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This essay looks at two major tendencies in cultural policy recommendations in Latin America: (1) the economic contribution of arts, heritage and especially the cultural and creative industries; and (2) cultural rights, with a focus on inclusion, access, empowerment, and the integral development/well-being of citizens. The two tendencies, which are part of cultural development policies, are not easily integrated into an all-encompassing policy because they follow different logics and management strategies. Nevertheless, both of these tendencies, which emerged in the heyday of neoliberalism (the 1990s), continue to provide the major justifications for cultural funding, although the current economic crisis has led to budget cuts. After a review of cultural development policies, this essay examines innovative strategies to compensate for scarce funding, including those that seek to bridge both tendencies. The cases examined below correspond to discussions of cultural policies in Latin American forums with hundreds of policy-makers and analysts over the past 20-plus years.

Abbreviations: BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation; CadenAgro: Centro de Apoyo para el Desarrollo de Denominaciones de Origen y Sellos de Calidad de Productos Agroalimentarios; CCI: Cultural and Creative Industries; CEDE: Centro de Estudios de Desarrollo Económico; CMD: Centro de Diseño Metropolitano; CVC: Cultura Viva Comunitaria; ECLAC: Economic Commission for Latin America; ILO: International Labor Organization; IMF: International Monetary Fund; MDG: Millennium Development Goals; MDG-F: Millennium Development Goals Fund; MICA: Mercado de Industrias Creativas de Argentina; MICSUR: Mercado de Industrias Culturales del Sur; MSME: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises; SEGIB: Secretaría General Iberoamericana; SELA: Latin American Economic System; UCLG: United Cities and Local Governments; UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; UNDP: United Nations Development Programl; UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; US: United States of America  相似文献   

Este artículo analiza la correspondencia de Pedro de Castro y Quiñones con Francisco de Castro y Antonio de Herrera sobre las versiones históricas referentes a los hechos de su padre Cristóbal Vaca de Castro frente al gobierno del Perú. Demuestra que, con el propósito de modificar los términos de la crónica de Agustín de Zárate, Pedro de Castro supervisó directamente el texto de las Décadas de Herrera y, a través del jesuita Francisco de Castro, la versión sobre Vaca de Castro que aparece en la segunda parte de los Comentarios reales. La diferente relación del arzobispo con Herrera y Garcilaso —directa en el primer caso y mediata en el segundo— refleja la dispar autoridad de estos dos historiadores. A pesar de que esta intervención de Pedro de Castro se esconde a los ojos del lector, deja una huella tangible en la coincidencia de Herrera y Garcilaso en la escritura de la biografía del gobernador Vaca de Castro frente a la discrepancia de estos mismos cronistas en otros asuntos indianos. El estudio concluye mostrando la articulación que las historias de las Indias tenían en relación con numerosos problemas históricos, teológicos y políticos que se ventilaban entonces.  相似文献   

Church and State in Bourbon Mexico: The Diocese of Michoacán, 1749–1810. By D. A. BRADING. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. 300.

Ideología y sociedad en Guadalajara (1788–1853). By BRIAN CONNAUGHTON. Mexico: UNAM‐CONACU, 1992.

La venida del reino. Religión, evangelización y cultura en América. Siglos XVI‐XX. Compiled by GABRIELA RAMOS. Cuzco: Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos “Bartolomé de las Casas”, 1994.

Autobiografía de una monja venerable. By JERONIMA NAVA Y SAAVEDRA (1669–1727). Study and introduction by ANGELA INES ROBLEDO. Bogotá: Centro Editorial Universidad del Valle, 1994. Pp. 187.

El crédito eclesiástico en la Nueva España: Siglo XVIII. By GISELA VON WOBESER. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1994. Pp. 275.  相似文献   

Traditionally it has been considered that Castilian cancionero poetry has hardly preserved diálogos interestróficos, such as the primitive tensón. However, the Cancionero de Palacio contains a very significant sample of the different possibilities of the cancioneril dialogic mold: beyond poetic dialogue forms more common in Fifteenth Century Spanish poetry, through whole texts juxtaposed, the Cancionero de Palacio contains several other more original forms, and as a result it serves as a codex unicus. This article offers, for the first time, an analysis of all the diálogos interestróficos collected in this Cancionero. This analysis contradicts the widely held view about the rarity and scarcity of these texts and confirms the originality of the dialogic schemes and the strong presence of polyphonic texts in this colectánea. The article presents a list of twelve compositions—a very significant number—in which the dialogue articulates all the text, with voices alternating stanza to stanza or even within each stanza. After establishing this body of work, the study centers on a typological analysis based on the voices found in these poems.  相似文献   

