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明清时期,湖南、贵州、广西等省区交界地带是尚未纳入王朝直接管辖之下的"生苗"聚居区,被称为"苗疆",属于明清王朝的"内在边疆"。明代中期以来,明廷在以湘西凤凰腊尔山为中心的苗疆地区设立卫所、营寨,修筑苗疆边墙,隔绝"生苗"和"熟苗",加强对内在边疆的控制。明嘉靖《麻阳图》和万历《楚边图说》表现并强化了"苗疆"的存在。清代苗疆内在地缘结构改变,黔东南、桂东北取代湘西成为"生苗"聚居中心,康熙、雍正初年的疆域图中绘有三块"生苗"空白区,标明了清王朝疆域内的"化外之地"和"内在边疆",反映了清王朝的"疆域观"和"族群观"。随着雍正朝经略西南、开拓苗疆和改土归流,清王朝国家权力的空白地带--"生苗"区域逐渐减少并被代之以正式的国家政区,作为"内在边疆"的苗疆最终消失于清王朝的版图之中。疆域图生动表现了清王朝统一的深化和国家的内在拓展。  相似文献   

雍正三年,台湾县知县周钟蠧被控贪污,由于牵涉到闽台财政改革的大背景,此案引起了雍正皇帝的高度关注,并演变为震动闽台官场的一桩大案,涉案人等都被卷入了皇权与地方官员博弈的大漩涡。案件的审理过程,伴随着闽台财政改革的全过程,从清查仓谷亏空,到耗羡归公和养廉银制度化的最终完成。透过考察周钟蠧案,闽台地区财政改革的过程得以完整呈现。在皇权的强势施压下,闽省官员提出的耗羡归公方案显得仓促而草率。  相似文献   

大高殿建于明嘉靖二十一年(1542年),是明代皇室、宫官婢女演练道教科仪的场所,也是明清两代皇帝祈祷上天、求雨祈晴的地方。清朝统治者采取儒、道、释并用的政策,注重对大高殿的利用,尤其是雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、道光、光绪等朝,屡次对其进行修缮,以备皇帝亲诣拈香。本文对清代的常修、大修及八国联军对大高殿的破坏等档案史料进行梳理,并进一步阐释了清王朝对之的使用和管理。  相似文献   

本文主要分析雍正年间“开辟苗疆”的商业经济影响。“苗疆”开辟后,打破了“生苗”地区的封闭状态,清水江和都柳江水运通道得以开通,形成了黔东南的交通网,依托“两江”的航运之利,黔东南木材贸易日趋繁荣;同时,清廷在黔东南置厅设卫,安插屯民,以及大量客民的流入,促使了农村场市的兴起;在与外界经济联系日益加强的背景下,一批商业城镇在“两江”沿岸兴起,初步构成黔东南地区的市场网络,共同推动了黔东南地区的商业化进程。  相似文献   

This article re-examines the formation of the Qing state and its nature from a global perspective. It underscores the key roles of geopolitical setting and fiscal constitution in shaping the course of frontier expeditions and territorial expansions, unlike past studies that have centered on the dynasty’s administrative institutions and the ruling elites’ ideologies or lifestyles to defend or question the thesis of “Sinicization” in Qing historiography. This study demonstrates the different motivations and varying strategies behind the Qing dynasty’s two waves of military conquests, which lasted until the 1750s, and explains how the Qing state’s peculiar geopolitical interests and the low-level equilibrium in its fiscal constitution shaped the “cycles” in its military operations and frontier building. The article ends by comparing the Qing with early modern European states and the Ottoman empire to discuss its vulnerability as well as resilience in the transition to modern sovereign statehood in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

从徽州文书看清末钱粮的私派陋规   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈支平 《安徽史学》2015,(1):115-118
清代后期,是国家的多事之秋。内忧外患加剧了国家财政的需求,而战乱的破坏又使农村的地丁钱粮失额严重,政府不得不在正额之上,施行诸多名目如亩捐、厘谷等的"附征",以及漕粮改折等勒折浮收的手段,来增加政府的财政收入。然而这些制度内的附征和改折,往往又成为地方官吏营私舞弊的重要途径。文章通过清代光绪年间徽州府歙县、黟县等地的钱粮案卷文书资料,对这一时期地方钱粮浮收的实际情景,作一个案性的细部考察,以便对清代后期钱粮浮收的实质,有一个更为全面和清晰的了解。  相似文献   


