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正自民国以降,黔军一直是西南军阀中的重要力量,期间经历了兴义系、新兴义系、桐梓系几个军阀统治时期。严格地说,到1937年抗战全面爆发时,纯粹意义上的"黔军"已经不存在。早在1935年,蒋介石借"追剿"红军之由让中央势力渗透贵州,将"末代贵州王"王家烈免去贵州省主席及第二十五军军长之职时,贵州军阀统治时代就宣告终结,原有的黔军也相继被改编和调离。但另一方面,由于黔系军队刚进行  相似文献   

正在中华民族艰苦卓绝的14年卫国战争在中华民族艰苦卓绝的年卫国战争里,黔籍黄埔军人以自己的血肉之躯,阻挡、迟滞了装备、训练均优越的日本侵略军。自1937年抗战全面爆发至1945年日本投降,1937年日本投降,抗战中的每一个战场上都活跃着黔籍黄埔军人们的身影,他们以鲜血和生命实现了"以血洒花,以校作家"的誓言。抗日战场上,黄埔生在各自的部队中发挥骁勇善战的特长,与凶残的日军浴血奋战,为近代以来中国取得第一次完全胜利的民族解放战争作出了巨大贡献。在纪念黄埔军校创建90周年之际,就贵州籍黄埔军人的参战经历作一点初步介绍。  相似文献   

八年抗战中,350万川军出川抗战,其中64万多人伤亡。川军参战人数之多、牺牲之惨烈,居全国之首。八年抗战中,四川还提供了全中国近三分之一的财政粮赋……四川人民这段英勇悲壮的岁月,是四川有史以来最光辉灿烂的一段历史。无名英雄铜像曾经远去笔者小时家住成都东门,城门洞外有座巍然矗立的"川军抗日将士阵亡纪念碑",但市民通常称为"无名英雄铜像"。铜像造型是一国民革命军人,着短裤、绑腿、草鞋,手握步枪,身背大刀、斗笠、背包,俯身跨步仰视前  相似文献   

正经过四渡赤水战役,红军从被动变为主动。进占遵义后,蒋介石急忙命薛岳等部以重兵向黔北地区进逼。红军分三路向赤水、土城地区开进,准备北渡长江。蒋介石命令战斗力较强的川军以重兵封锁长江,并进入赤水、习水、土城地区阻击红军。川军的武器装备和战斗力都比黔军强得多,战局的发展对红军越来越  相似文献   

一、从“川军”入黔到“黔军”崛起 上世纪80年代中期,像其他的大中城市一样,山城贵阳遭遇了外来打工的农民大军,不过百十来万人口的城市,很快就被塞得满满的。操一口川音的四川人,拿着扁担挑着箩筐,浩浩荡荡穿行在大街小巷,一路吆喝着,挖泥巴、盖房子、掏厕所、爬梯子、拉板车,五花八门,是活就干;既不挑肥拣瘦,也不漫天要价。很快,贵阳城里上至身价百万的富翁,下至收入几百元的市民家里,所有的重活、脏活、累活、苦活都让他们垄断了。贵阳人给这些打工的农民起了个雅号:“川军”。在四川和重庆本土,他们的另一个称谓:“棒棒军”。  相似文献   

川军抗战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈宝国主演的《正者无敌》(《大敌当前》)热播,再一次提及了一段史事——川军抗战。前几个月看张丰毅主演的《雾都》时,就已经热血沸腾过一次,川军抗战给了我们深刻的印象。其实说起来惭愧,专门学了多年历史,又教了多年历史,正史野史翻看过不少,但始终没能正规接触到"川军"这个词汇.  相似文献   

抗战前线召回主持政局王缵绪.字治易,1885年5月9日出生于四川西充县。“七七事变”后,川军将领纷纷要求率部出川抗日。刘湘召集部属组建了第一批川军出JIl抗日作战部队:第22、23两个集团军,王缵绪率领的第44军编入第23集团军。  相似文献   