This study discusses hitherto unknown aspects concerning the papal censure of the work by the Spanish jurist Juan de Solórzano Pereira, author of the two-volume treatise on Derecho indiano, known as the Disputationes de Indiarum Iure. Immediately after the publication of its second part in 1639, the Curia (under the government of Pope Urban VIII Barberini) prompted the Congregation of the Index in Rome to examine Solórzano's seminal treatise and, eventually, condemn its section about Spain's royal patronage of the Church. By looking at the circumstances of the censure (e.g. the early ‘leak’ orchestrated by the Congregation, the other reports about the censure), the present work aims at bringing to the attention of scholars the Solórzano file conserved in the Vatican archives. Considering both the reasons of the censure and the circumstances under which it developed, the present study sheds new light on the complex relationship between Spain and the Papacy in the first half of the seventeenth century and beyond.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
James Valender, ed. Homenaje a María Zambrano: Estudios y correspondencia. México: El Colegio de México, 1998. 313 pp.

Linda M. Willem. Galdós's Segunda Manera: Rhetorical Strategies and Affective Response. Chapel Hill: North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 1998. 200 pp.

Patricia Francis Cholakian. Women and the Politics of Self-Representation in Seventeenth-Century France. University of Delaware Press, 2000. 219 pp.

Richard E. Goodkin. Birth Marks. The Tragedy of Primogeniture in Pierre Corneille, Thomas Corneille, and Jean Racine. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000. xi + 281 pp. $57.50.  相似文献   

The sub-discipline of Historical Archaeology continues to push out its borders from its origins as the archaeology of British colonial settlement in North America. This review article evaluates the contribution of a set of papers presented at the Society of Historical Archaeology meeting in Albuquerque New Mexico in early 2008, and shows how new theoretical formulations are taking shape.
Résumé  La sous-discipline de l’archéologie historique continue à faire reculer ses frontières de ses origines en tant qu’archéologie de l’implantation du colonialisme britannique en Amérique du Nord. Cet article évalue la contribution d’un ensemble d’articles présentés à la Society of Historical Archaeology à l’occasion de la rencontre qui s’est tenue à Albuquerque au Nouveau Mexique au début de l’année 2008, et montre comment les nouvelles formulations théoriques prennent effet.

Resumen  Desde sus orígenes en los trabajos arqueológicos de la colonización británica de Norteamérica, la sub disciplina de Arqueología Histórica ha ido ampliando sus límites. Este artículo revisado evalúa la contribución de una serie de trabajos presentados en la junta de la Sociedad de Arqueología Histórica en Alburquerque (Nuevo México) a principios del 2008, y demuestra que las formulaciones teóricas están empezando a tomar forma.

This article presents an analysis of the Spanish director José Luis Guerin's “documental ficticio” titled En construcción (2001) En construcción. Dir. José Luis Guerin.Ovídeo TV S.A., 2001. Film. [Google Scholar]. In particular, I will examine the filmic representation of urban and architectonic spaces within post-industrial Barcelona, as well as the relationship of space and place to the construction of historical (post)memory in post-Francoist Spain, as “lieux de memoire.” While contemporary Spanish film has tended toward the engagement of Franco's lingering specters, I contend that Guerin's filmic discourse rather focuses on the new totalitarian state imposed by the emergence of social democracy and free-market capitalism in post-Francoist Spain, as inscribed via the urban architecture within Barcelona's public spaces.  相似文献   

Relación de la religión y ritos del Perú hecha por los padres agustinos. Edited, preliminary study and notes by LUCILA CASTRO DE TRELLES. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1992. Pp. lxxxvii, 75.

Curacas, reciprocidad y riqueza. By FRANKLIN PEASE G.Y. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1992. Pp. 208.

Perú. Hombre e historia. Vol. II. Entre el siglo XVI y el XVIII. By FRANKLIN PEASE G.Y. Lima: EDUBANCO, 1992. Pp. vii, 347.

