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北宋李颀墓志,全称<宋故将仕郎守青州文学李君墓志铭并序>,2008年春出土于山东省青州市云门山北麓.墓志一合,石灰石质.志盖、志石边长均78、厚均14厘米.志盖残损,上刻字径9厘米的阴文篆书"宋故文学李君墓志盖"9字(图一),四刹浅雕龙、凤、力士、云朵图案.志文楷书,字径1.5厘米,计27行,满行37字,凡847字(图二).现将志文标点断句,并作考证诠释.不当之处,敬请方家批评指正.  相似文献   

<唐王顒墓志>于20世纪80年代初在西安东郊陕西钢厂附近出土,1985年为笔者收藏.墓志署葬期为大中二年(848),志石高43厘米,宽47厘米,厚10厘米,无志盖.志文连题26行,每行20余字不等,共520字,行书.张模撰文,无书者名.志石四侧饰十二生肖兽首人身朝服持笏像并灵芝云纹图(图一).鉴于墓志自出土后迄今未刊布,兹椎拓拍摄、录文考证而披露之.  相似文献   

契丹大字《北大王墓志》考释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一墓志的发现辽代北大王墓位于内蒙古自治区昭乌达盟阿鲁科尔沁旗昆都公社的一个辽墓群中。该墓在解放前已被盗掘,墓门打开。1975年冬,当地社员进山劳动时进入墓中,发现仅存的一合墓志,随即送至旗文化馆收藏。墓志青砂岩质。志盖上圆下方,呈圭形。中高94、侧高70、宽61、厚7厘米。正面中央刻篆体汉字"北大王墓志"一行(图一),背面正刻汉字二十一行(图二)。志石长方形,高96、宽62、厚6厘米。上刻契丹大字二十七行(图三)。由于志盖与志石形状不同,志盖背面第六行汉文底部还残存一个契丹大字"(?)",我们推测,志盖是利用一个原来刻有契丹大字的碑打磨后改刻的。  相似文献   

从辽代韩知古家族墓志看韩氏家族契丹化的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自上个世纪末期以来,在辽上京遗址附近陆续出土了多方韩知古家族(以下简称韩氏家族)的墓志.计有:<韩匡嗣墓志铭>、<韩匡嗣妻秦国太夫人萧氏墓志>、<韩德昌墓志铭>、<韩德威墓志铭>、<耶律隆祐墓志铭>、<耶律遂忠墓志铭>、<耶律敌烈妻萧乌卢本墓志铭>、<耶律元佐墓志铭>、<耶律宗福墓志铭>、<耶律高十墓志铭>、<耶律敌烈墓志铭>等11方.其中<耶律高十墓志铭>、<耶律敌烈墓志铭>均为契丹文.  相似文献   

李思齐 《文献》2024,(1):135-142
2018年《辽金历史与考古》上公开了一方辽代墓志,被命名为《耶律善庆墓志》。经辨认对比,《耶律善庆墓志》与内蒙古大学藏契丹小字《故侍中墓志铭》出土于同一墓葬。墓主人耶律善庆即《辽史》有载的耶律蘂奴,为辽代后期重要的政治人物。  相似文献   

《文物》1980年第7期发表的用契丹和汉两种文字合刻的辽圣宗统和四年(986年)《耶律延宁墓志》,是迄今发现的有确切年代的契丹文墓志中最早的一件。该墓志所刻文字共二十四行,前十八行上半部为契丹大字,下半部分及最后六行均为汉字。与它同类型的墓志和碑刻,还有辽兴宗重熙十年(1041年)《北大王墓志》、重熙二十五年(1056年)《故太师铭石记》、辽道宗大安五年(1089年)《萧孝忠墓志》,以及《应历碑》、《静安寺碑》、辽太祖墓残碑等。这些现存的契丹大字碑刻,都是在失传六百多年后于本世纪陆续出土的。  相似文献   

崔仁纵墓志,全称<唐故豫州淮阳县丞崔府君及夫人裴氏后夫人夏侯氏三棺墓志序铭>,刊刻于武周大足元年(701).墓志石灰石质,圆首碑形,高90厘米,宽68.5厘米,厚10厘米.志文楷书,共31行,满行37字.志石左侧面刻有款署"嗣子棣州刺史思暕撰序,青州录事参军张希元制铭"21字(见图).志文记载了南北朝隋唐时期高门士族--清河青州房崔氏家族历史,具有重要史料价值.该墓志2005年春出土于山东省青州市区西郊,最初为乡民所得,几经辗转,现被青州城内一位文物爱好者收藏.  相似文献   

