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The period July–September 1982 was the peak of geomagnetic activity during the 21st solar cycle. There were four very severe storms, which covered the strongest period of geomagnetic disturbances seen in recent years, namely the storms on 13/14 July, 7 August, 6/7 September and 21/22 September 1982. The present paper analyzes the corresponding ionospheric behaviour during these major magnetic storms, along with the storms that occurred around the local summer months during the preceding years within both hemispheres of the East Asia-Oceanian sector. It is shown that during the summer months in the low-latitudes and lower mid-latitudes of this sector the strong geomagnetic storms generally result in depletion of the ionospheric electron content and electron concentration at the F-region peak during both day-time and night-time. The situation in summer is quite different from other seasons and is basically unrelated to SSC time or/and maximum disturbance time and duration.  相似文献   

D-region disturbances have been detected at mid-latitudes after intense magnetic storms by means of a wide range of radiowave signals. Two different mechanisms have been suggested to account for these storm ‘after-effects’: one implies precipitation of energetic electrons from the radiation belt; the other, transport of neutral constituents from the auroral zones.This paper presents observations of abnormal enhancements of ionospheric absorption arising after two major magnetic storms occurring in March and April 1976. The measurements were made at Ushuaia (54.8°S, L = 1.7) and at Kerguelen (49.4°S, L = 3.7). The former were obtained by means of the pulse reflection method (A1) at MF and the latter by the riometer technique. It is shown that electron precipitation can explain the effects observed at Kerguelen but not those at Ushuaia which also depart significantly from the ‘winter anomaly’ trend observed at that site. The abnormal ionization at Ushuaia is attributed to transport from the southern auroral zone.  相似文献   

It is now an established fact that during extremely strong magnetic storms a sudden anomalous decrease in the F-layer critical frequency foF2 is sometimes noticed at the equator around noon-time and the duration of this effect is known to be anywhere between some tens of minutes to several hours. As an extension of earlier work by Turunen and Rao, 1980, seven severe auroral storm events based on AE index have been selected during the period July 1958–June 1960 and their effects on the equatorial ionosphere have been investigated utilizing the published ionospheric data for the chain of Indian stations starting from equatorial latitudes and extending up to the mid-latitudes. From this study, it is noted that at the equator around noontime the foF2 values decrease and the noon bite-out phenomena are enhanced. However, as one goes towards mid-latitudes this trend is reversed. Because of this, the Appleton anomaly is also enhanced during disturbed days. Besides, the fFs values at the magnetic equator show an increase during disturbed days indicating thereby that the eastward equatorial electrojet current is enhanced on disturbed days. This suggests that the auroral electrojet current is coupled to the equatorial electrojet current possibly via the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Changes in total electron content during magnetic storms are compared at stations with similar geographic and geomagnetic latitudes and eastward declinations in the northern and southern hemispheres.Mean patterns are obtained from 58 storms at ±35° and 28 storms at ± 20° latitude. The positive storm phase is generally larger (and earlier) in the southern hemisphere, while negative storm effects are larger in the north. These changes reduce the normal asymmetry in TEC between the two hemispheres. Composition changes calculated from the MSIS86 atmospheric model agree well with the maximum decreases in TEC in both seasons (when changes in the F-layer height are ignored). Recovery occurs with a time constant of about 35 h; this is 50% longer than in the MSIS86 model. There is a marked diurnal variation at 35°S, with a rapid overnight decay and enhanced values of TEC in the afternoon. This pattern is inverted (and weaker) at 35°N, where night-time decay is consistently slower than on undisturbed nights. These results require a diurnal change in composition of opposite sign in the two hemispheres, or enhanced westward winds at night changing to eastward near sunrise. There is some evidence for both these mechanisms. Following a night-time sudden commencement there is a large annual effect with daytime TEC increasing for storms near the June solstice and decreasing near December. Storms occurring between November and April tend to give large, irregular increases in TEC for several days, particularly at low latitudes. In summer and winter at both stations, the mean size of the negative phase does not increase for storms with Kp> 6. The size of the positive phase is proportional to the size of the change in ap in winter, while in summer a positive phase is seen only for the larger storms.  相似文献   

