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传统社会,"女子无才便是德",众多的女性被排斥在学校教育之外。而到了民国,女子教育迅速发展。文章以浙江地区的家谱为中心,从家谱鼓励女子入学,家谱中的女子教育状况等,探究民国时期女子教育观念的变迁。  相似文献   

中国古代的庵观女子教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代的庵观女子教育曹大为“中国旧俗,妇女皆禁为学。一则贱女之风,以女子仅为一家之私人,故以无才为德;一则男女既别,不能出于学校以求师。相习成风,故举国女子殆皆不学”①。康有为《大同书》中这段话大体反映了中国古代女子被排斥于学校教育大门之外的状况。...  相似文献   

丛小平 《清史研究》2003,13(1):87-97
本文考察晚清女子学堂的发展过程 ,认为在民族主义思潮的鼓动下 ,原属于家庭范围的传统女学向近代女子教育转变。地方改革派士绅及官员积极参与建立女子学校 ,在激进与保守的双重压力下清政府将多种形式的、分散的近代女子教育融入民族国家建设中。国家为培养新国民 ,而借用传统观念 ,强化女子在儿童早期教育和学前教育中的作用 ,建立了官立女子师范学校。作为最高的国家教育机构 ,女子师范不仅提供了女子受高等教育的机会 ,而且将女子在社会上的工作合法化。  相似文献   

《大公报》是中国迄今为止发行时间最长的中文报刊,在1902年,英敛之创办《大公报》之时,就以"开风气,牖民智"为宗旨,《大公报》也是当时社会中很有威望的报刊。提倡女子教育是《大公报》开风气,牖民智的一个重要方面,在《大公报》创刊之初就一直作为一个重要的内容进行宣传。英敛之等人一系列行之有效的宣传策略和宣传方法既宣扬了女子教育,又为后人办报提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

教会女子学校作为中国半殖民地半封建社会的产物,它的目的是希望通过输入西方文明以基督教影响中国,却在客观上开创了中国近代女子教育的先河。女学教育在办学宗旨、教学内容、学制、办学层次等方面有了较大的变革,为中国培养了一批接受新知识的新女性,从而推动了中国近代女子教育的发展,在中国近代教育史上具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

教会女子学校作为中国半殖民地半封建社会的产物,它的目的是希望通过输入西方文明以基督教影响中国,却在客观上开创了中国近代女子教育的先河。女学教育在办学宗旨、教学内容、学制、办学层次等方面有了较大的变革,为中国培养了一批接受新知识的新女性,从而推动了中国近代女子教育的发展,在中国近代教育史上具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

<正>5月16日,宁波教育博物馆正式开馆。该馆选址于中国第一所女子学校——宁波市原甬江女子中学旧址,为全国首个区域性教育行业博物馆,填补了我国博物馆体系的一项空白。设有三个基本陈列和五个辅助陈列,共有各类教育实物藏品3600多件。  相似文献   

郝新喜  程光 《文史月刊》2014,(11):30-32
清代末季,西学东渐,新式教育传入内地,富壤晋中得风气之先。光绪二十六年(1900年),基督教浸礼会在山西阳曲县(今太原)杏花岭开办男书房和女书房,为山西女子受西方教育之始。二十七年(1901年),朝廷颁布《兴学诏书》,令全国各州县书院改办小学堂,小学教育得以普及。二十八年(1902年),基督教会率先在太谷县南关开办贝露女子学校,信教女子走出闺阁,  相似文献   

古丝绸之路上的武山水帘洞风景区知名度颇高,然而,作为水帘洞石窟主体历史文化中心的拉梢寺却深藏闺中人未知。近年来,随着丝绸之路申遗工作的稳步开展和媒体的宣传才逐渐走进大众视野。  相似文献   

樱美林大学、樱美林大学研究生院介绍 樱美林大学的历史,可以上溯到1921年创办的“崇贞学园”时期。“崇贞学园”是樱美林学园创始人清水安三先生为提高女子受教育水平,在北京朝阳门外创办的女子学校。战后,返回日本的清水安三先生在现在的东京都町田市创办了一所女子高中,这就是樱美林大学的前身。  相似文献   

In many parts of the world, higher education has increased female chances of paid work and reduced the economic benefits of marriage. In Iran, however, female labour force participation has remained in low rates despite considerable improvements in female education. In the absence of direct economic benefits of education for women, this paper uses data from the 2009 Time Use Survey, representing urban areas of Iran, to explore another pathway of the impact of education on transition to marriage. It is postulated that female education can lead to later marriage by changing women’s role priorities, at least in two ways. While enrolment in education is time-consuming and incompatible with requirements of marital life, higher education can increase the chances and desire for engagement in alternatives to the roles related to marriage. The findings provide partial support for both explanations. These findings not only deepen our understanding about differentials in the time use and the potential pathway of the impact of female education on marriage, but also provide important information for policy makers who are concerned with marital and fertility behaviours of the large cohort of young educated women in Iran.  相似文献   

在近代中国边疆民族地区女学的兴起与发展历程中 ,西南地区的云南由于民族众多 ,毗邻英属缅甸和法属越南 ,因而女学的产生和影响具有一定的代表性和典型性。本文以中国整体为理论视角 ,探讨了近代云南女学的产生、发展及影响。认为近代云南女学兴起于 19世纪末 2 0世纪初 ,最早始于教会女学 ,云南自办女学的出现推动了女学教育的进一步发展 ,小学男女生同校及大学开放女禁使女子教育趋于完善。近代云南女学不仅培养了大批女性人才 ,还巩固了祖国西南边疆 ,加强了民族团结 ,在一定程度上促进了云南边疆民族地区传统社会的变迁。同时 ,与沿海和内地相比 ,由于受客观条件的限制 ,近代云南女学也具有起步晚、起点低、规模小、类型复杂、总体水平不高等局限。  相似文献   

