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There are numerous size prediction formulae in archaeomalacology but (like almost all zooarchaeological formulae) only a few account for allometric growth (shape change with size change, which is almost universal in complex animals) and employ the standard methods developed by statisticians to ensure reliable predictions. A general technique for generating formulae that predict organism size from dimensions of their archaeological remains is presented, using an organism that is badly preserved archaeologically (the Common Mussel Mytilus edulis). Allometric growth is fully accommodated, and standard statistical methods and software are used. Several dimensions can be used for prediction, and poor predictors are identified and discarded. Predictions can be tested for consistency between heterogeneous conditions, for statistical soundness, and whether prediction errors are within tolerable limits.  相似文献   

The concept of allometric change, developed and widely applied in biology, is outlined, and the nature of static allometric changes in stream channel size, relative to drainage area, is considered at a variety of scales. Field observations from Devon, England, allow analysis of the allometric variations along individual channels, between tributaries within a network, and between streams within a region. Data collected from the literature allow these to be viewed in a global perspective. The analysis confirms the applicability and value of the concept of allometric change to channel form studies and suggests a tendency for streams to reach a steady-state allometric situation when channel capacity increases at the same rate as drainage area. The importance of a range of factors in affecting the nature of the allometric relationships is also assessed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experiment designed to explore the performance of Kuhn's Geometric Index of Unifacial Reduction [S. Kuhn, A geometric index of reduction for unifacial stone tools, Journal of Archaeological Science 17 (1990) 585—593] in measuring the amount of material removed over a sequence of retouching events for a population of 30 flakes. The index provides a reliable absolute measure of reduction under experimental conditions, and does so irrespective of blank cross-section, suggesting that the “flat-flake” problem is not necessarily a serious difficulty for the index. Furthermore, Kuhn's Index provided a more sensitive and robust measurement of the extent of reduction than any of the alternative techniques proposed in recent years.  相似文献   

A sample of Folsom points from the Southern Plains of Texas and New Mexico is analyzed quantitatively in order to assess patterns of point resharpening in relation to distance to raw material source area and evaluate models of how resharpening was accomplished in terms of point design. A newly developed digitizing method is used to capture 12 interlandmark characters from coordinate data to describe point form. Principal components analysis is used to investigate size and shape variation in point form, and the symmetry and allometry of characters are used to explore the effects of resharpening on point dimensions. Size allometry illustrates the degree of association of relative point proportions, and other aspects of point form, with point size. Blade length, the leading edge of the weapon, was found to be isometric with point size, suggesting that this character was critical to the proper functioning of weapon tips. The regulation of blade length to point size supports a fixed-in-haft model for Folsom point resharpening. Multivariate analyses show that reduction in point forms do not correlate with distance-to-source but are more consistent with the model of the cyclical resharpening and replacement of points. This research illustrates that multivariate and allometric analyses are useful methods for investigating models of technological organization and the effects of resharpening on point form.  相似文献   

A range of data is of geographic interest but is not available at a small area level from existing data sources. Small area estimation (SAE) offers techniques to estimate population parameters of target variables to detailed scales based on relationships between those target variables and relevant auxiliary variables. The resulting indirect small area estimate can deliver a lower mean squared error compared to its direct survey estimate, given that variance can be reduced markedly even if bias increases. Spatial microsimulation SAE approaches are widely utilized but only beginning to engage with the potential of composite estimators that use a weighted combination of indirect and direct estimators to reduce further the mean squared error of the small area estimate compared to an indirect SAE estimator alone. This article advances these approaches by constructing for the first time in the microsimulation literature an optimal composite estimator for such SAE approaches in which the combining weight is calculated from the mean squared errors of the two estimators; thus, optimizing the reduction in MSE of the resulting small area estimates. This optimal composite estimator is demonstrated and evaluated in a model-based simulation study and application based on the real data.  相似文献   

There is now broad consensus that the appearance of Clovis in Northeastern North America (Great Lakes, New England) represents a colonization pulse into recently deglaciated landscapes. Due to the increased resource uncertainty that comes with colonizing unfamiliar landscapes, it was hypothesized that the majority tool component of Clovis assemblages, unifacial stone tools, should have been knapped on tool blanks possessing the design properties of longevity and functional flexibility to facilitate exploration mobility and guard against the absence of toolstone sources in the new landscape. These properties are optimized by large, flat flakes, possessing large surface area relative to flake thickness. Since discarded and, at times, exhausted unifacial stone tools do not preserve the original dimensions of the blank upon which they were created – necessary items for a true test of blank morphology selection – this study presents a set of predictions for inferring whether Clovis unifacial stone tool blanks were selected for the properties of longevity and functional flexibility based on evidence that Clovis people actually capitalized on those properties. Due to the nature of Clovis unifacial stone tools, tool size was of necessity used as a proxy for tool reduction, on the grounds that smaller tools are more likely to have been resharpened than larger tools, at least in the case of unifacial flake tools. The results showed that less resharpened tools possessed flatter, less spherical shapes than the more resharpened tools, which possessed more globular, spherical shapes, suggesting Clovis foragers exploited the retouch potential afforded by the larger, flatter blanks. Edge angles showed no relationship with tool reduction, suggesting that Clovis foragers exploited the functional flexibility afforded by flatter blanks by adjusting the edge angle to be either higher or lower as needed. These results are consistent with the notion that human colonizers, who did not know the abundance or location of stone outcrops prior to settling an unfamiliar territory, not only “geared up” before leaving a stone source, but geared up as efficiently as possible by carefully selecting the blanks they chose to carry. Broader implications for such careful unifacial stone tool blank selection are discussed.  相似文献   


