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A set of quiet daytime electron density profiles is established on the basis of EISCAT measurements. This set is used as a background correction in the CARD program [Brekke A., Hall C. and Hansen T.L. (1989) Ann. Geophysicae7, 269] in order to derive the energy spectra of precipitating electrons at daytime.For disturbed daytime events on 25–26 June 1985, we find that the particle precipitation typically consists of small fluxes (105 el/cm2 sster keV) of high energetic particles (20–30 keV). The Hall: Pedersen conductance ratios for such events are found to be meaningless as an indicator of the energy of the particles, in contrast to nighttime precipitation.  相似文献   

The growth rate of whistler-mode waves is calculated analytically for a bi-Maxwellian plasma in the presence of a beam of cool electrons. This beam is moving in the same direction as the gyroresonant electrons and in the opposite direction to the waves which are considered to propagate parallel (or anti-parallel) to the imposed geomagnetic field. A somewhat surprising result is found. This is that even if the anisotropy is greater than a critical value, which is strongly frequency dependent, the beam reduces the growth of the waves near half the electron gyrofrequency. For a field-aligned current density ~ 1 μA m−2, this mechanism can explain the lack of signals near 1.4 kHz on auroral (return current) flux tubes. It can also explain the observed absorption of signals at half the electron gyrofrequency, around 7 kHz on L = 4 flux tubes, near the equatorial plane and just outside the plasmapause.  相似文献   

We present an interpretation, which differs from that commonly accepted, of several published case studies of the patterns of auroral electron precipitation into the high-latitude upper atmosphere in the near-midnight sector based on their mapping to the nightside magnetosphere. In our scheme bright discrete auroral structures of the oval and respective precipitation are considered to be on the field lines of the Central, or Main, Plasma Sheet at distances from 5–10 to 30–50 RE, depending on activity. This auroral electron precipitation pattern was discussed in detail by Feldstein and Galperin [(1985) Rev. Geophys.23, 217] and Galperin and Feldstein [(1991) Auroral Physics, p. 207. Cambridge University Press. It is applied and shown to be consistent with the results of case studies based on selected transpolar passes of the DE, DMSP, AUREOL-3 and Viking satellites.A diagram summarising the polar precipitation regions and their mapping from the magnetospheric plasma domains is presented. It can be considered as a modification of the Lyons and Nishida (1988) scheme which characterizes the relationship between the gross magnetospheric structure and regions of nightside auroral precipitation. The modification takes into account non-adiabatic ion motions in the tail neutral sheet, so that the ion beams characteristic of the Boundary Plasma Sheet (BPS) originate on closed field lines of the distant Central Plasma Sheet (say, at distances more than ~30 RE).  相似文献   

A theoretical model is described which predicts electron temperature in the day-time F-region above EISCAT on geomagnetically quiet days, given the observed values of electron concentration, ion temperature and heat conduction, the daily average of solar radiation at 10.7cm and the MSIS-86 model of the neutral atmosphere. The values predicted by the model agree very closely with the observed temperatures, both for average conditions and for individual days. On two occasions the onset of a geomagnetic disturbance after a period of quiet conditions was accompanied by a growing divergence between the predicted and observed values, which corresponds to an additional source of electron heating such as would be provided by low energy particle precipitation.  相似文献   

