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从悖论浅议人地关系中的人性内涵   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
叶岱夫 《人文地理》2005,20(2):124-128
从哲学意义上说,不先研究人的秘密而想洞察自然的秘密那是根本不可能的。因此,有必要从人的"二律背反"本性内涵的表现出发去探寻人与地的关系。在探讨和分析了人地关系中人性内涵特征的基础上,从文化人与地的关系、人类自身的矛盾性、生存态度所决定的人性特征、忽略人性研究的严重后果等4个方面认知了人地关系中的人性内涵。最后在分析了技术与人性相互作用的前提下,指出了人性的本质内涵是内省式的"自己创造自己",而不是在对"地"的无限度索取中迷失自我,并提出人性内涵重新塑造和回归的设想。  相似文献   

张敏 《沧桑》2009,(2):147-148
戴震的哲学思想博大精深,堪称清代思想吏上的一座高峰。人性思想是其晚期的哲学思想,主要包括:人道源于性,而性源于天道;性之实体乃血气心知;欲、情、知三者,乃血气心知之自然。本文从思想史的角度展现了戴震人性思想的全貌,对其与居当时主流地位的宋明理学的交锋及其意义作了评述。  相似文献   

正童心既是儿童之心,也是人最初的自然本真状态,它包含人的真实、自主、创造等品质。童心具有"向真"、"向善"、"向美"的三个特性。向真性是儿童天生具有的、无意识的对外界本真探究的天性。向善性是儿童具有善良的,富有爱心的天性。向美性是儿童天  相似文献   

<正>泰州学派师承“阳明心学”,从“格物致知”出发,主张“百姓日用即为道”,将愚夫愚妇与圣人同列,视大众衣食住行、自然欲求为“圣人之道”,倡导建立“人人君子,比屋可封”的理想社会。由于强调人的主体性平等性,反对程朱理学对人性的压抑,学说甫一问世,即为士农工商各阶层广泛接受,吸引一批儒士名臣追随、  相似文献   

史玉梅 《攀登》2006,25(1):80-82
孔子是第一个真正从人的角度去探讨人的价值、人的尊严和人的地位的人,在他的礼、孝、仁思想中倾注了深切的人文关怀与浓厚的人文精神。  相似文献   

自汉儒始的两千年来,对《论语》中"唯上知与下愚不移"一句,长期以来被曲解并批判为孔子蔑视"下愚",搞阶级歧视,为压迫、奴役制造理论根据。笔者从儒学思想体系的整体性、深刻性、严密性,以及社会学、语用学、语义学的角度,采用经典自证、诸籍互证、薄物征知等方法,进行充分论证,否定前贤及时人的定见成说,提出了自己的肯定性见解,为孔子正名,为经典正义,在尊重经典本义的基础上,更好地传承之,以古为今用。  相似文献   

中国文化的主流是儒家文化。天命观是儒家思想里一个很重要的观念。天命就是"创造",这里的"创造"是指创造万物自身,而不是物之现象。中国的哲学从天命出发,从天命开端而后涉及人、物。我们的文化以天道,天命,天理开端,然后引向人间。人之所以为万物之灵长,就因其具有创造性,也只有人才具有创造性,与天一样的"创造性"。孔子以践仁来彰显天道,孟子继而提出"人性善",强调道德性。践仁,实现道德之善,都是由内向外,所谓"内圣外王"。这种天理之流行转为人性善,正是儒家文化的精神所在,也是我们这个民族的精神所在。  相似文献   

初论人性时空场   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
叶岱夫 《人文地理》2006,21(3):120-123,43
在缜密论述了人地关系中人性时空场基本概念和特征的基础上,从人性时空场意识流与人地关系的相互作用的角度认知了人性时空场的科学哲学内涵。最后分析了人性时空场意识流的随机变化特点之表达。提出:随着行为地理学研究深入,人性时空场意识流将成为它新的研究对象;与此同时,本文首次导出潜意识地理学(Potential Sense Geography)的学科概念,认为潜意识地理学会弥补行为地理学的不足,它将发挥人文关怀的当代学科优势,继而为人性的完善和人的可持续发展及人地关系的根本和谐作出贡献。  相似文献   

