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Office location policy in Canadian cities has often emphasized the social costs of job-residence separation. From a survey of two Vancouver corporations, one centrally located and the other relocated to Burnaby, it was found that employees in both head offices are equally satisfied with their job location, if for different reasons. As policy suggests, decentralization is associated with a shorter journey to work, especially for clerical staff; however, unforeseen by policy, management is more ambivalent about suburban relocation, primarily for business reasons. In addition, employees express significant differences in evaluating new and old head office buildings as a work environment. La politique concernant la situation des bureaux dans les villes canadiennes a souvent insisté sur les coǔts sociaux entraǐnés par la distance séparant le lieu de travail du lieu de résidence. Une enquěte par sondage concernant la relation géographique entre les lieux de résidence et de travail évalue le degré de satisfaction des employés d'agences centrales de deux sociétés commerciales de Vancouver. Etant donné le besoin d'un nouvel emplacement, une des sociétés commerciales s'est décentralisée, alors que l'autre s'est maintenue en ville dans ses édifices traditionnels. L'ensemble des employés des deux sociétés sont également satisfaits de la location de leurs bureaux (quelquefois pour des raisons différentes). Comme le suggère la politique, la décentralisation est associée à un trajet plus court pour se rendre au travail, particulièrernent pour les employés de bureaux; cependant (et ceci nétait pas prévu par la politique), la direction est plus ambivalente en ce qui concerne la relocalisation en banlieues, principalement pour des raisons d'affaires. De plus, les employés expriment des différences significatives dans l'évaluation des nouveaux et des anciens édifices d'agence centrale en tant qu'en-vironnement de travail.  相似文献   

In the literature, the distribution of city size is a controversial issue with two common contenders: the Pareto and the log‐normal. While the first is most accredited when the distribution is truncated above a certain threshold, the latter is usually considered a better representation for the untruncated distribution of all cities. In this paper, we reassess the empirical evidence on the best‐fitting distribution in relation to the truncation point issue. Specifically, we provide a comparison among four recently proposed approaches and alternative definitions of U.S. cities. Our results highlight the importance to look at issue of the best‐fitting distribution together with the truncation issue and provide guidance with respect to the existing tests of the truncation point.  相似文献   


This article attempts to provide a case study of the patient case notes of two boys admitted to the Northampton Lunatic Asylum in the late 1870s. This case study is intended to provide a flavour of the asylum experience for two boys; John Wenborn aged 6 and Charles Luddington, aged 7, both deemed idiots and both removed to the county asylum. Although, the focus on two individuals provides a narrow case study their experiences will provide a window through which to analyse much broader themes such as, the changing social relationships taking place in Victorian Northamptonshire and the impact of the family in securing admission to a pauper lunatic asylum. This analysis will be set against a backdrop of the discussion of the practical uses of the asylum in the late nineteenth century and perceptions of the asylum within the community. This article will examine the mechanisms used to deal with children deemed unfit for ‘normal’ society, the experience and treatment of the children while residents of the asylum and the social response towards insane children within the wider community.  相似文献   

During the 1970's several policy analysts developed estimates of the effect of in-kind transfers (e.g., Food Stamps and Medicaid) on poverty. Unfortunately, many of these studies have, drastically overstated the antipoverty impact of in-kind transfers, leading some to claim that there are no mart? poor people in America. This article reviews these, studies, provides new evidence on the impact of in-kind benefits on poverty, and concludes that there is still a substantial poverty problem in America today which need be addressed by policymakers.  相似文献   

Despite widespread beliefs to the contrary within the secular intellectual culture of the modern academy, scientific findings are not necessarily incompatible with religious truth claims. The latter include claims about the reality of God as understood in traditional Christianity and the possibility of divinely worked miracles. Intellectual history, philosophy, and science's own self‐understanding undermine the claim that science entails or need even tend toward atheism. By definition a radically transcendent creator‐God is inaccessible to empirical investigation. Denials of the possibility or actual occurrence of miracles depend not on science itself, but on naturalist assumptions that derive originally from a univocal metaphysics with its historical roots in medieval nominalism, which in turn have deeply influenced philosophy and science since the seventeenth century. The metaphysical postulate of naturalism and its correlative empiricist epistemology constitute methodological self‐limitations of science—only an unjustified move from postulate to assertion permits ideological scientism and atheism. It is entirely possible that religious claims consistent with the empirical findings of the natural and social sciences might be true. Therefore historians of religion not only need not assume that atheism is true in their research, but they should not do so if they want to understand religious people on their own terms rather than to impose on them an undemonstrated and indemonstrable ideology. Exhortations to critical thinking apply not only to religious views, but also to uncritically examined secular ideas and assumptions, however widespread or institutionally embedded.  相似文献   