Intervals of F-region electron density depletions associated with the main (mid-latitude) ionospheric trough have been studied using latitude scanning experiments with the EISCAT UHF radar. From 450 h of measurements over a one year period at solar minimum (April 1986–April 1987) the local time of appearance of the trough at a given latitude is observed to vary by up to about 8 h. No seasonal dependence of location is apparent, but troughs are absent in the data from summertime experiments. A weak dependence of trough location on Kp is found, and an empirical model predicting the latitude of the trough is proposed. The model is shown to be more appropriate than other available quantitative models for the latitudes covered by EISCAT. Detailed studies of four individual days show no relationship between local magnetic activity and time of observation of the trough. On all four of these days, however, the edge of the auroral oval, evidenced by enhanced electron densities in the E-region, is found to be approximately co-located with, or up to 1° poleward of, the F-region density minimum. Simultaneous ion drift velocity measurements show that the main trough is a region of strong (> several hundred metres per second) westward flow, with its boundary located approximately 1°–2° equatorward of the density minimum. Within the accuracy of the observations this relationship between the convection boundary, the trough minimum and the precipitation boundary is independent of local time and latitude. The relevance of these results is discussed in relation to theoretical models of the F-reregion at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Zenith observations of the oxygen λ1630 nm auroral/airglow emission (produced at an altitude of ∼220 to ∼250 km) were obtained with the Mawson Fabry-Perot Spectrometer (FPS) during three ‘zenith direction only’ observing campaigns in 1993. The data show many instances of strong (50 to 100 m s−1) upwellings in the vertical wind, when the auroral oval is located equatorward of the zenith. Our data appear consistent with the existence of a region of upwelling up to ∼ 4° poleward of the poleward boundary of the visible auroral oval, rather than short duration, explosive heating events. The upwellings are probably the vertical component of wind shear produced by reversal of the zonal thermospheric winds, which occurs near the poleward boundary of the visible auroral oval. Zenith temperature was also seen to increase when the oval was equatorward of Mawson, showing rises of up to 300 K or more. However, this increase is at times unrelated to the upwellings, and seems to be caused by the expansion of the warm polar cap over the observing site.On a number of nights the boundary between the polar cap and the auroral oval was observed to pass over our site several times, occasionally showing a quasi-periodic expansion and contraction. We speculate that this quasi-periodic movement may be related to periodic auroral activity that is known to generate large-scale gravity waves.  相似文献   

A realistic model for the temperature variation along geomagnetic field lines is described. For high altitudes (>1500 km) the temperature is taken to increase as the nth power of radial distance (n−2), giving temperatures consistent with those measured in situ by high altitude satellites. For realistic temperatures at low altitude an extra term is included. The temperature gradient along the field line is then 0.9–1.6° km−1 during the day and 0.5–0.7° km−1 during the night at 1000 km, reducing to about half these values at 2000 km, for the latitude range 35–50°. This is consistent with calculations made from nearly simultaneous satellite measurements at 1000 and 2500 km. It is shown that assuming diffusive equilibrium, including the new temperature model, more realistic equatorial electron density profiles result than for isothermal field lines.The temperature gradient model is also purposely formulated to be of a form that enables the temperature modified geopotential height to be obtained without numerical integration. This renders the model particularly suitable for ray-tracing calculations. A ray-tracing model is developed and it is shown that unducted ray paths are significantly altered from the corresponding paths in an equivalent isothermal model; there is greater refraction and magnetospheric reflection takes place at lower altitudes. For summer day conditions, an inter-hemispheric unducted ray path becomes possible from 26° latitude that can reach the ground at the conjugate.  相似文献   

To study the behaviour of the electron concentration at the reflection level of very low frequency (VLF) waves, two years of phase and amplitude records of the 12.9 kHz signals emitted from Omega-Argentina (43.20°S; 294.60°E) and received at Tucumán (26.90°S; 294.70°E) have been used. The experimental results are compared with values derived from the International Reference Ionosphere model (IRI-79). The experimental data show a seasonal variation not predicted by the model. Differences are explained in terms of changes of night-time atomic oxygen concentration, which control the electron density profile at the base of the night-time D-region, not taken into account in the IRI model. Values of atomic oxygen necessary to explain VLF data are comparable with published data.  相似文献   

Several theories have now been developed which deal with the saturation mechanism of the Farley-Buneman instability and also the heating effect of Farley-Buneman waves on E-region electrons. Various related phenomena, such as anomalous collisions, anomalous cross-field diffusion and non-zero aspect-angle propagation have been treated. In this paper, it is demonstrated how several of these features may be included in a single resonance broadening formalism. Using this approach, the effects of Farley-Buneman waves on the heating and dynamics of background ionospheric electrons is discussed. In addition the effects of anomalous parallel diffusion in the context of E-region Farley-Buneman waves is treated for the first time.  相似文献   

