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武家岗墓地位于湖北省孝昌县城关以北约3.5公里处,隶属孝昌县卫店镇武河村和花园镇白莲村。107国道自北向南分武家岗墓地为东西两部分,1995年2月,孝感市博物馆等单位对墓地西部进行了第一次发掘,发掘材料已报道。1995年7月至1996年底,湖北省文物考古研究所等单位联合组队对墓地进行了第二~四次发掘,共发掘古墓葬142座,其中有随葬品墓126座,分为东周墓119座、东汉墓3座、六朝墓3座,唐代墓1座,出土各类随葬品共991件。黄陂鲁台山两周遗址与墓葬的发掘与研究,是鄂东地区考古的重要发现。武家岗墓地的发掘,是这一发现与研究的继续。  相似文献   

A male skeleton from the Romano‐British site at Kingsholm, Gloucester, is described with abnormalities in the humerus, femur, tibia, fibula and foot. Computed tomography of the femora to enable cross‐sectional analysis suggested altered normal gait to compensate for the deformity. Differential diagnoses are considered and a diagnosis of clubfoot deformity is suggested. Palaeopathological evidence for clubfoot is rare in the literature but the cases reported to date are reviewed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Geometric cemetery of Agios Dimitrios (850–740 B.C.) yielded a human osteological sample, with an MNI of 51 and equal numbers of males and females and adults and subadults. This site is of significant archaeological importance, as it provides information on human health status, diet, and activity patterns as well as mortuary behavior for a little studied time period. The results, including a) stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic data suggesting a C3 low-protein plant diet, b) relatively high infant mortality, c) low stature estimates, d) significant prevalence of possible anemic conditions, and e) high dental infection and loss rates, all point to a rapidly increasing, stressed, and relatively malnourished population which did not exploit nearby marine resources, experienced suboptimal living conditions, and could not reach its biological potential. Furthermore, the study of this group provides evidence of equal burial treatment of all age and sex categories, no dietary differences in terms of sex and status, and no sex differentiation in pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The prehistoric to post-Roman site of West Hill, Uley in southwestern Britain was excavated between 1976 and 1979, and yielded a quarter of a million animal bones. Part of the site was a ritual complex, and this in particular produced a considerable amount of domestic fowl. A major problem has been to evaluate the immature domestic fowl bones and determine whether all ages are represented. This presents problems because the varieties of fowl represented are unknown. Therefore, can the osteometric data be seen as homogeneous? In fact the distribution of adult measurements suggests that one variety was mainly represented, that a wide range of ages of fowl were sacrificed, and that the selection of birds was probably not entirely random. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aisled hall at North Warnborough has attracted attention as one of a handful of examples frequently included in surveys and analyses of this common architectural type as well as for arguments related to the gendered use of space. This article presents a new architectural analysis of this building and attempts to set it within its immediate and wider archaeological and geological landscape context. A theoretically informed interpretation of the social significance of this site is offered, which has broader implications for the studies of Romano-British architecture, rural settlement, and landscape.  相似文献   

Recent analysis of a large faunal assemblage from a Roman roadside settlement at Ware, Hertfordshire has indicated potentially strong links between the nature of animal exploitation on site and its location on Ermine Street. Animal husbandry was focused on the production of cattle and sheep, both of which had experienced stock ‘improvement’ by the late Roman period. Relatively high proportions of horse, and the presence of young horses, suggest the importance of this animal and the potential for its local breeding; the site could have acted as a station for changing or selling horses. The presence of marine fish and black rat also indicate clear links to the wider trade network. This was not an isolated settlement, outside the sphere of Roman influence, as rural Roman sites are often considered to be, but well‐connected to wider economic networks. This paper places these new results in context, by providing a review of faunal assemblages from Roman roadside settlements across Britain. The review indicates that most of the characteristics of animal exploitation at Ware are shared with other roadside settlement sites, though interesting differences also emerge.  相似文献   

Open-cast ironstone mining at Crosby Warren, near Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire exposed an extensive section through “cover sand” deposits. revealing buried podzol soils and peat layers. Stratigraphic studies, pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating have been carried out on three representative profiles. From these investigations it would appear that the “cover sands” in this area were stabilized under mixed oak woodland by c. 300 BC. After c. 100 BC woodland clearance and farming activities have been distinguished. Local alterations in land-use may be linked with cultural developments at the nearby Iron Age and Romano-British settlement of Dragonby. It is suggested that the impact of man upon the vegetation during Iron Age and Romano-British times probably facilitated podzolization and sand blowing.  相似文献   