A large foF2 data base has been collected for the two great storms occurring in March and October 1989. Plots of foF2 deviations versus time and latitude show the large depressions cannot be caused by a composition change alone; the storm induced dynamo electric field must also play an important role, especially for low latitudes. The observed ionospheric response is hemispherically asymmetric, with the autumnal hemisphere suffering a longer lasting, more latitudinally extended, and deeper depression.  相似文献   

Radio signals in the VHF range were recorded and compared with ionograms over a wide range of southern latitudes during a few equinoctial months for which a large variation in the magnetic disturbance level was observed. It is evident that the equatorwards edge of the auroral scintillation oval extends well into mid-latitudes for high values of magnetic K-index. The range-spreading type of spread-F and scintillation-producing irregularities show a high degree of spatial coincidence from the polar cap to mid-latitudes. It is suggested that the inhomogeneities responsible for both ionospheric phenomena are associated with the equatorwards propagation of travelling ionospheric disturbances (T1Ds) generated in the auroral zone.  相似文献   

This review examines models existing in the literature which describe the magnetic field produced by the ring current (DR) at the Earth's surface based on the energy balance equation. The parameters of this equation, the injection function F and decay parameter τ are considered to depend on parameters of the interplanetary medium and the DR intensity. The existing models are shown to be able to describe the DR variations with sufficient accuracy (r.m.s. deviation δ between the experimental and modelled values of DR for 170 magnetic storms is 5 < δ < 15 nT and the correlation coefficient between the two is 0.85 <r<1). The models describe that part of the geomagnetic field variation at low latitudes during a magnetic storm that is controlled by the geoeffective characteristics of the interplanetary medium and which thus responds immediately to its variations (the driven part).The values of τ are significantly less during the main phase of a magnetic storm than during the recovery phase. This reflects the difference in the main mechanisms of ion loss from the ring current during the two phases of the storm. These are the interaction of ions with hydromagnetic waves during the main phase of the storm with its intervals of intense plasma injection into the inner magnetosphere and charge exchange with the cold hydrogen geocorona during the recovery phase.  相似文献   

The adequacy of the two-layer model of Lloyd and Haerendel for describing the behaviour of an ionospheric irregularity is verified by numerical simulation of large plasma cloud dynamics. The background ionosphere is approximated by a set of conductive layers with ion mobilities and concentrations corresponding to the real ionospheric conditions. Polarization electric field produces positive and negative image clouds, i.e. plasma density enhancements and depletions in each layer. Their intensity, form and orientation turn out to change with height depending on the local conditions. However, the drift and deformation of the released cloud slightly differ from the case when the ionosphere is characterized by constant, height averaged parameters, at least if altitude dependent neutral wind and photochemical processes are ignored.  相似文献   

Two broad regions of the USSR most susceptible to dust storms, the southern East European Plain in the European USSR and the West Siberian Plain and adjacent areas of northern Kazakhstan, are contrasted according to a number of indicators of dust storm frequency and intensity. More specifically, the two regions, although roughly similar according to overall frequency of dust storms, were found to differ in terms of their interannual variability, years of peak activity, prevailing winds associated with dust storms, seasonal frequency, duration and erosive force of individual storms, and synoptic processes contributing to dust storm formation (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of diagnostics of the lower ionospheric parameters by using the resonance scattering method (RSM) of radio waves on periodic artificial irregularities (PAI). The following ionospheric parameters have been measured by the heating facilities ‘Zimenki’ and ‘Sura’: electron density including the E-F interlayer valley and the lowest height of the ionosphere; the velocity of the vertical wind; the relaxation times of the PAI characterizing coefficients of ambipolar diffusion, and coefficients of attachment and detachment of electrons from negative ions. Variations of these parameters have been considered as a function of height, local time, season, solar activity as well as being induced by passing acoustic-gravity waves and by ionospheric disturbances.  相似文献   