Pachacamac y el Señor de los Milagros. Una trayectoria milenaria. By MARIA ROSTWOROWSKI DE DIEZ CANSECO. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1992. Pp. 214.

Las visitas a Cajamarca 1571–72/1578. Documentos. Preliminary studies and edition by MARIA ROSTWOROWSKI DE DIEZ CANSECO and MARIA DEL PILAR REMY. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1992. 2 vols. Pp. vi, 416, 463.

Instrucción al licenciado Lope García de Castro (1570). By EL INCA TITU CUSI YUPANQUI. Edited and preliminary study by LILIANA REGALADO DE HURTADO. Paleography by DEOLINDA VILLA E. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1992. Pp. lviii, 84.  相似文献   

CaramÉs, A., Martinez, M., Concheyro, A., RemÍrez, M. & Adamonis, S., 6 August 2019 2019. Holothuroidea: new records from the Lower Cretaceous of the Agrio Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. An integrated study with foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils. Alcheringa XX, xx–xx. ISSN 0311-5518

New records of holothurian ossicles (Echinodermata) from the Lower Cretaceous Agrio Formation, Mendoza Group, in the northern Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina, represent, excepting some general mention of ossicles, the first collection from the Lower Cretaceous of South America. The discovery is one of the few worldwide records of holothurian remains from this age. The analysed skeletal elements are associated with other microfauna and nannoflora retrieved from washed residues of claystones and marlstones of the lower strata of the Pilmatué Member, in Área 3000 and Puerta Curaco sections. The calcareous microfossil assemblage is composed almost exclusively of the foraminifera Epistomina loncochensis, suggesting quiet marine environments and low levels of dissolved oxygen in the bottom/water interface. A late Valanginian age is confirmed by the nannofossil assemblage found together with the holothurian ossicles. Analysis of ossicle shapes allows their attribution to molpadiids (Molpadida: Molpadiidae): one two-armed racquet-like single ossicle that remains as an indeterminate molpadiid and a new genus and species proposed for the abundant cross-shaped and star-shaped ossicles. The latter, owing to the presence of four holes and the lack of a spire or some elevation projecting well out from surface in the centre of the plates, resemble two known species of the genus Cruxopadia Reich, but they differ in their arm morphology.

Andrea Caramés [], IDEAN—Instituto de Estudios Geológicos Andinos ‘Don Pablo Groeber’, CONICET, Ciudad Universitaria Pabellón II, Intendente Güiraldes 2160-C1428EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina; Mariano Martinez [], Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘Bernardino Rivadavia’, CONICET, A. Gallardo 470-C1405DJR Buenos Aires, Argentina; Andrea Concheyro [], IDEAN—Instituto de Estudios Geológicos Andinos ‘Don Pablo Groeber’, CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria Pabellón II, Intendente Güiraldes 2160-C1428EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Instituto Antártico Argentino, Argentina; Mariano Remírez [], CIG—Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas, CONICET, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Diagonal 113 N° 275-B1904DPK, La Plata, Argentina; Susana Adamonis [], Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, IDEAN. Ciudad Universitaria Pabellón II, Intendente Güiraldes 2160-C1428EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina.  相似文献   

This article reconsiders the subject of early modern Spanish gender and sexuality studies by analyzing the relación de méritos y servicios presented by the famed ‘Lieutenant Nun’ Catalina de Erauso to the Council of the Indies. Studies have focused on the Vida i sucesos de la Monja Alferez, a biography of disputed authorship, and its transgressive protagonist who hides gender identity and illicit desires from persecuting authorities. In contrast, this article studies the petition to show how Erauso’s identity depends upon bureaucratic forms, their standardized content, and collective authorship. In so doing, it moves from a study of gender transgression to a reading of ‘hábitos’—a term that designates interlocking categories of gender, dress, profession, and social status. By shifting the subject of gender and sexuality studies to this web instantiated by ‘hábitos,’ this article shows how collaborative acts of reading and writing allowed privileged subjects to navigate identity and empire in the seventeenth-century Spanish Atlantic world.  相似文献   


