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邛窑作为四川地区久负盛名的民窑之一,其制瓷工艺在唐代进入繁荣时期。本文通过对唐代邛窑瓷器在品类、造型、纹饰等方面的分析,展示其独有的地方特色和民俗风貌.并更加深入地探究其所反映出的唐代四川地区社会生活的一些情况。  相似文献   

<正>扳指之玦,是指射箭用的钩弦之器,它还有个名字叫"韘"。据考古发现证实,韘初见于商代,春秋、战国时比较流行。扳指的形制,出现过很多种样式,最为主要的是坡形扳指和桶形扳指。坡形扳指出现较早,最初还刻有弦槽,传统汉式扳指侧视为梯形,而蒙古族和满族的扳指一般为圆柱体。迄今所知最早的玉扳指出土于商代晚期的殷墟妇好墓中,扳指雕刻精致,横向有一条浅槽,是长期钩弦的使用痕迹。妇好本人就是可以带兵征战的统帅,所带的使用痕迹说明这是她实  相似文献   

董健丽 《收藏家》2022,(5):3-12
唐代是中国陶瓷蓬勃发展时期,瓷窑遍布全国各地,器物种类繁多,造型千姿百态,釉色品种丰富,纹饰端庄大气,文化内涵多元。故宫博物院收藏的唐代器物计1534件,涵盖了各个窑口,各种釉色,使用功能齐全,日常用具、陈设用具、文房用具、宗教法器、丧葬用具、乐器、玩具等各种门类无所不包,直观地反映了当时人们物质和精神生活的方方面面,具有很高的历史价值和艺术价值。本文从以下两个方面进行述论,不妥之处,敬祈方家不吝赐教。  相似文献   

介绍三件唐代邢窑三彩器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正> 从广义上说,唐三彩是唐代彩色釉陶的总称。从现有考古资料来看,有唐三彩烧造窑场的省份有河南、陕西、河北及四川等,其中河北窑场是指在当时以烧造白瓷而闻名遐迩的邢窑。如内丘县西关附近窑场曾发现盘、杯、罐、钵、盂、壶、鍑等釉陶制品,与白瓷、黑瓷和其他瓷器烧成于同一作坊,从成型工艺到造型特征都与瓷器一致。其中单色釉有绿  相似文献   

武安市沿平村石塔为方形密檐式塔,塔座、塔身及塔心室有精美的佛教题材雕饰和造像,其造型结构、雕刻内容和艺术风格均具有典型的唐代特征,当属唐代佛教鼎盛时期的作品。  相似文献   

李怡 《文博》2003,(3):61-64
唐代是中国封建社会的鼎盛时期,绘画发展到了光辉的阶段。其中墓室壁画在前代传统的基础上,显示了浓郁的世俗性——绘制在墓道、过洞、天井、甬道等各个部分的壁画,从不同的角度反映了当时的社会生活。西安地区唐代墓冢集中,卫士的服饰在此表现得尤为突出,如狩猎、仪仗、马球等图中  相似文献   

商周时期青铜器上的龙纹造型在继承史前至夏代时期龙纹造型的基础上,形成了多样化造型特征,同时又具有鲜明地时代特点,从商代的夔龙、蟠龙,到西周时期的交龙、攀龙,再到东周时期的蟠螭纹、蟠虺纹,在器物的装饰中由次要纹样逐渐变成主体纹样,造型逐渐图案化,反映了其主体内涵或功能的变化。商代青铜器上的龙纹造型更多体现了神灵意识,西周时期的龙纹造型主要体现的是祥瑞观念,东周时期更突出的是装饰、审美的需要。  相似文献   

谢西川 《沧桑》2008,(3):48-49
首饰文化是唐代服饰文化中最具光彩的组成部分。簪、钗是唐代普遍使用的头饰用具,在前代的基础上继续发展与丰富,代表着中原本土文化;而戒指和耳环的使用则并不普遍,刚刚开始萌芽,反映了外来民族的文化传入,二者结合就反映出唐代的时代特点,蕴涵着深厚的文化意蕴。  相似文献   