The surface lithic scatters at two areas around Soda Lake were intensively surveyed and 3133 artifacts were analyzed in the field using four main variables to infer how Terminal Pleistocene–Early Holocene foragers organized lithic technology around pluvial Lake Mojave, California. Results indicate that early stage bifaces and flake tool blanks were created at a fine-grained volcanic (felsite) quarry/workshop complex in the Soda Mountains survey area and transported elsewhere. In addition, fine-grained volcanic bifaces were reduced and bifaces and flake tools of cryptocrystalline silicates and obsidian were finished, used, and/or discarded at a habitation area on the ancient shorelines near Little Cowhole Mountain. Comparisons with nearby sites of similar ages (at Ft. Irwin and China Lake) reveal many similarities in lithic technological organization. Lake Mojave—an important locus of prior research—can now be integrated into recent Mojave Desert and Great Basin technological organization studies.  相似文献   

Coastal peoples worldwide harvested and consumed a wide variety of shellfish. Most archaeological analyses of shellfish remains tend to focus on bivalves such as clams and mussels while other shellfish such as gastropods, barnacles, and crabs have received much less attention. Here we examine the use of Dungeness crabs (Cancer magister) at a late-Holocene village on Netarts Bay, northern Oregon Coast. Ethnographic and ethnohistoric records suggest that crabs were both individually hunted as well as gathered, often en masse. We employ allometric scaling of Dungeness claws (propal fingers) recovered from several household middens to estimate crab body size and age. These data indicate that while a wide age range of crabs were collected, most harvesting efforts focused on juveniles and young adults. This suggests that most Dungeness crabs at the site were gathered (not individually hunted) in Netarts Bay, most likely in shallow subtidal areas where cockles (Clinocardium nuttalli) were also being regularly taken. As such, Dungeness crabs were part of a foraging strategy that involved the efficient mass harvest of small prey using minimal technology.  相似文献   

Observations pertaining to particular stages of the lithic chaîne opératoire, or reconstructions of the entire operational sequence at a particular site, can be used to develop a detailed understanding of past human cognitive capabilities, technological sophistication, mobility, and land use. The “reduction sequence” is a specific stage of the chaîne opératoire that many archaeologists have attempted to measure. Many of these attempts fail to recognize that “reduction” is a three-dimensional process, and thus should be measured with an appropriate three-dimensional unit: volume. This paper presents a new methodology for measuring and defining reduction in unifacial stone tools that reconstructs the original volume of a modified blank, allowing a realistic percentage of volume loss to be calculated. This new method is fast, precise, and very accurate.  相似文献   

The fractal distribution is the best statistical model for the size-frequency distributions that result from some lithic reduction processes. Fractals are a large class of complex, self-similar sets that can be described using power-law relations. Fractal statistical distributions are characterized by an exponent, D, called the fractal dimension. I show how to determine whether the size-frequency distribution of a sample of debitage is fractal by plotting the power-law relation on a log-log graph. I also show how to estimate the fractal dimension for any particular distribution. Using debitage size data from experimental replications of lithic tools, I demonstrate a fundamental relationship between the fractal dimension and stage of reduction. I also present archaeological case studies that illustrate the simplicity and utility of the method.  相似文献   

This study of osteometric variation of sheep and cattle remains from archaeological sites in southern Portugal—the part that was once ruled by the Moslems—reveals an increase in size of the sheep in Moslem times and a subsequent increase of the cattle following the Christian conquest. It is assumed that a size increase reflects improvement. Sheep size increase is easy to understand given the Moslem fondness for mutton. The later size increase of the cattle is less easy to understand but could reflect a dietary switch from mutton to beef as well as the need for bovine power.  相似文献   

The overall goal of this study was to conduct an extensive literature review to characterize how geospatial tools are being applied in co-management contexts globally. This was accomplished through two objectives: (i) to investigate the use and applications of geospatial tools in cases of natural resource co-management; and (ii) to identify benefits and challenges associated with the use of these technologies. A total of 26 articles met the inclusion criteria for review; these encompassed a range of contexts, but were predominantly focused on co-management of fisheries, protected areas, and forests. Case studies were analyzed through the lens of four tool-based categories: participatory mapping, spatial data collection, remote sensing, and modelling. Findings suggest a wide range of applications, demonstrating the versatility of these tools including those used to measure the efficacy of co-management. Frequently cited geospatial tool benefits included identifying space-use patterns, determining the state of resources, capacity building, and monitoring change over time. Challenges with geospatial tools included issues of scale and generalization, data uncertainty, incomplete or poor data, and lack of trust. A primary conclusion from this study is that geospatial tools tend to be used in a participatory fashion, thereby contributing to key elements of co-management such as trust building and knowledge co-production.  相似文献   