Interdisciplinary literary and historical studies of late Qing vernacular are rare, and the vernacular texts of the Sichuan Railway Protection Movement have been overlooked by academics. This paper focuses on this topic, arguing that the discursive strategies in such texts revolved around the movement's aim of “breaking the agreement and protecting the railway,” and primarily included discourses on constitutionalism, financial interests, patriotism, cultural order, and the late emperor, as well the ideas of “ridding the emperor of evil ministers,” borrowed from traditional Chinese political discourses, and “national subjugation,” within the context of the national crisis. None of these discourses were “anti-Manchu” or “revolutionary,” yet they were able to mobilize the people of Sichuan to devote themselves to the Railway Protection Movement, as well as attracting the “sympathetic understanding” of high-ranking Sichuan officials, such as Wang Renwen 王人文 and Zhao Erfeng 赵尔丰, thus lending discursive power to the railway protection camp in its game of political chess with the Qing court. Meanwhile, the government's weak discursive power was an important factor in the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty by the revolutionary tide triggered by the Sichuan Railway Protection Movement. The discursive strategies in vernacular texts on railway protection (including the particularly strategic discourse on the late emperor) spread, transformed, and were reborn to varying degrees over the course of history.  相似文献   

清朝官修《明史·仁宗诚孝张皇后传》所载的“杨士奇举三事”故事,实源于民间道听途说,后从私修野史辗转进入官修正史。不可否认的是,它作为一种历史文本长期存在,当有其流行之合理性。根据《野记》所载故事内容,可以考证出其创作时间的下限为天顺五年。故事产生、流传之初,恰逢天顺朝面临着是否仿效永乐朝施行“革除”的问题。明代中后期,故事作为一个“事件”与其他真实发生过的历史事件结合,甚至发生文本互动,并在《名山藏》中建立起事件进展的基本链条。清代官修正史的过程中,明史馆馆臣又在事件链条的基础上对故事的若干破绽进行了修补弥缝。“杨士奇举三事”故事之衍生史,可为今人对历史文本形成的微观过程的反思提供典型案例与思想资源。  相似文献   

明永乐十一年(1413年),置贵州布政司,下设八府,而黔东原有卫所仍属湖广,由此造成两省边境府卫交错的局面。此后,因管理不便,历任督抚先后奏请改制,但因朝廷有意以"犬牙相制"的策略控制地方,故终有明一代而未改。清初,随着经营西南的深入,朝廷遂大行地方改制。本文以黎平府与五开卫为中心,叙述明清时期黔楚边境纠纷的基本过程,分析地方行政建置背后所蕴含的诸多复杂因素,以及此过程对日后贵州人文社会发展的深远影响。  相似文献   

鄂尔泰的西南治理对象,除了少数民族土司与普通民众外,还有一个特殊群体——“汉奸”。由于“汉奸”既威胁到清政府在西南地区的统治深入,也暴露了西南地区特别是贵州地区吏治的松弛,鄂尔泰在雍正帝的支持下对其进行了两次集中打击。同时,鄂尔泰企图通过实行“民族隔离”政策,在贵州苗疆地区杜绝“汉奸”的进入,但是这种极端做法不仅没有消灭“汉奸”。而且影响了民族之间的正常交往。  相似文献   

The Qingshuijiang Documents, a collection of private documents written in Chinese, date from as early as the period in which the Qing government began developing the Miao frontier; these documents first appeared on the middle and lower reaches of the Qingshuijiang River and have remained there ever since. The Qing’s efforts to open new frontiers during the Yongzheng reign led to economic and social changes in the Qingshuijiang River valley in southeast Guizhou. These changes centered on the growth of forestry, ranging from planting and cutting trees to shipping and trading in timber. The Qingshuijiang Documents are original records of this historical process and a live reflection of it. Once widely kept in private hands, these documents are valuable not only for research on regional cultural change since the Qing, but also for formulating new perspectives and exploring methods for the study of private historical documents.  相似文献   

