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铅钡玻璃是我国特有的玻璃体系,主要集中在战国至两汉时期。随着越来越多的铅钡玻璃完整器被发现,相关的风化腐蚀研究和保护工作逐渐展开。本研究以陕西临潼新丰秦墓和河南三门峡秦墓出土的两件秦代(公元前221—公元前207)铅钡玻璃为样本,采用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、激光拉曼光谱仪对铅钡玻璃的腐蚀层进行成分与结构分析,结果表明铅钡玻璃腐蚀层的钡大部分流失至环境或腐蚀层外侧,腐蚀层的主要物相为碳酸铅。腐蚀层的形成与铅钡玻璃埋藏环境中水位和酸碱度的周期性变化有关。本研究对铅钡玻璃保护工作具有参考价值,也为古代玻璃文物的预防性保护提供了有益的信息。  相似文献   

青海大通县出土汉代玻璃的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文共对12件玻璃样品进行化学组成分析.其中,部分样品还进行了密度测定,X 射线衍射分析和显微镜观察.此外,还对一颗黄色玻璃珠的表面层进行 SEM-EDX 分析.结果表明,该玻璃珠表面有金箔涂层.根据分析结果,青海大通县出土玻璃的基础成分可归为三类,即铅钡玻璃(Na_2O-PbO-BaO-SiO_2系统玻璃),钠钙玻璃和钾硅玻璃(K_2O-SiO_2系统)。此外,还对玻璃的来源进行了探讨.  相似文献   

<正>1930年前后,加拿大传教士怀履光(W.C.White)在洛阳金村盗掘出一批美轮美奂的战国时期蜻蜓眼玻璃珠,引起广泛关注。培克(H.C.Beck)等人通过研究发现,这批珠子形态、造型与西方的蜻蜓眼玻璃珠极近似,但成分是中国特有的铅钡玻璃,由此认为是埃及的蜻蜓眼玻璃珠经欧亚草原传播到中国,再由中国人进行仿制。起源  相似文献   

利用便携式能量色散型X射线荧光光谱仪和三维数字显微系统,对湖南出土的11颗战国时期典型的蜻蜓眼玻璃珠进行科学分析。基于获取的蜻蜓眼珠化学成分、表面和断面显微形貌等相关信息,确定了这批蜻蜓眼玻璃珠的成分体系、制作工艺和产地来源。研究结果表明:3颗蜻蜓眼玻璃珠属于泡碱型钠钙玻璃,1颗扁平蜻蜓眼玻璃珠为植物灰钠钙玻璃,均可能产自埃及或东地中海地区;3颗蜻蜓眼玻璃珠属于铅钡玻璃,还有4颗为钾钙玻璃,皆为战国时期典型的中国本土玻璃,应为楚国本地制作。这11颗蜻蜓眼玻璃珠均采用层叠镶嵌工艺,先制作珠体,然后再用不同玻璃条或片在未完全凝固的状态下进行镶嵌而成。  相似文献   

铅钡硅酸盐是中国古代费昂斯和玻璃制品的典型成分类型。本文首先明确了铅钡硅酸盐制品包含铅钡釉陶、铅钡釉砂、铅钡玻璃以及硅酸铜钡颜料四大类,并重点讨论前三者,强调不宜用“铅钡玻璃”指代铅钡硅酸盐制品。其后,文章整体梳理了战国时期铅钡硅酸盐制品的出土范围和存续时间。在此基础上,重新讨论了铅钡釉陶、铅钡釉砂、铅钡玻璃的关系问题,提出铅钡釉陶和铅钡釉砂都不是铅钡玻璃的先驱,三者在战国早期的出现更像是铅钡这种全新助熔剂在不同材质上的应用。  相似文献   

营城子汉墓位于辽宁省大连市甘井子区,是我国东北地区一处重要的大型汉墓群。营城子汉墓出土了一批玻璃耳珰,为探讨其成型工艺及来源,采用超景深显微系统进行了表面形貌观察,初步认为是模铸成型,并经过打磨。采用便携式X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)进行了化学成分分析,结果显示,它们分属铅钡硅酸盐和钾硅酸盐玻璃系统,一件由Cu2+着色,其余主要由Co2+着色。其为我国自制,所用钴料来源相同,钴料的锰钴比特征与国产钴土矿的类似。并对营城子汉墓出土玻璃耳珰造型与化学成分体系间的关系进行了分析,对玻璃耳珰制作模式进行了初步探讨,进一步加深了对我国古代玻璃耳珰制作与传播的认识。  相似文献   