In this article, after analyzing the comics industry in Spain in the context of the 2008 crisis, which reveals how small and medium publishers have adapted to new trends in consumption, I focus on the graphic novel Barcelona. Los vagabundos de la chatarra (2015) by Jorge Carrión and Sagar. This comic depicts the underworld of scrap metal collection in Barcelona, where mainly immigrant workers wander the streets, barely eking a living out of the detritus of consumerist society. It is an example of graphic journalism in comics, one of the most interesting developments in the genre in the past few years. It is also a novelty in Spanish comics because certain topics were far from common in the existing repertoire, which had been dominated by adventures, fantasy, and science fiction. Drawing on Verónica Gago's La razón neoliberal (2014) and Saskia Sassen's Expulsions (2015), I challenge conventional approaches to neoliberalism by focusing on neoliberalism from below, which is seen by Gago to point toward the emergence of a new historical consciousness of living in perpetual crisis.  相似文献   

Reviews of books     
Satire in Colonial Spanish America: Turning the New World Upside Down. By Julie Greer Johnson. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993. Pp. xvii, 224.

La Araucana. Por Alonso De Ercilla Y Zuniga. Edición de Isaias Lerner. Madrid: Editorial Cátedra, 1993. Pp. 1026.

Diente del Parnaso (Manuscrito de la Universidad de Yale). Por Juan Del Valle Y Caviedes. Edición, introducción y notas de Luis Garcia‐Abrines Calvo, con la colaboración de SYDNEY JAIME MUIRDEN. Jaén: Diputación Provincial, 1993. Pp. 481.

Catálogo concordado de la Biblioteca ie Hernando Colón. Tomo 1, 1–400. By Tomas Marin Martinez, Jose Manuel Ruiz Asencio and Klaus Wagner. Madrid: Fundación MAPFRE América, Cabildo de la Catedral de Sevilla, 1993. Pp. 717.

The People of Quito, 1690–1810: Chan, ‘e and Unrest in the Underclass. By Martin Minchom. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, Dellplain Latin American Studies, 1994. Pp. xvii, 297.

Los encomenderos de Quito, 1534–16C 0. Origen y evolución de una élite colonial. By Javier Ortiz De La Tabla Ducasse. Sevilla: Escuela de Estudios Hispano‐Americanos, 1993. Pp. xvi, 377.

Word from New Spain: The Spiritual Au obiography of Madre María de San José (1656–1719). Critical edition and introduction by Kathleen Myers. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1993. Pp. x, 234.

Una partecita del cielo. La vida de Santa Rosa de Lima narrada por Don Gonzalo de la Maza a quien ella Ilamal a padre. Versión paleográfica de Luis Millones. Ensayos de Luis Millones y Fernando Iwasaki. Lima, Perú: Editorial Horizonte, 1993. Pp. 217.

Poema Heroyco al merecido aplauso de Soror Ivana Inés de la Crvz. De Ioseph Zatrilla Y Vico. [Barcelona, 1696]. Edición facsímile de Aureliano Tapia Mendez. Monterrey, N.L.: Talleres Gráficos de Cultura de la Ciudad de México, 1993. Pp. xi, 38.

Carta de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz a su confesor. Autodefensa espiritual. Estudios y notas de Aureliano Tapia Mendez. Monterrey, N.L.: Imprenta Madero (Ciudad de México) para Producciones al Voleo El Troquel, 1993. Pp. 253.

Reading Columbus. By Margarita Zamora. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993. Pp. xvi, 247.  相似文献   

The Poem or Book of Fernán González was probably written c. 1250 by a monk of San Pedro de Arlanza (Burgos, Castile) to strengthen the legendary foundation of his monastery by the tenth-century Castilian Count, Fernán González, and to promote his tomb cult there. The Arlanza poet was competing with the benefits that Santiago and San Millán de la Cogolla were trying to get on legendary accounts of the champion of the independence of the County of Castile from the Kingdom of León. It is clear that this is a work of monastic propaganda, designed to attract pilgrims and donations; therefore perhaps a better title for it would be Poem of the Foundation of San Pedro de Arlanza. The Arlanza poet was fond of the popular and orally transmitted Romance epics (Hispanic and Carolingian songs). He knew Siete infantes de Salas, the tradition of the Youthful Deeds of Rodrigo (Gesta de las Mocedades de Rodrigo), the anti-Carolingian song(s) of Bernardo del Carpio, and the Roncesvals Matière. We also suspect that the poet was recasting a now-lost epic cantar de gesta of Fernán González. This cantar was probably also known by Gonzalo de Berceo, who was actively working in San Millán de la Cogolla, a few years earlier, trying to attract pilgrims and donations. In this article, I try to analyze how much we know of the lost Cantar de Fernán González and if the Monastery of Sahagún (León) also reappropriated it for its own propaganda.  相似文献   

