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The absolute chronology of Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Polish territories is a result of long-term and complex research. Here, we have investigated the absolute dating of two sites, namely K?y?ów, a cemetery of the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture, and Jaros?aw, a settlement spanning from the late phase of the former to Pomeranian culture, possibly with Jastorf elements. Having been spurred by promising results of thermoluminescence (TL) dating of medieval and Przeworsk materials, we have employed it in those situations, where no other chronometric methods seem to be efficient. TL dating has been combined with typological analysis of the dated pottery and, partially, with radiocarbon method. Albeit the produced TL dates do not represent the level of sought-for fine chronological resolution, they indicate the temporal trends and corroborate the typological research. Our study has shown the potential of TL dating for periods with plateaus on 14C calibration curve. We also have dealt with unexpected TL ages and suggested some solutions of the problem. Finally, we have demonstrated that the condition sine qua non for archaeological interpretation of TL dates is a thorough stylistic-chronological analysis of dated pottery and clear understanding of relations between chronometric dates and the archaeological event to be dated.  相似文献   

This article reports a generalised and systematic approach to the thermoluminescence (TL) dating of samples which suffer from anomalous fading. We hypothesise that the TL signal from each mineral phase is composed of a stable and an unstable portion. The decay of the unstable TL is accelerated thermally, until only stable TL remains. The dating is then carried out on this stable signal. The results, on four known-age, coeval samples, exhibiting gross anomalous fading (25-50% loss over a few days), indicate that many, if not all, samples may successfully be dated with this approach.  相似文献   

R. H. TEMPLER 《Archaeometry》1993,35(1):117-136
Fired ceramics containing zircon inclusions have been dated by allowing the zircons to regenerate their own thermoluminescence (TL) signal, hence auto-regenerative TL dating. The technique is conceptually straightforward. One first measures the TL accrued since the last heating of the material. The zircon grains are then stored for six months and the TL signal regenerated through self-irradiation is measured. Since the internal dose-rate for zircon is dominated by the internal component the age of the sample is simply given by the ratio of the natural to auto-regenerated signal times the laboratory storage period. The technique, however, requires the measurement of a very small auto-regenerated signal, which introduces a number of experimental and physical complications. The methods for overcoming these problems and successfully dating zircons by auto-regeneration are described.  相似文献   

The loess site at Boynychi (the Volyn Upland) is of essential importance for the stratigraphy of Middle and Upper Pleistocene in Central Europe. The profile was recently dated by Fedorowicz and Prylypko in 2007 (parallel dating), and by Kusiak in 2009. The Upper Vistulian loesses are much thicker in the exposure from 2009 than in the earlier examined one (2007). The list of results obtained in the Gdańsk, Kiev and Lublin laboratories, respectively, can be divided in two. The first group contains the results obtained for the Horohiv and Korshiv pedocomplexes and for the loess from the penultimate glacial, which separates these pedocomplexes. The results from all laboratories are very similar and rather well describe the real age of dated deposits. The second group contains the widely differing results of dating of the Vistulian loesses. The TL ages obtained by Fedorowicz and Prylypko are considerably older than those obtained by Kusiak in the new exposure. The latter ones excellently correspond to the geologic-stratigraphic interpretation of the profile. Two incompatible series of TL dating results indicate that local variability of loess accumulation conditions in different stages of their formation may have resulted in incomplete luminescence zeroing of mineral material before deposition.  相似文献   

La plupart des échantillons de verres archéologiques ne sont pas datables par thermoluminescence. Une analyse des causes limitant l'extension de la datation par thermoluminescence aux verres anciens montre que celles-ci sont directement issues de caracteristiques de l'etat vitreux. Toutefois. dans certains cas particuliers, la datation est possible. Most archaeological glass samples cannot be dated using thermoluminescence (TL). An analysis of the causes which limit the extension of the TL dating method to ancient glass shows that these causes come from the vitreous state characteristics. Nevertheless in some cases, dating is still possible.  相似文献   

The thermoluminescence (TL) dating method has a significant measurement error margin reaching almost 10%. Due to this fact it could be considered as little effective in case of such sites from the Roman period as burial grounds with many artefacts useful for archaeological dating. However, for many settlements from this period, where pottery is the only kind of artefacts, the TL method can give notable results. The main purpose of the study was to make an attempt at TL dating of pottery and clay daub samples from the Nieszawa Kolonia and Kręcieszki sites and to compare the obtained dates with the results of archaeological dating of selected features from the Przeworsk Culture settlements. In the Kręcieszki site the fragments of burnt clay daub were dated by the TL method for the first time in the Lublin laboratory. It turned out that clay daub is an equally good dating material as pottery. It can be found that the TL dating of pottery from Nieszawa Kolonia confirms two stages of settlement. The first settlement stage is related to the phases B2-B2/C1-C1a of the Roman period, i.e. from the beginning of the 2nd to the beginning of the 3rd century. The second group of TL dates corresponds to the phases C2D that is to the second stage of settlement, from the second half of the 3rd century to the half of the 5th century AD. The results of TL dating of pottery and clay daub in the Kręcieszki site are rather similar and correspond to the phase B1/B2 of the period of Roman influence, determined from pottery style, but can also indicate the phase B2/C1.  相似文献   