This essay examines the ideals and practices surrounding motherhood and wet nursing in the realms of Aragon and kingdom of Majorca c. 1250–1300. Despite powerful messages — from ecclesiastical pronouncements to lay devotional manuals to artwork in churches — that linked maternal breastfeeding to an educative and caring ideal of mothering, social and economic pressures on wealthy urban and knightly women to remain as sexually available and as fecund as possible caused a shift to increased use of wet nurses, many of whom were of Muslim origin. Although the latter would have been nominally baptized, in practice, if not normative legal ideal, they maintained their enslaved status no matter how many children they bore. Indeed, it is possible that such women's bodies were doubly exploited: first, as sexual chattel available to their masters and other men, and then, having been made pregnant, as nursing mothers whose own children could be put away in favour of their mistresses'. Only fragmentary examples of such women ‘conversing’ with one another have been found, but the observations offered here open up to the historian's view a social scenario in which we know many conversations among women must have taken place.  相似文献   

The archaeological record of central California contains a rich variety of ground stone milling tools—from highly expedient cobble tools to large ornate mortars and finely finished pestles more than half a meter in length. Historical trends in research objectives, along with assumptions about the entirely mundane character of ground stone tools, have caused much of the variability and many “extra-utilitarian” aspects of these artifacts to be overlooked. This study analyzed grave-associated ground stone from the southern San Francisco Bay Area and employed use-wear analysis (macroscopic and microscopic) and morphological comparisons to investigate potential distinctions in form, manufacturing effort, use, and association over approximately 6000 years of prehistory. Ground stone morphologies, patterns of use-wear, and the way that ground stone was interred with people changed between the earliest and the latest periods analyzed in this study. During the Late Holocene, ground stone underwent a diversification of form and perhaps purpose. An overtly symbolic dimension associated with mortars and pestles seems to emerge with the addition of highly formalized and expensive flower-pot mortars, very long shaped pestles, and additional embellishments such as shell bead appliqué and painted designs. Large, costly, highly formalized, and embellished mortars exist alongside smaller, less costly, less formalized milling tools. Archaeological and ethnographic evidence supports the inferred association of certain mortars with feasting and ritual activities. Differences in the representation of some of these forms in male and female graves may reflect changes in the roles of women and men in community ritual and politics.  相似文献   

据统计,大业七年(611年)隋炀帝废弃了大兴城中22-39所佛寺。炀帝之所以废弃如此之多的佛寺,并非如日本学者中村元等人所说是为远征高丽战斗力的需求,而是与炀帝一贯所持有的宗教政策有关,是皇权与佛教矛盾激化的必然结果。炀帝虽在很多场合都表现出对佛教的尊崇与优容,但在礼敬问题上却又表现出与其他帝王相比少有的固执与坚持——主张僧尼必须致敬王者,而当其主张得不到僧尼响应的时候,他必然会利用皇权给佛教以无情的打击。  相似文献   

Large numbers of groundstone tools have been uncovered from archaeological sites in the Early Neolithic period in China. Traditionally they are often regarded as agricultural tools for processing cereals. In this paper we report preliminary starch grain analysis of groundstone tools from Baiyinchanghan site to gain a better understanding of use of these tools in the Northeast China. We found that starch grains on these groundstone tools are most likely from Quercus sp. The result of this study indicates that many groundstone tools for the Early Neolithic period were used to process wild and domesticated plants alike.  相似文献   

Fifty-three stone flakes were knapped for a series of four blind tests on replicated flakes with residues derived from the processing of plant and animal products. Some flakes were hafted before use. Tests 1 and 2 were pioneering efforts published in 2004; lessons learned from these early studies shaped the new research reported here and lead to improved methodology and interpretive skills. A high level of accuracy was obtained for test 4. Test 3 showed that the rock type of a tool could influence the ability of the analyst to recognize and interpret residues. Test 4 in the series resulted in the most accurate interpretations because, prior to Test 4, identification difficulties experienced during the first three blind test sessions were addressed by examining many stone tools that had been used for various replicated tasks. The preparatory exercise was particularly useful for resolving issues that had previously caused problems for correctly identifying animal residues. The new work reported here highlights some of the difficulties that can be experienced in the morphological identification of microscopic organic residues, particularly the distinction between animal and plant residues. Some solutions for these problems are suggested.  相似文献   

A seismic design procedure that does not take into account the maximum and cumulative plastic deformation demands that a structure will likely undergo during severe ground motion could lead to unreliable performance. Damage models that quantify the severity of repeated plastic cycling through plastic energy are simple tools that can be used for practical seismic design. The concept of constant cumulative ductility strength spectra, developed from one such model, is a useful tool for performance-based seismic design. Particularly, constant cumulative ductility strength spectra can be used to identify cases in which low-cycle fatigue may become a design issue, and provides quantitative means to estimate the design lateral strength that should be provided to a structure to adequately control its cumulative plastic deformation demands during seismic response. Design expressions can be offered to estimate the strength reduction factors associated to the practical use of constant cumulative ductility strength spectra.  相似文献   

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