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A large, fossilised crocodilian metatarsal has been recovered from the Pliocene Bluff Downs Local Fauna exhibiting proliferative bone growth consistent with an episode of osteoperiostitis, possibly resulting from trauma. The nature and location of this trauma suggests that it may have occurred as a result of intraspecific aggression between rival animals. Three crocodilian genera have been recovered from the Bluff Downs Fauna, Crocodylus, Quinkana and Pallimnarchus. The metatarsal does not conform to Crocodylus porosus and therefore most probably represents one of the other two known crocodilian taxa. The nature of the injury suggests that it occurred in water and it may belong to the now extinct Plio-Pleistocene Pallimnarchus rather than Quinkana babarra which is interpreted as being predominantly terrestrial.  相似文献   

We present the palaeopathological analysis of a right fourth metatarsal (ATD6‐124) recovered from the Atapuerca–Gran Dolina site (Spain). This fossil, ca. 1 Ma, belongs to Homo antecessor, the earliest known European hominin species. The metatarsal exhibits a proliferative lesion on its medial periosteal surface. Periosteal reaction can be the bone response to a wide number of injurious processes. We describe a lesion on the basis of macroscopic and microscopic analyses, including microtomography and scanning electron microscopy. Externally, the osteoblastic lesion presents a highly porotic and disorganised morphology. Internally, we observe a series of micro‐fractures on the compact bone that do not affect the medullary canal. We provide a differential diagnosis and suggest that the ATD6‐124 lesion could correspond to a pedal stress fracture, also known as fatigue or march fracture. Stress fractures have been related to a load increase and muscular fatigue. This type of fracture has been widely reported in the foot of soldiers and athletes, which are usually engaged in strenuous, excessive or prolonged locomotive activities. Despite its high frequency in these groups, stress fractures have not been reported as such in fossil collections, with the exception of a metatarsal belonging to the Sima de los Huesos site (Atapuerca). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

General surveys of skeletal collections from Arizona for evidence of trauma and pathology led to the identification of polydactyly in two subadults. Polydactyly is a congenital condition characterised by the presence of extra digits on the hands or feet. Both affected subadults exhibit a sixth digit in the form of a branching fifth metatarsal. One of the affected individuals is an infant from the Tapia del Cerrito site exhibiting Y‐shaped fifth metatarsals indicative of postaxial type A polydactyly. The second individual is a juvenile from the Nuvakwewtaqa (Chavez Pass Ruin) site exhibiting a left fifth metatarsal with a lateral branch, also diagnosed as postaxial type A polydactyly. These two cases appear to be the first examples of polydactyly from archaeological contexts identified among subadults, and bring the total number of known cases from the American Southwest to six. Discovery of so many examples of this relatively rare condition amongst the Puebloan people of the Southwest adds to the evidence that, rather than simply being an artistic motif, rock art depictions featuring hands and feet with six digits were probably inspired by observation of the condition amongst living people. Furthermore, burial treatment of the Tapia del Cerrito infant suggests that polydactyly may have conferred a special status on the bearer. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical monitoring of a basalt‐hosted aquifer, which contains Ice Age meteoric water and is situated at 1220 m below sea level in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, northern Iceland, has been ongoing since July 2002. Based on hydrogeochemical changes following an earthquake of magnitude (Mw) 5.8 on 16 September 2002, we constrained the timescales of post‐seismic fault sealing and water–rock interaction. We interpret that the earthquake ruptured a hydrological barrier, permitting a rapid influx of chemically and isotopically distinct Ice Age meteoric water from a second aquifer. During the two subsequent years, we monitored a chemical and isotopic recovery towards pre‐earthquake aquifer compositions, which we interpret to have been mainly facilitated by fault‐sealing processes. This recovery was interrupted in November 2004 by a second rupturing event, which was probably induced by two minor earthquakes and which reopened the pathway to the second aquifer. We conclude that the timescale of fault sealing was approximately 2 years and that the approach to isotopic equilibrium (from global meteoric water line) was approximately 18% after >104 years.  相似文献   

