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17—18世纪,普鲁士在容克地主的支持下因不断革新而迅速发展和壮大。19世纪上半期,普鲁士主流派容克积极适应资本主义发展要求,推动了普鲁士国家和容克自身的资产阶级化。通过领导和推动德意志的政治统一,容克和普鲁士最终确立了在德意志现代化进程中的领导地位。普鲁士容克不断顺应历史潮流,在相当长时期内和相当程度上实际扮演了资产阶级的角色,起到了德国资产阶级未能发挥的作用。  相似文献   

工业化冲击下的德意志帝国对外贸易及其政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德意志帝国时期,工业逐步确立起在德国经济中的主导地位。由于工业化的冲击,德意志帝国时期的对外贸易量和外贸结构都发生了巨大变化,德国逐渐成为外向型经济国家。与此同时,德国的对外贸易政策也出现了因时而进的调整。  相似文献   

中国社会主义改造是时代的抉择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华人民共和国成立后,实行新民主主义政策,到1952年底,人民民主专政的新民主主义政治制度、以国营经济为领导的五种经济成份同时并存的新民主主义经济结构以及新民主主义的社会秩序,基本建立和巩固起来。中国共产党改变了在新民主主义制度下实现国家工业化,然后再过渡到社会主义的初衷,实行国家工业化和全面建立社会主义制度同时进行的方针路线,掀起社会主义改造高潮,其进程超出预计时间,到1956年底即告基本完成,社会主义公有制确立。经过30几年的社会主义建设,人们发现我们国家仍然处在社会主义初级阶段。改革开放以来,我们国家的经济结构又呈现出多种经济成份并存的局面,经济建设速度大大加快。  相似文献   

斯大林体制的核心是“一国社会主义”,“一国社会主义”的主干是国家工业化,配套工程是农业全盘集体化,本文就国家工业化和农业集体化问题谈一些看法。 一、工业化和农业集体化运动违背了列宁“新经济政策”的基本思想 从人类社会发展的一般进程来说,实现国家工业化是资产阶级的任务,完成国家工业化的周期大约是50至100年。资产阶级在推翻封建统治、夺取政权,建立资本主义制度以后,大约用100年的时间,实现了国家工业化,以社会化大生产代替中世纪手工劳动,建立了现代大  相似文献   

拿破仑帝国时期,法国利用武力和经济双重手段在欧洲维护、扩张自己的势力,其中针对其宿敌英国所采取的著名的大陆封锁政策在拿破仑帝国史上起过重大影响,成了“整个帝国史诗中的全部经济斗争的中心,因而也是政治斗争的中心”。 1806年占领普鲁士之后,11月拿破仑在柏林颁布了著名的大陆封锁令,宣布封锁不列颠  相似文献   

西北地区由于历史的、环境的、经济的因素,依靠国家政策、资金的投入,形成了重工业化结构。西北地区重工业化道路经历了20世纪三四十年代重工业奠基、新中国计划经济模式下重工业化的进一步发展、国防指向下的再次重工业化等几个发展阶段。西北地区矿产资源优势与重工业布局使西北五省区形成了嵌入型、跳跃式发展的重工业化结构,对西北五省区工业经济的发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

缅甸工业化中的华侨(1948—1962)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缅甸独立后 ,在缅人化、国有化政策的压力下 ,大量华侨商业资本转而投资工业 ,在缅甸工业化中发挥了重要作用。它提高了缅甸工业化过程中的资本形成能力 ,增强了缅甸经济的自主强度 ,推动了缅甸产业结构的转变。华侨在缅甸工业化中能够扮演重要的角色 ,得益于缅华社会较大的流动性 ,华侨没有土地、农业、人身的束缚 ,以及华侨经济作为移民经济对市场的敏感性和华侨具有较强的现代性。此外 ,这一时期缅甸国内的政治经济形势、缅甸政府鼓励华商投资工业的政策、中国政府对华侨由商转工的支持 ,则为华侨在缅甸工业化中发挥重要作用创造了有利的外部环境  相似文献   

近代农业资本主义发展的“美国式道路”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
形成的因素 列宁在研究了各国农业资本主义发展的情况后概括出两种典型:“美国式道路”和“普鲁士式道路”。当然,这并不是单指美国和普鲁士而言的;作为一种社会经济发展的趋向来说,这两条道路也可以在其他国家的历史中看到不同程度的表现。  相似文献   

徐健 《史学月刊》2008,(1):86-92
"市民社会"概念是从欧洲历史发展中演绎出来的,但市民社会本身并没有一致的共同模式,而只是一种具有特质的社会现象.德国市民社会的发展也有自己的特点.以普鲁士改革中的乡镇自治为重点考察对象,不难探讨出德国市民社会建立的模式:普鲁士国家借助法律手段和对公众舆论的掌控,强行规范公民的政治参与,使农民和城镇市民从家庭、血缘、社团、行会等传统权力的支配下解放出来,卷入国家政治生活,为他们的发展创造新的社会空间.在普鲁士市民社会的形成过程中,国家是积极的参与者和推动者,国家与社会之间存在着某种相辅相成的关系.当然,国家与社会间的特殊关系也带来了负面后果,它导致了西方式的议会民主在近代德国难以建立.  相似文献   

