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大遗址保护与考古遗址公园建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设考古遗址公园,是新时期大遗址保护新模式,是建设和谐社会和中华民族共同精神家园的重要举措。建设考古遗址公园的根本目的是保护遗址、服务考古。考古遗址公园建设必须科学规划,严肃论证,循序渐进,稳妥扎实。考古学家应积极支持考古遗址公园建设。文物管理部门应对考古遗址公园建设热情支持,善加引导,健全规章,严格管理。  相似文献   

郭立新 《华夏考古》2000,(2):103-108
考古学与人类学、社会学、历史学等社会科学或人文科学一样,其总的研究对象都是人类社会。所不同的是,考古学研究的起点是古人活动遗留下来的遗迹和遗物(总称...  相似文献   

The excavating archaeologists’ methodological set ‐ excavation, recording, analysis and publication ‐ rests on the notions and principles of the stratigraphic succession of archaeological deposits. Since 1954 when Sir Mortimer Wheeler published Archaeology From the Earth, there has been a dearth of published discussion on the stratigraphie theory in archaeology. This paper examines some of the background of the stratigraphie notion in archaeology and a revised model for archaeological stratigraphy based on ‘units of stratification’ is presented. Re‐evaluations of stratigraphie configurations in archaeology arc perhaps long overdue and this article is an attempt to engender discussion on this fundamental archaeological tenet.  相似文献   

To understand Aztec society most scholars have relied heavily on the rich and abundant documents written during the 16th and 17th centuries. But new archaeological fieldwork is yielding data that supplement the documents; it offers new insights into Aztec society that contribute to comparative studies of complex societies. Publications from 1989 to 1997 emphasize (1) chronologies based on archaeological evidence rather than texts; (2) the origins of the Aztecs and the nature of the preimperial period; (3) developmental sequences and internal organization of individual sites and polities; (4) the economies of households, communities, and regions; and (5) the impact of the Aztec empire on subject regions.  相似文献   

Insects are present in most archaeological contexts as a result of both natural and cultural processes. Insect data can be used to address a number of issues, including environmental reconstruction, forensics, identification of domesticates, taphonomy, and diet. This paper focuses on the archaeology of insect use in antiquity: their collection, processing, and storage and the archaeological manifestations of those activities. Consideration also is given to the incorporation of insect data into settlement/subsistence models.  相似文献   

澧阳平原的考古学启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
澧阳平原新石器时代文化的发展具有独特性,这里可以清晰地看到从一般聚落到史前古城的演变过程.在经过几次结构性的文化重组之后,它与江汉平原的新石器文化融为一体.这一地区的一些重要问题值得我们研究:如新旧石器的过渡和农业的起源,环境与聚落的变迁,文明化进程等.通过对这一区域的研究可以让我们了解史前文化发展的某些规律.  相似文献   


The Electra-Level is a leveling device with applications in field archaeology. It offers advantages over the line level and optical leveling instruments in situations where visibility, obstructions, or shortage of personnel are factors. Some specific applications in archaeological fieldwork by Boston's City Archaeology Program are described.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the history and trending of archaeological education in South Africa, a set of frameworks wherein primary and secondary level students instrumentalize archaeology to investigate and debate their pasts. Archaeological education has existed thus far as a conversation among archaeologists and a footnote in the national curriculum. I present the first cohesive treatment of these projects. I examine attendant conflicts and obstacles, drawn partly from my involvement in two South African projects but illustrating issues that I believe have global resonance. I submit that archaeological education entails engagements that hold serious ramifications for archaeological ethics, practice, and epistemology.  相似文献   

The marine borer, known as shipworm, has long been known for their degradation of wooden constructions in the marine environment. This review presents the results from a variety of experiments conducted at the National Museum of Denmark throughout the past five years dealing with the in situ preservation of maritime archaeological artefacts in light of the threat from shipworm. The aim of the research has been to improve methods and analyses for conducting experiments with shipworm, and to better our understanding of their attack pattern and how to stop an active attack in situ.  相似文献   


The Peace of Utrecht (1713) ended the War of the Spanish Succession as a global European conflict. However, the treaty abandoned to their fate the Spanish territories that had supported Archduke Charles. Resistance to the House of Bourbon was focused in the city of Barcelona, which was immediately put under siege. However, the Catalan government managed to create a powerful army outside the siege belt of the capital. This force, comprising almost 5,000 soldiers, attacked a similar Bourbon army in the small town of Talamanca on 13 August, 1714. The Catalan commander, the Marquis of Poal, successfully launched three simultaneous attacks against the Bourbon force. This study is an approach to this battle, using the results of archaeological fieldwork undertaken in the area. The study of material evidence is combined with GIS and statistical analysis in order to better understand the armies of the 18th century.  相似文献   


When the Liverpool and Manchester Railway opened, the Wapping Tunnel incline between Liverpool docks and Edge Hill was operated by rope haulage. A self-tensioning continuous rope was installed, driven by engines supplied by Robert Stephenson and Co. These were housed in the prestigious houses that flanked the Moorish Arch. Excavation of the northern engine house and the rope haulage machinery system was undertaken during 1976-9. The walls of the engine house were found demolished into the cellar, from where tunnels led under the tracks to the boilers and a large hole which once contained the main drive pulleys. A long trench ran from this hole towards the Tunnel entrance and once contained the rope-tensioning gear. In addition to the excavation, information about the site was collated from contemporary published sources and the minutes of the railway directors. The correlation between all sources was high, and from the evidence it seems possible that in the cutting, George Stephenson devized a rope haulage system whose importance was only. overshadowed by the success of Rocket.  相似文献   

考古与遗址公园——国家考古遗址公园建设中的两个定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家考古遗址公园是近年来我国大遗址保护的一种创新模武.在建设过程中,我们既要正确理解国家考古遗址公园的定位,处理好"考古遗址"与"公园"之间的关系,确保考古遗址公园的特质属性和发展走向,也要全面准确把握国家考古遗址公园中考古工作的定位.这种正确的定位有利于考古遗址的科学保护、深入研究及有效展示,同时也有助于推动中国现代...  相似文献   

考古调查、发掘和研究成果的重要载体———考古报告 ,是考古学研究的资料信息库。考古学界对什么是理想的考古报告、考古报告的分类、考古报告生产中的问题等 ,尚有不同的见解 ,因此被学术界所关注。本文拟对这些方面的问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

2011年1月11日,由中国社会科学院主办,中国社会科学院考古研究所、考古杂志社承办的第十届中国社会科学院考古学论坛.2010年中国考古新发现在中国社会科学院学术报告厅举行。会上,浙江省文物考古研究所、山西省考古研究所、湖南省  相似文献   

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