Occipitalization of the atlas was observed in two adult female skeletons from the Greek colonial site of Apollonia Pontica (5th to 3rd centuries BC), located on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Representing a rare congenital anomaly of the atlanto‐occipital junction, this condition has been documented in very few skeletal remains from Classical antiquity. Postmortem damage to one of the specimens prevented an evaluation of its clinical significance. The dimensions of the second specimen, however, suggest that the affected individual may have experienced some neurological symptoms associated with her condition. The burial of the two females in close proximity to one another raises the possibility that they may have been biologically related. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bulk δ13C values on charred cooking residues adhering to pottery sherd interior surfaces have been used as a source of information on the histories of maize in various locations in the western hemisphere. This approach is based on an assumption of a linear relationship between the percent maize in the resource mix cooked in a pot and δ13C. Previous experiments suggest that this relationship is non-linear, and maize may not be identified from bulk δ13C values even when it contributed substantially to the resource mix. A second round of experiments, presented here, indicates that the mobilization of carbon from maize and C3 resources over time is the critical variable in residue formation and the resulting bulk δ13C value. This is influenced by the form of maize being cooked.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon 14C is a cosmogenic isotope, which is most extensively used by scientists from a wide variety of fields. Its rate of generation in the atmosphere depends on solar modulation and thus, studying 14C concentration in natural archives, one can reconstruct solar activity level in the past. The paper shows results of box-model calculations of generation of the 14C isotope in the atmosphere and its relative abundance during the time interval 1389–1800 AD, taking into account influence of changing climate. This interval includes the deep minimum of solar activity and period of significant change in atmospheric concentration of CO2 and global temperature. The performed analysis showed that concentration of 14C in the atmosphere reflects not only variations of the galactic cosmic rays intensity but as well changes of temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration. It is shown that the decrease in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere during 1550–1600 can be connected with absorption of CO2 by the ocean surface layer. Thus, taking into account the climatic changes is an important condition for the reconstruction of solar activity in the past using data based on cosmogenic isotopes.  相似文献   

A large sample of human bones from a series of archaeological sites in the south‐eastern Iberian Peninsula was selected for δ13C and δ15N stable isotope analysis. Except for some contrast samples, the remains date from the first half of the second millennium cal BC and are ascribed to the Argar Culture, which developed during the Bronze Age in south‐eastern Iberia. Most authors have considered that this region reached a high degree of social hierarchical organization at this time, as demonstrated by the funerary record, both with regard to the grave goods and to the evidence of physical effort and diseases on the human remains. Results of the isotope analysis revealed the existence of differences among the settlements studied, as well as differences over time within every settlement and among the various individuals tested. Some variances can be assigned to social classes/status and others are linked to chronological factors. In particular, changes in δ13C can be explained by the increasing aridity of the first half of the second millennium cal BC, although other causes can be put forward too.  相似文献   

This paper introduces improved methods for statistically assessing birth seasonality and intra‐annual variation in δ18O from faunal tooth enamel. The first method estimates input parameters for use with a previously developed parametric approach by C. Tornero et al. The second method uses a non‐parametric clustering procedure to group individuals with similar time‐series data and estimate birth seasonality. This method was successful in analysing data from a modern sample with known season of birth, as well as two heterogeneous archaeological data sets. Modelling indicates that the non‐parametric approach estimates birth seasonality more successfully than the parametric method when less of the tooth row is preserved. The new approach offers a high level of statistical rigour and flexibility in dealing with the time‐series data produced through intra‐individual sampling in isotopic analysis.  相似文献   

Here we report δ13C and δ15N measurements of serial sections of human deciduous and permanent tooth dentine from archaeological samples taken from the medieval village site of Wharram Percy, Yorkshire, UK. We found a pattern of enrichment, for both δ13C and δ15N, where the tooth crown was greater than the cervical part of the root, which in turn was greater than the apical portion of the root and the associated rib collagen values. This pattern reflects a decrease in the consumption of isotopically enriched breast milk and the introduction of less enriched weaning foods in the diet. The (mean±SD) difference between the deciduous second molar crowns and corresponding rib samples from the same individuals after 2 years of age was 1.2±0.4‰ for δ13C and 3.2±0.8‰ for δ15N. The δ15N values are as predicted, but as there were no C4plants at Wharram Percy, this 1.2‰ enrichment in δ13C represents clear evidence of a carbon trophic level effect in collagen from breastfeeding infants. Carbon and nitrogen results also show that the infant diet among those who died in infancy did not differ from those who survived into childhood. This study demonstrates the promise of using dentine serial sections to study the temporal relationships of breastfeeding, weaning, and dietary patterns of single individuals.  相似文献   