唐张说墓志考释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年秋,洛阳市伊川县吕店乡万安山南麓袁庄村西北出土唐张说墓志一合,现藏洛阳市第二文物工作队。墓志青石质,近方形。志盖盝顶,高53、宽52、斜刹16.4、边厚5厘米。盖顶篆书“唐赠太师燕文贞公张公墓志”3行12字。顶部四边及四刹刻变形蔓草纹,四斜刹蔓草间分别饰雄狮、青龙和奔马(图一)。志高80.8、宽80.4、厚16.5厘米。志文隶书32行,满行33字,共936字。志四侧刻变形蔓草纹,间以雄狮、朱雀、奔马(图二、三)。墓志录文如下。唐故尚书左丞相燕国公赠太师张公墓志铭并  相似文献   

<明故夏阳县主墓志>,1988年出土于西安市陕西省标准化研究所基建工地,现藏陕西省考古研究院.志石并盖一盒两石,青石刻制.志盖近方形,长68、宽66厘米.志盖阴刻篆书"大明夏阳县主圹志铭"3行9字,四周边饰花纹.  相似文献   

隋萧瑒墓志考李春敏隋萧墓志,出土于河南省洛阳市北。现存洛阳古代艺术馆。志石与盖为正方形,长宽均59.2厘米。志盖阳文篆书题"隋故秘书监左光禄大夫陶丘简侯之铭"(图一)。志文凡24行,满行24字,正书(图二)。现将志文抄录于下:图一萧墓志盖拓本(约1/...  相似文献   

Remembering an Industrial Landscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abandoned industrial factories and decaying communities have become a common sight in many places throughout the western world. Since the beginning of the postindustrial age communities have needed to make decisions about how to deal with these industrial landscapes. The celebration and interpretation of these places become important in a region's heritage. The struggle between labor and capital to control the meaning of the past is ongoing. Often, when under the control of government agencies, the story of labor is overshadowed by the benefits of industrial and engineering feats. Working-class histories, which are readily available for public interpretation, are omitted or downplayed in an industrial site's official memory.Virginius Island, located in Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, is one example where a working-class history is available for public interpretation, although the park continues to promote industrial heritage over working-class heritage. While archaeological investigations over the past several decades on the island have mainly focused on recovering signatures of its industry, recent work has explored the lives of the workers and their families who toiled in this industrial community. The latest effort to stabilize above-ground ruins that continues into the early twenty-first century has concentrated exclusively on the industrial sites. The interpretation of the island and the development of trails have made many of the industrial ruins accessible to the public. Today the National Park Service spends considerable time protecting, stabilizing, and interpreting the industrial sites on the park's landscape. It is obvious that the histories fading from the official memory are those that belong to the craft-oriented and working-class community.  相似文献   

This introduction precedes the four papers given in October 2000 in Copenhagen on analysing problems in the history of the neurosciences. The term historiography can be defined in different ways but means the study, and not simply the writing, of history. Although it goes back two millennia, it is a rapidly developing field as illustrated by the subsequent contributions.  相似文献   

塑造企业型政府   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石曙光 《攀登》2003,22(5):49-51
本指出,从我国国情出发,借鉴西方政府管理体制改革的经验,大胆突破封闭式的政府管理模式,倡导企业家精神,塑造企业型政府,是一条从根本上改革我国传统的政府管理体制的新路子。  相似文献   

Colombia is struggling to implement what is far and away the world's most inclusive peace accord. As such, it is a useful case for thinking about what peace means, how it means different things to different people, and how to build peace across difference. Geographers widely agree that peace is an ongoing spatial process that varies across time and space, but have paid less attention to how it varies across groups within space. Social inequalities like race, gender, and sexuality are spatialized. They operate in and through space in interlocking ways, and looking at inclusion issues can strengthen understandings of how peace space is made. Attempts to build more inclusive peaces can also be strengthened by understanding and addressing the uneven socio-spatial processes involved.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of quantifying variation in quality in an amenity as a component of an hedonic property amenity valuation. The paper considers the residential land amenity of an ocean view, a situation where there is typically substantial variation in the quality of the view between sites. The method is effectively a scoring system based on three sub-characteristics of the ocean view. It is illustrated by application to a coastal housing subdivision in Western Australia. The results provide an estimate of the increase in the sale price of a site attributable to the quality of the site’s ocean view. The method has a potential role in coastal land use management decisions.  相似文献   

This paper first distinguishes the explicit changes that have been made in the text of the Italian constitution from others that have affected how constitutional balances work (e.g. new electoral laws), before considering both together. The turning point in both cases was 1989 and the transition from the first to the second Italian political party system. Down to that time the first system that originated in the Cold War fractures in Italian politics remained in force with only marginal and incremental changes. After 1989, however, both Italy's highly centralized structure and its system of proportional representation were called into question, resulting in the constitutional reform of 2001 that increased the powers of the regions and the electoral law reforms (which were not changes to the constitution). In both cases the consequences of these changes have proved to be contradictory, which is why reform of the Senate is now being contemplated to make the project for increasing the powers of regional and local government more coherent, as well as the form of government and the electoral laws in ways that will produce the majorities needed to make governments more cohesive and stable.  相似文献   

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