1965年独立时,新加坡处于一种经济萧条、各种社会矛盾尖锐复杂、社会动荡、国际环境险恶的局势之中。然而,经过30余年的发展,新加坡不仅成为一个新兴工业化国家,而且实现了国家现代化,跻身发达国家之列。那么,新加坡为什么能取得这种成就?其成功的根本原因是什么?笔者认为其答案在于新加坡成功地推行了“生存政策”。新加坡的“生存政策”包括政治、经济、外交、军事安全等多方面的内涵。新加坡的外交政策是其“生存政策”的重要组成部分,而成功的外交政策及由此而开创的良好的对外关系是“生存政策”取得成功的重要前提和条件,对整个“生存政策”的顺利实施具有重要作用和影响。  相似文献   

Bavaria has achieved a dynamic change in its economic structure since the end of World War II, having evolved in the last four decades from an agricultural to a well-performing modern and service state. A wide variety of R&D-, SME- and infrastructure-oriented industrial policy measures have significantly contributed to the establishment of new small firms and job creation, the modernization of industrial structure as well as the economic and technology development in this German state. Bavarian industrial policy also stresses the subsidiarity principle and the working-together-through-dialogue principle of various groups including government, firms, trade unions, interest groups, etc. This type of loosely defined industrial policy has functioned remarkably well in the Bavarian-specific framework, in which a few large leading firms of international renown, in combination with the strong SME-basis, have played a key role for the rapid development. This study examines some major characteristics of regional industrial policy measures in Germany, taking Bavaria as a successful case.  相似文献   

Tripartite‐arrangements between state, unions and employers associations played a prominent role in the theory and practice of corporatism, with incomes policy at national level providing the paradigm for this approach. Now the focus has changed. Concepts of meso‐corporatism have gained significance in research on interest groups; alternative modes of political‐economic governance in general, and problems of industrial restructuring in particular, have become central to the discussion. Accordingly, important contributions have come from industrial and economic sociology and from the theory of the state, marking a distinctive expansion of the analytical framework. At the same time, studies of meso‐corporatism have neglected the regional perspective in favour of sectoral studies. This paper undertakes to remedy this by examining the governance of industrial adjustment through industrial policy in three Länder of the Federal Republic of Germany. The three cases can be considered as different variants of meso‐corporatism: ‘Corporate’ corporatism in Baden‐Württemberg; ‘staged’ corporatism in North Rhine‐Westphalia; ‘situative’ corporatism in Saxony. In its final part the paper raises questions on the conditions for those arrangements and the prerequisites for their continuance.  相似文献   

基于重化工业发展的珠江三角洲工业空间结构演变研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在对改革开放以来珠江三角洲工业空间现状特征细致分析的基础上,探讨了重化工业空间的一般特征及基于重化工业发展的珠三角工业空间结构演变。结果表明,珠三角重化工业发展的空间结构效应主要表现为形成工业空间集聚的新要素;大城市工业核心功能更加突出,工业发展空间分异日益显著;形成新的地方性工业节点以及临海工业空间逐步形成,并从促进珠三角区域经济、空间协调发展的角度提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

作为一种以农业专业化和规模化生产为主要特征的经济地域类型,垦区经济增长和产业结构具有鲜明的区域特色。本文采用基尼系数和灰色关联模型,探讨了三江平原垦区经济发展差距变化特征及其与产业结构的关联性。研究结果表明:①2000年以来垦区经济差距呈现先缩小后增大的趋势,农场间人均农业资源占有量的不同是垦区经济差距产生的重要基础。②垦区经济发展变化与各产业集中度变化密切相关,三次产业基尼系数变化引起的集中效应是导致垦区经济发展差距变化的主要原因。③农垦区经济发展水平与农业发展关系最为密切,多数农场经济发展仍依赖于农业综合生产能力的提高。应积极推进垦区农业现代化进程,培育非农产业集群和新的增长点,以提高垦区整体经济实力。  相似文献   

Our aim in this article is to lay some statistical and theoretical foundations for an understanding of Italian post-war economic growth, by devoting special attention to what has happened in the hundred different “Italies” that go to make up the mosaic of this country. We have concentrated our analysis on comparing “areas of large enterprise” with “industrial districts” through a distinction between district provinces (IDPs), large enterprise provinces (LEPs) and other provinces (OPs). We investigate manufacturing industry by means of in depth analyses of trends in employment and value added, as well as through breakdowns of export flows and income and prosperity levels. Since the end of World War II it appears that Italian economic growth has largely been formed by the constant, massive flow of exports of personal and household goods and light mechanically-engineered products, that a sizeable flow of exports is attributable to growth in the industrial districts, and that although the income gap between the different parts of the country has not been eliminated, growth by the industrial districts and the policy of industrialization in Southern Italy have together engineered a major territorial dispersion of both light and heavy industry. However, heavy industry and high-tech large Italian companies have found increasing difficulties and even lost many of the positions they once held. Our survey indicates that a policy for industrial development in Italy must take account of the weakness of the heavy industry sector along with the features and requirements of industrial districts.  相似文献   