The history of the interlaboratory comparison of TL dating results in Poland started in the 1980s. At that time the Lublin, Warsaw and Silesian laboratories made the first attempts at TL dating of the same loess samples from the Odonów profile. However, the cooperation ceased for many years due to great differences in the obtained TL age estimates. The next interlaboratory comparisons were made in the years 2000–2009 for the loess samples from several Polish (Dybawka, Tarnawce, Dankowice, Biały Kościół) and Ukrainian (Boyanychi, Halych, Velykyj Hlybochok, Yezupil) profiles. Most of the compared dates, obtained for the loess deposits from the Upper Pleistocene and younger part of the Middle Pleistocene, were consistent. This encouraged us to undertake the Gdańsk-Lublin interlaboratory cooperation in dating of 200-700 ka old loess deposits. Nine samples were taken from the Ukrainian profile Mamalyha 2 in 2009 for this purpose. The TL dating results indicate that comparable dates are obtained in two laboratories for loess deposits younger than 300 ka BP. The TL signal obtained in the Gdańsk laboratory for the samples older than 300 ka BP was saturated so such samples should not be dated by the multi-aliquot regeneration method. The results obtained in the Lublin laboratory for these deposits (489–682 ka) confirm that it is possible to date loess deposits older than 500 ka. It probably results from the use of total-bleach method with preheating at 160°C for the equivalent dose determination.  相似文献   

采用热释光前剂量饱和指数法对海南省中和镇的8件古城门墙砖样品进行了年代测定研究。由于该地区离海近,粘土中的含沙量非常高,古人在烧制砖时,采用这种粘土作为制砖的原料。烧造时的温度相对高于其它地方烧制的砖。其中4件砖样内部呈灰色,3件砖样内部呈红色,其中1件砖样断面为外围灰色,内部红色。在应用高温细颗粒方法测定这批砖样的年代时,发现样品的高温热释光灵敏度非常差,且不规则,没有"坪曲线",因而无法得出这些古代城门墙砖的具体年代。后采用热释光前剂量饱和指数方法对古砖样品进行了古剂量测定,发现这些样品具有较好的热释光前剂量效应,且样品的热释光灵敏度较高,得到的古剂量具有很好的重复性。热释光测年结果表明,No.2、No.3、No.6、No.8样品的热释光年代分别为:距今590年、575年、530年和580年,为明代早期烧制;No.1、No.4、No.7样品的热释光年代分别为:距今410年、345年和375年,为明代中晚期烧制;No.5样品的年代为距今140年,为清代晚期。经考古人员现场考证,认为No.5样品所处位置存在火烧痕迹。这个火烧时间应该在中国清代晚期,即热释光测定年代。  相似文献   

Currently, absolute dates for the emergence of the Early Upper Paleolithic and the timing of the earliest dispersal of anatomically modern humans (AMH) into Europe are sparse. This is especially true for regions adjoining the Eastern Mediterranean and Central Europe with its dense clusters of sites along the Austrian and German Danube Valley. This article makes a first step toward filling this gap and, for the first time, presents absolute ages for the open-air site of Române?ti-Dumbr?vi?a I (Banat, SW Romania) located close to the Oase Cave where some of the oldest AMH fossils were found. A set of heated artefacts recently excavated from the Aurignacian layer GH3 was dated by thermoluminescence (TL) and gives early chronometric dates for this technocomplex in Romania.  相似文献   

Ceramic findings collected from Ye?ilova Hoyuk located in Izmir were dated using the thermoluminescence dating technique. The area is of significant archaeological importance since it is the first prehistoric settlement in Izmir. Recent archeological observations suggest that human occupation of the region took place about 8500 years ago comparing to previously determined dates of 5000 years. Three samples collected from the same archaeological layer (Neolithic period) in Ye?ilova Hoyuk were dated using the thermoluminescence method. Archaeological doses (AD) were obtained by single aliquot regenerative dose method (SAR) for thermoluminescence (TL) using coarse grain quartz minerals extracted from samples. Thick and thin Al2O3:C thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) were used to determine the annual dose rate. The archaeological doses were found to vary from 25.91±0.78 to 26.82±0.68 Gy, and the annual doses were found to be between 3.34±0.24 and 3.47±0.24 mGy/a. The ages obtained for the samples were determined to be 6000±830 BC, 5740±670 BC and 5460±740 years for samples ND1, ND2 and ND3, respectively, which supports the prediction of archeologist that the sampling layer dates from the Neolithic period.  相似文献   