用X射线研究古玻璃的成分由于需要样品量大而受到限制 ,FalconeR等建立了可减少样品量分析古玻璃的XRF方法 ,他们用波长色散X射线荧光分析方法 (WDXRF)分析古玻璃。该方法能测量周期表中比铅重的很多元素 ,既精确又灵敏。另外 ,它还具有低的分析代价和易制备重复使用的样品这个优点。样品制备是引起误差的主要来源。有两种样品制备方法 :压制粉末法和熔融玻璃珠法。他们采用熔融玻璃珠法。用 0 .2g古玻璃 ,加入纯硅使其质量达 2g,再加入 8g熔剂 ,在坩埚中使样品和熔剂 (锂四硼酸盐 )以 1∶4恒定比例熔融成玻璃珠。然后 ,用WDXRF分析…  相似文献   

本研究采用高性能便携式能量色散型X射线荧光光谱分析仪(pXRF)对西安地区出土的战国至东汉的27件玻璃器的化学成分进行了无损分析。研究表明,这些玻璃器可以划分为四种成分体系,包括23件铅钡硅酸盐玻璃,2件钾硅酸盐玻璃,1件钾钙硅酸盐玻璃和1件钠钙硅酸盐玻璃。结合现有的研究结果,简要讨论了这些玻璃器的可能来源、蜻蜓眼玻璃珠与各地区间的交流、耳珰的时空特点等问题。  相似文献   

结合X射线衍射分析(XRD)、激光拉曼光谱分析(LRS)和便携式能量色散X射线荧光分析(P-XRF)技术,对鸿山越墓出土的战国玻璃进行了无损分析,根据化学成分分析结果将其划分为铅钡硅酸盐玻璃和钾钙硅酸盐玻璃两大体系。结合考古学研究结果,初步认为鸿山越墓出土玻璃可能与楚国有密切关系,是东周时期越楚之间文化交流的实物见证。  相似文献   

采用多元统计方法对四川、重庆、贵州、广西、广东地区出土的100余个古玻璃样品的化学成分数据进行了分析处理。结果表明:中国南方和西南地区的古玻璃制品主要由具有中国特色的铅钡硅酸盐玻璃和钾硅酸盐玻璃组成,可细分为五大系统类别:K2O CaO(~10wt%)SiO2系统、K2O SiO2系统、PbO BaO SiO2系统、PbO(~25wt%)BaO SiO2系统、CaO PbO(~40wt%)BaO SiO2系统。用因子分析探讨了我国汉代南方和西南地区的玻璃本地生产情况,表明该地区在汉代已经拥有自主生产古玻璃的能力。实验结果和实验数据处理方法对研究古代丝绸之路上古玻璃的生产和技术交流提供了新途径。  相似文献   

采用显微观察、X射线衍射物相分析和X射线荧光光谱成分测试等手段,对湖北省巴东县雷家坪遗址六朝时期墓葬出土的若干精美“珠饰”进行了观察和分析,阐述了它们的特征,确定其材质;并与其他遗址出土不同时期的玻璃制品进行比较,发现其配方和我国西周至汉代玻璃,以及西方传统玻璃差别甚大。结合考古背景资料分析,这批珠饰很有可能是我国古代工匠在原有玻璃技术基础上,借鉴和吸收了外来玻璃的制造技术,在中国境内自行烧制的。  相似文献   

A total of 33 ancient glass beads unearthed from the Kizil reservoir cemetery and Wanquan cemetery in Xinjiang are studied using Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy‐dispersive spectrometry (SEM–EDS) and other methods. The detailed study of the glassy matrices, the crystalline inclusions and the microstructural heterogeneities for these glass beads has revealed some valuable information to help in the understanding of their possible manufacturing technology and provenance. At least two different types of glass were present in the two cemeteries. For the first time, antimony‐based colourant/opacifier—for example, Pb2Sb2O7 or CaSb2O6—was systematically identified in some beads of plant‐ash type soda–lime glass dated to about 1000–500 bc . The limited number of potash glass beads from the Kizil reservoir cemetery, which were dated to about 500–300 bc , used tin oxide as an opacifier. The diverse resources of the soda–lime and potash glasses indicate the existence of a complex trade network between China and the West much earlier than the Western Han Dynasty.  相似文献   