Combining the literature on ‘city systems’ and its intermediary spatial categories with the discourse on ‘socio-technical’ hybrids, this article examines whether the early rural–urban condition in Belgium was the planned spatial outcome of infrastructure policy. More specifically, it analyzes the dialectic between the conception of light railways and the geographies of power, tracing its impact on the spatial organization of the territory. In 1911 the British sociologist Seebohm Rowntree stated that Belgium had gone further than any country in supplying its working class with gardens. The dense Belgian railway network encouraged workers to commute between land and labour, travelling from their homes in the healthy countryside to work in urban factories and mines. Despite the agricultural crisis and accelerating industrialization in nineteenth-century Belgium, infrastructure policy had resulted in a peculiar territorial balance between city and countryside by transforming agricultural labourers and farmers into industrial workers without forcing them to leave their ancestral villages. Rather than nostalgically clinging to a disappearing countryside, the government harnessed the modern technology par excellence, combining rails, steam and state management, to safeguard the country as well as to facilitate modern dynamic. Countryside preservation and accelerating industrialization were reconciled in a reshaped configuration that rendered the countryside and its inhabitants simultaneously rural and urban, traditional and modern. As most literature situates the genesis of rural–urban landscapes after the First and Second World War, this article on late-nineteenth-century Belgium adds a further facet to the recently growing international research on hybrid territories within the fields of urbanism and geography.  相似文献   

Africa-focused global value chain (GVC) scholars argue that the new mining industry practice of corporate outsourcing invalidates the traditional enclave thesis by providing new opportunities to support domestic firms and stimulate industrialization. However, this literature has clustered around Africa's middle- and high-income countries and its analytical approach abandons the centre–periphery framework within which its earlier antecedents were grounded, while overlooking labour dynamics. Correcting for these limitations, this article explores the GVC literature's claims through a single case study of a gold mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo, representative of a process of foreign-controlled gold sector (re)industrialization underway across a group of 20 low-income African countries. The findings confirm rather than invalidate the original enclave thesis, observing that corporate outsourcing has done little to stimulate broader industrialization while facilitating the arrival and expansion of foreign firm subsidiaries. Meanwhile, the new industry practice has also facilitated the adverse incorporation and fragmentation of Congolese labour, thus weakening the collective strength of workers. The findings demonstrate the value of expanding the conventional GVC framework to incorporate a consideration of peripherality and the capitalist labour process, and demonstrate the need for state intervention via pro-labour and industrial policy.  相似文献   

Abstract. Economic nationalism has been regarded as a set of attitudes rather than a coherent theory. However, by using Durkheim's analytical framework and bringing the concept of the nation into political economy, the author argues that economic nationalism can be provided with a systematic theory. This theory for economic nationalism helps us to grasp the reciprocal relationship between the political and economic power of the nation‐state. Economic modernisation, especially industrialisation, needs the powerful state, and the state derives its power from the nation. Economic development can amplify the social imaginary of the nation by expanding mobilisation and communication. Protectionism, industrial policy and Keynesian policy can strengthen not only the economy but also nationalism. The proposed theory for economic nationalism thus paves the way for understanding the role of nationalism in political economy.  相似文献   

Since the reforms that began in 1979, economic development in China has been marked by four major policy initiatives: the re-integration of the Chinese economy with the global economy, the decentralization of economic decision making away from the central state to lower levels, and, especially in the coastal regions, the shift away from subsistence agriculture towards rural industrialization and increasing commercialization. In this article, the effects of the reform policies are discussed in the context of the Pearl River delta region, the economic core of the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. Closely proximate to Hong Kong, with many Overseas Chinese connections, the province was given opportunities to innovate within the new policy option and has been marked by rapid economic growth. The article focuses on the impact of industrialization, commercialization, and globalization in four contrasting areas of the Pearl River delta in the 1980s and 1990s. At a general level, what McGee has called desakota zones have emerged and follow a development process which is similar to that observed in parts of East and Southeast Asia in the 1970s. When examined from the perspective of villages and localities, the blending of government policies, geographical location, and market forces with an array of local social values has resulted in separate and distinctive patterns of development.  相似文献   

刘波 《攀登》2006,25(4):119-120
作为自然矿产资源相对富足的省份,青海产业政策的选择应以优势资源开发为主线。但近些年来工业结构中轻、重工业比例失调日益严重,这必然影响青海省实现工业化的速度和质量。本文试图从新型工业化的视角来分析当前青海省轻工业发展中存在的问题,进而提出发展轻工业的几点建议。  相似文献   

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