The Middle Paleolithic site of Combe-Capelle Bas, France, is known primarily from the excavations of Ami in the early part of the last century and more recently from the excavations of Dibble and Lenoir. Up to now, the only dates available for the site were based on geologic and paleoclimatic data. Most recently, Texier and Bertran suggest that the formation of the principal Mousterian deposits date to prior to OIS 6 and likely represent OIS 8 or even 10. The results of TL dating of burnt flints from these same deposits (Levels I-1D, I-1E, and I-2B), reported here, contradict this finding. They indicate an age of between 37 to 60 ka with six of the seven flints falling between 50–60 ka. This date fits well with Mousterian sites previously dated in this region of France.  相似文献   

为了考察对一件已经经过X荧光分析实验的陶瓷样品进行热释光年代测定时,年代结果是否会受到X荧光分析实验的影响及其影响程度,本工作选取了古代与现代的陶器、瓷器及三彩样品共26件,在常规、经过胎体成分分析、经过釉层成分分析三种实验条件下测量比较热释光年代的变化.研究发现,对不同时代不同类型的样品,X荧光成分分析实验对热释光测年的影响程度不同;对部分样品的测年结果无影响,对部分样品的年代有增大的影响,但增大的程度不会使热释光测年结果产生真假颠倒的结论.  相似文献   

Roc de Marsal has yielded numerous remains of Mousterian occupations, including lithics, fauna and combustion features. It was made famous by the discovery of the skeleton of a Neanderthal child. Given the need to date the sequence, TL and OSL were applied on heated flints and quartz, and OSL on unheated quartz. Chronological results combined with palaeoenvironmental data – faunal remains and micromorphological features in the sediments from the cave, pollen proxies and faunal remains from the region – allowed us to place climate variations in southwest France on a numerical time scale. Denticulate Mousterian occupations were dated to the middle of MIS 4 (65–70 ka) and Quina layers either to the very end of MIS 4 or to MIS 3. Interestingly, a faunal pattern showing a mix of red deer, roe deer and reindeer was found to have occurred during MIS 4, which was shown to be consistent with data from other similar sites in southwest France.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of past human use of fire is often based on the presence of fire in archaeological sites as evidenced by alterations of lithic material. Here, a simple test based on thermoluminescence (TL) methods is used as a verification tool for the macroscopic identification of burning damage on flint microartefacts from the Early and early Middle Pleistocene site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov (Israel). The small dimensions of the microartefacts often prevented the removal of the outer surface, for which the TL signal might have been altered (bleached) by exposure to light during excavation. Bleaching of the TL signal by sunlight was found for fresh raw material, but appeared to be less problematic for the archaeological material, presumably due to patination. However, TL results for some samples are ambiguous and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish heating from post‐depositional bleaching, especially for samples that are macroscopically considered as not having been heated. A qualitative interpretation of the TL data is compared with the macroscopic assessment. The general agreement of the TL analyses with the macroscopic observations provides an independent verification of the observed burning and thus supports the assumption that fire was used and controlled throughout the long occupational sequence of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov.  相似文献   

Ceramic snuffing tubes and inhaling bowls used for ingesting hallucinogenic substances are known from several islands in the West Indies, but their chronological distribution is often vague. A partial inhaling bowl found at the site of Grand Bay on Carriacou in deposits dating between ca. A.D. 1000–1200, along with two other unprovenienced specimens from the local museum, were dated using luminescence (TL and OSL) to determine their antiquity. Surprisingly, the dates had a weighted average of 400 ± 189 B.C., making them several hundred years older than all 14C assays from the island; however, they do overlap in age with similar artifacts found on Puerto Rico and Vieques Island over 750 km away. Additional luminescence dating of two stylistically distinct Suazan ceramic sherds excavated from stratified deposits at Grand Bay fall within the expected ceramic and radiocarbon chronology. These data, coupled with petrographic analysis of the specimens, suggests that they were not made using local materials. Instead, they appear to have been transported to the island, possibly hundreds of years later, as heirlooms. This may be the first evidence for inter-island transport of drug paraphernalia in the Caribbean.  相似文献   