吴明  曾祥金 《神州》2014,(9):1-1
从精神分析学看,“人的欲求不满及内心挫折,到后来往往成为个人艺术创造的动力。个人在生活中受到内外阻碍,在本能及欲求得不到满足(例如爱情生活、性的苦恼等)的情况下,会通过艺术或文学创作来升华,将内心的价值转移到文学作品中去,因此文学艺术作品是人的本能欲求的代偿品。”“文学创作对个人的精神冲突和生活挫折起到了补偿作用。”[1]法国著名女作家杜拉斯幼年母爱缺失的经历和体验,使她在艺术创作中过程中颠覆传统,一反传统赞扬、歌颂的母亲形象,塑造了一个个丑陋罪恶异化的母亲形象。  相似文献   

戴震晚年大著《孟子字义疏证》中有明显的反程朱"存天理、灭人欲"具有禁欲主义倾向的自然人性观点,因此被认为是清代少有的具有哲学思想的学者。实际上自然人性论的观点在戴震早年便已孕育形成。其原因是多方面的,既有家乡的商业环境、学风,也有明末以来的自然人性思潮影响,共同促成了早期的戴震借宇宙本体论之"生生"来构建出的形下人伦庶物之"生生"的自然人性论。  相似文献   

东林学派站在纠正阳明后学流弊的立场上,反对性无善无恶说.东林学派的重要学者高攀龙与孙慎行都主张性善说,而援引道教中的善恶果报与忠孝成仙思想为他们性善说作补充.两人思想中的道教因素,与吴会地域的道教文化影响,以及当时的政局和残酷的政治纷争有关.  相似文献   

孟子认为人区别于禽兽的只是“人性善”,它源于人类共有的同情之心。因为人特有理性精神——反思能力,人人可以发现自己的“本心”,人人也可以成为“尧舜”。“人性善”是孟子“仁政”学说的基石。然而把“人性善”作为“平天下”功业的起点,也使其诞生之日起就有了巨大的消极意义。可是,现代人视人性为物质生活,社会生活等等所决定,也使人类为了从精神家园逃离,失去了生存的终极意义。把“人性善”作为终极的价值理性或许可以拯救这一现代病。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):205-225

An Augustinian analysis of the current version of political liberalism which is increasingly dominating Western politics recognizes it as idolatrous. Nonetheless, because of the parasitic nature of evil, idolatrous human politics may be sustained by God's grace as God gives people time to respond to God and to re-order their disordered loves in relation to Godself, the supreme good. The express recognition of this function of politics enables the advocacy of political limitism, a re-thinking of political liberalism in the light of eternity, which recognizes that politics has only a limited role to play in securing human goods and that the earthly polis is not the most important society.  相似文献   

卞桂平  焦晶  杨艳春 《攀登》2009,28(4):24-27
在现代化进程中,人们为了满足日益膨胀的欲望,藐视客观规律,恣意夸大主体性,从某种程度上形成了一定的“反主体性效应”,导致人与自然关系的恶化、与社会关系的异化及与自身关系的二重化。强调能动性与受动性的协调统一,揭示客观规律所蕴含的主体性维度成为现时代赋予的历史使命。  相似文献   

In deriving his moral code, Hobbes does not appeal to any mind-independent good, natural human telos, or innate human sympathies. Instead he assumes a subjectivist theory of value and an egoistic theory of human motivation. Some critics, however, doubt that his laws of nature can be constructed from such scant material. Hobbes ultimately justifies the acceptance of moral laws by the fact that they promote self-preservation. But, as Hobbes himself acknowledges, not everyone prefers survival over natural liberty. In this essay I show that Hobbes can argue that the desire for self-preservation is rationally required by modifying his subjectivist theory of the good to equate what is good for an agent only with the satisfaction of desires (for her own life) that she has at the time that they are satisfied. It is thus irrational to prefer postmortem glory over survival since an agent must be alive for glory to have any value for her.  相似文献   