Apical periodontal cysts are benign lesions developing in relation to the apices of non‐vital teeth due to inflammatory response from the infective pulp. These are epithelium‐lined bony cavities containing fluid. Despite being widely reported in medical/dental literature, this common condition is poorly diagnosed and documented in the archaeological literature. We aim to clarify the correct terminology, demonstrate bony manifestations at different stages of pathogenesis of chronic periapical dental lesions into granuloma and apical periodontal cysts, and to describe diagnostic criteria which would provide practical guidelines for the diagnosis of these conditions. Three identified skulls from the International Exchange Collection, housed in the Anthropological Museum at the University of Coimbra, are used to identify the progression of this condition from a small periapical granuloma to a large apical periodontal cyst with expansion of alveolar and facial bones. The pathogenesis of this condition is described, together with its surgical management in the early 20th century in Portugal, which is the period in which these individuals lived. Confusion resulting from the different terminologies can be avoided if the term periapical granuloma is used to define apical bony lesions smaller than 3 mm at their maximum intra‐bony diameter, and the term apical periodontal cysts for the larger lesions. We recommend that these terminologies and parameters be used as a standard in future studies. This will make inter‐observer and inter‐population comparisons more accurate. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A small pit in the articular surfaces of the third tarsometatarsal joint has been noted with particularly high frequency in North American Indians. This pit varies in depth, and covers most of the inferior third of the articular surfaces of the third metatarsal and the lateral cuneiform; it is accompanied by remodelling of the inferior surfaces of the bones involved. In the present study, patterns of occurrence are examined in a prehistoric skeletal population from west-central Illinois. This population is extremely well preserved, enabling a thorough examination of feet as well as hands for most individuals. The sample included 496 adults and juveniles above the age of 6 years. Of this total population, 18 per cent exhibit the variation, which occurs more frequently in females and is unrelated to size. Furthermore, 29 per cent of the individuals in which it occurs exhibit this variant only unilaterally, with no significant side differences. Various lesions, trauma and acquired or activity-related aetiologies are explored, as are the patterns of sex association, occurrence near an area of ligamentous attachment and lack of age and size association. It is hypothesized that a discrete genetic trait is represented in the third tarsometatarsal joint of this population in the form of an anomalous interosseous plantar ligament. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Osteoarchaeol., 7 : 124–132 (1997) No. of Figures: 3. No. of Tables: 2. No. of References: 26.  相似文献   

Saltpetre constitutes one of the major ingredients of gunpowder, which was a driving force during the political changes in late medieval to early modern times in Japan. Two types of model saltpetre mineralization are studied. One represents efflorescent saltpetre formed as the byproduct of indigo dye manufacture, whereas the second is anthropogenic, derived from relict nitre‐beds. Here, oxygen and nitrogen isotopic analysis, as expressed by δ18O and δ15N notations, is applied. The calculated δ18O values for ambient water, responsible for the microbial‐mediated oxidation of ammonium into oxygen in nitrates, tended to have higher ranges than average local meteoric waters of the relevant regions. An overall trend could be seen, showing the apparent positive nitrogen isotopic fractionation during the microbial transformation from initial organic nitrogen into nitrate product. Dual isotopic analysis for industrial nitrates provides a useful tool for investigation of the provenance of historic gunpowder. Present anthropogenic saltpetre involves positive control over temperature–moisture regimes and oxygen fugacity during formation, the process being distinctive from those prevailed in British India and other European countries.  相似文献   

Terrestrial reptile remains are very rare in the Lower Cretaceous of South Australia, but include the holotype of the small theropod Kakuru. Here, we review this taxon and other archosaur specimens collected from the Bulldog Shale (Aptian) of Andamooka and Coober Pedy. Kakuru possesses no unique characters or character state combinations and is regarded as a nomen dubium, representing an indeterminate tetanuran theropod. Two other specimens (a left metatarsal and astragalus) can be referred to Dinosauria, but the identity of several other specimens (phalanges and a centrum) can only be resolved to the level of an indeterminate archosaur.  相似文献   

