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Following World War II, food technologists in the US participated in an Army‐led program to develop food irradiation technology. The program involved over 120 military, government, industrial, and academic institutions. Focusing on the MIT Department of Food Technology, I trace the networks that formed between these groups and their motivations for developing the technology. I argue that food irradiation was Cold War science directed towards the development of a consumer product, and that it highlighted the links between large‐scale military‐funded research and consumers' everyday lives. I suggest that researchers advocated for irradiation not because the technology produced better processed food, but because the development of the technology produced a number of valuable benefits for the researchers. These included increases in funding, materials, and prestige.  相似文献   

After the defeat of New France in 1760, Britain faced the problem of controlling and defending the trans-Appalachian West. By occupying the former French military and trade posts, she continued the French program of securing imperial rather than colonial authority over the interior. In order to ensure the military defense, political stability, and economic exploitation of this wilderness hinterland, the home government came to rely on a series of imperial garrison towns.  相似文献   

As technologies grow in complexity, firms often target their internal R&D resources on core competencies and utilize outside sources for supporting knowledge and technology. Where do firms turn to find such resources? This paper reports the perceptions of technology transfer managers in United States manufacturing firms toward federal and university labs and identifies the types of farms that are better positioned to utilize externally available technological resources. Based on replies from research-intensive companies within the United States, the authors find that larger firms with high research and development (R&D) budgets tend to ascribe greater significance to external sources than do smaller ones. Also, companies spending over $500 million in R&D rank universities the most significant external source of knowledge, followed by V S.-based firms, and then foreign firms.  相似文献   

创新是经济发展的驱动力,影响区域创新绩效的因素很多,本文从宏观经济、行业、企业、外部力量等四个尺度构建了企业创新模型,利用1991 年到2014 年统计数据,探讨了人均GDP 水平、产业集聚、企业规模、R&D 、FDI、技术引进这六个因素对河南省专利授权量的影响。研究发现:在企业尺度上,企业规模、R&D经费显著正向影响河南工业企业的创新绩效;在中观尺度上,产业集聚还没有发挥很好的集聚效益;反映经济发展水平的人均GDP在统计上并未显著影响创新绩效,甚至是负影响;外部力量尺度上,外商直接投资增强了创新的绩效,而技术引进与创新绩效则呈显著负相关。综合来看,企业创新是一个多尺度因素相互作用的非线性过程,各种力量对创新的影响机理也较为复杂。  相似文献   

This article is aimed at crafting an interpretive policy analysis as a predictive tool by using the proposal to relocate Israeli military bases. Since the mid‐2000s, the Israeli government has promoted a new plan to transfer military bases from urban areas and central regions to the southern metropolitan area in the Negev desert. The economic and operational logic behind the program is unclear and prompts serious debate about nationality, ethnicity, economic gaps, and the environment in the Negev. This area epitomizes marginality in Israel, both socially and geographically, and is characterized by conflicts between Jews and Bedouins. Thus, the program can be regarded as one involving policy images, where potential participants lack the information necessary for understanding the goals of the policy. This paper proposes a new methodology based on interpretive policy analysis for conducting a pilot study to evaluate the feasibility and practicality of the proposed program. We use this methodology to analyze the symbolic meanings that local organizations attribute to the program with the goal of predicting their response to this program. Thus, the relocation plan serves as a template on which to develop and test the IPA‐informed evaluative methodology, which is applicable to other cases.  相似文献   

The British military have embarked on a comprehensive process of transformation towards a network-enabled, effects-orientated, and expeditionary force posture. This has involved developing brand new military doctrine, organizational concepts, and technology. The US military are also transforming, and American military ideas about network-centric and effects-based warfare have influenced the British military. But the British have not simply aped their US ally. Rather, British military transformation has followed a different path. Hence, this article proposes a dynamic model of military innovation involving two international drivers: new operational challenges and military emulation; and three national shapers: resource constraints, domestic politics and military culture. This model is then applied to a detailed empirical analysis of the process and progress of British military transformation.  相似文献   


The application of wireless communications to the conduct of military operations was one of the transformational technologies of the 20th century. In the UK, despite this importance, it is a topic that has received relatively little attention from historians of technology and industrial archaeologists. This article briefly reviews the development of military communications technology and its archaeological and architectural legacies.  相似文献   

This paper compares the initial efforts at military reform in China and Japan in the late nineteenth century. Changes in military organization and training are situated within a global process of military transformation represented by changes in the structure of the Prussian army. The Prussian staff system and planning program were imported into both Japan and China, but with quite different results. The paper contrasts centralization and standardization as typified by the new Japanese army with the decentered approaches in China. The paper argues that although there was substantive change in China, the Qing state was unable to impose a uniform plan for military Westernization. As a result, the new armies were never integrated into a common organization capable of defending the state from external aggression.  相似文献   