This article studies the relationship between local society and social change in rural north China from the late Qing dynasty to the People’s Republic of China period through the activity of “Zhuo huanggui” (literally, “Catching the Yellow Ghost”). “Catching the Yellow Ghost” is a ritual activity in Guyi village, Wu’an county, Hebei province. According to villagers there, “Catching the Yellow Ghost” has been celebrated since the late Qing dynasty. However, due to political pressures in the 1950s, it was not until the 1980s that “Catching the Yellow Ghost” began to be revitalized. Since that time, “Catching the Yellow Ghost” has gained rapid popularity and fame in north China. Through the lens of the “Catching the Yellow Ghost” ritual, this article explores social transformation in China from the late 19th to the early 21st century. By analyzing the continuity and discontinuity of “Catching the Yellow Ghost,” this article offers a new understanding of the relationship between local society and social change in rural north China.  相似文献   

贾玉英 《史学月刊》2004,(11):26-31
唐前期的地方监察体制由御史和诸道使臣组成,属于朝廷派出性质的单一型监察体制。安史之乱以后,伴随赋役制度的改革,出使郎官、转运使、巡院等新的监察体系出现,我国封建社会地方监察体制开始向固定型、多元化、多层面变革,宋代完成了这一变革。元、明、清各朝基本延续和发展了宋代多元化、多层面的地方监察体制。由此而论,唐宋地方监察体制变革是我国封建社会地方监察制度前后两期的分界线。  相似文献   

贵州省博物馆珍藏的“尘定轩”斗彩山水人物盖碗,是皇家赐予清代黔籍名宦石赞清的一件御瓷。本文通过对斗彩瓷发展史的介绍,以及这件后朝仿前朝型制瓷器的价值评述,说明它是反映清代道光时期景德镇御窑瓷器生产状况的一件难得的实物佐证。  相似文献   

南宋时,圣政修纂完毕后,须进呈皇帝和太上皇。在进呈过程中,宋廷制定了一套庄严肃穆而又极其烦琐的仪式。进呈皇帝之仪在皇帝和大臣处理日常政务的垂拱殿中完成。进呈给太上皇帝之仪在太上皇帝居所完成。在迎奉圣政和皇帝赴太上皇帝居所的环节中,秘书省道山堂和祥曦殿成为与进呈仪式紧密相关的空间。圣政的进呈仪式是由太上皇帝、皇帝、臣僚面向公众共同完成的两场表演,这种可视化表演具有浓厚的象征意义:对皇帝而言,是向天下臣民宣示自己总结和继承先朝的政治遗产,开启本朝的治道,并且以自身的实践教化臣民,传递"孝"的理念,倡导"孝";对臣僚而言,通过仪式表演,表达了他们致君"贤能"的愿望。圣政这种史籍的进书仪式为我们考察南宋官修史籍进书仪式提供了一个典型案例。  相似文献   

A millennium ago in Northern Song (960–1127) China, Emperor Huizong initiated the “Eight Virtues of Conduct” in order to recruit morally upright officials. In place of the candidates’ skills in literary composition and understanding of the Confucian classics, this scheme adopted candidates’ moral virtues as their major criterion of selection. This paper analyzes how this scheme was implemented. It also shows that the rejection of certain genuinely virtuous nominees and the recruitment of some candidates who had exhibited objectionable conduct somehow compromised the emperor’s ideal. This analysis is followed by a discussion of the political and social implications of the scheme. Instead of perceiving this promotion channel as a means for Huizong and Chief Councilor Cai Jing to eliminate dissidents and install ideological conformity, the author argues that the scheme was an initiative of the emperor to counter the chief councilor’s dominance and alleviate factional conflicts. The final section examines the extent to which this scheme facilitated social mobility in the Song dynasty.  相似文献   