The characteristics of medium scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDS) have been determined from observations carried out between 1972 and 1975 at Leicester U.K. (52°32′N, 1°8′W) using the HF Doppler technique. By reverse ray tracing through a model atmosphere an estimate of the source locations of these waves can be obtained. Auroral sources do not appear to represent an important generation mechanism for MSTIDs observed at mid-latitudes. The majority of waves originate at tropospheric altitudes at ground ranges of less than 1500 km from the observation point, and a moderate correlation is found between the occurrence frequency of MSTIDs and the intensity of the meteorological jet stream.  相似文献   

Data from a chain of seven ionosondes in the range of 56–38 N and 1–38° E geographic coordinates were analysed to illustrate the global and regional behaviour of the mid-latitude F-region for some selected geomagnetic storms that occurred during the solar cycle 21. It was found that there are different spatial scales in the response of the mid-latitude ionosphere to the disturbance in the magnetosphere-ionosphere thermosphere system. The physical mechanisms and processes are discussed in relation to the relevance of various theories in the understanding of the dynamics of ionospheric storms.  相似文献   

Using numerical simulation of a non-stationary problem of thermodiffusion and diffusive spreading of the electron component of the dense cold ionospheric plasma, the processes of formation and relaxation of strong disturbances of the electron temperature and concentration in the E- and F-regions of the middle-latitude ionosphere are examined, taking into account the altitudinal distribution of the electron transport coefficients. The cases of local heating and heating at separated altitudes of the ionospheric plasma by powerful radio waves generated from ground-based HF-facilities are numerically investigated. The numerical simulations of the non-stationary problem are compared with the analytical evaluations carried out for the stationary and quasi-stationary heating models. Results obtained from numerical experiments give good explanations of the experimentally observed deformation of the altitudinal ionospheric plasma density profile and the creation of negative cavities in the upper ionosphere and positive cavities in the lower ionosphere during the process of plasma heating.  相似文献   

Simultaneous zenith measurements of the forbidden OI 630 nm and permitted 777.4 nm nightglow emissions have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7°S, 45.0°W; geomag. 11.9° S), Brazil, during the period February 1983-May 1984, a period of medium solar activity. This first long series of simultaneous observations has been analysed to study the mean seasonal-nocturnal variations of these emissions in conjunction with simultaneous ionospheric data, obtained at the same location. Salient features of these observations are presented and discussed. The OI 630 nm emission mean seasonalnocturnal variations show the presence of pre- and post-midnight enhancements, with intensity levels slightly lower in the winter season. The OI 777.4 nm emission mean seasonal-nocturnal variations show a monotonie intensity decrease in time, with very low intensity levels during the winter season. A comparison has been made between the F-region peak electron densities, and heights determined from the optical and ionosonde remote sensing methods. In general, a good correlation is found between the measured and the nightglow inferred ionospheric parameters. The observed airglow intensity variations are also compared with those predicted by a semi-empirical low latitude ionospheric model.  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis was made of ionospheric slab thickness, τ, and total electron content, TEC, for southern Australia using GPS satellite measurements. It was found that at mid-latitudes τ has similar overall diurnal, seasonal and latitudinal variations in the southern hemisphere as in the northern hemisphere. However, there are appreciable differences between τ in the two hemispheres which would justify appropriate modifications to ionospheric models based on northern hemisphere data before being applied confidently to the southern hemisphere. The usefulness of GPS satellites together with ionosondes over a spread of latitudes was demonstrated in determining long-term variations of TEC and τ over a large area. It was concluded that as few as four GPS receivers could provide TEC for the whole of Australia in real-time, though approximately six receivers in convenient locations would be required in practice.  相似文献   

Experiments using multi-station networks receiving signals from the VHF beacon of a geostationary satellite have been carried out in order to clarify the geometrical factor involved in ionospheric intensity scintillations due to field-aligned irregularities. The characteristics of scintillation observed in the daytime agree with the theoretical value expected for weak diffractive scattering by ionospheric irregularities with an elongation of 10 along the geomagnetic field. However, those in the night-time show much marked enhancement along the field-line due to strong refractive scattering by irregularities having the same elongation. Finally, it is shown that the geometrical factor in scintillation at mid-latitudes can be expressed as a function of the propagation angle between the radio path and the geomagnetic field in the ionosphere. The maximum values of the geometrical factor are respectively about 5 in the daytime and 14 at night.  相似文献   