1939年,最后一支出川抗日的川军部队——第八十八军也雄赳赳地奔向抗日前线,这支部队的军长便是川军中颇有名气的范绍曾,也是电视连续剧《哈儿司令》的原型人物。范绍曾,字海廷,外号“范哈儿”,四川大竹人,他长得肥头大耳,憨态可掬,整天眯着个眼,显得傻呼呼的。他原是袍哥出身的绿林,被招安后,当了个师长,1927年随杨森投了北伐军。在四川军阀混战中,他又投靠蒋介石,得到蒋的青睐和器重。武汉失陷后,蒋给他一个军的番号,委任其为八十八军军长,令其出川抗战。  相似文献   

从苟坝会议到四渡赤水——红军长征之九   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石仲泉 《百年潮》2004,(2):62-66
中央红军二渡赤水后,即向敌人兵力空虚的桐梓地区急进.红军回师黔北成功,打乱了敌军部署.川军慌忙由扎西调头向东追击,黔军急冲冲地抽调部队向娄山关、桐梓增援,中央军由黔西、贵阳向遵义开进,企图阻止并围歼红军于娄山关、遵义一带.  相似文献   

王建堂(1912—1992年),字家林,四川安县(今北川县曲山镇)人.抗战时在国民革命军第二十九集团军(川军)第四十四军中先后担任过排长、副官、连长、司令部参谋、副营长等职,并数次担任敢死队队长.先后参加大小战役数十次,负伤4次,多次立功授勋,因背负"死字旗"英勇抗日而名震天下.  相似文献   

In this paper the contribution of Robert R. Palmer to the now booming Atlantic history is put into perspective. It describes the main features of the political and historiographical context that inspired the writing of his book, The Age of the Democratic Revolution in the early 1950s (first volume published in 1959, second volume in 1964). It also argues that the war experience Palmer had in the historical section of the Army Ground Forces has been important in reviving the interest for the transatlantic dimension in modern history that was central in his PhD dissertation. This paper shows how the liberal-tocquevillian approach that Palmer adopted to explain the multiple revolutions that shook North America and Europe in the last quarter of the 18th century earned him the attacks of the Marxist historians. In its last part this paper makes use of private letters to claim that in the 1970s and 1980s the Italian historian Franco Venturi revived the scholarly interest in Palmer's perspective despite methodological differences between his Settecento riformatore and Palmer's analysis. Settecento riformatore and The Age of the Democratic Revolution have contributed to the interest in a transatlantic approach to 18th-century history that is now pursued under the heading of “entangled histories”.  相似文献   

本文系作者根据对汉军旗萨满掌坛人张宗华进行了采访,写出了汉军旗张氏萨满的近几代传人为学习萨满情况,苦练特技,以及作者对张氏萨满祭祀中的特技表演谈了几点体会.  相似文献   

谱单形制问题研究是满族谱牒研究中不可缺少的一部分内容,本文根据不同的划分标准,主要对满族汉军旗谱单形制进行一下分类及阐述,并提出研究谱牒形制问题是我们进行家族史研究的一项重要内容.  相似文献   

A previously outlined paradigm for laying out Roman camps was used to fit particular auxiliary units to certain small camps. A spreadsheet for estimating the numbers of cavalry and infantry within camps is described and illustrated by reference to the putative camps of a two-legion army group, a one-legion group and two subdivisions of a legionary army group. The same paradigm with different constants applied to forts and legionary fortresses with, on average, the intervallum 1/16th of the sq. root of the area it enclosed in the fort and 1/32nd in the fortress. In the forts of both auxiliary units and legionary vexillations, each notional cohort (480 infantry or 240 cavalry) was almost certainly intended to have eight actus quadrati (a.q.) within the intervallum. This allowed the forts later to contain larger auxiliary units. Dividing a fort's acreage by 3.25 indicates the number of notional cohorts for which it was probably first made. The vexillation fort at Longthorpe was probably intended for half a legion and the reduced fort built for two auxiliary units. In legionary fortresses each notional cohort had 12 a.q. The paradigm applied to the Heidenheim fort suggested that an ala milliaria comprised 24 turmae of 42 men. The fortress at York was probably first built as a legionary fort.  相似文献   

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