There exists a space of the ‘solid Mediterranean’. This concept was first proposed by the Annales’s co-founder Lucien Febvre in 1944–45, during a course on Europe in the longue durée. The flexible borders of this double space, both conceptual and contextual, remain in construction within the on-going and global reality of the solid Mediterranean’s space. The comparative history of European societies promoted during the interwar period by Marc Bloch, the other Annales founder, contributes to the construction of said space. Examining this space allows us to concretely articulate scales of analysis from the local to the global. The article is based on a comparative analysis of two Italian and Spanish cases that appear to be particular and paradigmatic (‘exceptional normal’, Edoardo Grendi) of – respectively – Italy’s so-called ‘southern question’ (questione meridionale) and the Spanish ‘agrarian question’ (cuestión agraria). Thus the article helps to conceptualize the space of the Méditerranée solide, marked by the complex and long-term Southern European question. The article compares Il Ministro della mala vita (The Minister of the Corruption, 1910) by historian Gaetano Salvemini and Del caciquismo trágico (On Tragical Caciquism, 1913) by republican journalist Pedro Torres. Through these ‘exceptionally normal’ case studies, taken together and explained reciprocally, it is possible to better understand the space of the solid Mediterranean. The social realities of the Spanish cuestión agraria and the Italian questione meridionale, as well as the conditions of local historiographical production on such realities are, indeed, a consubstantial part of the European transnational, global space of the ‘solid Mediterranean’.  相似文献   

La declamación del Cid durante las Cortes de Toledo desemboca en el sangriento enfrentamiento entre una tríada de sus mejores soldados contra tres miembros del clan de Carrión. Este combate triple responde al nuevo sistema triádico que gobierna este tercer cantar. La crítica cidiana sostiene una influencia de la épica francesa para este episodio al igual que defiende la necesidad del autor del poema por mantener un patrón triple. Sin embargo, la peculiaridad del número de combatientes y el papel que el monarca Alfonso VI como juez desempeña durante la asamblea tienen una raíz literaria. Esta pugna entre ambas tríadas y el hecho de que el rey delegue la supervisión del pleito recuerda el episodio de los Horacios y Curiacios de Tito Livio en el libro primero de su Ab urbe condita. La influencia de la obra de Tito Livio durante la Edad Media, y en concreto el éxito de este episodio belicoso, posibilita argumentar una base literaria para la confección del episodio cidiano. Así, el cambio numérico de este último cantar y la postura del rey atesoran una matriz erudita que demuestra los intereses culturales del genio creador del Poema de Mio Cid.  相似文献   

PAUL PRESTON. Franco: A Biography. London: HarperCollins, 1993. Pp. xxi, 1,002. £25.00;

PAUL PRESTON. The Politics of Revenge: Fascism and the Military in Twentieth- Century Spain. London and New York: Routledge, 1990 and 1995 (reprint). Pp. xix, 215. £11.99;

MICHAEL ALPERT. A New International History of the Spanish Civil War. New York: St Martin's Press, 1994. Pp. ix, 209. $45.00 (US);

ENRIQUE MORADIELLOS. La Perfidia de Albión: El Gobierno británico y la guerra civil española. Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno de España Editores, 1996. Pp. xviii, 408. 3,000 ptas.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the political discourses on chivalry and gender in Libro del Caballero Zifar and provides textual evidence in support of the theory that María de Molina was an original patron of this anonymous work from the cathedral school of Toledo. Using the portrait of the queen in the prologue as a point of departure, this study explores the intertextuality of Libro del Caballero Zifar and contemporary royal chronicles, elucidating the manner in which the political discourse of the former supports the political propaganda of the latter, ultimately creating a legitimizing discourse for María de Molina's rule as queen of Castile-León at the turn of the fourteenth century.  相似文献   

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