经过半个多世纪的潜心发展,日本已成为名副其实的“世界军事大国”。日本积极扩充军事实力,努力发展核武技术,不断强化日美军事同盟关系,在“半遮半掩”中,已在“世界军事大国”的危险道路上越滑越远。这不能不引起亚洲邻国和国际社会的高度警惕。  相似文献   

20世纪 90年代以来 ,江泽民根据国际形势的新变化 ,敏锐洞察科学技术在当代综合国力竞争中的决定性作用 ,科学分析两极格局解体后的新形势 ,指明现代国际间的竞争说到底是综合国力的竞争 ,关键是科学技术的竞争 ;他根据世界军事发展新形势 ,适时提出“两个转变” ,把抢占军事制高点作为我军质量建设的重要战略目标 ;江泽民高度重视国防高科技创新 ,强调要尽快掌握维护国家主权和安全所需要的新的“杀手锏” ;他阐明科技强军关键在人才 ,提出建设一支富有创新能力的高素质人才队伍  相似文献   

For the last two decades the US has pursued what some analysts have called the ‘fantastical idea’ of military transformation that would enable the US to change the very nature of war. Known as the ‘revolution in military affairs’, this process would use technology to provide the US with battlefield dominance that no opponent could overcome. Motivated by the politics of the Cold War, however, this exit from reality has proved less than effective in what has become known as the ‘war on terror’. The US has been pulled into nasty, ‘small’ wars, against enemies utilizing asymmetric tactics. The Bush administration has tried to destroy these groups through the use of military force, failing, or even worse refusing, to recognize that these enemies feed off the economical, political and social rot of weak and failing states. For the last eight years the US government has addressed the symptoms of a problem rather than the actual disease. If America wants to make serious progress with the most pressing national security risks, the next American president must enact a revolution in foreign affairs that sees a massive overhaul and substantial investment in the State Department and USAID. A critical mass of research exists to illustrate the links between development and security—it is time Washington gets serious and embraces a conception of security that is more holistic, and ultimately, more effective.  相似文献   

以江泽民为核心的党中央和中央军委及时把握军事领域的新变化 ,做出了实施科技强军战略推进军队质量建设的重大决策。人民解放军按照“两个根本性转变”的要求 ,坚定不移地贯彻科技强军战略 ,全面加强以现代化为中心的各项建设 :依靠科技进步 ,加快武器装备研制步伐 ;掀起科技练兵高潮 ,创新作战理论 ;继续裁减军队员额 ,优化组织结构 ;深化后勤体制改革 ,提高保障能力 ;着眼未来战争需要 ,培养高素质新型军事人才。我军质量建设提高到新的历史高度 ,在现代条件下防卫作战能力进一步增强  相似文献   

陈赓是新中国第一所军事工程学院的建院元勋,其工作在当代中国军事工程技术教育史上是开创性的.新中国国防建设的需要及抗美援朝战争后的深刻启示是陈赓军事技术教育思想产生的历史背景.陈赓的军事工程技术教育思想主要包括军事工程技术教育是国防现代化的基础的思想与实践,围绕培养具备综合素质的军事工程技术人才实行全过程质量控制的思想,"善之本在教,教之本在师"的思想,以及以服务教学为宗旨的行政管理思想等.陈赓的军事工程技术教育思想与实践取得了辉煌成就,并在此过程中形成了影响深远的"哈军工"优良传统.  相似文献   

五四新化运动后,科学主义、科技兴国的思想在中国渐为流传,但如何付诸实践,这是一个尚待探索的问题。20世纪二三十年代,晏阳初先生在定县进行的平民教育运动体现了他利用科学技术改造中国农村的志向、总体构想和实践,真正体现了“五四”之后中国知识分子开始把国外先进的科学技术应用于农村的开拓精神。我们选择了猪种改良这个角度,考察平教会是如何踏踏实实地进行科技下乡、改造农村落后面貌的。我们认为,晏阳初的这一思想和实践具有重要的历史价值。  相似文献   

The published analyses of Roman military copper‐alloy metalwork from Masada are complimented by additional ICP‐AES analyses of material from Gamla enabling further discussion of alloying trends and presenting new insights into the organization of the Roman military and the cultural specificity of brass technology.  相似文献   


Byzantine military technology remains to be examined thoroughly, despite its importance in demonstrating the Byzantines' ability to absorb ideas and practices from areas outside the Empire as well as developing their own traditions. This article examines arms and armour from the mid-sixth century to the end of the tenth century and puts the military panoply into a wider context, that of the development of offensive and defensive military equipment in Europe and the lands to the north and east of the Empire. Finally, it examines the relationship between military affairs and the economic and political situation of the Empire and attempts to account for the use of particular weapons and methods of equipping the soldiers at particular times.  相似文献   