This article introduces the “communications liaison” (titang guan)—an official category little acknowledged in past scholarship on the late imperial Chinese state. Communications liaisons stationed at garrisons and administrative seats compiled intelligence and news reports for supervising officials in distant locations. In Beijing, capital liaisons compiled documents into court gazettes and supervised the distribution of documents, seals of office, and imperial gifts to the provinces. Besides these responsibilities, capital liaisons acquired reputations for following personal and patronage agendas that undermined the integrity of the bureaucratic state. Longstanding financial and administrative inconsistencies within the Qing bureaucracy induced liaisons to misbehave. Still, characterizations of liaison malfeasance transformed over the course of the dynasty due to institutional developments including the implementation of new communications systems, the standardization of provincial administrations, and the expansion of office sales. Whereas liaisons in the early and mid-Qing periods were parties to political exchanges among the bureaucratic elite, by the dynasty’s waning years, liaisons provided services for the larger population of bureaucratic personnel. The liaisons’ transformation from spies into postmen, as seen through the eyes of official critics, offers an opportunity to evaluate the impact of major changes in the Qing bureaucracy upon some of its least known officeholders.  相似文献   


Qianhai, the early Qing order that forced people in southeast coast to evacuate the coast to a distance of ten to eighteen miles inland in order to eliminate anti-Qing activities, is an excellent topic through which to examine the formation of the border in Han local society. The development of regional studies during the past 20 years encourages us to both refine our local case studies and map the wider picture. The story of social transformation in Zhangpu County during the Ming-Qing transition provides a perfect case to discuss how the coastal evacuation policy was implemented in local society. It can also promote our understanding of multiple histories. First, the lineage story of the coastal evacuation can be described in greater detail. Even in a single county, there was no standard evacuation distance. Local officials relied on mountainous terrain and existing forts and fortified villages to form a line of defense that determined the scope of the evacuation. Second, the social landscape in the communities of the county demonstrates the rise and decline of local power structures. Many of the most influential and deep-rooted lineages were badly weakened by the time they returned home after the evacuation order was rescinded. On the basis of the ebb and flow of local elites, the Qing state began to regulate households more closely, and state power thus penetrated to the local level. The household registers of Zhangpu were established based on the specific historical context of the county, but the process shared with the rest of the southeastern coastal region a pattern whereby pacification and local Defense shaped state penetration. Even in a supposedly “traditional” Han region, the empire needed to handle the problems of the border and social complexity, just as it did in “non-Han” areas. This illustrates the process of late imperial state formation in practice.  相似文献   

元明时期新开辟的从湖广经贵州通往云南的"东路"驿道,不仅是维系内地与西南边陲往来的主要交通命脉,并且也直接影响了明清时期西南边疆地区政治版图的变化。本文首次提出了"古苗疆走廊"这一概念,初步探讨了这条走廊对贵州省的建省、明清时代"苗疆"地区的"国家化"过程以及民族关系等所带来的影响,并对"古苗疆走廊"的地域及族群文化的特点等进行了初步整理和分析。就今后推进"古苗疆走廊"作为"世界文化线路遗产"申报的可能性问题,也提出了初步的看法。  相似文献   

According to Yue Fei’s biography, when the legendary general was slandered and interrogated for treason, he tore the shirt off his body, exposing four characters tattooed on his back: “Exhaust one’s loyalty in service of the state.” This study looks at two components of the Yue Fei story—patriotic tattoos, and tattooed generals—and examines their meaning in the broader stretch of Song dynasty history. Yue Fei was not the Song dynasty’s only tattooed general who came to a tragic end. The Northern Song’s Di Qing was a tattooed soldier whose military merit allowed him to rise to the highest levels of power in the empire. Di Qing’s story makes it clear that tattooed generals were objects of suspicion and ridicule at court due to their military tattoos, a trait that linked them to the criminals and lower class men that manned the Song armies. Though military tattoos sometimes had a loyalist ring to them, they were carried out on a mass scale, and were a characteristic of coercion rather than fervent loyalism. This study shows that underneath the nationalist historical narrative of the Song dynasty, of which Yue Fei is a famous example, there lies a different story of social conflict within the Song state. Rather than a story of Chinese fighting non-Chinese and of traitorous and cowardly officials struggling with loyal patriots, this study offers a narrative of a social conflict between high-born clear-skinned officials and low-born tattooed military men.  相似文献   

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