Over the last few years the Nordic Laboratory for Thermoluminescence (TL) Dating has obtained TL dates for a considerable number of archaeological samples, ceramics, bricks, burnt clay and burnt stones from the Nordic countries. The majority of TL dates have been consistent and in agreement with other dating evidence. Discrepancies caused primarily by excessive short‐term fading of the latent TL signal were encountered in a few cases. A procedure for eliminating errors caused by short‐term fading is described. A brief discussion of the sources of error in TL dating is given. Finally, results obtained by TL are compared with those obtained by radiocarbon for a number of sites.  相似文献   

Plagioclase feldspar is the major luminescent mineral in meteorites. Thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics, peak temperature (Tm), full width at half maximum (FWHM), ratio of high (HT) to low temperature (LT) peak, and TL sensitivity (TL/dose/mass) to an extent reflect degree of crystallinity of the mineral. The present study explores and establishes a correlation between quantum mechanical anomalous (athermal) fading and structural state by examining TL of individual chondrules. Chondrules were separated using freeze-thaw technique from a single fragment of Dhajala meteorite. The results show large variation in Tm (155?230°C), FWHM (80?210°C) and HT/LT (0.07–0.47) and seem to be positively correlated. TL sensitivity (ranging from 14 to 554 counts/s/Gy/mg) decreases with increasing Tm and FWHM. Large variations in TL parameters (Tm, FWHM, HT/LT, and Sensitivty) suggest that individual chondrules had different degree of crystallization. Thermal annealing experiments suggest that comparatively ordered form of feldspar can be converted to a disordered form by annealing the sample at high temperatures (1000°C) for long time (10 hr) in vacuum (1 mbar pressure) condition and rapidly cooling it. Measured anomalous fading suggest that fading rate increases as the crystal form changes from an ordered state to a disordered state. However, the fading rate becomes nearly negligible for the most disordered feldspars.  相似文献   

We have examined the cathodoluminescence (CL) and induced thermoluminescence (TL) properties of chert collected from the Ozark Mountains area of the central United States. The cherts showed predominately orange CL with occasional blue CL. X-ray diffraction indicates that the amount of orange CL correlates closely with the abundance of carbonates within the chert. Previous studies have shown that macroquartz characteristically gives off a weak and transient blue CL. Thermoluminescence studies concentrated on the shape of the radiation induced TL glow curve. The results seem to indicate all of the cherts sampled fall into one of four glow curve categories. The TL categories correspond to quartz crystallinity as measured by X-ray diffraction, which is probably a reflection of quartz grain size. Application of these techniques is somewhat new to chert studies, but may provide a useful criterion in establishing the number of chert varieties or sourcing chert provenience locations for artefacts collected from archaeological sites. Calcite and dolomite are expected to leach from chert surfaces upon exposure to weathering agents, thus making CL a helpful tool for the detection of fake stone artefacts with fresh fracture surfaces. Quartz crystallinity is an important factor in determining chert cleavage characteristics and TL appears to be a useful measure of this property.  相似文献   

Geoarchaeological investigations at two archaeological excavation sites lead to new results with respect to the Holocene landscape development of an archaeologically important loess landscape of Central Europe. Colluvial and alluvial sediments were sampled during archaeological excavations on the valley edge of the Weiße Elster and dated by means of 14C, TL and dendrochronology, and on the basis of archaeological finds. Thus, for the first time, the development of a valley edge of a river in the Leipzig area, which has been continuously settled for 7300 years, can be reconstructed. The first soil erosion on the valley edge is established towards the end of the Atlantic period. During the High Middle Ages, a colluvial sediment developed. Its deposition time can be limited to between ad 1000 and 1100. The flood loam near Großstorkwitz, which can be stratified by means of the soil and colluvial deposits, originated in the late Sub‐Boreal and early Sub‐Atlantic, as well as after ad 1100. During the first millennium ad, a soil developed in the older flood loam, which indicates a phase of reduced flood loam sedimentation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the thermal history of a clay core sample from one leg of a bronze tripod unearthed at Daxinzhuang Site, Shandong, China. The properties of the luminescence signals of quartz depend on the maximum temperature at which the quartz was annealed in the past. We examined the feasibility of measuring the thermoluminescence (TL) sensitivity change of quartz for exploring the firing temperature of archaeological materials. The sensitization factor of the 110°C TL peak (S2/S1) and the ratio of the 210°C TL peak to the 110°C TL peak at different annealing temperatures were utilized to unveil the firing temperature in the clay core sample. The firing temperature of the clay core sample was approximately 700°C–800°C, proving the clay core has been fired. This result proved that the clay core has been fired by human agencies and indicated on the temperature of the clay core in drying and firing given by the foundry workers before the actual casting step.  相似文献   

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