Archaeological evidence as well as textual sources leave no doubt about Alwa's (Alodia's) intense transcultural connections, further corroborated by understudied overseas glass bead imports found there. This paper presents results of an analysis of 23 glass beads from Soba, the most prosperous capital of medieval Nubia. Compositional analyses using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) have identified glass belonging to a number of broad compositional groups. Three samples were made of soda lime low-alumina glass produced in the Middle East (v-Na-Ca) and Egypt (m/v-Na-Ca). The remaining beads were made of two types of mineral–soda high-alumina glass (m-Na-Al) North Indian in origin. The results of this study provide new evidence for the provenance and chronology of glass beads available in medieval Soba and Northeast Africa, and contribute new data to research on trade contacts of that time.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the major, minor and some trace elements of sixty-five glass beads from eighteen oasis sites both north and south of the Taklamakan Desert, the ancient centre of the Silk Routes linking East and West; the samples date from the Warring States period (475–2211 BCE) to the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE). Using a high-resolution portable XRF spectrometer, with special attention to issues of surface weathering and sample preparation, we obtained quantitative chemical compositional data that, when combined with archaeological context and the technology of bead manufacture, provide the basis for an understanding of both changes in glass type over time, and possible source areas for the Xinjiang glasses. While glass beads at the early sites (1st c. BCE to 4th c. CE) were coming primarily from Kushan-controlled territories in northern India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, with a small contribution from central China, most of the later glass (4th–10th c. CE) is similar to that produced in the Sasanian Empire at such sites as Veh Ardashir in central Iraq. These changes most likely reflect changing cultural and economic conditions in the Silk Road towns.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a growing interest in Mycenaean glass among archaeologists and scientists. Scholars have traditionally thought that all Mycenaean glass was imported either in finished form or as ingots and simply shaped or worked at the Mycenaean sites. Chemical studies of other Mycenaean glass (50 and 43) support the hypothesis that glass was imported into Mycenaean Greece, but there is also indication for glass production in mainland Greece at the palace of Thebes (Nikita and Henderson, 2006). There is no evidence for glass making or working at the Palace of Pylos, yet there is an abundance of glass beads there. The aim of this paper is to identify the technology and source for the glass of these beads and thus to ascertain how Pylos was connected to the broader Mycenaean and Mediterranean economies. The composition of the glasses was determined by means of portable XRF analysis and compared to that of other Late Bronze Age glasses from Egypt, Mesopotamia and mainland Greece. Four blue beads coloured with cobalt and one blue bead coloured with copper have Ti and Zr compositions consistent with an Egyptian origin of manufacture while five other beads show Ti and Zr concentrations consistent with a Mesopotamian origin (Shortland et al., 2007). Based on the dearth of Egyptian and Mesopotamian imports in Pylos, the presented data support the hypothesis that Pylos was receiving via internal Greek trade routes foreign-produced glass, which may have been worked abroad or in Greece.  相似文献   

关于青花起源的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于青花的起源,长期来一直有中国起源说和外来技术影响说两种意见。本文着重从低温釉陶生产技术源流和对青料的使用出发,论证了最早出现在巩县窑的唐青花瓷器,只是北魏以来低温釉陶生产技术在新条件下的新产物。认定唐青花的出现是外来绘画理论和绘画技术影响中国艺坛的结果。  相似文献   

赵德云 《考古学报》2012,(2):177-216
目次一前言二蜻蜓眼式玻璃珠在世界范围内的出现及文化内涵三中国蜻蜓眼式玻璃珠的发现及类型四中国蜻蜓眼式玻璃珠的渊源五外来蜻蜓眼式玻璃珠进入中国的途径六外来蜻蜓眼式玻璃珠在中国引发的模仿与变异七结语一前言所谓蜻蜓眼式玻璃珠,是指以眼睛图案作为装饰的玻璃珠。在珠体上嵌入一种或数种不同于母体(Matrix)颜色的玻璃,形成一层或多层类似眼睛的效果,或在珠体上造出凸出表面的眼睛形状,形成"鼓眼",颇似蜻蜓的复眼。  相似文献   

The chemical composition of 18 glass beads from Early Sarmatian period burials were determined using electron probe microbeam analysis and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence. The beads were made from high-magnesia-soda-lime-silica glass, leaded-soda-lime-silica glass, low-magnesia-soda-lime-silica glass and low-magnesia-high-potash glass. Multivariate analysis of the major oxides suggests that there are five distinct glass recipes used to manufacture these beads. These various glass recipes indicate the involvement of the Sarmatians in exchange/trade networks linking the Eastern Mediterranean, the Indian subcontinent, and China.  相似文献   

陈启云  宋鸥 《史学集刊》2006,1(4):79-96
本文研究自1891年,特别是1894年中日甲午战争以后至1897年戊戌政变前夕,梁启超与西方传教士李提摩太的交往关系。文中分析在此数年间,梁氏从“盲目崇洋”而发展出对西方文化作有批判性的选择接受之心路历程,并指出梁氏在早期对西方传教士所代表的“文化讯息”,已经能够分辨其(1)现代学术文化的意义和价值,(2)西方宗教传统及成见,(3)西方列强在华之已得利益和需求,这三种不同成分。此体认对梁氏于民国初年从政与治学的立场和贡献,有重要的影响。  相似文献   

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