The effects of the IMF radial (Bx) and azimuthal (By) components on the distribution of polar cap arcs are examined using all-sky camera data from Vostok station for the winter months of 1977–1985. We conclude that three factors control the character of the aurora distribution: the type of the sector structure, the IMF radial component, and the IMF azimuthal component. Based on the experimental results, the following scheme for the auroral distribution in the northern and southern polar caps for different signs of Bx and By is put forward. The ‘garden hose’ structure (Bx > 0, By < 0 or Bx < 0, By > 0) produces symmetric auroral distributions in the morning and evening sectors of both the northern and southern polar caps; the ‘orthogonal garden hose’ structure (Bx > 0, By > 0 or Bx < 0, By < 0) is evidently inefficient in the production of aurorae. The Bx component determines the intensity of aurorae in that polar cap where geomagnetic field lines are in the opposite direction to the IMF (Bx < 0 in the case of the northern cap, and Bx > 0 for the southern cap) and produces the daytime auroral belt poleward of the auroral oval and parallel to it. The By component affects the auroral appearance in the morning or evening sectors of the polar cap, depending on its sign, and acts asymmetrically in the opposite polar cap. The appropriate patterns of plasma filament distributions in the high-latitude tail lobes are proposed. The characteristics of auroral movements affected by the By component (such as the direction and speed of the arc motion and the magnitude of displacements) are examined.  相似文献   

It is shown that only highly relativistic electrons can resonate with ion-cyclotron waves when finite temperatures are considered. The application to dayside relativistic electron precipitation events is discussed.  相似文献   

A simple model is outlined to describe electron precipitation from the population of charged particles trapped in the Earth's magnetic field; almost all of the precipitation is shown to occur in the region of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA). When the effect of a dawn-to-dusk electric field across the magnetosphere is included in the model, a diurnal modulation of the precipitated electron flux is predicted. Experimental evidence which supports the diurnal modulation model is described; the measurements which are discussed are principally those from University of Houston rocket payloads flown in the region dominated by the SAA. The resulting diurnal variation in atmospheric conductivity in the SAA is shown to be such that it could account for part of the daily UT variation in the geoelectric field. The observed seasonal variation in the pattern of geoelectric field modulation is also shown to be consistent with the proposed source of the daily variation. The difficulty of altering global conductivity by intense ionization of the mesosphere is discussed and the point is made that further in situ investigation of the Antarctic mesosphere is needed.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the particles which produce the polar cap aurora at the Vostok station in Antarctica, charged particle data obtained by the DMSP satellites for some days in a period from April to August 1985 were surveyed. Due to the satellite orbit the local time range in which the data were available was the morning sector. For all the events when sun-aligned arcs were observed on the ground the simultaneous DMSP measurements on almost the same field line showed an increased integral number flux J. > 108 (cm8/s/sr)−1 of the precipitating electrons with energy Ee > 200 eV. The electron spectra with double peaks are typical of intense electron precipitation in the polar cap arcs. The most noticeable feature of ion spectra in the polar cap arcs is the prominent minimum in ion flux in the energy range 0.1 < Ei < 1 keV in contrast with the oval precipitation ; this feature gives the possibility to separate the polar arcs from the aurora in the oval. In some events the satellite crossed the system of two widely separated arcs ; one of them was a sun-aligned arc whereas the other was circular at constant latitude according to the Vostok data. The analysis of the DMSP electron and ion precipitation data has shown that in these events the latitude-oriented arcs are located in the polar cap and not in the auroral oval.  相似文献   

In this short paper we have estimated the influence of the diurnal modulation of the electron precipitation at low and middle latitudes of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) on the fair-weather electric field. We have used simple exponential atmospheric conductivity models, together with the ion production rates determined from balloon and rocket measurements in the SAMA. An upper limit to this influence was also calculated and compared with the normal diurnal variation of the fair-weather electric field due to the diurnal variation of the global thunderstorm activity.  相似文献   