《UN chronicle》1995,32(3):66-67
The Fourth World Conference on Women, to be held in Beijing in September 1995, is expected to issue a Platform for Action to advance the status of women, identify priority actions to be taken by the international community, and mobilize those at both the policy making and grass-roots levels to implement these goals. The draft Platform for Action addresses the following critical areas: poverty, women's education, reproductive health and sexuality, violence and armed conflict, economic disparity, power-sharing, institutions, human rights, mass media, environmental degradation, and female children. Parallel to the UN conference, a Nongovernmental Forum on Women will meet, with an emphasis on the concept of sustainable human development.  相似文献   

吉屋信子和林芙美子是侵华战争时期日本表现最为活跃的两位女性作家,其曾于1938年作为“笔部队”成员来华,之后分别创作了《波涛》《女人的教室》等作品。通过探究此类作品得以问世的来龙去脉可以发现,日本女性作家的“性别”既是日本军部及媒体有意利用的“标签”,亦是作家本人着意凸显的个体特征。若在此基础上具体分析作品中所建构的“铳后女性”形象,可以透视日本女性作家如何诱导广大日本女性积极协助侵略战争的内在机制,进而追究其应当承担的战争责任。  相似文献   

The text is less a review of the new literature than a reflectionon significant and innovative current trends in the historiographyon women and gender in the National Socialist era. The firstpart deals with various women's activities within milieus andprofessions, including their room for manoeuvre: midwives, socialworkers, female Nazi functionaries, and female auxiliary workersof the Nazi Wehrmacht. The second part of the article addressesspecific features of biopolitics, targeted not only againstJews but also against asocial women, homosexuals and prostitutes.It also looks at visual images of bodies. Although the Nazistried to create strongly determined binaries to categorize ‘we’and ‘the others’ in the arts and other propagandamaterial, there existed, in fact, a broad spectrum of body images,especially among media stars. A third trend in the history ofthe Third Reich deals not only with the politics of exclusionbut also of inclusion, as found in the concept of Volksgemeinschaft(national community), a concept that had many facets, such asthe Volksfamilie, comradeship and home front. And it was themedia that had the task of ‘translating’ this conceptto the people in many appealing ways. The fourth part considersthe gendering of memories after 1945 and the dominance of malenarratives and points of view. The four parts of the articleare intended to contribute to intersectional history and thehistory of social engineering.  相似文献   

This study examines the spatial representation of Nigerian women politicians in the news media of Africa’s most populous country. Through a content analysis of newspaper coverage of four high-profile women politicians during the 2015 electoral cycle, the study investigates the visibility of the women in three national newspapers. The analysis shows that women do not only occupy limited space in the news media but are also marginalised in political news despite decades of advocacy for gender equality. Although women have become more active politically since the end of military dictatorship in 1999, their participation and engagement in politics is not reflected in media coverage. The study argues that the degree of visibility of women in political news entrenches marginalisation and reinforces assumptions that ‘only men do politics.’ From this standpoint, the study illustrates how newspapers reinforce patriarchal understanding of politics and consequently highlights the manifest and latent obstacles that women encounter in the political arena. It comes to the conclusion that the relative absence of women in media spaces is emblematic of public perception of their political status.  相似文献   

口述历史作为一种教育手段,它在美国兴起于20世纪60年代,现在已经发展成为当代美国历史和相关学科教育的最为重要的教学方法之一。它不仅适用于中小学、大学与研究生教育,同时也广泛应用于社区和继续教育;同时,从应用专业来说,它已经超越历史而成为包括英文、新闻学、文学、社会学、民俗学、人类学和戏剧学等众多学科的重要教育手段。总之,它是一种值得尝试和努力探索的改革方向。  相似文献   

This article develops a Foucauldian account of the rise of the modern school, on the basis of a thorough examination of all references to education in Foucault's work. It analyses the seventeenth-century origins of mass schooling and traces its development up to the nineteenth century. It identifies several overlapping stages in this multifaceted and largely contingent development, particularly a fundamental shift from a negative to a positive conception of the school. This Foucauldian understanding of the rise of schooling as a disciplinary technology suggests that an initial focus on the exclusion or confinement of disorderly groups was gradually superseded by a focus on the inclusion or “attachment” of diverse individuals and on the development of their potential. It concludes by cautioning against over-simplistic applications of Foucault's work to the field of education.  相似文献   


Recent changes in the character and organisation of the school curriculum in England and Wales are making a direct impact on geography. Despite its place in the National Curriculum for 5–14‐year‐olds and its current popularity in public examinations at 16 + and 18 +, there are growing indications that geography may not be guaranteed security, status or quality in the long term. In particular, geography's position may be threatened in the 14–19 curriculum by its failure to be included in the statutory core, by increasing competition from vocational courses and by the possibility of further changes now proposed for the 16–19 qualification structure. There is also evidence of a growing discontinuity in content and approach between geography at school and in higher education. Threats to geography in schools are likely to have a direct impact on the supply of students to higher education and on the continuity of educational experiences. It is suggested that there needs to be a greater dialogue and joint school/higher education activity not only to ensure continuity and progression in the existing situation, but also to influence the next round of school curriculum change. Some areas for potential action are identified and these may have wider relevance to geography educators in other countries.  相似文献   

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