中共十三届四中全会以来军队和国防建设发展历程及经验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国共产党十三届四中全会以来,第三代中央领导集体科学地分析了国际国内形势,确立了我国军队建设的指导思想是“政治合格、军事过硬、作风优良、纪律严明、保障有力”。1995年以来,中央军委进一步提出要坚持党对军队的绝对领导,始终把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位;实施科技强军战略,走有中国特色的精兵之路;坚持依法从严治军,加强部队管理;把军队和国防建设纳入国家总体战略,使之协调发展;依靠人民建设国防,做好新时期战争动员准备。这些方针政策的实施,使我国军队和国防建设实现了历史性的跨越。  相似文献   

Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa appear as the top three Canadian scientific and technological centres. R&D divisions of private or public industrial corporations, governmental laboratories, universities, and higher education institutions play a great part in the formation and development of these technology-oriented complexes. Key technology industries are strongly operative; however, traditional industrial sectors (e.g., wood, pulp and paper, energy, food products) are also innovative, particularly in Montreal and Toronto. In every centre, the innovation process presents some distinctive characteristics. What with the laboratories of federal ministries and agencies, and the R&D plants of technologically advancedlarge corporations, Ottawa distinguishes itself by telecommunications, electronics instruments, and defence systems. Aeronautic and spatial industries form the largest scope of innovation processes in Montreal, although R&D in energy, pulp and paper, and transportation equipments are also important activities. In Toronto, the higher-level innovation functions are concentrated in several industrial sectors: electronics (more particularly computer and software development), aeronautic, chemical and pharmaceutical goods, energy, food products and automobile parts. Input-output linkages are limited between these three technology-oriented complexes. Only a few Canadian industrial corporations have separate R&D plants located in two cities, and more rarely, three. Federal laboratories are especially concentrated in Ottawa, and provincial R&D centres in Toronto and Montreal. On the contrary, more important linkages exist between each complex and its foreign counterparts, or within each complex, thanks to large, highly skilled labour markers, and spin-off and subcontracting activities. Toronto, Montréal et Ottawa représentent les trois pôles majeurs de ?on; innovation scientifique et technologique au Canada. Grâce a de nombreuses unités de R&D industrielle, aux laboratoirés des gouvernements feadéral et provinciaux, aux universityés'y sont développés de grands complexes dans lesquels les activités de haute technologie jouent un rôle moteur. Mais ne doit pas être négligée, du moins à Toronto et Montréal, la production ?on; innovations dans des secteurs traditionnels (bois, pâte et papier, énergie, agro-alimentaire). Chaque pôle ?on;innovation a sa propre histoire, ses structures particulieres. Ottawa se caracterise par le poids des laboratoires du gouvernement fédéral et ceux des centres de R&D de grandes compagnies travaillant plutôt dans les domaines des télécommunications, des instruments élctroniques et des systèmes de défense. À Montréal, domine le secteur aéronautique et spatial, mais les unités de R&D dans les domaines de ?on; énergie, des pâtes et papiers, du matériel de transport, notamment, occupent une place importante également. Cette variété se retrouve à Toronto o ?on; innovation se développe dans les industries electroniques (en particulier en in formatique), aéronautiques, chimiques et pharmaceutiques, les branches de ?on; énergie, de ?on; alimentaire ou de ?on; automobile. Entre ces grands complexes, les rapports apparaissent limités. Rares sont les entreprises ayant des centres distincts de R&D localisés dans chaque pôle. Les laboratoires du gouvernement féderal se situent essentiellement à Ottawa, et ceux des gouvernements provinciaux à Toronto et Montreal. Par contre, ? importantes interdépendances se manifestent entre chaque pôle et ?on; échelle internationale, et à?on; intérieur de chacun grâce à des marchés de ?on; emploi qualifyé importants, à?on; essaimage et à la sous-traitance. Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal: L'innovation par la recherche-developpement 257  相似文献   

The problem of feigned illness was a common one in the Civil War, afflicting both Northern and Southern military forces. The diagnostic approach of the Civil War doctor involved the initial dichotomous classification of each patient; he either suffered from physical illness (what today would be called an organic illness) or he purposely devised symptoms to avoid military service. The modern concept of the unconscious mind was totally absent from the diagnostic thinking of the Civil War physician.  相似文献   


The role of the military imperative in science is here examined. The historical drives of nation states to defend themselves, or to transmute defence into offence, have been a consistently compulsive and political factor since at least the European Renaissance. Here the manifold aspects of the military factor are reviewed, including the rare occasions when improved weapons technology was spurned, the drive for mass production of arms, chemical warfare, the economic and political power of the arms bazaar, export control of arms and finally the efforts to achieve disarmament.  相似文献   

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