孔子、孟子和苟子的“夷夏之辨”、“外夷内夏”、“夷夏之防”、“华夏一统”等民族思想为中华民族思想理论奠定了基调。虽然他们区分“夷”、“夏”的标准都是以“文化”为价值判断,但三人强调的侧重点是不同的,孔子的民族观念是对西周以来民族思想的继承,主张以“仁”、“德”为区分民族差别的标准,讲究“和为贵”;孟子的民族观念继承了孔子民族思想的开放性因素,其核心是“以夏变夷”,其指向是以仁义治天下;苟子的民族观念则是以“礼乐”为中心构建起来的,也具备开放性特征,但其着眼点在“严夷夏之防”,终极目的是通过“礼乐”之教而使天下一统,直接为巩固君主集权体制服务。  相似文献   

马国强 《神州》2012,(36):5-5
自然是道家哲学的最高价值,它的含义是“圆满自足”的“自然而然”。在道家看来,人类的一切行为都应该遵循自然的原则。道家的自然思想,在今天更加显示出其重要的警示作用和启悟价值。对于现代人类寻找新的文化对策,抵消理性中心主义和人类中心主义所产生的负面影响,防止人类进入异化状态,都是不可多得的思想资源。  相似文献   

This article illustrates how the Yamal-Nenets, a group of reindeer pastoralists in West Siberia, perceive a series of recent natural disasters to be connected to one another through a conspiracy – i.e. caused by the agency of malevolent human forces which are beyond the pastoralists’ control. Recent fieldwork during the peak of the global Covid-19 epidemic served as a trigger for this observation. Their self-confidence in the robustness of their lifestyle and their embeddedness within their natural environment is so strong that Yamal-Nenets nomads believe only evil forces – not nature – can stop them from being mobile. Alongside Covid-19, they interpret the severe consequences of natural disasters, such as iced pastures, related reindeer starvation and the outbreak of anthrax as man-made attempts to reduce the number of people and animals in the tundra. The blame they place on humans for these disasters takes place in the context of hitherto unseen gas industry developments in the area. Such interpretations may become a general pattern for changing perceptions of the world by remote indigenous populations when deprived of their once customary shamanic dialogue with the spirits.  相似文献   


In the figure of Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy has crafted perhaps the most haunting character in all of American literature. The antagonist of McCarthy's Blood Meridian, Holden is a richly composed portrait of human evil responsible for a litany of wicked deeds. This essay attempts to expound the character of judge Holden, to the end of clarifying McCarthy's definition of evil. It argues that McCarthy, with the judge, lays bare the contours of soul of the evil man, focusing especially on the tension between his ambitious repudiation of justice, on the one hand, and his steadfast, if unwitting, adherence to it, on the other. It is the evil man's conception of the purpose of knowledge, together with his desire to acquire boundless knowledge, that is the key to this tension in his soul.  相似文献   


Abraham Lincoln presented a lecture in 1858–1859 on the process of “Discoveries and Invention.” In this lecture he discusses man's desire to improve his condition and the use of technology to that end. The process of discovery and invention allows man to develop that technology and alleviate his state. Education, especially literacy, allows knowledge to be passed down through time, facilitating yet further improvement. Yet, Lincoln warns that human nature can also become raw material, as seen in the institution of slavery. In light of Lincoln's more commonly known natural rights argument against slavery, this warning about human nature takes on greater significance. Coupled with an address on agriculture from 1859, Lincoln's lecture on discovery and invention attempts to illustrate the liberating power of invention and education while reminding us of the limits posed by man's natural equality.  相似文献   

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