The definition of geomagnetic storms dates back to the turn of the century when researchers recognized the unique shape of the H-component field change upon averaging storms recorded at low latitude observatories. A generally accepted modeling of the storm field sources as a magnetospheric ring current was settled about 30 years ago at the start of space exploration and the discovery of the Van Allen belt of particles encircling the Earth. The Dst global ‘ring-current’ index of geomagnetic disturbances, formulated in that period, is still taken to be the definitive representation for geomagnetic storms. Dst indices, or data from many world observatories processed in a fashion paralleling the index, are used widely by researchers relying on the assumption of such a magnetospheric current-ring depiction. Recent in situ measurements by satellites passing through the ring-current region and computations with disturbed magnetosphere models show that the Dst storm is not solely a main-phase, growth to disintegration, of a massive current encircling the Earth. Although a ring current certainly exists during a storm, there are many other field contributions at the middle-and low-latitude observatories that are summed to show the ‘storm’ characteristic behavior in Dst at these observatories. One characteristic of the storm field form at middle and low latitudes is that Dst exhibits a lognormal distribution shape when plotted as the hourly value amplitude in each time range. Such distributions, common in nature, arise when there are many contributors to a measurement or when the measurement is a result of a connected series of statistical processes. The amplitude-time displays of Dst are thought to occur because the many time-series processes that are added to form Dst all have their own characteristic distribution in time. By transforming the Dst time display into the equivalent normal distribution, it is shown that a storm recovery can be predicted with remarkable accuracy from measurements made during the Dst growth phase. In the lognormal formulation, the mean, standard deviation and field count within standard deviation limits become definitive Dst storm parameters.  相似文献   

Cyclic diagrams, obtained by plotting the daily variation of the ionospheric electron density NmF2 against the height hmF2, are drawn for typical conditions at Slough (52°N) and Watheroo (30°S). Using the MSIS86 thermospheric model to relate the heights hmF2 to values of atmospheric pressure, the F2-peak is found to lie at nearly the same pressure-level at any given local time, over a wide range of geophysical conditions (season, solar cycle, magnetic disturbance). As local time varies, the pressure level corresponding to hmF2 varies in a way that is mainly determined by the local time variation of the thermospheric winds. This is verified for noon and midnight, using the MSIS86 model to compute the winds. The noon values of peak electron density (NmF2) are fairly consistent with theory (using values of solar ionizing flux as quoted in the literature), but with some discrepancies—particularly at sunspot maximum—that are probably due to uncertainties in chemical composition, or to the effects of vibrational excitation of molecular nitrogen. Overall, the analysis shows a remarkable consistency between ionospheric theory, the data and the MSIS model.  相似文献   

The first ionospheric plasma convection maps ordered by the y- and z-components of the IMF using only data from the southern hemisphere are presented. These patterns are determined from line-of-sight velocity measurements of the Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment (PACE) located at Halley, Antarctica, with the majority of the observations coming from 65°–75° magnetic latitude. For IMF Bz positive and negative conditions, the observed plasma motions are consistent with a standard two cell pattern. For the periods from dusk through midnight to dawn, flow speeds are at least twice as large for Bz negative component compared with Bz positive. The observations about noon are significantly different from each other. For Bz positive, little ordered plasma motion is observed. For Bz negative, there are large anti-sunward flows the orientation of which is ordered by IMF By. These By orientated flows are consistent with theoretical predictions, and are anti-symmetric to those reported from the northern hemisphere. The two most significant differences from previous observations are that the convection reversal in the late morning sector for By negative conditions occurs at about a 4° lower latitude than the Heppner and Maynard (1987) model. This may be due to a seasonal bias in the PACE dataset. Also, the separatrix between eastward and westward flow near midnight has a very different shape dependent upon the orientation of IMF By. For positive By conditions, the separatrix is observed at progressively lower latitudes at later local times, but for By negative conditions, the separatrix appears at increasingly higher latitudes at later times.  相似文献   

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