In a seminal work on the evolutionary structure of wholesale trade published in 1970, Vance sharply attacked the mechanistic application of ahistorical central place concepts in efforts to explain the evolved form of urban systems in economically advanced regions. [1] As an endogenic model of highly localised tertiary interaction, Vance claims that central place theory is difficult to apply in old culture regions where the feudal inheritance provides some basis for cellular administrative organisation of small territories; moreover, as a paradigm for newly settled lands he sees it as historically inappropriate. [2] In regions such as North America, mercantilism forged powerful links between distant locations well before surrounding territory was well integrated in bureaucratic terms, and urban networks displaying central place characteristics arose only with later regional development and then only in selected areas of relative economic homogeneity. Thereafter, forces elaborating both mercantile and central place networks operated together, but central place systems always nestled within the larger-scale exogenous mercantile system.This reinterpretation of settlement history in new lands promises a fertile frame-work for understanding the complex historical layering of urban systems that still dominates their functional and locational structure. Vance's general proposition, however, needs evaluation in the light of empirical analyses of particular regions and time periods. This paper explores one aspect of transport provision (passenger service) in the American Midwest in the second half of the nineteenth century in an effort to assess the degree to which patterns of increasing spatial interaction and interdependency within the settlement system of the region can be interpreted in terms of Vance's mercantile model.  相似文献   

Osteological examination of a 9th–11th century skeleton from Black Gate Cemetery, Newcastle‐upon‐Tyne, reveals Madelung's deformity of both forearms and shortened stature due to reduced tibial length. These are indicative of dyschondrosteosis, a genetically transmitted mild form of mesomelia. This case adds to a small but growing presence of this condition in pre‐modern societies. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general view over the second reception of Aristotle's writings beginning after the first invasion of Western crusaders in Constantinople in 1204 and enforced after the fall of the Byzantine capital in 1453. After the turn of the century we observe a widespread commentary tradition of Aristotle's writings, particularily of his Ethics and Politics. Philipp Melanchthon became the leading figure in these ethical and political discussions. More than 53 of his works relating this which were printed within the 16th century are known.  相似文献   

Two rockets bearing quadrupole mass spectrometers capable of measuring both positive and negative ion composition were launched from Red Lake, Canada, during the solar eclipse. Both instruments had liquid helium cryopumps and shock-attaching conical samplers. The payloads also contained two Gerdien condensers to measure total positive and negative ion concentrations and ion mobilities. Attitude control systems aligned the payloads with the velocity vector throughout ascent and descent. The first rocket was launched so that the D-region was in darkness 35 ± 8 s on the upleg and about 150 ± 15 s on the downleg for the study of ionospheric decay processes. The second rocket was fired after totality into 75% solar illumination for the study of ionospheric recovery. The positive ion composition above 105 km exhibited a strongly increasing NO+/O2+ ratio with time after second contact due to O2+ charge transfer with NO and a sharply diminished ionization rate. However, in both nights, the ionization below 105 km was created mainly by energetic particle deposition as exemplified by the increased ion concentrations and the composition signatures of a particle event: asignificant enhancement of O2+ below 105 km and large amounts of H5O2+ ions in the D-region which result from the O2+ clustering scheme. H5O2 was the major ion in the upper D-region while H7O+3, H9O4+ and H5O2+ were dominant ions at lower altitudes. Numerous minor species were also detected. The negative ion distributions in both flights exhibited a distinct shelf at 83 ± 2 km, decreasing by more than an order of magnitude by 90 km and with minima near 75 km. In the 75–90 km range, a significant percentage of the negative ions had masses exceeding 160 a.m.u. Comparisons are made with prior negative ion measurements during similar daytime auroral zone absorption (AZA) events. Two striking characteristics of the precipitating particles were apparent from these and past observations in daytime AZA events: there is a near absence of low energy electrons capable of ionizing above about 105 km and there is'a significant spatial and/or temporal variability in the electron flux. This paper is devoted principally to a presentation of the ion composition measurements and associated uncertainties.  相似文献   

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