Two radars were used simultaneously to study naturally occurring electron heating events in the auroral E-region ionosphere. During a joint campaign in March 1986 the Cornell University Portable Radar Interferometer (CUPRI) was positioned to look perpendicular to the magnetic field to observe unstable plasma waves over Tromsø, Norway, while EISCAT measured the ambient conditions in the unstable region. On two nights EISCAT detected intense but short lived (< 1 min) electron heating events during which the temperature suddenly increased by a factor of 2–4 at altitudes near 108 km and the electron densities were less than 7 × 104 cm−3. On the second of these nights CUPRI was operating and detected strong plasma waves with very large phase velocities at precisely the altitudes and times at which the heating was observed. The altitudes, as well as one component of the irregularity drift velocity, were determined by interferometric techniques. From the observations and our analysis, we conclude that the electron temperature increases were caused by plasma wave heating and not by either Joule heating or particle precipitation.  相似文献   

Using models of a line current and a band current with a parabolic intensity distribution across the width, techniques to deduce the speed, the direction of motion and the zenith crossing time of the electrojet from observations of surface magnetic perturbations are studied.From the current motions deduced by these techniques and the observed traces of the Auroral Infrasonic Waves (AIW), the following four facts are established.
  • 1.(1) The time between the zenith crossing of the current and the arrival of AIW at the ground is reasonable.
  • 2.(2) The direction of travel of AIW is considered to be parallel to the current drift or parallel to the current flow.
  • 3.(3) The trace velocity of AIW is equal to the calculated drift velocity of the current.
  • 4.(4) AIW can be produced only by a line (or a narrow band) current.
Several minutes before the AIW arrive at the ground, the existence of certain motions of westward current which satisfy the AIW emission conditions proposed by Wilson (1972) have been confirmed. However there are several cases in which a succession of two equatorward supersonic zenith crossings of westward current have induced only one AIW.  相似文献   

Evidence continues to accumulate that even very small input signals, such as power-line harmonic radiation (PLHR), can give rise to wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere by stimulation of emission at VLF and contribute to the formation of the electron slot (2<L<3). Over North America and its geomagnetic conjugate, the satellite data indicate a permanent zone of VLF emission which appears to originate in the industrial areas of northeastern U.S.A. and southern Canada. The more intense stimulated emission in the summer (northern hemisphere) occurs poleward of the electron slot at 3<L<5. The resultant increased electron precipitation may explain the increase in thunderstorms at L>4 in the period 1935–1970 relative to 1900–1935. There is probably an intensity threshold at which PLHR becomes important. This is consistent with ground-based data from longitudinally separated stations near L = 4 (Siple, Halley, Yakutsk). The discovery that certain industrial plants (e.g. cement works) give rise to relatively much more intense PLHR requires further investigation. Also, geomagnetically induced currents in long power lines at high geomagnetic latitudes in Canada and Alaska can result in transformer saturation and possible damage, as well as greatly increased PLHR.Powerful VLF transmitters in the range 15–25 kHz can produce peaks in the spectra of energetic electrons observed on low altitude satellites. Morphological studies of the NAA wavefield intensity above the ionosphere show strong amplification immediately to the east of the South Atlantic Anomaly.  相似文献   

The day to night ratio of auroral absorption has been studied using data from auroral and subauroral latitudes and by application of different kinds of statistical analyses. Ratios between 0.5 and 3.0 are obtained, depending on the criteria applied to the selection of data. Previous studies obtained similar ratios, but reached different conclusions about the effective solar control of auroral absorption. It is concluded here that evidence of solar control of the day to night ratio of auroral absorption, or the lack thereof, cannot be extracted by these statistical analyses.  相似文献   

Satellite and ground-based VLF recordings were made at SANAE, Antarctica from 1976 to 1979. In this paper we combine ground and satellite observations to determine temperatures in the plasmasphere. Scale heights in the plasmasphere are determined at high altitudes using a diffusive equilibrium model and measurements of equatorial electron densities and densities at about 3000 km. The temperatures corresponding to these scale heights show a gradual increase with increasing L-value and sharp increases of about 2000 K just inside the plasmapause.  相似文献   

The nature of the shift between the frequency of geomagnetic pulsations registered on the Earth and the modulation frequency of VLF emissions registered on board satellites is analyzed. The results obtained are compatible with the mechanism of VLF emissions modulations founded on the interaction between magnetosonic waves propagating perpendicular to the geomagnetic field and the energetic electrons exciting VLF emissions. It is shown that the frequency shift considered can be used for pulsations source localization in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

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