Populations around the world are ageing. In response, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed initiatives to encourage cities and regions to become age‐friendly for seniors. This work examines WHO's age‐friendly domains in the context of a northern, winter city in Canada. The urban centre of Edmonton, Alberta experiences both a climate characterized by long, cold winters and a sprawling, built environment with very low population densities. The research found that seniors did report a difference in built environment preferences in summer and winter and that some of those preferences match the elements of the eight WHO domains. However two additional important findings also emerged. First, winter weather was the dominating concept for discussion of the environment regardless of the time of year, and these weather concerns conflated seniors' perceptions of public–private spaces, pointing to the need to carefully examine how this conflation might influence civic participation. Second, participants almost unanimously spoke to the need to make individual adaptations in order to navigate their environments as their mobility decreased. In other words, instead of expecting environmental adaptations to meet their changing needs, seniors accepted and individually managed – to the best of their ability – the ongoing challenges. These findings provide empirical results that can be used to develop supportive built environments in winter cities, with an emphasis on ‘upstream’ health geography and public health imperatives that enable safe and vibrant neighbourhoods to support healthy aging, which has implications for geographers, planners, and public health personnel.  相似文献   

There have been several calls in recent years for a revival of regional geography, focusing on the individuality of places and their roles as contexts within which social structuration occurs. As yet, little has been written about the ways in which such work can be undertaken, providing a framework for the study of places that both emphasises their individuality and sets them in the context of social theory. Using the example of a particular event, the 1984–85 National Union of Mineworkers' strike in Great Britain, and the individuality of one place during that event, this essay provides an initial framework for defining the nature of a place.  相似文献   

This collection of nine essays brings together a variety of responses to the question of the “nonhuman turn” within the humanities and the social sciences, understood broadly as a developing concern with overcoming anthropocentrism in its diverse manifestations. Emerging from The Nonhuman Turn conference held at the University of Wisconsin‐Milwaukee in 2012, which was hosted by the Center for 21st Century Studies, it represents the first attempt to account for and consolidate the many intellectual approaches and developments that may now be regarded as constituting the nonhuman turn. The nonhuman turn is contextualized as both “yet another” turn but also a necessary one, and as something critically distinct from “the posthuman turn”—whereas the posthuman turn is concerned with what comes after the human (ways of being, ways of thinking), the nonhuman turn insists (according to editor Richard Grusin) that “we have never been human.” My reading of this volume suggests that this claim is not borne out across the chapters it contains, and that the notion that we have never been human, though a noble gesture to Bruno Latour's widely lauded claim that “we have never been modern,” does not enable a new philosophy, nor does it advance the two primary streams of philosophical thought featured here: object‐oriented ontology (OOO) and new materialism.  相似文献   

This article represents an extension of an earlier paper on the rural population turnaround in Canada. It provides an updated analysis of rural growth rates for(1) two periods, 1976–81 and 1981–86, (2) provincially based regions, and (3) area types based on proximity to urban centres. Unlike the earlier study, it also provides a comprehensive comparison of rural-versus-urban rates of population change in a regional and area type framework and introduces relevant material on rates of natural increase and patterns of net migration. The two shorter time periods, less influenced by definitional problems in the census data, and the interpretation of rural trends against a backdrop of rural-versus-urban growth rates, allow for a more thorough investigation. The analysis reveals that in the period 1976–81, any rural population turnaround was at most a Quebec-specific phenomenon in Canada, while for the period 1981–86, an urban - or more specifically metropolitan - dominated growth scenario is dearly evident. This article is concluded by a discussion of research design issues, particularly as they relate to the identification of the relative contributions of the urban and rural sectors to population growth. Le présent article constitue le prolongement d'une pré-cédente étude concernant les mutations affectant la population rurale au Canada. II propose une mise à jour des taux de croissance rurale durant deux periodes: de 1976 à 1981 et de 1981 à 1986 par provinces et autres types de lieux situés a proximité des centres urbains. Contrairement a la precédente recherche, cet article fournit également une comparaison détaillée des taux de changement de la population rurale-versus-urbaine, dans un cadre à la fois régional et local. II présente aussi un matériel tout à fait pertinent en ce qui concerne les taux d'accroissement naturel et les modèles de migrations nettes. A partir des deux périodes les plus courtes, moins influencées par les problèmes de définition des données du recencement, l'interprétation des courants ruraux, avec en toile de fond, les taux de croissance rurale-versus-urbaine offre une recherche plus approfondie du phénoméne. L'analyse met I'accent sur le fait que, durant la période allant de 1976 à 1981, toute mutation de la population rurale était tout au plus au Canada un pheno-mène spécifiquement québécois, tandis que pour la période allant de 1981 à 1986, un scénario à dominante urbaine, plus spécifiquement métropolitaine, est claire-ment mis an évidence. En conclusion, cet article discute les résultats des modèles de recherche, plus particulière-ment lorsqu'ils sont en relation avec I'identification des contributions relatives des secteurs tant ruraux qu'urbains à la croissance de la population.  相似文献   