中国国家博物馆藏唐代广福窑朱书"大历元年"青绿釉枕是罕见的具有绝对纪年的唐代瓷枕实物资料。朱书文字提到的"广福窑"在今四川成都市崇州境内,中晚唐时期崇州窑业十分兴盛,广福窑是其境内系列窑口之一。该瓷枕胎和釉的特征与崇州天福窑青瓷一致,采用含铁量较高的粘土制胎、特殊品种的草木灰制釉。其海棠形造型是受到波斯金银器的影响,反映了唐代川西地区中西文化的交流与融合。从铭文推测,此枕为买地券性质,是迄今发现的年代较早的瓷质买地券之一。铭文行书,字体刚劲雄健、拙朴浑厚,颇得盛唐书体之精髓。  相似文献   

韘最早见于《诗经》,为开弓撒箭之具,即射手所用的开弓扳指。扳指在我国科学考古出土的最早实物为商代妇好墓所出兽面纹扳指。周代出土数量较大的韘应该为食指韘用韘,周韘材质多样,形式多种。楚地出土有许多周韘,为我们展示了其独具的特质。  相似文献   

论文分析了全球性竞争压力对工业区适应机制的影响及工业区的竞争优势以及工业区内部形成的华人经济的潜在威胁,探讨了在新的条件下将这种威胁转化为新的发展机遇的可能性。认为华人经济的特殊优势使华人企业越来越活跃,但却使当地企业日益萎缩。这反过来又促使当地经济整体进行转型;华人企业家的某些优势在于其跨地区和跨国网络;华人移民对其祖籍国潜在商业伙伴的能力和品德有深度了解,如果能发挥中介作用,意大利当地企业就能使其工业生产及产品销售国际化。  相似文献   

我国古代先民很早就意识到琥珀的装饰和药用价值,汉代开始从西域引入琥珀,唐代时琥珀已比较常见。我国古代琥珀多为进口琥珀,琥珀产地分析可以反映中外文化交流情况。国内仅对私人琥珀藏品进行过分析,考古出土琥珀的科技分析尚未见报道。本研究通过红外光谱分析,判定成都光华村街低阶官员唐墓出土红色饰品为琥珀;再与若干产地的琥珀开展红外光谱对比,鉴定其产地为波罗的海地区。琥珀经过丝绸之路到达蜀地并为低阶官员所使用,足见唐代琥珀制品的盛行及当时国际贸易文化交流的盛况。  相似文献   

作为公元4—5世纪罗马帝国的多神教知识精英,朱利安、里巴尼乌斯、阿米安、攸纳皮乌斯、克劳迪安、奥林匹奥多鲁斯等六位作家在表达各自历史观念的作品中不约而同地采取了高度相似的叙述模式。他们以罗马城为帝国的文化象征,赞美罗马往昔的文治武功,谴责当前的道德没落,坚信某位杰出的精英人物能够带领罗马再造辉煌。这种再造罗马的模式继承了帝国早期的意识形态传统,并在基督教势力相对忽视世俗历史的背景下得以生存。这些多神教知识精英的历史撰述为后世留下了重要遗产,它们反映了古典文化的强大生命力,并与同时代的基督教文化产生了互动,对中世纪基督教政治理论和历史观的形成起到了推动作用。  相似文献   

This article comments on some of Professor Huang's theses by looking at ancient historiography. It deals with the significance of history in its respective cultural contexts; the kind of orientation that historical thinking and historiography provide; and the relationship between concrete examples and abstract rules in historical argumentation. Distinguishing between ancient Greece and Rome, it shows that Huang's explicit and implicit East‐West oppositions are more valid with respect to ancient Greece than to ancient Rome. on important points, the situation of Rome is surprisingly close to that of china. thus not only in China but also in Rome, tradition and history are highly important as a life‐orienting force (as opposed to the importance of speculative thought in Greece); and not only in China but also in Rome the orientation that historical thinking and historiography provide is to a great extent moral (as opposed to orientation through intellectual insight that, for a historian such as Thucydides, is placed in the foreground). As to the relationship between concrete examples and abstract rules in historical argumentation, the paper takes up Professor Rüsen's category of “exemplary meaning‐generation,” but suggests a distinction between example in the sense of “case/instance” and example in the sense of “model/paragon.” Though the two corresponding modes of exemplary meaning‐generation are mostly entwined, it appears that in Chinese and Roman historical works (in accordance with their stress on moral effect) there is a tendency toward meaning‐generation by example in the sense of “model/paragon,” whereas in Greek historiography (in accordance with its stress on intellectual insight) the tendency is toward meaning‐generation by example in the sense of “case/instance.”  相似文献   