A data set of 87 radiocarbon determinations obtained for the Bronze Age Khuzhir-Nuge XIV cemetery in the Cis-Baikal region of Siberia is analyzed from the perspective of data quality and within the local archaeological context. Bone preservation, expressed in terms of collagen yields, is a very important factor affecting both the accuracy and precision of 14C dates and, therefore, publication of this information should be adopted as a required standard. According to the calibrated high-collagen dates, after a single Serovo interment the cemetery was used continuously by Glazkovo peoples for up to 700 years (∼2700–2000 BC), and 70% of all burials were interred within a relatively short peak period between approximately 2500 and 2300 BC. The extensive radiocarbon data from KN XIV allow for the re-evaluation of existing models and perspectives on the place of the Glazkovo culture within the Cis-Baikal Neolithic and Bronze Age.  相似文献   

The article presents evidence of possible neurofibromatosis in a female cranium discovered in a Scythian period (7th–2nd century BC ) context from the cemetery complex of Aymyrlyg, Tuva, south Siberia. The diagnosis of neurofibromatosis has been suggested on the basis of enlarged orbits, signs for the presence of a soft tissue tumour in the left orbit, facial abnormalities and the survival age of the individual. Neurofibromatosis is a congenital condition which, to the best of the authors' knowledge, has previously been described in only one other instance in the palaeopathological literature. Differential diagnoses includes angiomata, dermoid cysts and developmental glaucoma. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

丁岩 《文博》2010,(2):13-16
本文依据考古发掘材料,从出土文字、陶俑、陶茧形壶、殉马、陵园形式等数方面对长安神禾原陵园的年代进行了探讨,认为该陵园应该处于战国晚期,上限不早于周赧王"五十九年"(公元前256年),下限不晚于秦末。  相似文献   

青海都兰热水墓群2018血渭一号墓墓主考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墓主族属与身份是青海都兰热水墓群研究争议最大,也是最关键的问题。本文从最新考古发掘的2018血渭一号墓的墓葬形制和出土遗物入手进行考察,认为2018血渭一号墓是吐蕃化的吐谷浑王陵,根据墓葬树轮测年和出土印章,并结合敦煌本藏文文献,进行分析认为,墓主是吐蕃赤德祖赞时期的吐谷浑王莫贺吐浑可汗,其母后是689年嫁给吐谷浑王的赞蒙墀邦。  相似文献   

Y. Wang  H. Ma  K. Chen  X. Huang  J. Cui  Z. Sun  Q. Ma 《Archaeometry》2019,61(1):43-54
Low‐temperature vitreous materials fluxed with lead (and barium) appeared in the early Warring States period (c.fifth century bce ) in ancient China. A range of lead vitreous products fluxed with the same agent, including faience/glass beads, glazed pottery and Chinese blue (purple) pigment, were developed subsequently. This study carries out scientific analysis of six vitreous beads unearthed from the Zhaitouhe cemetery site in northern Shaanxi dating to the early and middle Warring States period to investigate their chemical composition, microstructure and coloration. The lead (and barium) vitreous beads identified here are some of the earliest lead vitreous materials discovered in China so far, and therefore important for the study of the development of lead vitreous technologies in ancient China. This paper also points out that it is meaningful to evaluate the lead glass, glazed pottery and barium copper silicate pigments as a whole technological assemblage given their close relationships.  相似文献   

The following study presents the results of instrumental analyses performed on the excavated textile find HTR73 from the Kerameikos cemetery in Athens. In Greece, preservation of excavated textiles is rare, mainly due to the unfavourable environmental conditions prevailing. The Kerameikos textile find is from the 5th century BC, and has been preserved in association with copper, which is the most common type of preservation in Greece. Past analyses had indicated the presence of silk fibres, of the Bombyx mori silkworm, the use of which was not common in Classical Greece. In the present study, non-destructive instrumental analytical techniques were applied, namely ESEM and FTIR microspectroscopy, for the purpose of material identification. None of the techniques applied confirmed the presence of silk. However, cellulosic bast and possibly cotton fibres were identified. The presence of cotton is an equally rare phenomenon for the Classical period in Greece.  相似文献   

When bones are found within archaeological contexts it is important for site interpretation that they are identified by species, or at the very least as human or non-human. However, key landmarks and characteristics typically used for such an assessment are often destroyed when bones are highly fragmented; thus methods including DNA or histology are amongst the few remaining options. Histological analysis of cortical tissue can be performed to discriminate human from non-human origin. A set of 40 bone fragments recovered during excavation of the Camposanto cemetery on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo (Venice, Italy), used to accommodate mass plague deaths from 1468 ce , were histologically determined to be of non-human origin. Histomorphometric analysis of secondary osteons and Haversian canals, and non-metric assessment of plexiform, osteonal and non-plexiform fibrolamellar tissue, were applied to determine the most probable species origin. Discriminant function analysis established by Martiniaková and co-workers in 2006, was applied, resulting in 36 samples classified as pig and four as cattle. This is consistent with the island’s use as a quarantine station during this period when imported cattle were housed to avoid the spread of disease. These results further enhance the understanding of the Lazzaretto Nuovo site.  相似文献   

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