hoy's project as too bound up with an egological interpretation of consciousness. By reflecting on time through the relationship to the Other rather than as a mode of the self's own “time‐consciousness,” I attempt to think through the ethical consequences for understanding temporality and its connection to justice.  相似文献   

Over the past 40 years or so, human activities and movements in space‐time have attracted considerable research interest in geography. One of the earliest analytical perspectives for the analysis of human activity patterns and movements in space‐time is time geography. Despite the usefulness of time geography in many areas of geographical research, there are very few studies that actually implemented its constructs as analytical methods up to the mid‐1990s. With increasing availability of geo‐referenced individual‐level data and improvement in the geo‐computational capabilities of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), it is now more feasible than ever before to operationalize and implement time‐geographic constructs. This paper discusses recent applications of GIS‐based geo‐computation and three‐dimensional (3‐D) geo‐visualization methods in time‐geographic research. The usefulness of these methods is illustrated through examples drawn from the author's recent studies. The paper attempts to show that GIS provides an effective environment for implementing time‐geographic constructs and for the future development of operational methods in time‐geographic research.  相似文献   

The author discusses aspects of how time appears and is used by the individual and by society. In focus is what the author calls the ideological time scale as it appears in Western society. The concept of the ideological time scale implies systems of strong, ideological signals transferred through time in the human mind from one generation to another. One such signal is the age-old concept of the hero and the symbolism projected around this concept. The paper ends with an admonition to scholars to be aware of and study the kinds of messages transferred through time by this signal system. These messages carry important information about the ways in which society directs itself in the time continuum.  相似文献   

幸福不仅是个人的心愿,也是城市管理者的执政目标之一,因此,对于城市中普遍存在的通勤时间过长所带来的心理影响研究十分必要。本文采用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,考察了通勤时间对于个人主观幸福感的影响。实证结果显示,通勤时间对于个人幸福感存在显著的负向影响,随着个人通勤时间的增加,个人幸福感也随之降低。通勤时间与生活满意度也同样呈现显著的负相关,这也证明了结论的稳健性。通过进一步考察通勤时间负面影响的异质性发现,通勤时间对幸福感的影响在不同社会群体间存在差异,对于个人收入高、教育程度高、家庭收入高的居民而言,通勤时间所造成的负面心理影响更大。因此,政府应重视通勤对居民幸福感的影响,并致力于提高交通效率。  相似文献   

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