论文结合墨西卡利华人出现的历史背景,重点就华人对墨西卡利早期开发的贡献及当地华人社会的兴起进行了论述,探讨了墨西卡利华人社会迅速衰落的原因,认为墨西卡利华人社会的迅速衰落,具有独特的时代背景和原因。一是它的边疆位置造成了美墨之间的争夺,使得华人的生存发展受到一定影响。二是在世界经济危机爆发的大背景下,依靠棉花出口的墨西卡利经济受到巨大影响,这一外部因素加剧了华人社会的衰落。三是墨西哥的土改政策,也波及到华人的处境。  相似文献   

本文以秦俑头像为研究对象,认为它们具有肖像性,对其表现技巧进行探讨。并且通过与古希腊罗马肖像雕刻理念的比较和阐明法家美学思想对秦兵马俑的浸润,来论述秦俑头像的文化审美特征。  相似文献   

Rome is a city famed for its outstanding cultural heritage stretching back two and a half thousand years. However, the events of the Second World War raise particular problems in dealing with this patrimony. This article examines the issues raises by the monuments built during the Fascist period and the Roman remains excavated by the Fascists. It also examines how commemoration throughout the city since 1945 reflects the changing attitudes to the war. The article argues that Rome has not yet come to terms with its Fascist past and that this constitutes a barrier to a sustainable heritage plan.  相似文献   

吊尖遗址包含新石器时代和西周两个时期的文化遗存,新石器时代发现了一批屈家岭文化和石家河文化的墓葬和瓮棺葬,这批墓葬出土器物如盆形鼎、大口罐、豆、杯等具有鲜明的地方文化特色。西周时期遗迹多为灰坑、灰沟,从鬲、罐等器物组合分析,大致相当于西周中晚期。  相似文献   

论文分别从中美文化和宗教信仰的角度分析了林书豪成功的文化因素和中华传统文化对其产生的影响。认为:在美国极致个人主义文化熏陶下,林书豪实现了"美国梦",但美国的极致个人主义同时也对林书豪造成了一定的压力与负面影响;在林书豪取得成功的道路上,中国文化同样扮演着重要的角色。对移民而言,他们所具有的双重文化认同,对他们的生存发展,不是障碍,而是助力。  相似文献   

Social influence is one of the most important processes in human social interaction. Very often in human social interaction, influence is assimilative in that individuals become more similar to others they interact with. Nevertheless, cultural differences continue to remain in many realms of human life, for example, in the form of technological boundaries. Research on social influence points to a range of possible reasons for persistent cultural diversity, but there is much less clarity about the interplay of various factors and conditions for cultural influence with fundamental processes of social interaction at the micro-level. In this article, I show how agent-based computational modeling can be used as an approach for unraveling the complex interplay between simple first principles of interpersonal social interaction and emergent societal outcomes. I give a brief overview illustrating some of the main approaches agent-based modelers have developed in recent decades to understand conditions and processes of the emergence of cultural diversity. Models will be discussed that generate mainly cultural consensus as long-term behavior, but also models that generate clustering of cultural attitudes in geographical or social space, and models that imply cultural polarization with sharp cultural boundaries between emergent factions. It will be discussed how model dynamics depend on further assumptions, for example about random events, or the scaling of cultural attitudes, and what are further developments in the literature, possible future directions and challenges for the application of computational agent-based modeling in archeological research on cultural boundaries.  相似文献   

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