This article considers how useful the urban revanchism thesis is in helping us understand the John School, a “mobile” educational programme that has been rolled out in the United States, Canada, the UK and South Korea which teaches those arrested for soliciting for the purposes of buying sex the negative consequences of their actions. The article begins by unpacking the urban revanchism thesis and bringing it into dialogue with ideas on punishment. It then draws on a case study of one English John School in the anonymized town of Redtown. It demonstrates that the operations and rationales of the Redtown John School have traces of revanchism and that they are also infused by ideas and practices of care. As a result it argues that the urban revanchism thesis illuminates some important aspects of the Redtown John School while silencing or misreading others. The article concludes therefore by calling for future research to think more broadly about punishment (rather than revanchism) in the city and its entanglements with care.  相似文献   

The highland plains of western Iran have been investigated with varying intensity. The Sarfirouzabad Plain located in the south of Kermanshah province, although visited perfunctorily, has not previously been studied systematically, despite attractive ecological and environmental conditions. In 2009, a team from Tehran University conducted a systematic and intensive field survey in the region to identify Bronze Age settlements and to assess their location in relation to ecological, environmental and cultural factors that may have impacted their distribution on the plain. The surveyed area was walked in transects at 20‐metre intervals and resulted in the identification of 332 archaeological sites from different cultural periods, which added much to the limited knowledge about the history of this region. Twenty‐four of these settlement sites belong to the Middle and Late Bronze Age horizons. This study uses GIS to map the distribution of archaeological materials and construct spatial models to determine the significance of the distribution patterns of the Bronze Age sites.  相似文献   

Given significant variation in population turnover and stability across neighborhoods, this study examines why renters stay in or leave certain neighborhoods. It is the first to analyze how neighborhood characteristics influence renters’ decisions to move within the neighborhood as well as how these decisions are interrelated with their housing tenure transitions and race. Results demonstrate that homeownership rates have a significant, positive association with the probability that renters stay and/or purchase homes in the current neighborhood. Both the tenure composition of the housing stock and higher neighborhood satisfaction appear to be central in understanding this association. Results also suggest that nonblack renters are more likely to leave neighborhoods that experience growth in the percentage of the black population, while blacks are more likely to stay and purchase homes within such neighborhoods.  相似文献   

Summary. In this paper, three aspects of the Hensbacka/Fosna assemblage are discussed. Although significant features of the inventory have been touched upon, emphasis is placed on two issues: firstly, the environmental premise of the assemblage and, secondly, the origin(s) of the group(s) behind the assemblage. In this regard, it is suggested that the Hensbacka/Fosna assemblage is an 'expression' that reflects subsistence strategies of Continental hunter/gatherers at the close of the Late Glacial. In support of this proposition, a discussion has been initiated that addresses the diagnostic features of tanged points and the rationality of human behaviour.  相似文献   

Ceramic vessels and associated vitreous debris, excavated at Coppergate, York, UK, have been interpreted as the remains of Roman glass‐making from the raw materials. This paper reports the results of analysis of this assemblage by XRF, ICPS, XRD, SEM– EDAX and thin‐section petrography. These findings suggest that some ceramic vessels, used as crucibles, have been subjected to temperatures up to 1200°C, well above the firing temperatures of the local domestic assemblage from which they were selected. Analysis of quartz‐rich debris, intimately mixed with glass in some samples and in others interleaved with glassy phases, indicates partially reacted glass‐making raw materials, with α‐quartz, tridymite and cristoballite phases represented. This could represent evidence either of a failed attempt to frit the raw materials, or a batch that had not fully fused. Variability in the composition of glass at the site is viewed in the light of glass‐making technology, and possible interpretations concerning this episode are discussed in the light of the archaeological evidence.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, neighbourhood effects research has received significant attention from the academic world, not only in the US, where that attention has a longer tradition, but also in Western Europe. There is also substantial interest among policy makers. Most policy makers intend to reduce concentrations of poverty by enhancing the social mix of neighbourhoods. Avoiding high immigrant concentrations in particular neighbourhoods is another issue that fuels political debate and policy intervention in many Western European countries, Scandinavian countries included. However, there are clear gaps in the understanding of the relationship between neighbourhood composition and social outcomes. One of these gaps regards the scale of the neighbourhood; if there would be neighbourhood effects, what scale is it relevant to consider? Is mix good or bad for the social prospects of individuals at a level that is very local, for example a few neighbouring streets, or could mix be helpful at a somewhat higher scale? This article will focus on this issue, applying individual longitudinal data in multi‐level models for the entire active population of the three largest metropolitan areas in Sweden. We will explore the degree to which the social and ethnic composition of geographical districts, at a variety of scales (measured at time t), are statistically related to individual employment and earnings for adult metropolitan residents at time t+1, controlling for relevant personal and household characteristics.  相似文献   

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